Kassadin Counter Picks: Best 11.3.1 Matchups + Lane

best kassadin counter picks

best kassadin counter picks - win

What do you think is the best Situation or Enemy Champions to Counter Pick Kassadin into?

I would assume just squishy ap based teams and mid laners due to his passive, but do you guys think that there are champions that tend to especially have a lot more trouble dealing with kassadin than others?
submitted by jmorin17 to KassadinMains [link] [comments]


Hello everyone, last year I, a yung diamond scuttle crab main created this scuttle crab guide to help and nurture other zoea (that's what baby crabs are called I think) to become adult crabs. Now that it is season 11, a lot has changed and I figured I'd create an updated guide, though a lot of the core information will stay the same. I have learned a lot since then and I hope I can provide more insight for the proper way to pilot this fickle yet steadfast crustacean.
Scuttle crab is one of two crab type champions in League of Legends (the other being Urgot). The scuttle crab is a more advanced and ascended version of Urgot as he is part human while Scuttle Crab is full crab.
Below summarizes the scuttle crab play style.
  1. Scuttle crab plays similarly to river Shen and Nubrac Teemo.
  2. While unfortunately doing about the same amount of champion damage as an ally team Yasuo, you can have some of the best map presence in the game.
ABILITIES (updated)
Passive: Rift Scuttlers
There are in fact 3 scuttle crabs on summoners rift. Two in the rivers and rift herald. The rift herald is a scuttle crab who has become corrupted by the void, though the player is unable to control it.
Scuttle crab itself is a crazy busted character, and thus, Riot decided to impose numerous restrictions to balance it. Scuttle crabs can only spawn in the river and can not leave the river. Because they can never be in range of the shop, scuttle crab is unable to purchase any items. In addition, much like how Jax uses a lamppost to even the playing field, scuttle crab only spawn at 3:15, with a death timer of 2:30 after both are killed. Scuttle crab will also never be hostile.
Scuttle Crab in addition has -100% tenacity, meaning crowd control affects affected by tenacity last twice as long.
Q: Rift Run Range: infinite Cost: 0 cooldown: 0
Rift run is an evolved version of Kassadin’s rift walk. Upon reaching the end of the river, or being forced out of its habitat, Rift run may be cast. Upon casting, Scuttle crab quickly dashes back to the center of the river.
If a piece of honeyfruit is dropped nearby, rift run can also be cast to dash onto that honeyfruit
As Rift Run is a dash, it can not be cast while rooted or grounded.
W: Shell Smash Range: self Cost: passive Cooldown: 0
A non-damaging normal type move originating from gen V, notably popularized through Cloyster and Carracosta.
Scuttle Crab is shielded for 60% maximum health. Shield is removed when immobilized. CC which does not remove the shield include: Blind, Cripple, Disarm, Drowsy, Nearsight, Slow, and Stasis. All other forms of CC will remove her shield.
E: Fleet Footwork: Range: self Cost: passive Cooldown: 0
When damaged or under crowd control effects, scuttle crab enters a state of “fleet”, gaining 100 movement speed and moves away from the enemy champion.
While not in her “fleet” state, Scuttle Crab is unaffected by slows.
R: Speed Shrine Range: infinite Cost: passive Cooldown: 0
Deathrattle: Scuttle crab switches teams to whatever team gave her the killing blow. She leaves behind a speed shrine which grants sight in a 525 radius and 30% movement speed for 1 second for all allies who move within the speed shrine’s radius. In addition, 70-140 gold and 115-230 EXP (depending on the level) will be granted to Scuttle Crab’s killer. The Speed Shrine lasts for 90 seconds.
STATS: (updated)
Health: 1000 − 2066 (based on level)
Armor: 20
Magic resistance: 20
Attack damage: 35 − 116 (based on level)
Attack speed: 0.638
Movement speed: 155
GAMEPLAY: (updated)
Scuttle Crab has definitely gotten much stronger in season 11. The reason being is that the game has shifted towards many carry junglers being strong (graves, hecarim, kha, kayn) as well as a very gank heavy meta. There is a lot more fighting and skirmishing going on as well. What this means is that there is a lot bigger emphasis on objective and scuttle control, not only that but the extra gold and exp junglers receive from scuttle will be even more useful and help them snowball faster. So then why is this good for Scuttle Crab?
Contrary to what some may think, as Scuttle Crab, your priority is to determine the stronger and more coordinated team. Once spawned, you should use your Q (Rift Run) and E (Fleet Footwork) to escape from the first jungler that appears. Your goal is to stall for the other jungler to show and hope for a duel if not a skirmish. In this way you can determine the better team, then utilize your R (Speed Shrine) to join the superior team and further accelerate their lead through gold and exp, essentially funneling them. For this reason, Scuttle crab is best picked when junglers have similar jungle paths or the same starting sides. As Scuttle Crab you should repeat this process as the game goes on, but the first couple of spawns are most important as they are likely large factors in the game outcome.
Another trick is to guide the jungler to "trap" you in the baron or dragon pit if you have determined that jungler's respective team to be superior. This way you can pretty much guarantee to give them scuttle control and snowball them harder.
However keep in mind that baiting worse junglers to prove their inferiority is part of your goal too. How many times have you seen one jungler run up to hopelessly contest a top Scuttle already knowing both his solo lanes lack prio? Baiting them to do this not only weeds out the inferior jungler but also puts him behind even more, further securing and improving odds of victory. To stop a losing jungler you can also dash onto and eat a honeyfruit for 10 seconds.
However, as evident, for this play style, syndra and Tahm Kench are Skuttle Crab’s biggest counters as they can displace you out of the river and prevent skirmishes from occurring.
Keep in mind you can only respawn if both scuttles die, and your respawn timer is a fixed 2:30.
Regardless, his ultimate is what makes Scuttle Crab so OP, as you will almost always be on the winning team, in fact you can even be on both teams at once. For this reason, it is incredibly difficult to lose LP maining scuttle crab.
Thus, Scuttle Crab's strength lies in her ability to not only adapt to various situations, but also to influence them at the same time as well.
Lastly, remember this guide only applies to a regular game on Summoners Rift, these tactics probably will not apply well to other game modes such as URF, OFA, or Nexus Blitz.
Scuttle to River Shen or Nubrac Teemo if met in game: “You think the river is your ally. You've merely adapted to the river. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see land until the end of my larva zoea stage.”
Scuttle when using Q: “skrrt skrrt”
Scuttle Crab when her shield is broken: "Tis but a scratch!"
Scuttle Crab's best friend is Ivern, of course. However she is also on decent terms with Tahm Kench, since if Tahm Kench dances near her Scuttle will instinctively dance with him.
Scuttle crab’s self control is second to none. She won’t attack an enemy even when taunted despite having attack damage and attack speed.
According to lore rumors, the reason why Scuttle crabs and Nunu are not on good terms is because one of you fuckers went out and copped Nunu's Svellsongur (the flute he uses for his passive or something) causing Nunu to chase us down.
Rift Herald was once a Scuttle Crab, but was corrupted due to the void energy coming from Baron Nashor's pit. So don't do drugs, Scuttlers...
If Scuttle Crab were to cease her self imposed restriction in attacking enemies, she would be worshipped as a cold blooded demon lord, as evident by the fact that she won’t drop any soul to steal when thresh is nearby.
NOTE: scuttle crab mains do not associate themselves with those in the Valorant community as a restaurant called “Scuttle Shack” is located on the map, ‘Split’ where they serve cut-up scuttle crabs.
Thanks to all of you who have gotten this far in my guide. I am not the highest of elos (I've reached Mentally Challenged Challenger 420 LP once before tho) so there are probably many hidden features and mechanics I may not know about. If you have any other suggestions or cool facts please feel free to share them.
submitted by ieatcheesecakes to ScuttleCrabMains [link] [comments]

I ranked every champion based on how well their kits let them use Prototype: Omnistone.

Hello! So recently as a personal challenge, I decided to try and climb as far as possible using only Prototype: Omnistone, on any champion I pick, but before I started doing that, I wanted to rank a personal tier list of who can use Omnistone the best. This would help limit my choices to champions that could serviceably use the keystone.

Note: These aren't definitive, and arguments can be made on behalf of certain champion placements. This is just my personal opinion. These also do not consider individual champion matchups, just how well each champion's kit can utilize Omnistone. If you're gonna run into SoloQ with these champions and Omnistone, practice it in normals to get a feel for it. This is an ASTRONOMICALLY LARGE POST, I WILL NOT DETAIL EVERY S-TIER PICK HERE, ASK ME FOR SPECIFICS.

TL;DR: Look at the tierlist below, or use this link, I'll include some in-depth explanations for how I reached each conclusion, but if you want to know about any S, A, B, or C-tier placements, just ask and I'll tell you. If you want to know a specific champion's point distribution, ask me! If you want build suggestions as well, let me know!

S-Tier (Every Situation) (14-17 Points) Aatrox, Bard, Draven, Gnar, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Kindred, Leona, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Nautilus, Neeko, Nocturne, Olaf, Pantheon, Quinn and Valor, Rek'sai, Renekton, Riven, Samira, Senna, Sett, Skarner, Sylas, Tahm Kench, Taric, Teemo, Trundle, Udyr, Vi, Viego, Volibear, Warwick, Yasuo, Yone,
A-Tier (Most Situations) (10-13.5 Points) Akali, Annie, Amumu, Aphelios, Ashe, Aurelion Sol, Caitlyn, Camille, Cho'gath, Corki, Darius, Diana, Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Elise, Ezreal, Hecarim, Irelia, Jax, Jayce, Jinx, Kai'sa, Karma, Kayle, Rhaast, Kha'zix, Kled, Kog'Maw, Leblanc, Lee Sin, Lillia, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Maokai, Morgana, Nidalee, Nunu and Willump, Orianna, Poppy, Pyke, Qiyana, Rakan, Rengar, Sejuani, Justice for the Brackern, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sivir, Swain, Talon, Thresh, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Urgot, Varus, Vladimir, Wukong, Xayah, Xin Zhao, Yorick, Zac
B-Tier (Specific Situations) (6-9.5 Points) Ahri, Anivia, Azir, Blitzcrank, Brand, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Fizz, Galio, Gangplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Janna, Jhin, Kalista, Kassadin, Katarina, Lissandra, Malzahar, Nami, Ornn, Rammus, Rell, Rumble, Ryze, Sion, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Taliyah, Twitch, Vayne, Veigar, Vel'koz, Viktor, Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zoe, Zyra
C-Tier (Troll Pick) (0-5.5 points) Alistar, Braum, Ivern, Karthus, Shadow Assassin Kayn, Xerath
Bannable-offense tier Yuumi

Rundown of the Tier List

Points distribution:
Points were assigned based on one of three factors:
Keystone is extremely easy to proc and the champion can get high effectiveness out of it: 1 point
Keystone is at least usable, but isn't the best in every situation, or in every build scenario. 0.5 points
Keystone is usable, but useless on the champion, or the keystone is unusable. 0 points
In addition, champions could receive anywhere from 0-3 points depending on how versatile their keystone options can be. If a champion can take a keystone in specific scenarios, and see good success with it, this boosts this score.
For example: Alistar can realistically only take Aftershock and Guardian, as he doesn't have a kit that supports the use of any other keystone. He earns 0 points in keystone versatility. Bard, conversely, could probably go into a game with no keystone, and still find large amounts of success, so he gets 3 points in keystone versatility.

Breakdowns for the some S-tier champions

12 points from keystones, and 2 points from keystone versatility, total of 14 points.
Aatrox, throughout the course of his rework, has utilized Fleet Footwork, Conqueror, Electrocute, Dark Harvest, Grasp of The Undying, Arcane Comet, and Phase Rush, either as meta or fringe Keystones that he can proc and utilize quite efficiently. Press the Attack is only usable if you know how to animation cancel on Aatrox, and Hail of Blades can be nice to bring your passive up quickly in the early game. Summon Aery does about as much damage as Scorch in the early game, and Glacial Augment does nothing, as you need to land sweetspots on Aatrox, and Lethal Tempo is too much AS for too long to be good on Aatrox. Solidly an S-tier pick with Omnistone. Any rune path secondary is good with Aatrox, as it depends solely on your build. Default to Sorcery/Domination if unsure. I have a whole Omnistone Aatrox guide in the works, so look forward to that if you're interested.

