yakuza 0 majima substories - demolering.se

yakuza 0 majima substories boyfriend

yakuza 0 majima substories boyfriend - win

Did you notice how Woolie loves to point out Japanese tropes?

I've been watching Yakuza 0 and 13 Sentinels LP and my god does he love to point out when something is a trope, like wow!!!
I think the worst example is when he did the substory with the girl who wanted Majima to pretend to be her boyfriend. Yeah, I get it, she wouldn't have gone through this problem if she explained it first.
But two things:
1.It's a silly substory that has no stake in the plot.
2.Pointing it out just makes the entire thing that he's pointing it out longer.
I think even Little V said something like "Yep, tropes exist."
submitted by FreezeYOURfunctions to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

I have been getting my boyfriend into Yakuza and he started with 0. Anything else?

So I got my boyfriend into Yakuza, and he bought Yakuza 0. He left off at the start of chapter 4, and he really enjoyed the substories with Kiryu helping a boy retrieve his copy of a game and when Majima was posing as a girl’s boyfriend. I mostly gave him suggestions and such like doing Baka Mitai and 24 Hour Cinderella at karaoke (I told him not to look em up for a surprise) and to take on Mr. Shakedown when he has enough upgrades. He’s interested in playing Judgement after 0, since he likes games like Ace Attorney and you don’t have to play all of the Yakuza games to play Judgement
Anything else I should help him with or suggest for him? Or something?
submitted by RyanPuffs to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Just beat Yakuza 0! Have a ton of questions and thoughts and I'm hoping you guys can help out!

Played 0 as my first game in the series (on PC) and have loved it so much!
  1. Kuze as a character just sounds and looks so badass. You'd think a boss you face five (FIVE!) times would be a joke around fight three, but he never became that for me. Tbf, his theme is 10/10.
  2. A lot of these substories are some of the most laugh-out-loud moments I've had in gaming - the girl looking for a boyfriend who looks exactly like Majima, the kid who wants a porn magazine and Kiryu has to sneak past women, the Shurepippi cult, the poor Erran-kun, - absolutely hilarious!
  3. I played through on easy, because I was kinda shit at the combat (and I was constantly dying because I forgot how healing items work) and mostly just wanted to see the story and non-violent parts more than an actual fight system. I cannot comment, really, because easy does make things very, well, easy, so one doesn't need to learn a lot about the system. One thing that is weird is the heat animations - those should kill at least some people, yet throughout the entire game both protagonists have a kill count of zero. I at least expected Majima to rack up a kill count in the finale as he's charging through Dojima HQ.
  4. Story is good. I expected that certain plot elements would be used more than once, and I thought it would end far more tragically than it did, but it wasn't bad, really.
  5. The detail level is so odd imo. When people are in cars it seems like someone made an empty road in blender, but the rest of it is super detailed, especially the major characters. Also the generic suit-wearing mobsters have a pretty low quality suit, but when Majima holds one by the tie, it is held perfectly, with no clipping or anything. Plus, what's with the four types of cutscenes?
  6. I do wish that the game lost the free roaming around Kamurocho/Sotenbori in the later acts completely so that the plot could make a sprint to the finish, and frankly while I am satisfied in terms of content and bang for buck, I do think the story stretches out its welcome a bit.
  7. I am genuinely surprised they managed to make a game about cabarets and have major scenes in a red light district and have zero nudity. Not a point for or against, just an observation.
  1. Why do Dojima thugs attack Kiryu after the Tojo clan specifically forbid that he be touched? Is it not a sign of insubordination, which could be a big deal in a criminal organisation?
  2. What is the deal with the whole Omi Alliance thing? I understood the hierarchy of the Tojo, but the whole part about the Omi alliance and the guy Shimano shoots in the finale and what role Shimano played in this game completely went over my head. I understand Shimano is a major character in later games, but he literally shows in less than five scenes here, and as a newcomer I barely understood anything beyond the fact that he is Majima's boss (or Majima's boss's boss) and that he was responsible for Majima losing his eye.
  3. If Shimano didn't want Makoto dead, why the hell wouldn't he tell Sagawa even if he didn't tell Majima? Its not like he was indifferent to her survival - he wanted Majima to woo her so that she would sell the lot to him. But Sagawa could have killed Makoto twice - in the car bomb that killed Lee, and when he was pointing the gun at Majima and Makoto before being interrupted by Sera. Why did Sagawa not know?
  4. Guns seem to function very arbitrarily in this world. I get the basic gameplay and story segregation which most games have where single bullets kill characters in cutscenes but they need several to kill them in game, but even in cutscenes it's not clear how deadly guns are supposed to be. Sera shoots Sagawa and he's barely impeded, and Sagawa shoots Sera and he lives, but people do die of gunshots - the poor guy at the start, the girl dancing with Awano, Awano himself, the Omi Alliance guy, Sagawa. Why the arbitrary power?
  5. I don't get why Kiryu decided to rejoin the Dojima family after the game finished. Obviously I presume this ties into the first game, but if I had been a major part of what caused a major downfall of a Yakuza family, I wouldn't join that exact family.
  6. I don't get why Majima starts wearing that weird costume, either. Its not that he went crazy (which is what I thought would happen after a more tragic ending to his story), but he... decides to live life the way he wants or something? I don't understand that.
  7. How does Majima recognise Kiryu in the epilogue? They have never met before this point, the only thing Majima knows about Kiryu is from his business card of him working for Tachibana. And why does he get all excited about him?
  8. Why doesn't Sagawa kill Majima after the whole bombing thing? Worse, why does he ask for his help? At the point Majima is captured, all he has done is do his best to keep Makoto alive, and is en route to escaping from the city when Sagawa stops him. Why would you trust this man to find her and kill her?
  9. Also, how does Kiryu kill zero people in the game during the car shooting bit? Do those guys not count for "crossing the line" purposes?
While those questions might sound like a lot (mainly because I am a newcomer to the series and so there's a lot of background that I don't have), I still really do love this game. Its superb in terms of an experience, and I am looking forward to Yakuza Kiwami when it comes out! Maybe if I get a PlayStation (4?) soon (for Bloodborne purposes TBH) I might try the non-PC games too!
submitted by chirpingphoenix to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