11.5 points from keystones, 3 points for keystone reliance, 14.5 points total.
Bard is insanely good at using keystones, and since players already use Prototype: Omnistone with him, it’s no surprise he’s an S-tier pick. His worst keystones are Grasp, Predator, Conqueror, Press The Attack, and Lethal Tempo, and even those have niche uses thanks to his passive and overall kit. Overall, he’s a strong choice to take Omnistone on, and if you aren’t, you might want to consider trying it. Solid S-tier pick. Take Sorcery, Domination, or Resolve secondary on Bard.

11.5 points from keystones, 3 from keystone reliance, 14.5 points total.
There realistically isn't any keystone that Draven can’t use. That being said, Aftershock, Grasp, and Phase Rush aren’t exactly stars of the show, as they don’t really offer much to Draven in the laning phase, and all Predator can do is help him close the gap on distant foes. Get hit with Glacial however, especially with an aggressive support, and Draven can easily run you down with axes, as there’s no escaping with a 55% slow on you. Precision, Domination, and Sorcery secondary are all good with Draven.

12.5 points from keystones, 3 points from keystone versatility, 15.5 points total.
Gnar’s kit opens him up so well to multiple keystone options, most of which are great on him. Runes like Lethal Tempo are best during Mini Gnar, while Predator and Aftershock are only usable during Mega Gnar. Asides from this, Gnar’s flexibility makes him a prime-time Omnistone user. S-tier Omnistone user, and it isn’t even close.

Jarvan IV
12.5 points with runes, 3 points from keystone versatility, 15.5 points total.
J4 is flagging and dragging his way up to the S-tier. The Crown Prince of Demacia’s kit allows him to proc nearly every keystone with ease. Pulling Glacial Augment during a level 2 or 3 gank will always blow a flash, as the enemy cannot possibly get away otherwise. His E can proc Aery both on allies and enemies, allowing him to maximize its effectiveness, and his passive and E allow him to use every auto attack based keystone to some effectiveness. S-tier Omnistone user, give it a shot, full AD or full tank. Any secondary path is fine with Jarvan, because his builds are just as diverse as his kit.

12 points from keystones, 2 points for keystone versatility, 14 points total.
Kindred are prowling their way into the S-tier. With their scaling range and nimble nature, it’s very easy for Kindred to close the gap and use even the most niche of keystones: Glacial Augment. Beyond that, her ultimate can trigger Summon Aery on allies, which while pointless, does have merit. All in all, the dynamic duo are strong S-tier Omnistone users. Take Sorcery, Precision, or Domination on Kindred, based on matchup.

12 points from keystones, 3 points from keystone versatility, 15 points total
It’s funny, if you take someone into the Death Realm, you tend to not really struggle with keystone procs. That being said, outside of the Death Realm, Mordekaiser is dominantly an S-tier user of Omnistone. His kit is simplistic and offers everything he’d need to proc every keystone consistently and off CD. His passive’s bonus movement speed and on-hit damage make it so that he can easily proc keystones like Lethal Tempo and Hail of Blades, adding hefty chunks of damage to his profile. Take Resolve/Sorcery secondary with Mordekaiser.

13 points from keystones, 3 points from keystone versatility, 16 points total.
Another member of the “I CC you and get to have my way with you” club, Nautilus can quite literally proc every keystone Omnistone has to offer, and he can do it without batting an eye. His W’s auto attack reset lets him make good use of all auto-attack based keystones, and his spell-weaving nature ensures that spell-based keystones all get popped easily as well. S-tier, S-tier, S tier, one of the best users of Omnistone in the game. Take Resolve/Domination secondary with Nautilus.

13 points from keystones, 3 points from keystone versatility, 16 points total
The only thing that keeps Neeko from reasonably taking Omnistone every game is the fact that the keystone still appears when she’s transformed, ruining the camouflage. Ignoring that, she’s the single best mage user of Omnistone in the game, and you should seriously consider it, ESPECIALLY with the new items. Take Sorcery secondary on Neeko.

13.5 points from keystones, 3 points for keystone versatility, 16.5 points total
Alrighty everyone, let's welcome yet another member to the Empire of Nevermove, as Vi's CC and lockdown potential ensures that she can dispense of pretty much any keystone she feels like, and she can do it quite easily. Her E's auto attack reset allows her to trigger PTA and Hail of Blades extremely easily, and her hard CC procs Aftershock without much trouble. Lethal Tempo's attack speed synergizes extremely well with her W's armor shred and ramping AS passive. Overall, it's no shocker that she's S-tier, with only Aery being sub-optimal on her. Take any secondary path, Vi is extremely flexible with Omnistone. I recommend Stridebreaker into Cleaver, or Sunderer into Sanguine Blade/Blade of The Ruined King versus tankier comps.

In the interest of keeping this from being longer than Don Quixote, I'll stop listing S-tier Omnistone champs here. Please feel free to ask about breakdowns, item suggestions, or just generally list your thoughts! Have a great night!
submitted by Domasis to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Champion Pool Help

Hello i'm new into Katarina and just wanted to ask for some help, they are picking a lot of Kat in most of the games i play or they just simply ban her, if someone could recommend me some champs that counter Katarina and that they can carry it will be excellent because im low gold .
My what I had in mind were these options Katarina as my main pick then if they pick Kat i could play Kassadin and if ad is missing on the team composition either playing Yone,Yasuo or Irelia.
Every comment will be appreciated and i wish you the best.
submitted by Scratchy96 to KatarinaMains [link] [comments]

Ye Olde List of Improvements Riot Could Make To Maximize Enjoyment Of Each and Every Champion PART I

For years I've been thinking about all the things in League that feel outdated so I went ahead and made a list of all the ways I felt older champions could be improved to bring them up to the standard Riot has for newer champions. The ways I will suggest improvement could be a full on VGU like how Akali and Mord were updated, a mini-VGU like what Ezreal/Morgana got a while back that doesn't change the whole kit but maybe one or two dated abilities as well as the character model and VFX, a simple kit rework like what Anivia recently received, or minor tweaks like updating in-game models and bringing old skins skins up to par (looking at you Magnificent Twisted Fate). Note: This is less about balance and more about looking good and feeling good to play! Also there’s no way Riot will ever get around to everything on this list. Here we go!


No suggestion.


The recent VFX update she received brought her pretty close to where she could be but a really old character animations limit how good her non-legendary skins could look. Update the model/animations and she’s good.


Not even going to try to make suggestions about her kit and visually she’s up to date.


Alistar still feels like a solid support pick despite having one of the oldest kits in the game. Giving his skins some love could make him feel refreshing while staying a good remnant of early League.


Amumu is like Dr. Mundo in that he’s a goofier feeling champion in the more serious evolving world of LoL. If you like that about him, you might say he doesn’t need any changes visually. He received a solid VFX update last year that just leaves his character model in question. I’d say make him less of an R on a stick and leave it up to his playerbase whether Riot should update his character model.


Received a nice VFX update that gave her old skins some love and received a kit rework that really brought her up to par with newer champions. I’d say the only thing holding her back is a character model that moves in some janky ways.


Annie received the treatment I’ll suggest for many champions in that she received a VFX update that made her old not-so-legendary skins true legendaries and even went so far as to give her many skins <1350 unique VFX. The only reason I’d suggest a model update is because I see what she has in Wild Rift and want that for her on PC.


No suggestion.


Her base model looks pretty good but moves in a very stiff way when considering she’s supposed to be a nimble archer. Make her move more dynamically.

Aurelion Sol

I’ve seen a lot of sentiment that players (especially mains) liked Asol much more as a control mage that valued positioning and consistent damage with his old W rather than his burstier playstyle now. It’s clear Riot failed in trying to expand his playerbase with the W changes. Revert W and address other parts of his kit that might be limiting interest in him.


I don’t pretend that I’m good enough to understand the limits of this champ but it’s clear that how he exists now is that only the most skilled players can utilize his kit well. I think many players like this about Azir but I also hear from some players that they’re tired of him being balanced around pro-play. I’m not sure how to please both groups but I’m sure there’s some way to open him up to players lower than Diamond and have him feel okay in high elo solo-queue while not tearing up pro-play.


No suggestion.


I think Blitz holds up insanely well for how old he is. Riot has kept him up to date with VFX changes and minor kit tweaks. Even his model looks fine in the modern game, although the Wild Rift model indicates it could be slightly improved.


Similar to Ashe, Brand’s character model feels very stiff and it limits how good his skins could look. Riot made some decent changes to his kit last year that made it feel better and increased his winrate in mid but failed to increase playrate there. I like to play him mid but he feels a bit outclassed when his only CC is a conditional, skill-shot stun and his W can easily be dodged with all the mobility in mid lane. There’s a bit of a catch-22 where the combo conditions in his kit are what makes him unique but also they also hold him back from matching up to modern mid laners.


No suggestion.


Another example of old champ model stiffness. I’ve seen some desire among players to improve her base model look as well. Also another case of hoping to get VFX on skins that are <1350.


No suggestion.


I can only hope to someday get the full High Noon treatment on Desperada Cass. Hopefully mana changes make her feel a bit better to play. She holds up really well overall though.


I’ve seen some desire on Reddit to give Cho’Gath a VGU that would change him into a truly terrifying void beast. His character in League feels like it’s trying to be that but then his 12 story tall character model sways up to you and then yells really loud. Keep his size gaining gimmick and make him evolve visually as he gains size in the same way that Kayle’s character model changes. There’s a lot of potential with his character and it seems wasted his kit. Gentleman Cho unique animations and VFX too.


To me, the only possible reason Corki hasn’t received a full VGU is that nobody cares about him. He looks and feels so out of place in modern League. There are definitely interesting parts of his kit. The conversion of AA damage to magic is really cool and his ult is a bit unique in how it synergizes with spellblade items. The Package seems to take up a lot of his power budget that could be used to make the rest of his kit more fleshed out. His Q, E, and R are decent abilities but the visuals and sound don’t match their impact and make them fun to use. How exactly to rework an old Yordle flying a helicopter made of junk into a “modern” feeling champion without losing his character completely is beyond me although I hope Riot gives Corki some love soon.


No suggestion.


I know there are some people who weren’t happy with her mini-rework but it did a lot to increase her viability and popularity. No suggestions for her.

Dr. Mundo

Already being reworked. I love how it seems to be coming, Mundo still feels goofy but is a lot more expressive. His old skins without VFX are also getting some love. So far, this seems like a rework that will be the benchmark for reworking goofy champs like Corki or Amumu.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


I might argue for some character animation improvements but I think she’s holding up pretty well.


No suggestion.


A rare example of a mid level rework that I think would be great for some champs like Twisted Fate.


This is what I want for Cho’Gath. Fiddle looked silly and had an outdated kit and his rework made him terrifying and people enjoy playing him so much more.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


Gangplank is definitely intended to be a 5head champion that takes a lot of time and skill to master. I don’t think he’ll ever have a great winrate below Diamond nor should he but it can be frustrating for solo queue to have nerfs show up everytime a pro Gangplank meta comes around.


Lots of <1350 skins with no unique VFX while Annie got unique VFX on her skins regardless of price point. In Annie’s case it was a Riot VFX artist’s passion project so unless there’s someone who loves Garen over there, I doubt Riot will bother touching those skins.


No suggestion.


Really all Gragas needs is to have his character model/animations match Wild Rift. Lots of potential creativity with VFX on old Gragas skins too.


Same as Garen.


No suggestion.


After typing it out for so many champs, I’m being reminded of how many skins there are without new VFX. It would take a lot of time without much monetary return for Riot to implement VFX on weird, niche skins like Blast Zone Heimer. Reminding myself and those still reading that list is idealistic and not at all what I expect Riot to actually implement. Alien Invader Heimer definitely still needs to be made appropriate for its legendary status.


Weird example of a champion that has never been terrible and sometimes is even great but whose playrate has always been low. I think it’s fine for some champs like Illoai to be more niche especially since her kit and visuals feel modern. Small QoL changes could help her popularity.


No suggestion.


Was recently changed in a way that clearly helped his winrate and playrate. No suggestion.


Janna feels a bit stiff just like Ashe and Cait and probably needs a whole new character model to fix those issues. Notably her hair looks and moves like it’s all one connected mass and nothing at all like hair blowing in the wind. Otherwise, she’s in good shape.

Jarvan IV

One of the worst offenders of the stiff animations club and it’s very apparent on skins like Pool Party that otherwise look great. Also, give this guy a decent W ability please. It has to be in the top 5 most useless abilities in the game.


Riot gave him a much needed VFX update recently but the mix of 2020 VFX and a 2009 character model feels strange. Wild Rift already did a pretty good job fixing this.


Jayce holds up well but why does his melee AA animation look so jerky and awkward? Fix that and he’s fine.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


What were they thinking with this ability? It’s so easy for enemies to just walk around it. Make it faster, increase the sight range, make it unkillable, or just change it completely.


No suggestion.


Why is the wind up so damn long? It’s miserable trying to CS with his AA’s. Players have shown concern over his shift toward jungle and away from mid and I can’t help but think his non-jungling viability would be helped a ton if they gave him an AA that you could actually hit instead of having to Q everything.


I love the idea of Kass on paper. Having to manage mana while deciding whether to use R for damage, wave clear, or mobility. He has potential nuance but it all goes down the drain when his gameplan involves hitting level 16 and that’s it. He’s supposedly an “anti-mage” champion but people rarely play him to simply counter mages, they play him to get pentakills in the late game. There have been multiple periods of Kassadin dominance where games become “ban Kass or end game ASAP.” This isn’t fun for Kass players or the players on the other team. Deliver on the nuances his kit promises and make clear whether his role is as a counter pick to mages or to be a late game monster and have his kit reflect that. Also Pre-Void Kassadin is the ugliest skin in the game.


I know I’ve been flirting pretty heavily with the balance side of things for a list that’s intended to address visuals and gameplay enjoyment. I won’t comment on Kat too much other than that she has a very dedicated playerbase and that she’s controversial among non-Kat players. Finding a way to reduce how much people hate playing against her while keeping mains happy seems difficult. Aside from that, her model animations are pretty stiff.


No suggestion.


No suggestion.


Kennen’s in-game model is underwhelming when you look at his splash. Update his character model and fix his rigid animations, ideally to match the kind of dynamic animation his ninja counterpart, Akali, shows is possible.


No suggestion.


Kindred has steadily risen in popularity over the course of her existence and seems to be in a good place now but players still complain that her lore and promised “two champs in one” fantasy was not delivered on. It doesn’t seem like Riot has plans to fix those issues but if it ever comes up, they should definitely weigh the wishes of her current playerbase with the potential for her character if Wolf had a more active role.


No suggestion.


Where to start. Maybe don’t give an ADC a passive that requires dying. Kog also relies way too heavily on having a Lulu whose kit seems to be specifically crafted to be much better with Twitch and Kog than other ADC’s but that’s probably more of a Lulu issue. His linear, hyper-carry kit can lead to uninteresting and unfun gameplay dynamics like “protect the Kog’maw” pro-play strategies. His kit allows for very little skill expressiveness outside of kiting and then late in his build, he attacks so fast with Lethal Tempo that trying to kite just reduces how quick he can attack so he usually just stands in one place and tries to kill enemies before they can reach him. He has a “tank-shredder” identity where supposedly he’s a stopgap for another dreaded tank meta but I’m not sure how true that is or how healthy for the game that kind of rock-paper-scissors relationship would be. I think Kog’maw has a lot of issues that Riot should take a look at and the first one is deleting Monarch Kog’maw from the game.


Her model’s animations on all of her abilities look pretty awkward. A touch up would really help bring out more of her character.

Lee Sin

There are a ton of these champions who were made way before Riot had the resources to give champions amazingly dynamic and expressive animations. There’s a reason so many people use Muay Thai, God Fist, or Storm Dragon Lee Sin. Lee Sin’s base animations ruin otherwise great skins like Nightbringer or FPX.


Leona has some stiff animations on a few of her abilities and the VFX for her E doesn’t match the impact or the hitbox of the ability. Leona feels fine otherwise.


No suggestion.


I remember a couple seasons ago, Lissandra was one of the best mid laners and there was plenty of groaning over her waveclear, mobility, and R. Since being nerfed Lissandra has returned to being a champion with low playrate and a subpar to decent winrate. It might be nice for Riot to try again to increase the appeal of the character without going so far as to have another Pick/Ban Lissandra meta.


Looking at Lucian next to Senna, it’s very apparent which champion is older and I’d say most of that is in how his model moves.


As was mentioned earlier, she synergizes too well with Kog and Twitch (and Yi when funneling was bigger) to the point where you could be considered trolling picking either ADC without a duo queue Lulu with you. It’s fine to have specific synergies and her identity should always be synergizing with attack speed ADC’s but there’s a limit to that for the sake of her playability with champs like Jhin, Ezreal, or mages in bot lane. Doing something like removing some power on her W and allowing it to also activate on spell casts in the same way they changed Nami’s E is just one example of how they could make her more flexible. Visually, Wild Rift and the recent Yordle cinematic show Lulu as she should be. Right now, she’s terrifying (old Lollipoppy vibes).


Lux received a great VFX update that only leaves something to be desired in her dated model animations. Update those and Riot can have even more excuses to make 1350 Lux skins.


Wild Rift Malphite is rock solid.


There’s almost zero nuance or skill expression in Malzahar’s kit. You could argue he’s meant to be a simple champion for beginners to learn the basics but that fact seems to rely on the fact that new players also don’t know what QSS is. I don’t know how to make him a less linear champion but there are some parts of his kit that could serve as a starting point to making a more interesting champ. E spreading is unique and his spell shield could offer more skill expression as a basic ability like Sivir or Nocturne.


No suggestion.

Master Yi

Yi lives next to Teemo as a historically despised champion in League. Yi at his best is oppressive and disheartening to play against. From Taric funnel strats to AP Yi to new Duskblade invisibility, Yi seems to find the most annoying ways possible to escape possible counterplay because if you can reliably lock him down, the Yi player can do very little to outplay. Riot should reanalyze whether Yi brings anything positive to the game in his current state and change him accordingly. He also looks incredibly dated in every possible way.

Miss Fortune

Unlike other champs in this list, I don’t even feel like Wild Rift completely did MF justice. A lot of her animations still feel stiff and there are still heart jpegs on her W. Animation work could do a lot to make her feel as sexy and badass as she is portrayed in cinematics.


Please for the love of all that is holy make the particle effect colors consistent on his skins. Why bother giving King of Clubs a gold effect on his passive but then none of his abilities match that? Same with Lord and Dragon Knight.
End of Part I
Looking closer at all the champions made me realize just how inconsistent Riot can be with unique VFX and also, just how many older champions have animations that feel out of place in one of the biggest games in the world. I'm already working on Part II which will contain the rest of the champions. Let me know if there's anything I missed that you think should be added.
submitted by StoppingBalloon to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2021 LCK Preseason Power Rankings

Hey there. LPL ratings were a bit of a tire fire. However, it's LCK time!
I will still be ranking each player based on their role in the region and ranking the team's ceiling and future as before. I have a good amount of confidence in the LCK ratings. I've definitely got a lot more knowledge of the LCK teams and their players.
But I still know even with that knowledge, I can always learn more. So yet again, don't be afraid to comment honestly if you highly disagree or you feel like I'm missing something on a playeteam. As I've said before, I can handle the criticism (even if people think I'm insane in some of my rankings). Constructive criticism would be nice this time :P Here goes!

10 - Fredit Brion (10th in Ceiling, 10th in Floor)

Top: Hoya - 9th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: UmTi/Chieftain - 6th ranked Jungle
Mid: Lava - 10th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Hena - 10th ranked ADC
Support: Delight - 9th ranked Support

This is looking like a tough split for Fredit Brion. Brion is an organization finally coming up from the Challenger scene, due to the LCK franchising. However, the talent they got in the offseason leaves the excitement factor very low. The hopes are that UmTi can continue to play well like last year for JAG, as he really became the glue of a team on his Lee Sin and Olaf. Lava had a very hard time last year, especially on his Galio and control mages, in a mid lane hell that features the best the world has to offer. That is not getting any easier. Hoya brings carry potential from his strong carry pool, especially his Quinn. He just needs to find some rhythm in the LCK. Delight and Hena could be a bright spot. The bot lane is very fresh, but has promise. Hena needs some work in lane and Delight needs more room to roam. This league is a difficult one for a roster of youngsters and proven challenger players to immediately come have success in. They did steal a win in KeSPA Cup off of Hanwha, before they were forced to forfeit due to positive COVID tests. Maybe their growth has some promise and they can ride that momentum to positive LCK performances. Time will tell.

9 - DRX (8th in Ceiling, 9th in Floor)

Top: Kingen/Destroy - 10th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Pyosik - 4th ranked Jungle
Mid: SOLKA - 8th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: BAO - 9th ranked ADC
Support: Becca - 10th ranked Support

Boy has a year changed the feelings around DRX. The former Worlds qualifiers lost every player but Pyosik in the offseason. Instead of spending high, they went for youth around their roster. That doesn't change Pyosik still being one of the top junglers in the league. Over 4 KDA in Summer 2020 and over 70% KP is insane and he should still be one of the more aggressive and productive junglers in the league. However, his lanes will have a lot of growing to do. Kingen comes in from Bilibili Gaming and had an extremely difficult split last year. His laning needs work and the LCK top laners are not going to give him an easy time in a region change. The rest of the team is very fresh. SOLKA brings an interesting mid lane pool of champions (including strong Cassiopeia play) he showed off in DRX's Academy roster. Still, his control mages (if they are meta) will need work against a very difficult mid lane pool. The thing that could change things is the bot lane. BAO is 9th ranked, but he's got potential to be way higher. He laned quite well in KeSPA Cup and if Becca can bring a more confident trigger finger in making plays, they could prove to be a dangerous bot lane. Still, the solo laners could hold this team back from competing. However, if they hold their own and Pyosik gets going like last year with a strong bot lane, they could be a surprise.

8 - Liiv Sandbox Gaming (9th Ceiling, 8th Floor)

Top: Summit - 8th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: With Croco - 10th ranked Jungle
With OnFleek - 6th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Fate - 7th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Route/Leo - 8th ranked ADC
Support: Effort - 3rd ranked Support

Ohhhhhh Liiv Sandbox. For those who don't know, Sandbox has been my favorite LCK team since the end of BBQ Olivers and the rise of Battlecomics. Battlecomics qualified for LCK and became Sandbox. BOY did this team have promise. Summit and OnFleek were monsters in their roles and the team well rounded into a fourth place finish in 2019 Summer. Everything went wrong since then. Ghost left for DamWon, who ended up winning Worlds. GorillA did not pan out. Summit went from stud to dud in 2020 due to his greed in lane being easily punishable. Not to mention OnFleek will miss half of Spring Split due to a suspension. This team still has a lot of talent. When Summit is given free reign on his bruisers, he can dominate. Fate and Route are extremely capable players, Fate on control mages and Route on a long list of ADC champs, his highlights being his Senna and Ezreal. Still, both are young and in need of confidence on the pro stage. The two big talking points are the addition of Effort and Croco. Effort is the hope. Route can be a great ADC, yet didn't mesh with GorillA. Effort is a proven commodity from T1 last year and one of the best performing supports on the year, especially on Nautilus and Blitzcrank. His chemistry with Route and this team is vital. Then there's Croco. He's 10th for a reason. KeSPA Cup had one strong performance from him and a lot of question marks. He's got a lot to prove from his Brion Blade days of his Lee Sin and Jarvan 4 aggression last year, if he wants to bring a Sandbox team from their lows of last year into new heights. More likely, this team will still be a bottom of the table team, looking for cohesion yet again.