My Review of Kiwami 2~!

Just beat Kiwami 2 about a week ago. Listening to SiM (the guys who wrote the credits song and perfect song to get stabbed to), and absolutely freaking love the band. The game itself was very different. I personally played Kiwami 1, then 0, then got Kiwami 2. Played it for a week, then had to take a break because I felt a bit overwhelmed from the sheer amount of things to do. And my boyfriend who bought it for me on our anniversary and I were having some troubles, so it was emotionally taxing to play it. Came back about a month afterwards, and boom, here's my review.

I loved the gameplay, I loved the experience system, I loved the story. And yes, I did cry because of Kiwami 2, I don't regret it. It has difficult moments, it has amazing heartfelt moments, and it overall is a fun ride.

Did I personally enjoy it as much as Kiwami 1 or 0? Nope. But that's mainly because the gameplay got really repetitive, and didn't feel as satisfying as those two games. I much prefer the switching styles system, and nothing is ever going to be as fun as playing Majima in 0. Even though there is a short side story with Majima in Kiwami 2, it doesn't feel nearly as fun or satisfying. Everything feels a lot heavier and crunchier, which is really fun for a while. Until you get tired of decimating people's faces with heat moves, and then watching their ragdolls freak out. And maybe it was just me, but it does not consistently run at 30 FPS. On my standard PS4, it was chugging harder than a steam engine almost every time I loaded into a new area or booted up the game.

But that's another thing, there's a LOT less loading. The new "Dragon Engine" loads in the buildings when you load into the game. So Kiryu swings open a door, and you can freely step in and out. No annoying load times to buy more Staminan Royales.

On the subject of Staminan Royales, the inventory system is very different. You can carry as many items as you want, with a limit of ten on each item. And then weapons and equipment have their own tabs. And you can freely pick up weapons you find during fights! Which was one of my big mistakes. I played it like I did 1 or 0. I thought weapons were a rarity to be cherished, because they would cost sweet sweet money to repair. I was very wrong. Almost every weapon you can find in multiple places, so you have every reason to go ahead and crack some heads with them. There are some special weapons that cost a lot of money though, and I still barely use those. Because every single hit feels like a few hundred thousand yen down the drain.