7 - NS RedForce (7th Ceiling, 6th Floor)

Top: Rich - 6th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Peanut/Juhan - 5th ranked Jungle
Mid: Bay - 9th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Deokdam/Wayne - 7th ranked ADC
Support: Kellin - 7th ranked Support

This is where it gets interesting. Putting RedForce at seven is more the safe bet. But this team can definitely be a surprise, as they showed at KeSPA Cup. The big move was bringing in Peanut from LGD. One of the most storied junglers in the world, Peanut will look for a better return to LCK after making Worlds on a very good team last year. His storyline Graves was his dominant play last year, though he could face a challenge in the top half of LCK junglers, if he sticks to his normal play style. Everywhere else, this team could be dangerous and on the rise. Rich had wild year on Team Dynamics in Summer, placing second behind T1's Canna for Match MVP points. However, Rich became a "feast or famine" story in Top Lane, as his KDA was drastically swinging, depending on team and lane success. Still, when he carries, he hard carries. Bay is a bigger question mark. A backup on Griffin last year, Bay showed a bit of his control mage prowess in KeSPA Cup. However, once the league knows his play style more, he could get hard countered a lot by the higher tier mid laners. He'll need to bring out some surprise, maybe like his Pantheon he has been seen on in SoloQ. The real intrigue here is the bot lane. Deokdam looked near dominant in Challengers 2020 Spring before having a bit of a struggle in Summer 2020 of LCK. Still, his KeSPA Cup showing is an example of why there's plenty of excitement around him, especially his Aphelios. Then there's Kellin. He split time on GenG with Life, yet found himself benched as the Summer went on. His chemistry with Deokdam has already shown and his tank support play that keeps his partner ADC safe and secure could lead to great things for Deokdam and the hopes of RedForce. This could very well be a dangerous team. But the younger stars need to show there is more of the KeSPA Cup showing to come once the season begins.

6 - Afreeca Freecs (5th in Ceiling, 7th in Floor)

Top: Kiin/Trap - 3rd ranked Top lane
Jungler: Dread - 8th ranked Jungle
Mid: Fly/Keine - 6th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Bang - 6th ranked ADC
Support: Lehends - 4th ranked Support

The team that could be a real contender. Afreeca made some moves to bring in real talent to this roster. Losing Mystic will be tough for this team, yet Bang is a legend of Korean League. The question is if he can find that form again, or if his time in NA left his better days behind. Bang still was statistically strong in NA. A lot of his team's struggles came to chemistry and Bang not being in a position to hard carry games. If he finds that mechanical prowess with Lehends, he could be very dangerous yet again. Speaking of Lehends, he had his own struggles last year. Alongside Viper, he struggled to find the same success on a mess of a team that Hanwha put out last year. Still, his promise from 2019 and flashes of glory in 2020 make him a very strong support to pair next to Bang. How far this team can go with this bot lane will also depend on the play everywhere else. The biggest question mark of the three is Dread. The starting spot at jungle swapped between Dread and Spirit last year, with neither having consistent success in the role. Afreeca decided on Dread. He will need to show a deeper champion pool outside Lee Sin and Elise for this team to succeed. Fly is a good rock in the mid lane, with a ton of flexibility to play a large pool of champions (13 different champions played in 2020 LCK Summer Split). The best player on the roster right now is probably Kiin, who had another great year for Afreeca. Another player with a huge champ pool (16 different champions played in 2020 LCK Summer Split) and a willingness to take a lot of pressure from opponents for his team to succeed. Still, with the large flexibility of this team and the carry potential, this could be a solid year for Afreeca. If they want to make playoffs, they will need a lot more from their bot lane, a LOT of improvement from Dread and continued flexibility and solid play from their solo laners.

5 - KT Rolster (6th in Ceiling, 4th in Floor)

Top: Doran - 4th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Blank/Bonnie/GIDEON - 7th ranked Jungle
Mid: UCal/Dove - 5th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: HyBriD - 5th ranked ADC
Support: Zzus/Rebel - 8th ranked Support

Putting KT ahead of Afreeca with lesser overall talent will be considered a hot take. Still, KT could very well play themselves back into the playoffs. The key piece to this team is Doran, coming in off a career year on DRX. His mix between great tank play with Ornn and Shen, along with his team fight potential on Camille and Kennen gave DRX a great compliment to Chovy's domination last year. There might be a question if that was more the god level of Chovy and Deft carrying him, but he very well could have the growth to continue to improve. If he can continue to improve and grow better past Khan and even Kiin and start challenging the best top laners, this team is dangerous. UCal is still a dependable mid laner. His TF was strong last year, but his Orianna, Zoe and Azir (Especially in Summer) left a lot to be desired. He can shine again if he gets more aggressive mid laners to play in the meta, such as Sylas and Lucian. Even if he continues to struggle, Dove is a very capable mid laner in his own right, playing quite well on Sandbox last year. The jungle and bot lane will be a test. Blank comes in off a successful year in the LJL, where he almost qualified for worlds on Sengoku Gaming. Even so, developing youngsters with promise like Bonnie or GIDEON could end up the starters down the line or even sooner if Blank doesn't pan out. Another aggro player like UCal, he will need to keep up the pressure and adjust back to LCK play quickly, like his old days on SKT. In bot lane, HyBriD looked confident and composed in Spring, having three pentakills in 2020 Spring Split alone. However, Summer became a struggle all around for APK Prince. HyBriD tried his best to still be a legit threat, yet it wasn't enough to keep APK competitive. He joins a talented roster in KT with a young support duo in Zzus and Rebel. Zzus will likely be the starter, after a strong showing in Challenger on Awesome Spear. His balanced pool of Thresh, Tahm Kench and Braum, alongside his Morgana that shined in playoffs, will give a lot of agency for HyBriD to shine with this team. At worst, they are a solid team contending for playoffs. At best, they could make some real noise to the four top contenders of LCK.

4 - Hanwha Life (3rd in Ceiling, 5th in Floor)

Top: Morgan/Dudu - 7th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: ArthuCaD/yoHan - 9th ranked Jungle
Mid: Chovy - 2nd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Deft - 2nd ranked ADC
Support: Vsta - 6th ranked Support

This could very well be the year of Hanwha Life. The trio of LCK Dynasties are looking pretty secure. However, Hanwha has the top level talent level to compete. This team has two superstar level players in Chovy and Deft. Chovy and Deft carried DRX on their backs to the second best record in LCK, just behind DamWon. They both can 1v9 easily and lead this team to victory. Seeing them together has extremely high hopes for an organization yet to find any real success in the LCK. The real questions is outside the superstar players. Vsta returns to the squad after being benched for the Summer Split in favor of Lehends. Vsta does have a play style that works with Deft, as his mainline of tank supports could be great for giving the freedom for the two carries to shine. However, his play will need to adapt, expand and improve to keep up with the top teams. Dudu and Morgan will be fighting to start for the team. Morgan comes from LPL's Team WE. He showcased strong prowess on Ornn and Renekton, but will need to show more to take some weight off of Chovy's shoulders solo lane wise. If Morgan doesn't start, it will be the young promising project in Dudu. Dudu got the lead role for Hanwha last year when CuVee hit the bench due to poor performances. Dudu had some struggles finding his groove and has a similar champion pool to Morgan that he relies on. The biggest worry comes in the jungle. Hanwha has three junglers on their roster, all with weaknesses that need work. YoHan is still very young. While he has a deep champ pool, he will likely need development before seeing the LCK stage. CaD and Arthur split time last year, with neither putting up strong enough performances to lock up the spot for good. CaD is more the setup player, with Trundle, Olaf and Volibear in his wheelhouse. However, he never found good team fights to set up wins last year. Arthur is the favorite to start, with good performances on Rek'Sai, Lee Sin and Sylas last year. He'll likely get the first look, with a lot of pressure and high hopes from the fan base. This team will be depending on strong jungler play from whoever gets the look. If they get it, they could be a title contender. If not, they could find Chovy and Deft 2v5'ing yet again, which could keep Hanwha from their playoffs goals yet again.

3 - GenG (4th in Ceiling, 2nd in Floor)

Top: Rascal - 2nd ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Clid/Flawless - 2nd ranked Jungle
Mid: BDD/Karis - 4th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Ruler - 1st ranked ADC
Support: Life - 5th ranked Support

Time to get to the real Worlds Favorites. GenG, T1 and DamWon are neck and neck for first place. Looking at all three, GenG is yet against the safest bet of the three to STAY a top three team. They have top players at every single position, which includes arguably the best ADC in the league's history in Ruler. Statistically, he was insane last year. His hyper carry ADC's led GenG to plenty of easy victories, mainly on his pristine Ashe and Ezreal. GenG is also looking good in the support position in Life, who was brought in during Spring Split and shined next to Ruler. His strong play on tanks such as Braum, Tahm Kench and Leona played perfect to the strategy of carry Ruler. He also had the flexibility to play Gragas and Sett in the playoffs. His warding and laning is something to improve on. Include the fact this team lost some leads in their Worlds run with bad positioning from Life at times. Still, Life is a great pair with Ruler that should shine again. Then there's Rascal. On one end, his Ornn, Sett and Renekton really helped set up his team and his laning proved key in letting the team win the slow gameplan they ran often. However, he showed his carry potential on champions like Akali, Irelia, Kennen and Camille throughout the year. Whatever role GenG needed, Rascal showed he can play. This team also possesses Clid, whose fighting for the best jungler in the league yet again. Clid definitely feels more comfortable on setup champions like Jarvan 4, Volibear and Trundle. However, his Lee Sin is very good and his Nidalee was strong as well. While a change in meta to more tank junglers could push him to top jungler in the league, he is very dynamic still. The big place this team can get better is from BDD. While GenG had a lot of success last year, BDD did not get the green light as he usually does. The gameplan on this team drastically changed from his 2019 season. He looked best on Zoe, Azir and Twisted Fate. However, he felt more like the utility on the team with Life than a true carry mid. It's not really on him, with the gameplan they have. With GenG, it really comes down to how flexible they can be. They are an amazing late game, objective fighting team. BDD on a roaming utility, Clid on a team fight setup, Life on a tank and Ruler on a hyper carry, with Rascal filling in whatever else is needed. The strategy won them a ton of games. However, they've been exposed a bit at Worlds in their execution against top talent teams, along with their problems if they fall behind to teams that can properly snowball. This is a roster looking destined for Worlds yet again. However, they could be even more if they look to become a bit more adaptable to other strategies going forward.

2 - T1 (2nd in Ceiling, 1st in Floor)

Top: Canna/Zeus - 1st ranked Top Lane
Jungle: Cuzz/Ellim - 3rd ranked Jungle
Mid: FakeClozer - 3rd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Teddy/Gumayusi- 3rd ranked ADC
Support: Keria - 1st ranked Support
Even though they missed out on Worlds last year, T1 is for sure back in the thick of the title race in the LCK. Things started out incredible for T1, dominating Spring Split en route to a convincing Finals win against GenG. However, Summer Split brought a bit of a curveball in the mid lane. T1 decided to split time between Faker and upcoming mid lane superstar prospect Clozer. While it's great to see Clozer get time, the change in players definitely threw the team for a loop, who had struggled with the meta as it came to fruition. It ended with them shockingly losing to Afreeca in the Summer Playoffs and falling 0-3 to GenG in the final qualifier to make Worlds. Still, this team is a legit threat at every position. Canna comes off a split where he proved himself to be the best top laner on the year. His Ornn gave the team good objective fighting balance, yet his carry top laners is where he really shined. Picks like Camille, Wukong, Jayce and Vladimir led to some insane outplays and ridiculous leads for T1, even when the opposing team attacked Canna head on. This team still has the legend Faker and what maybe the future legend of League in Clozer. Both performed incredibly well against the top mid laners of the league and a more aggressive mid lane meta could open the door for T1's dominance again. Cuzz is still a great jungler in his own right, though a meta that enables setup and tankiness from the jungle will probably fit Cuzz better, as Volibear, Sett and Olaf saw the most play from a meta heavy in the carry jungler route more in line with Rek'Sai, Nidalee and Graves. Then comes the bot lane. Teddy on his best day is right up there with Ruler and Deft. His prowess on Kalista is almost a forced ban on it's own, along with the fact he plays Miss Fortune, Ezreal and Ashe incredibly well. Teddy does an incredible job in positioning and team fighting. His pairing with Effort last year was strong, but it could be every stronger with the big addition of Keria. Keria helped bring Deft back into the hyper carry level with outstanding play on enabling engagers like Thresh, Yuumi and Bard. Keria is a very aggressive support and will give Teddy even more space to work his magic. This team is going to play very proactive around objectives and pressure their opponents to make mistakes. With a meta more focused on carries outside the jungle, it could be time for T1 to take back the top spot. The real question is not about T1 being legit. They are a title favorite. It's more about if they are THE title favorite or if there's room in between them and DWG KIA still to be made up.