Oh yeah, money. Money is always a big part of the Yakuza games I've played. Y0 is all about money. For your items, your upgrades, money is huge. In Kiwami 1 money is a decent bit harder to come by, and you're gonna need it for those healing items. If you're playing on hard, which I always do. Kiwami 2 does it a bit differently. In Kiwami 1, the most I had was maybe 350,000 yen at one time. And then in Kiwami 2 I was casually walking around with millions. And I only realized why that was, AFTER I beat the main story.

Oh yeah baby, cabaret clubs and Majima Construction!!! Actually, no, I can't talk about it. I blew all my money on special items and put the rest into Majima Construction. I'm only on the fourth mission. And I only opened the cabaret club once, when you're forced to because story. Boy howdy, I was not ready for a pretty okay RTS game, and replaying the same minigame from Yakuza 0 where I would put on a video in the background, press a couple buttons every now and then, and set my controller in my lap because I just wanted Majima's legend style. I don't personally understand why people praise these so much. Maybe because "OH my GOD, I can break away from the repetition of the same two combos and button mushing of Ultra Super Mega Heat Gauge!"

So now, let's talk about the big one! The one that really pushed me to beat the game! The story talk is here ladies, gentlemen, and other folks like me who don't conform. Boy, wow, okay. It made me very emotional, I cried and had to hug my mother afterwards, and I ranted to my boyfriend for a couple hours. The story is something else. I personally don't think it's as interesting, entertaining, or as good as the story of Y0. But it got in the area. I'm not going to explain the story, because I feel like saying literally anything from even the prologue is too much for any new players. Just know, it does character development well. It has plot twists that are well built upon, and make total sense, but are still surprising! And it all wraps up very, VERY nicely. You will not be disappointed with the story. Like I've said, it made me an emotional train wreck for a few hours afterwards. I was not the same emotional train wreck that I was when I finished Y0 however, that game made me cry like five different times, and I can't even begin to describe all the things I felt. I don't feel the same things as cheering Majima and Kiryu on in the final segments, and feeling all the crushing grief and pain of their losses. And that is really sad, when Y0 is a prequel that has me feeling more scared for my characters than any of the sequels. Because yeah, there are seven main series games. You know certain characters are going to be okay no matter what, so you never feel any danger. But Kiwami 2 managed to make me feel that throughout. Just not as much as Y0 did. In Y0, I was constantly asking myself "How are they gonna get outta this one?" Or "How does this all wrap up?" Even smaller things like "How does Majima end up as the Mad Dog," or "How does Kiryu end up as the Dragon of Dojima?" I had so many questions, I was constantly at the edge of my seat, I was so tense the entire time. Kiwami 2 didn't quite have that effect on me, but it was almost there.

Overall, my opinion of Kiwami 2 is... It's a great game, but it has issues that I personally can't ignore. It's much more challenging than the two entries before it, but I feel like that's mostly because of small artificial things. Being stuck in a ragdoll animation for too long, an enemy being stuck on pulling out a weapon so Kiryu can't combo them, and the painful repetition that made me give up on any side content so I could just finish the dang story. I personally have to say that the story saves this game from being one of my "Most disappointing sequels ever" games. I remember very vividly talking to Dylan, my partner, about how much I loved it when I first started it. I remember saying things like "This gameplay feels great!" and "Wow, the game looks and feels so smooth!" And by the end, Kiryu's face had me thoroughly disturbed because he kinda looks like an alien, the gameplay had me frustrated because I felt no reason to vary what I was doing, and there was hardly a way to vary anything! That's mostly my fault for not realizing how important weapons are though. Kiwami 2 still means a lot to me though. There are romantic plot points that made me feel all warm and fuzzy, and other parts had me heartbroken. Sometimes the gameplay made me feel like a world class martial artist, other times I felt like I was playing a bad clearance bin game. The substories were sometimes really wonderful and charming, other times you have the baby one. Oh God, please not the babies!

Do I recommend this one? Definitely. I plan on playing through the rest of the series too, because I want to see where they take the story, and all of the characters. And I'm hoping I get to have a great time cracking skulls, and jamming out to some fine tunes like "Reign," or any fight song from all of the games I've played so far. I just can't say that I loved Kiwami 2 nearly as much as Y0. Probably above Kiwami 1 though, even if I prefer Kiwami 1's gameplay.

Sorry, quick edit, I know I said I loved the gameplay and then proceeded to dog on it the entire post. I really did enjoy the gameplay, for the first sixteen hours or so. The next eight weren't miserable, but I leveled myself up so much that the only way I was getting hurt was through cheesy bullshit that made me really upset. And that was completely my fault, but even when I leveled up a ton in Y0 and Kiwami 1, I still felt challenged and had a good time. Nothing felt downright insulting in 0 and 1. But 2 had some spicy, SPICY moments where I almost put down the controller. I was just frustrated. I never died in the main game, the only time I died was in the Majima Saga. But there was some serious bullshittery happening at points, and from the already repetitive gameplay, I was just so done with it by the end. The only thing that kept me going by the end was seeing the absolutely crazy and fun story unfold and wrap up, and the increasingly insane fights. I'd say that maybe two chapters before the game ended, I was completely done with the gameplay. But those last two chapters are pretty much perfect, high quality action game material.

Alright, I'm gonna go pass out now, it's three AM.
submitted by Thanatos1303 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

Finished Yakuza 6: here are my thoughts.

So my Yakuza journey started less than half a year ago when I played Zero, then Kiwami, then 4, 5, then now and honestly, the ending hurts about as much as it would have had I discovered the series last decade.
Gameplay wise, I love the new Dragon engine and am not sure why it gets the amount of hate that it does. Combat is just as fun and challenging with it and the impacts and ragdolls make things noticeably more satisfying. The minigames were also addicting as always thanks because they always continue to reward you with either cute scenes, money, or more smut. Karaoke is also the best it has ever been with duet videos and back up that’s worthy for the OST release. Spear Fishing took me back to lightgun games in the best way possible as well. The only one that didn’t jive with me as much is Clan Creator cuz those things aren’t difficult in the slightest.
Subquests also had notable upgrades, especially with all of them being completely voiced. They’re all just as zany and crazy as before but compared to the other games’ substories, these are the very closest to getting me teared up. My favorite ones so far are the third Ono Michio mission, Haruka’s biggest fan, and the one where you help a girl decide between her idol career or her boyfriend. It’s so heartwarming because there are loads of people who still thought of Haruka as an inspiration to her and acknowledge that she’s still a person. In a way she does take after Kiryu. I am also a big fan of the bar sidequests because this is the type of shit adults need as opposed to more Shonen stories. I dug the angle of accepting your age yet not being afraid to live it up for the sake of the younger generation.
Now for the main story and ending. I really dug it but not as much as I dug Yakuza 0, Kiwami, or 5. 4 to me is the weakest overall story if I am being honest but that’s another post altogether. I understand the frustration that the main Tojo guys like Majima and Daigo are omitted almost completely from the story yet I also understand that for this type of story it’s all for the best. Besides, at least Date and Akiyama are still bros with him. I also love the development and bond between Kiryu and the Hirose family. Battle Royale is the only Beat Takeshi move I have seen but I’ve never seen the guy so vulnerable either.
As for the ending itself, It’s disappointing but not in the way that you think. I find the ending disappointing because it kinda ends the same way the whole franchise starts: kiryu throwing himself under the bus and sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of his loved ones who never asked for him to do it. I was honestly with Date when he was getting all pissed at Kiryu for going thru this. But then again, Kiryu wouldn’t have budged either way. I also think that Haruka turned out okay too. She’s developed to be similar to Kiryu in the sense that she never thinks about herself. Like, shielding your own baby from a car is still a very Kiryu thing to, which Kiryu DID do for her anyway late game.
Now stuff I didn’t like? Lack of weapons, the fact that Heat Mode is borderline useless against bosses, and the fact that overall it feels more like a testing ground for a new engine than anything. It’s stil a game I’m happy I paid $60 for but would have liked to see more as well.
Also, the actual ending did make me tear up enough that I had dreams about it when I slept afterwards. It’s such a downer that Kiryu condemned himself to stay out of Haruka’s life yet... it kinda was the only way to live out the rest of his life in peace. Besides. Knowing Kiryu he probably bro-d it up with another Taxi company or something. The guy knows how to make friends. Still tho, I do feel for Haruka and the Sunshine kids.
So yeah, contender for game of the year. Time to lift my spirits by finishing Ni no Kuni 2
submitted by AntonRX178 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

yakuza 0 majima substories boyfriend video

Yakuza 0 ~Majima's Substories~ Part 58 Yakuza 0 - Fake Boyfriend Yakuza 0 Gameplay #15 Would You Be My Boyfriend - YouTube Yakuza 0 - Substories: The 10 Million Drug Test - YouTube Yakuza 0 PC  Substories 52 - Be My Boyfriend! (Goro Majima) Yakuza 0 - Substories 52: Be My Boyfriend YAKUZA 0 (PS4, Hard, Majima) - Substory 052 Be My Boyfriend! Yakuza 0 - Substories: Be My Boyfriend! - YouTube Yakuza 0 - Substories: Sakura Shock - YouTube Majima's first date! (He screwed up) YAKUZA 0 - YouTube