1 - DWG KIA (1st in Ceiling, 3rd in Floor)

Top: Khan/Chasy - 5th ranked Top Lane
Jungle: Canyon - 1st ranked Jungle
Mid: Showmaker - 1st ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Ghost - 4th ranked ADC
Support: BeryL - 2nd ranked Support
What is it with Worlds Champions signing Khan? Formerly Damwon Gaming, the defending Worlds Champions made two big decisions this offseason. A new contract with KIA brings a new look and name to the team. Along with that is the reality that Nuguri no longer is with this team, moving over to FunPlus Phoenix. As FunPlus did after their title in 2019, DWG KIA signed Khan to their roster, to pair up with youngster Chasy. The questions around this team all center around Khan's fit. One of the biggest parts of last year's team was Nuguri's ability to generate so much pressure and attention top lane. Khan had some good performances on FunPlus, but he's nowhere near the level that Nuguri pulled off last year. Khan can play a mixed bag of carries and tanks, yet he's just a downgraded role of what Nuguri pulled off. That being said, this team already has grown from a weak point of their roster last year. It may be hard to remember, but Damwon in Spring was not even top three in their region. They finished 9-9 and lost in the second round of the playoffs. The change came from the meta change and the growth of Ghost. Ghost, alongside BeryL, became a lethal bot lane along with laners that dominated their positions all over. Ghost showed glimpses of this from Sandbox way back when, but his growth took new strides this past season. His Ezreal, Ashe and Senna completely took over Summer Split, while his Jhin and Ashe dominated the Worlds stage. A meta change shouldn't hamper him either. He showed two games of Ziggs ADC in Summer Split as well. Add along BeryL, who became the real key to their dominance at Worlds, especially on his Leona and Pantheon. His aggressive play on his support pool tags along well with Ghost and the hyper aggro DWG KIA team. It's a big reason Khan could be a great fit. Then comes the two superstars in Canyon and Showmaker. Canyon popped off in the jungle in Summer Split and Worlds, playing aggressive in attacking opposing junglers and amazing pathing to be in his lanes for ganks at just the right time. The Worlds MVP showed great control around objects and setup. It really shined on Graves at Worlds, where he got massive leads in jungle and made them into major advantages for this team. He's shown he can do it on plenty of champions, like Nidalee, Lee Sin and even Trundle. Oh, and let's not forget the Summer Split MVP Showmaker. Summer saw him pop off on 12 different champions with at least one victory. This really showed in his most popular picks of Zoe, Kassadin and Twisted Fate. TF was the big one, as Showmaker posted a 23.4 KDA on the eight regular season games he played TF in Summer Split. The only real questions on this team are Khan and meta. However, with every bit of their dominance and growth seen in 2020 after the Spring Split of mediocrity, it's a very safe bet that the 2021 Spring Split Finals will include this new iteration of DWG KIA and this team will yet against be a favorite, if not THE favorite, at Worlds 2021.
submitted by DrKovu to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Is my champion pool good for learning mid fundementals?

I was a jungle main but I’m transitioning into mid lane. My goal for s11 is to learn and improve my mid lane fundamentals like trading, warding, roaming etc. These are my picks:
Blind pick: orianna
Ad pick: jayce, yasuo (I tested both and don’t know whis one is better)
Pick when opponent picks orianna counter like vel koz: kassadin
My biggest question is if the ad picks are any good. Should I pick one of these? Or do you suggest a different champion?
Also I know kassa isn’t the best for improvement but he does give me room to learn roaming and playing safe in lane since ori is very agressive in lane.
submitted by scornsama to midlanemains [link] [comments]

New Analytics Statistics - Final post

New Analytics Statistics - Final post
This will be the final post I make regarding all the tools available on my website using the LoL API, as I consider this project mostly finished now.
The statistics used for these tools are the most rigorous found on public websites. I truly believe this is the best resource to find the strongest Runes, Summoners, Items and Champions.
To summarise what you can on the site, in order of starting with the most important:
https://mcowling.com/demo - Show Meta Picks (scroll beneath the large grid). This gives an ordered list of the most meta champions. You can select a Role to see the most meta picks in a given lane.
I find this much more useful than S+/S/S-/A/B/C/D tiers found elsewhere, as it's often unclear how the rankings are calculated and justified based on winrate, pickrate, matchups, banrate, etc.
The numerical output of this test is the sum of all the statistically significant matchup scores the champion has, including the losing matchups.
e.g. top 5 on patch 11.2:

Name Meta Score Hardest Counter Score Num Counterpicks Num Favourable
Seraphine 244 1.94 0 74
Kai'Sa 164 -3.0 7 56
Taliyah 146 1.94 0 50
Ivern 112 -2.1 1 43
Olaf 111 -2.0 1 40
For two of these champions, they don't even have a statistically significant counter, hence their smallest counter score is actually a positive number, as in, good for the champion.
To view the counters to these champions, you can go back to mcowling.com/demo, fill in the champion name to the grid, and click Show Counters to Selected Champions.
Where you will see that Kai'sa has 45.2%, 47.5%, 45.7% winrates versus Seraphine, Ivern, Kassadin respectively over a sample size you can see. Which helps explain to you how the Meta Score Points are generated. Not too surprising that counters to a strong meta champion are also towards the top of the meta champion list.
By default it will look for counters across the whole champion roster, but you can adjust it to return champions in a certain role only.
On a final point related to the Meta Score. The same scores are used in the Champion Select Evaluator for Pro Games. So far in S11, this model has correctly predicted the outcome of professional games just from the champions selected 60%+ of the time. I'm currently covering LCS/LEC/LCK/LPL, and you can apply a region filter on a report generated which shows how good each teams Drafting is, and how predictable a team is.
Some big picture numbers:
Region Correct Prediction % Sample Size
LCS 66.7% 84
LEC 68% 50
LCK 49.4% 178
LPL 65.9% 252
All regions 61.0% 564
If anyone has a suggestion why LCK is a coinflip, I'd be happy to hear it. Maybe the team skill is very disparate in LCK, so champions selected is less important? I don't watch it so I don't know.
Some high scoring coaches: 100T, Rogue EU, Schalke, Excel, Golden Guardians. Although this may shake out as sample sizes increase.
Back to champions and solo queue and decking your champion out with the strongest summoners/runes/items possible, visit here: https://mcowling.com/demo_items
Then click the recommend summoners / runes / items for champion buttons.
Summoners are mostly pretty obvious. When I do play Camille top I follow the advice and go for TP/Ignite, that is the most ''off meta'' build I take from this tool, although I still see it in my games.
For runes, it (should) return 6 selectable runes as the top 6 options, so you can quickly fill in a runepage. I mainly play ADC, and I have noticed the return of Free Boots and Biscuits from 11.1 to 11.2.
Then for item builds, I love a lot of the previous features, but it's possible that this item build tool is the best thing on the site. It is mostly relevant for Carry champions, where the champion is trying to snowball as much gold as possible.
I wrote a separate post about the Luxury Item problem (why certain items have really high winrates associated with them like Mejai's / GA) and how Gold Efficiency is a greatly flawed system. You can read that here: https://mcowling.com/lol-items.html
The tool on the website uses a new metric called Item Performance Rating. It takes your share of gold at the time of item purchase, and compares this to your share of gold at the end of the game. The idea being, if you have 10% of the gold at 10 minutes in, then buy a mythic item, and finish the game with 13% of the gold at 25 minutes, then you likely popped off AFTER BUYING this item. Thus giving an Item Performance Rating of 1.3.
Whereas if you have 13% of gold at 10 minutes, buy a Mejai's, and finish the game at 25 mins with 13% of the gold. Mejai's only gets a score of 1.0, as it did not accelerate your lead. Your lead was already gained through other decisions.
The returned items should be completed items, to try and keep things as simple as possible. The TLDR of the tool would be, if you are an AD champ, BUY CULL. It's so strongly associated with accelerating a gold lead. Then select the highest scoring boots you can see. Then the highest performing mythic. Then 4 legendaries, and you should be good to go!
e.g. Builds I've been having a lot of fun with as Kai'Sa: Dorans blade, Cull, kraken, collector, zerkers, runaans, phantom dancer, RFC/Stormrazor. Sometimes I do the manamune as well, sometimes not, as it is quite unintuitive to get it as a 3rd item. However, on 11.1 it was recommended higher so I did get it first or second then, with a lot of success.
It's worth noting, for example, that Kraken overtook Galeforce for MANY adc champions from 11.1 to 11.2, including Kai'Sa.
MF build: Dorans blade, cull, kraken, zerkers, manamune, collector, sanguine, essence reaveIE. Both of these builds feel really good to me. I'm surprised at MF manamune but... maths is maths.
Then finally we have Champion Win condition, found on the same page: https://mcowling.com/demo_items. This compares Wins and Losses for a champion, and highlights the most disparate statistics found for the champion.
You can see for scaling mages like Ryze and Anivia, not dying is more important than getting kills.
For typical Carries like Kai'Sa and Yone, kills are the most important stat to play for.
For supportive champions, assists are unsurprisingly the stat you should play for. Think Ivern, Karma and even champs like Sivir.
Dmg dealt is very low in value on poke mages, but much higher value on assassins (where damage by an assassin more often results in a kill to snowball off).
Senna and Soraka both prefer healing over damage dealt.
This outlines all the best tools available on the website. I think they are really useful and the suggestions are making me win more games and have more fun. I used to split push too much as an adc but after seeing how important kills are on Kai'Sa / MF, the two meta champs I'm spamming, I'm grouping more, sacking waves, and playing for kills.
A sample of games played is attached:
If you're still reading this far down, thanks for giving it a try and I'd love for you to bookmark this page and use it over the course of S11, for your SoloQ games or checking up on how pro teams are drafting.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Cwlrs to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

New Analytics Statistics - Final post

This will be the final post I make regarding all the tools available on my website using the LoL API, as I consider this project mostly finished now.
The statistics used for these tools are the most rigorous found on public websites. I truly believe this is the best resource to find the strongest Runes, Summoners, Items and Champions.
To summarise what you can on the site, in order of starting with the most important:
https://mcowling.com/demo - Show Meta Picks (scroll beneath the large grid). This gives an ordered list of the most meta champions. You can select a Role to see the most meta picks in a given lane.
I find this much more useful than S+/S/S-/A/B/C/D tiers found elsewhere, as it's often unclear how the rankings are calculated and justified based on winrate, pickrate, matchups, banrate, etc.
The numerical output of this test is the sum of all the statistically significant matchup scores the champion has, including the losing matchups.
e.g. top 5 on patch 11.2:

Name Meta Score Hardest Counter Score Num Counterpicks Num Favourable
Seraphine 244 1.94 0 74
Kai'Sa 164 -3.0 7 56
Taliyah 146 1.94 0 50
Ivern 112 -2.1 1 43
Olaf 111 -2.0 1 40
For two of these champions, they don't even have a statistically significant counter, hence their smallest counter score is actually a positive number, as in, good for the champion.
To view the counters to these champions, you can go back to mcowling.com/demo, fill in the champion name to the grid, and click Show Counters to Selected Champions.
Where you will see that Kai'sa has 45.2%, 47.5%, 45.7% winrates versus Seraphine, Ivern, Kassadin respectively over a sample size you can see. Which helps explain to you how the Meta Score Points are generated. Not too surprising that counters to a strong meta champion are also towards the top of the meta champion list.
By default it will look for counters across the whole champion roster, but you can adjust it to return champions in a certain role only.
On a final point related to the Meta Score. The same scores are used in the Champion Select Evaluator for Pro Games. So far in S11, this model has correctly predicted the outcome of professional games just from the champions selected 60%+ of the time. I'm currently covering LCS/LEC/LCK/LPL, and you can apply a region filter on a report generated which shows how good each teams Drafting is, and how predictable a team is.
Some big picture numbers:

Region Correct Prediction % Sample Size
LCS 66.7% 84
LEC 68% 50
LCK 49.4% 178
LPL 65.9% 252
All 61.0% 564
If anyone has a suggestion why LCK is a coinflip, I'd be happy to hear it. Maybe the team skill is very disparate in LCK, so champions selected is less important? I don't watch it so I don't know.
Some high scoring coaches: 100T, Rogue EU, Schalke, Excel, Golden Guardians. Although this may shake out as sample sizes increase.
Back to champions and solo queue and decking your champion out with the strongest summoners/runes/items possible, visit here: https://mcowling.com/demo_items
Then click the recommend summoners / runes / items for champion buttons.
Summoners are mostly pretty obvious. When I do play Camille top I follow the advice and go for TP/Ignite, that is the most ''off meta'' build I take from this tool, although I still see it in my games.
For runes, it (should) return 6 selectable runes as the top 6 options, so you can quickly fill in a runepage. I mainly play ADC, and I have noticed the return of Free Boots and Biscuits from 11.1 to 11.2.
Then for item builds, I love a lot of the previous features, but it's possible that this item build tool is the best thing on the site. It is mostly relevant for Carry champions, where the champion is trying to snowball as much gold as possible.
I wrote a separate post about the Luxury Item problem (why certain items have really high winrates associated with them like Mejai's / GA) and how Gold Efficiency is a greatly flawed system. You can read that here: https://mcowling.com/lol-items.html
The tool on the website uses a new metric called Item Performance Rating. It takes your share of gold at the time of item purchase, and compares this to your share of gold at the end of the game. The idea being, if you have 10% of the gold at 10 minutes in, then buy a mythic item, and finish the game with 13% of the gold at 25 minutes, then you likely popped off AFTER BUYING this item. Thus giving an Item Performance Rating of 1.3.
Whereas if you have 13% of gold at 10 minutes, buy a Mejai's, and finish the game at 25 mins with 13% of the gold. Mejai's only gets a score of 1.0, as it did not accelerate your lead. Your lead was already gained through other decisions.
The returned items should be completed items, to try and keep things as simple as possible. The TLDR of the tool would be, if you are an AD champ, BUY CULL. It's so strongly associated with accelerating a gold lead. Then select the highest scoring boots you can see. Then the highest performing mythic. Then 4 legendaries, and you should be good to go!
e.g. Builds I've been having a lot of fun with as Kai'Sa: Dorans blade, Cull, kraken, collector, zerkers, runaans, phantom dancer, RFC/Stormrazor. Sometimes I do the manamune as well, sometimes not, as it is quite unintuitive to get it as a 3rd item. However, on 11.1 it was recommended higher so I did get it first or second then, with a lot of success.
It's worth noting, for example, that Kraken overtook Galeforce for MANY adc champions from 11.1 to 11.2, including Kai'Sa.
MF build: Dorans blade, cull, kraken, zerkers, manamune, collector, sanguine, essence reaveIE. Both of these builds feel really good to me. I'm surprised at MF manamune but... maths is maths.
Then finally we have Champion Win condition, found on the same page: https://mcowling.com/demo_items. This compares Wins and Losses for a champion, and highlights the most disparate statistics found for the champion.
You can see for scaling mages like Ryze and Anivia, not dying is more important than getting kills.
For typical Carries like Kai'Sa and Yone, kills are the most important stat to play for.
For supportive champions, assists are unsurprisingly the stat you should play for. Think Ivern, Karma and even champs like Sivir.
Dmg dealt is very low in value on poke mages, but much higher value on assassins (where damage by an assassin more often results in a kill to snowball off).
Senna and Soraka both prefer healing over damage dealt.
This outlines all the best tools available on the website. I think they are really useful and the suggestions are making me win more games and have more fun. I used to split push too much as an adc but after seeing how important kills are on Kai'Sa / MF, the two meta champs I'm spamming, I'm grouping more, sacking waves, and playing for kills.
A sample of games played is attached:
If you're still reading this far down, thanks for giving it a try and I'd love for you to bookmark this page and use it over the course of S11, for your SoloQ games or checking up on how pro teams are drafting.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by Cwlrs to summonerschool [link] [comments]

I can already guess what tournaments will look like lol.

Ornn vs Aatrox, with Yone to counter mages (replaces Jayce), and Maokai if too many top laners are banned.
Ever since Liandries nerf, I doubt many people will play a mage top, unless it's Heim (54% wr)
Fizz/Galio exclusively with Night Harvester
Annie for Luden's (possibly might see Azir this season)
Anivia will be the best Liandries user to counter tank comps
Kha'zix Kayn Olaf Karthus (teams with melee mids will favor Karthus/Kayn, and Kayn/Kha to counter Olaf/Karthus)
Jhin/Mf/Varus/Ashe are item favorites this season, everything else is stuck with Kraken but Varus is best with it atm. NA will still play Kai'sa for no apparent reason, maybe the lazy last hitting with Q lol.
Naut/Leona/Rakan/Alistar or a random mage support (Zyra/Nami from Korean teams that have a wide champ pool). Could see lane Lulu again, but non mythic heal/shield items are pretty garbo (looking at water staff and ardent lol, so naturally we will see more tanks with redemption to stack with Aatrox)
Lulu notorious for buffering Aatrox (Kind of like Orianna Reneckton back in the old days).
Item changes
If Tear gets another buff (archangel) we will see Kassadin/Cass again, but Luden's with magic pen and 40% void staff pretty much means burst mages like Annie/Syndra will dominate. There is always a buff nerf between the cycle of mages.
Liandries has pushed AziAsol/Anivia into top contender spots since they outright beat Fizz/Galio/Zed, and Fizz/Galio/Zed are better into your Luden champs (Annie/Syndra)
Really wish the game would push for a later Dragon/Rift Herald, because any champ top/jg pick that is stronger than the other team will always lose double skuttle/rift into mythic and dragon control. (The reason those four ADC's I mentioned earlier exist, because they give you bot lane prio and better dragon fights).
So your typical scaling ADC's like Vayne/Cait(Jhins a better Caitlyn btw)/Kai'sa won't ever net your team a good early Dragon. Tristana might be the only well designed ADC that can content with the stronger ADC picks (Jump and her strong early game lol)
Matches will be very short at start of the tournaments, while quartesemis will drag on longer (since people die so fast you can get punished for being so aggro).
Solo queue matches are especially rough thanks to plates and rift like I mentioned before (jungle gap), ganking is ever so more impactful, since it gives you the juicy plates, double skuttle and rift control. Ganking bot lane seems to be a waste, since mid/top are better focal points for team fights and mythic rushes).
Like if a Jungler camps mid, and the opposing Jungler camps bot, a Luden's Annie will just straight up 1 shot your bot lane with their Kraken Slayer nonsense. Or a top laner like Aatrox/Ornn will still roll your bot lane. Not always true, but generally correct here.
submitted by Nhika to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

New to Caitlyn and ADC role as a whole. TEACH ME =3

New to Caitlyn and ADC role as a whole. TEACH ME =3
Hello there!
My name is Dawid, I'm from Poland and I main Vi. Currently I'm trying my absolute best to hit d4 for the second year in the row and I'm doing actually pretty well so far. It's nice to meet you all :)
Botlane is my weakness overall (both support and adc) and so I thought it could be nice to change it up a bit for the next year (since just grinding for 1 month at the end of each season for d4 is kinda borring at this point) and learn new roles.
Next season I plan to hit at least P2 with Mid/ADC only and I chose Caitlyn as my main champ for the role (Vi is my bae and I need to have a little talk with Caitlyn about something haha).
Caitlyn in my opinion (and correct me if im wrong) is pretty good blindpick, she is pretty solid all around and she can just farm in hard matchups. She doesn't seem to be very difficult to play (If you think EQ combo is hard, try to land Vi's Q Flash on someone haha) but I've seen good Cait players and damn, that shit hurts. She seems to be champion who rewards with VERY good value for the time invested... Unlike my champion...
I would like you to teach me some stuff regarding Cait and maybe give me advice on topics such as:
  1. When to pick Cait and when not to (Would you rather get Death Marked by Zed or slept by Zoe from across the map),
  2. Which Supports are good with Cait and which aren't,
  3. Her power-spikes and power-chokes,
  4. Lane counters and very good match-ups,
  5. Another champion which would be good to main along. Something that would be good against Caitlyn counters (Midlane example: Ekko for mages, Renekton for Yasuos and Kassadins),
  6. What to do in the midgame, other than swapping with midlaner and keeping the farmfest going haha :D
  7. How to close out the game,
  8. Anything alse you would like to say :)
TLDR: I'm new and I want to learn. Tell me how to play Cait and ADC pls.
PS. Every comment will be adressed and no advice is stupid or worthless. I'm very grateful for your time spent and wisdom shared!
Have a great day my dear Cupcakes =3
submitted by wiented to Caitlynmains [link] [comments]

Now that we're nearing our 2020 Worlds debut, here is a brief update/summary on every player's soloQ journey

Hi everyone.
So, for us Worlds starts Saturday and I decided to make a brief summary of what our players are practicing in their soloQ accs. Take it with a grain of salt because they most likely have some picks that they aren't showing us and also they probably have as much scrims as they have soloQ games and we can't access those.

Bwipo - 104W/88L (52% winrate)

Starting by Bwipo, his 3 most played champions are Renekton (25 matches, 60% WR), Shen (21 matches, 67% winrate) and Volibear (15 matches, 60% winrate).
When he first started CN soloQ he played a lot of Akali but has slowed down on playing her recently.
Some days ago he went on a Sett playing spree and recently started playing a bit of Camille and Jax. Camille possibly because of the play ins and Jax as he is considered a counter to Camille. IIRC he also speaks highly of Camille as a champion.
He's also played a ton of Renekton which I find interesting. Personally I'm not a fan of the champion but highly mechanical players seem to be able to pull it off consistently in China.

Selfmade - 89W/82L (51% winrate)

Selfmade's 3 most played champions are Evelynn (34 matches, 67,6% winrate), Graves (31 games, 42% winrate) and Sylas (12 matches, 42% winrate).
His champions with better win rate are Evelynn, Khazix (10 games, 60% win rate) and Rek'Sai (7 games, 71% win rate).
He doesn't seem to be a Nidalee fan as he has only played her 5 times.
His Gragas and Karthus are nowhere to be seen. Might not mean much as he is highly proficient on those champions and probably doesn't feel like he needs to practice them past scrims. Specially Karthus who will probably show up at Worlds.
Interestingly enough he really slowed down playing Evelynn. Even in games where she was not banned he didn't pick her which probably means he doesn't expect to get her a lot at Worlds or feels like he has hit a good level with her and needs to practice other champions.
He's been playing a bit of Ekko which probably fits into the "carrying jungler" category. Maybe replacing Gragas who he might feel is underwhelming atm.

Nemesis - 92W/100L (48% winrate)

Currently the only member on a negative winrate, Nemesis's 3 most played champions are Orianna (18 games, 67% winrate), Kassadin (14 games, 64% winrate) and Akali (12 games, 67% winrate).
Similar to Selfmade and Evelyn, Nemesis slowed down on playing Akali the last week.
Recently went on a bit of a Tristana play streak. We have seen him play it mid in the spring split during a playoff game.
Has been playing a few Syndra games, probably after watching play ins since she will definitely see a lot of play at Worlds. That's good and understandable, I don't think we can afford to be banning Syndra in blue side as we've done a lot in the past if we actually want to make a deep run.
Has a game of Lulu mid, maybe preparing for Rekkles's Twitch? It could be just a game but with Twitch back in the meta... And we saw Lulu being picked exactly with Twitch just yesterday IIRC. We don't know what happens on scrims so this might be a bit far fetched.
Hasn't been playing much Lucian, probably for the same reasons Selfmade hasn't been playing Evelynn
Tried a few Xerath games, I was actually expecting it to come out vs G2 in the finals. I think its a pick his friend LS and even him praise so I think its possible we will see it at Worlds.