Chapter 3 Substories Yakuza 0 ... #52 - Be My Boyfriend. Head down Sotenbori St. and around the time you hit Zuboraya, a woman will stop you and ask for you to be her boyfriend. Respond however you wish, then agree to her request to meet her dad as her pretend boyfriend. Answer as follows: "Pleased to meet you sir. I'm Goro Majima." "I'm a dentist." "We sat next to each other at a movie." "She ... Yakuza 0 - Substory and Friendship Guide A ... Prerequisites: You need to complete at least five of Majima's substories Reward: N/A After fulfilling the prerequisites above, enter the office in Sunshine (where the save point is) and a scene will trigger. Majima will hear the radio announcer read out a postcard and award the writer with a million yen, so he thinks he could try his hand at ... The following is IGN's guide to the substory Be my Boyfriend! in Yakuza 0. Here, a girl will stop you. She asks you to pretend to be her boyfriend. If she can’t have you be her fake boyfriend, her... Eccoci giunti alla seconda parte della guida alle substories di Yakuza 0.Stavolta tocca a Goro Majima, the Mad Dog of Shimano, salvare donzelle in difficoltà, combattere tizi in mutande e completare altri compiti più o meno assurdi.Seguiteci allora: vi guideremo per le strade di Sotenbori ed unendo questa guida a quella precedente dedicata alle sottomissioni di Kazuma Kiryu (alcune ... Menu / News News. yakuza 0 substory 24 The following is a list of substories for the game Yakuza 0. There are 100 substories for this game. Telefon: +46-(0)8-6470403 — Main Menu — HEM OM OSS PRODUKTER - Hydraulhammare - Rivnings och Sorteringsgripar - Hydrauliska Fräsar - Pulveriserare (Bredkäftade saxar) - Kombinationssaxar - Hydrauliska Magneter SERVICE ÅTERFÖRSÄLJARE NYHETER - SPECIALERBJUDANDE REFERENSER KONTAKTA OSS The world of Yakuza 0 contains a myriad of Substories for both Kiryu and Majima. These Substories can be found in many different streets and alleys. These range from helping people with simple... Goro Majima is the second character you play as in Yakuza 0. He has his own set of substories for you to find and complete. Check out this Yakuza 0 Goro Majima Substories Guide to find and complete them all. For Yakuza 0 on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by CyricZ. Cabaret Club Czar Business Partners. Much like Kiryu scouting around for properties to buy, Majima has to look around Sotenbori to work on partnerships.

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Yakuza 0 ~Majima's Substories~ Part 58

Majima finds an ad posted on the wall about a drug test that will grant its volunteer 10 million yen, it seems too good to be true, therefore Majima checks t... Here, a girl will stop you. She asks you to pretend to be her boyfriend. If she can’t have you be her fake boyfriend, her dad will proceed with an arranged m... Completing Kiryu and Majima's side businesses will unlock an additional "Legendary" fighting style for the characters, the Dragon of Dojima and Mad Dog of Shimano styles respectively. Game Yakuza 0 This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue A young woman calls out to Majima all of a sudden with a very peculiar request, she asks him to be her boyfriend! Dies is eine kleine Sidequest für Majima. Diese Quest ist nicht allzu fern der modernen Realität angesiedelt. Ausser dass man hier ne Menge Text lesen muss. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue Fans of the Yakuza series are very familiar with the unhinged Goro Majima, but Yakuza 0 shows a glimpse of his life before he was known as the "Mad Dog" of t... Kiryu arranges a meeting with a girl from the telephone club at the theater square. But when he arrives there, there's no girl that matches the description h... Yakuza 0 PC Substories 52 - Be My Boyfriend! ----- A girl will stop you. She asks you to pretend to be her boyfriend. If she can’t have you be her fake boyfriend, her dad will proceed with an ...

yakuza 0 majima substories boyfriend

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