Rekkles - 158W/138L (53% winrate)

Currently the member with the most games played, Rekkles's most played champions are Sivir (87 games, 46% winrate), Jhin (67 games, 51% winrate) and Senna (42 games, 52% winrate)
Surprisingly, the champions he has the best winrates are not the ones he played the most. His best winrates are on Ashe (32 games, 66% winrate), Twitch (11 games, 64 winrate) and Lucian (9 games, 67% winrate).
There's nothing much to say about Rekkles honestly. He seems to practice champions in bunches, started with Sivir and Jhin but now is diversifying and playing more Ashe, Senna with bits of Kaisa and Twitch.

Hylissang - 109W/98L (53% winrate)

Hyli has turned into a bit Thresh one trick which makes sense given he is one of the most mechanically intensive supports as well as one of the most versatile. We probably can expect a lot of Thresh first picks as some counters like Morgana aren't too prevalent atm, specially if Caitlyn isn't paired with it. Thresh currently makes up 49% of Hyli's played games.
After that he plays Nautilus (21 games, 43% winrate), Rakan (17 games, 59% winrate) and Shen (14 games, 50% winrate).
I don't think there is much to be said about him. I'm glad he is practicing Rakan as he seems to be the go to support to pair with Twitch which is probably overtuned atm.
Also glad he is doing fine, some people had "worries" regarding him going into the Chinese server but he's doing just fine.

Magifelix - 141W/136L (51% winrate)

Our substitute player currently has nearly 100 games of Akali and sits at 59% winrate. It is by far his most played champion, kinda like a mini Hyli-Thresh situation.
After that he plays a ton of Camille (59 games, 51% winrate) and some Lucian (31 games, 55% winrate).
Overall he seems to be keeping his champion pool wide open, he's playing a lot of mid/top champions like Camille, Akali, Shen, Lucian, Fiora, Rumble, etc. All of them champions that can complement both lanes.
This is probably because he is really only at worlds as a sub and nothing else, the only reason he gets some play is if something bad happens to one of the players so he is keeping his pool as broad as possible in case something happens and he has to replace any of the players.
Basically that's it, hope you enjoy and if you see something worth adding, please do!
Have a nice day and thanks for reading!
submitted by thespaceman01 to fnatic [link] [comments]

Swain mid - An underrated pick (especially in Diamond & Below)

Hey all,
Swain is a champion I've always loved - but to be honest he's been pretty garbage for awhile. However, recently, he got a mini-rework, which boosted him into being both a viable support and midlaner.
In this post, I'm going to be focused mostly on my scaling build for Swain.


In his base kit, Swain has a huge amount of fundamental weaknesses that cripple his viability. Fortunately, League of Legends also has a wonderful rune and item system. On Swain, you should be taking runes, summoners and items which make up for these weaknesses.
In order to do that, we need to discuss Swain's weaknesses in his base kit:
  1. Big reliance on mobility while having absolutely none (along with low movement speed)
  2. Low early game damage
  3. Reliance on bread and butter E skillshot
  4. Heavy reliance on these 5 stats in order of importance (although situational): AP, Health, Mana, Movement Speed, CDR
  5. Very weak laning phase until 6


Here are some champions you should avoid picking Swain into until you have more experience on the champion:
  1. Vayne (High mobility and invis to dodge your hook, percent health damage that makes your stacking obsolete)
  2. Kassadin (Yeah this guy really sucks)
  3. Darius (Will kill you in teamfights if you're not careful)
  4. Fizz (Easy mid and late game but requires you to not get absolutely dumpstered in laning phase)
  5. Sylas (Takes your ult and becomes unkillable while doing what you do but better)
  6. Kog'maw, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Azir, Ziggs (Will poke you to death or shred your healthbar. Do not recommend)
  7. Cassiopeia (Shreds you also)
  8. Kled (Counters your healing and deals massive amounts of damage)
  9. Lucian (Absolutely screws you in lane, continues to do huge amounts of damage)
  10. Mordekaiser (Ults you and stops you from doing your job. If you have ghost, he can't kill you though. This matchup shouldn't be too bad.)
  11. Veigar (Stops you from advancing with cage, deals massive damage if you screw up.)

STRENGTHS (Based on the main build and runes and summoners)

  1. Monstrous midgame and good lategame (with the build provided)
  2. Relatively high amounts of consistent damage for a mage who has decent burst
  3. Good backline access
  4. Extremely strong when ahead (Damage and tankiness)
  5. Great survivability, especially in teamfights
  6. Good utility and long-ranged follow up with W
  7. Excellent at applying spell effects (Liandries, Morellos, Rylais)
  8. Loses to assassins in laning phase but heavily outscales and becomes unkillable


On Swain, I take conqueror in 90% of matchups. It provides large amounts of sustained damage and Swain quite likes the precision tree.
You should go presence of mind to solve his mana issues, tenacity, and anything but cut down. Make sure to go one CDR rune. The rest is optional. Build based on what you think is best for the game.
With this rune page, you should be going ghost. Ghost offers extreme amounts of power and gapclosing in teamfights, while allowing Swain to hyperscale into lategame as it allows him to kill the carries in the backline with ease. In fact, you behave almost like AP Rhaast. It also allows you to land your E much more consistently due to your huge movement speed and it allows you to be exceptionally sticky, making it easy to land your R2 on those who you wish.
However, you must keep in mind that this weakens your laning phase. You should play lane phase simply to survive and to cs.
For secondary runes, I almost always go Ultimate Hunter and Eyeball Collection. Swain's R cooldown is so long (120 seconds at all ranks) that Ultimate Hunter has a huge impact, allowing you to use your R more liberally without being punished.
Ultimately, this build gives you almost everything you need, while allowing you to scale monstrously with Conqueror and Ghost.


  1. Start Doran's Ring (Most matchups), Corrupting Pot (Also most matchups) or Cull (Free matchups)
  2. Rush Rod of Ages in most situations
  3. Either go Sorcs, Tabis or Mercs depending on the situation
  4. Zhonyas, Protobelt and Archangels are possible candidates for first or second item
  5. Rylais is an extremely strong item due to a constant AOE slow for everyone in your ultimate. It lets your teammates also land abilities much easier (and your e in teamfights). Consider this as a second or third item.
  6. Liandries is equally powerful, as it procs constantly on your ultimate. Swain also loves extended fights.
  7. If the enemy team has a lot of healing, Morellos is also really strong. Swain has no problem using the passive whatsoever. His AOE healing deny is strong against AOE healing champions especially.
  8. Void staff, Deathcap, Banshee's, Mejai's, Spirit Visage (Underrated), Knight's Vow (Underrated), or Abyssal mask or almost any tank item also work on Swain (situationally, of course)

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know and I will answer them as well as I can.
submitted by archanchoi to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Your team picked mostly AD, and you’re bottom lane. Who are the best mages you can pick and find lots of success with? (APC tierlist)

Hey, in this list I will tell you some of my favorite AP carries and the pros and cons with picking them. Of course take this with a grain of salt, this is the ones I’ve found the most success with. I also sort them by winrate. Please make suggestions, if you find any problems with the post. Thanks in advance.
Tl;dr: Karthus, Cassiopeia, Ziggs, Syndra, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah are the best APCs.
S tier (God tier):
A tier (Very good):
B tier (Good):
•Twisted fate
•Aurelion Sol
C tier (not optimal):
Let’s go over the S tier, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Veigar and Ziggs.
Cassiopeia has always been a stable pick bottomlane, she’s a medium range mage with some crowd control in her kit and insane DPS, she’s arguably the best scaling mage in the game. The problems with her bottom lane is that she needs 2-3 items to be effective, she’s extremely hard to play, you must be able to kite, hit your Q consistently, and be able to land your ultimate. She’s very good at escaping from ganks thanks to her W’s grounding effect, she doesn’t really have any hard match up and synergies well with any support, especially with engage supports. Runes it’s either Conquerer or Phase rush. You scale better with Conquerer but Phase Rush makes it easier to kite and gives you more mobility. Cassiopeia is a champion that can without a doubt hard carry games.
Karthus. You probably don’t see him bot lane a lot, but he’s extremely strong. Namely one player comes to mind that has played him consistently and reached a 90% winrate in challenger. PornstarZilean in his climb he played mostly Karthus, together with another top support player. What makes Karthus so good in the bottom lane? Namely the fact that he has utter insane damage, global presence with his ultimate, out ranges most ADCs, scales incredibly hard, and isn’t super hard to play. Midbeast made a good video breaking down Pornstar zileans playstyle and how he succeeds with Karthus bot: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMBH-luqZNY Some of the things that make Karthus weak is that he’s very prone to ganks, he has no escape if he’s caught and you’ll die most of the time.
Veigar. He reminds me a bit of Cassiopeia, in the way that he scales well, he’s very safe thanks to his Cage. I’ve found most success with going a glacial augment build into GLP > Twin Shadows. It works well, because you’ll be able to hit your skillshots more consistently. Your W is difficult to land, because of glacial and GLP you slow them so they can’t really dodge your W. Veigar, has a lot of hard counters. Not in the bottomlane, but assassin’s that are able to get over his cage. Namely Fizz, Katarina, Zed, Sett is also a very hard match up, he’s always able to face tank your damage and dish it back at you. Mages that outrange you also counter you, but you do outscale them all.
Ziggs. He has been a consistent pick the last seasons in the bottomlane, thanks to his insane range. He outranges every ADC in the game, and is continuously able to pressure the enemy ADC even under tower. He’s an excellent pusher, thanks to his W. The only thing he lacks is mobility and he doesn’t scale as well as some other mages. But he’s a very safe champion, not super hard to play you just need to be able to hit your abilities consistently.
A tier. Syndra, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah, Neeko.
Pros: insane burst, good laning phase, has true damage in her kit, safe from ganks, lots of CC. Scales quite well. Works well with any support.
Cons: Hard to play, squishy, has a lot of heavy counters, very game-knowledge oriented. Can’t hard carry.
Pros: Consistent damage, has crowd control, absolutely cancerous to deal with, synergieses well with any support. Easy to CS with, OK burst thanks to ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master.
Cons: Doesn’t scale very well, not very mobile, prone to ganks, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, Short range except W.
Pros: Flexible between APC and Support, has a very safe kit, lots of CC, a lot of map pressure, easy to play, has quite good scaling. Tanky.
Cons: Grevious wounds fucks you over ten fold, doesn’t have very long range, more prone to ganks than some other picks. Loses in shorter trades.
Pros: Very safe, easy to CS with, scales well, amazing map pressure, has CC, quite mobile, safe pick into any match up really.
Cons: Not very long range, extremely hard to play, nerf after nerf have left her in quite a sorry state. She’s amazing in the right hands that’s why she’s in the A-tier, if you don’t know how to play her, don’t pick her.
Pros: Easy to land CC, insane burst, good wave clear, annoying to deal with, quite safe, scales very well thanks to her ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master. Can carry. When she works, she works extremely well.
Cons: Short range, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, not a very consistent pick, mostly situational.
I‘ll add the rest later.
submitted by golden-Guru to summonerschool [link] [comments]

TL;DR of all Lulu Matchups (2020 Edition)

Here is an updated Matchup list for 2020.
Disclaimer: These are all DIRECT matchups. If I put for example Rengar, I dont mean Support Rengar against Support Lulu or Support Lulu against Jungle Rengar, I mean Jungle Lulu against Jungle Rengar. I will specify roles if they are flex picks
Champion Difficulty (Role) Explanation
Aatrox 8 While Lulu isnt directly countered, he is one of the few matchups on Top she cant bully, nor contest.
Ahri 6 Controls zones better, she can decide when to fight, if Charm hits, you mostly die, just hope she is bad and dashes into you.
Akali 2 If Lulu plays it right, she should never lose. Very disruptive for Akali, E for True Sight.
Alistar 7 Eating a clay brick is more enjoyable than seeing Alistar Q buffer go through, even if you dash cancel him. His sustain is just the cherry on top.
Amumu 4 Does a lot of damage if AP. Avoid his Q and you're fine.
Anivia 9 I rather shove my hand into a blender than play against Anivia.
Annie 7 Skill Matchup in Mid, Counter on Support. Bully early to win mid and play around ADC win con. On Support its gg after 6, if she buys control wards. Bush Annie is PTSD.
Aphelios 5 Why does he have a turret. Nevertheless, you're annoying to him. Poly is key.
Ashe 6 Annoying amount of CC and utility.
Aurelion Sol 8 If you are against a main, you can open, you will never leave lane, while he is 12/0 by 5 minutes because he can shove and roam, while you cant. Run TP and save your ADC win con.
Azir 8 If he is good, you lose. You can do literally nothing, but pray for jgl, but at least he cant Shurima Shuffle on you.
Bard 5 Skill matchup, but you outscale. Never underrestimate him tho, Bard is horrifying.
Blitzcrank 4 Play safe till 6, then you outscale. Nevertheless very snowbally, if one side dies. Guardian Matchup.
Brand 8 Hard matchup. Pray to your jungler. Turning around lane requires you to double flash burst him.
Braum 5 Skill matchup, really annoying, because he can block poly and reduce your ADC's damage by half. You can bully him early tho, if you dont get caught.
Caitlyn 9 Impossible, just shield yourself through it and pray for Jungler. Also a lot of her synergies are utter cancer.
Camille 3 Theoretically Lulu counters Camille's entire existence, but if the Camille is a god and Flash Es into Ult Poly dodge into one shot, then just let her win, she deserves it.
Cassiopeia 5 Its a stalemate, that you cant win, but also shouldnt lose. Just clear and make sure your ADC can carry for you.
Cho'gath 6 (Top), 2 (Jungle) Really weird, cause he can just sit Top bushes with Glacial and you are removed from the game after one item. Bully early. ADC is key. Jungle is free, but you gotta bully him.
Corki 4 Lulu wins and outscales, but Corki does a lot of damage and snowballs very hard. Dont lose this.
Darius 4 Would be a 2 if Ghost Nimbus Cloak didnt exist. Just respect it and you autowin.
Diana 3 Just like Corki, but Melee variant, you can bully her harder and disrupt her.
Dr. Mundo 4 Lulu can kite Mundo very well. Another matchup that ignores you after Spectre Cowl on Top, but your utility will be useful for your ADC. In Jungle, you need to snowball early and keep it rolling.
Draven 5 Its a love-hate thing. Just scale. He isnt too oppressive, but impossible to comeback from.
Ekko 4 Hard for Ekko, Lulu should win. If you disable his Ult with poly at the right time, you can win a lot easier.
Elise 8 Elise will destroy you, if this is Diamond 3+, anywhere below, this is a skill matchup, where you outscale after Wits End.
Evelynn 4 Wits End and Red Smite should win you this. You can also bully her early.
Ezreal 6 (ADC), 10 (Jungle) Just annoying. Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q. Hope he E's in to kill himself or absolutely nothing will happen. Dont think he is still a Jungler, but I still have PTSD.
Fiddlesticks 4 A bunch of wacky CC, unless he somehow gets fed. Your scaling value is higher.
Fiora 4 Very snowbally, win asap, she outscales and just splits until you lose.
Fizz 4 Stack MR and take Exhaust. You win by not losing.
Galio 4 Nothing really happens, but he has Global presence, so match it. You outscale if you do.
Gangplank 4 Nothing happens, but he outscales, so make sure your bot lane wins.
Garen 3 Just a massive brick wall, he shouldnt be able to do anything, still doesnt make him less tanky.
Gnar 4 Very slightly Lulu favored.
Gragas 8 (Top) 4 (Jungle) AP Gragas is my nemesis.
Graves 5 Surprisingly, this is a skill matchup. He clears faster, but you are stronger 1v1 and your ganks are better.
Hecarim 2 Ever seen polymorphed Hecarim E through you and do absolutely nothing? Yeh that.
Heimerdinger 5 Literally nothing happens.
Illaoi 4 You are good against Illaoi, doesnt make her less annoying in lane tho.
Irelia 7 If she hits E, you die. Dash cancel or lose.
Ivern 7 He is actually so good, just no one plays him. There is not much you can do, except hope that he is bad.
Janna 4 Lulu wins lane, Janna wins teamfights. Electrocute Skill Matchup.
Jarvan 3 (Jungle), 5 (Top) Red Smite, dash cancel, Tabi. On Top, quite a lot harder to deal with.
Jax 4 DONT. LET. HIM. SCALE. Jungle Jax is Lulu favored.
Jayce 5 Gay, skill matchup. Has similiar power levels to you, dont let him snowball.
Jhin 6 Considering his MS passive and Stormrazor, he can ignore Poly and just run away until it expires. Hard to deal with.
Jinx 5 Nothing happens.
Kai'sa 2 Your kit counters hers, destroy her.
Kalista 3 Can be troublesome if the user is good, but otherwise easy.
Karma 6 More mage than enchanter, more cancer, than skill matchup.
Karthus 9 Dodge and go next.
Kassadin 4 Bully early, Polymorph makes this guy depressed.
Katarina 4 Care pre 6, she destroys you. After 6, just disrupt her and make sure she doesnt deny your ADC from scaling.
Kayle 3 The only champ that can rival Lulu + ADC late. She outscales, but rather late. You should have won, by the time she does.
Kayn 3 Kayn can win by being the better Jungler, but if he isnt severely better or high Diamond+, you win.
Kennen 6 Annoying, get MR.
Kha'Zix 3 You hardcounter him, Tabi, Red Smite, True Sight.
Kindred 4 Kit counter, works like Kayn.
Kled 4 Slightly favoured for Lulu, but borderline skill matchup. Care for his dashes. His dismount cleanses him. You outscale hard.
KogMaw 5 Quite annoying when W is up, but when its down you can destroy him.
LeBlanc 3 Another kit counter. Dont let her roam, shove her in. You have more combat power.
Lee Sin 7 Gets progressively worse the higher elo you get.
Leona 5 Skill matchup, not a counter from either side. Cancel her E, how much that will do depends on how you play.
Lillia 9 Move on with life.
Lissandra 5 Skill matchup, get MR and Ult preemptively. You outscale slightly.
Lucian 5 Strong early presence, but low range, he does ridiculous damage, but poly is key.
Lulu 10 cancerbroken.
Lux 7 Surprisingly difficult to deal with in either lane. Completely outranges you, controls zones well, not much you can do.
Malphite 3 (Tank), 9 (AP) AP MALPHITE IS MY FUCKING DEMISE LMAO. Stack MR or you will get bent over.
Malzahar 6 Nothing... really happens. Also get a QSS, or he will Flash Ult you over and over with his Jungler
Maokai 4 Very tanky, ignores you after Spectre Cowl. You can beat him if you go Bork, but On-Hit Top is not the best idea, just to beat Maokai.
Master Yi ? I've seen Yi gods and Yi garbage while boosting. Honestly undefinable. Can go from 1 to 10, you will know when its a Yi god.
Miss Fortune 6 Incredibly annoying.
Mordekaiser 3 Dont get pulled, nothing should happen. Lulu can kite him around and outscales.
Morgana 4-8 Completely depends on her synergy with ADC. Morg Cait is about as interactive as having a coma for the next 3 years,
Nami 5 Skill Matchup, play aggressive.
Nasus 3 Bully him hard until Spectre Cowl, he will ignore you after. You have to get far ahead, or he force ends the game by splitting.
Nautilus 5 (Top), 2 (Jungle) Spectre Cowl... Ignores you, but has insane gank set up, be careful. In Jungle you can just destroy him.
Neeko 5 Annoying skill matchup, dont stand behind minions and outscale.
Nidalee ? All Nida players are Master Tier smurfs or just garbage. 1 to 10 matchup. You will know he is smurfing if your Jungle is as empty as my Champ Select slot after ban phase.
Nocturne 3 You have too many skills that he would need to spell shield if you play it properly.
Nunu 6 Phase Rush Nunu go vroom
Olaf 11 This champion doesnt know counterplay. Dodge. Unwinable. Literally worst hard counter to a champ in the game.
Orianna 6 The better mid lane version of Lulu. Not unwinable, but honestly, it doesnt look too hot for you.
Ornn 3 Spectre Cowl. Ignores you.
Pantheon 8 No idea where they built in counterplay, but at least dash cancel his W.
Poppy 3 (Top), 2 (Jungle) Spectre Cowl, ignores you. If Jungle, off-meta flex on that loser.
Pyke 3 Kit counter. Wait until he Ults before you Ult, then deny his reset and watch him be sad.
Qiyana 3 Counter, but annoying buffers. Just disrupt her and maybe get Seekers/Zhonyas.
Quinn 5 Her global presence is the biggest problem, not fighting her. Props if you dash cancel her E, takes A LOT of skill and absolutely destroys her.
Rakan 5 Dash cancel or lose
Rammus 1 Wits End, Red Smite lol. So funny when he comes rolling and gets polymorphed.
Rek'Sai 4 Honestly didnt see her in a while, but I dont remember her to be difficult, just dash cancel and kite.
Renekton 4 Lulu favored, but dont get too cocky, Renekton can snowball super fast.
Rengar ? Another one of those champs that are undefinable due to skill ceiling. 1 to 10 matchup, if he gets Edge of Night and Red Smite, its autolose for you. But considering he isnt good, probably around 3.
Riven 2 This champion is bad, but the longer the game goes, the less you can deal with her by yourself, group and its free win.
Rumble 4 Annoying, kinda doesnt do anything, also Wits End, but even without it, nothing really happens.
Ryze 7 blue boi runs mega fast away. Superior battle mage, can kite you lmao... I think his W outranges poly? not sure.
Sejuani 3 Red Smite and Bork, but respect before that.
Sett 3 Play for nothing. You outscale.
Shaco 1 lol.
Shen 6 Nothing happens, but he carries the game.
Shyvana 6 Literal timebomb.
Singed 3 Nothing happens, but you are a huge cockblock to him.
Sion 3 Annoying poke, but doesnt do anything else really. Cancel his Q.
Sivir 4 Nothing really happens, she just shoves. Press E, right before poly lands in case she tries to spellshield.
Skarner 3 Yeah, Glacial Augment is pretty funny.
Sona 3 Electrocute one shot her, if Sona Lux, just dodge.
Soraka 9 (I want to die) Too hard to be worth playing. But Lulu outscales.
Swain 3 Nothing really happens, but care for ganks. Lulu beats Swain until Mid game, then group and kite him.
Syndra 9 Like Karthus, but with kill pressure instead of global presesnce. Get some MR to survive the one shot attempts.
Tahm Kench 4 LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS. He can eat poly targets, can be quite bothersome.
Taliyah 10 (Jungle), 6 (Mid) If Jungle, DODGE. She is literally the Soraka of Jungling. If Mid, just try to match her pressure and try to keep her from roaming.
Talon 1 the only hard thing about this match up is pinging your bot lane missing.
Taric 3 Bully him, but dont let him AA you, or you lose. He outscales so dont make it too long. If Yi Taric, dodge.
Teemo 2 Wits End and better CC. I think AP Lulu also beats him easily.
Thresh 4 Slightly Lulu favored, but skill matchup. After 6, slightly more in favor of Lulu, but Lulu outscales the longer the game goes.
Tristana 4 Poly, but for real, what the fuck is her damage.
Trundle 4 Read Mundo. Less Lulu favored in Jungle.
Tryndamere 3 Nothing really happens, he ignores you and splitpushes all day. Try to beat him early and snowball.
Twisted Fate 7 he shoves, he roams, he wins
Twitch 2 (Bot), 1 (Jungle) Beat his ass early, end early, free win. In Jungle, he legit cant fight you after 1 item.
Udyr 2 Glacial Augment is funny. Just kite him, he is rather tanky, so dont let him get fed and get too tanky to be able to deal with him.
Urgot 3 Nothing happens, also Spectre Cowl.
Varus 3 (On-Hit), 9 (Lethality) Cant spell Lethality Varus without counterplay, amirite?
Vayne 0 lmao.
Veigar 5 Nothing happens, but depending on teamcomp, one of you will win.
Vel'koz 8 At least his skillshots are hard and fun to dodge.
Vi 7 Idk, its way too hard to beat her.
Viktor 6 Controls zones better, outscales hard, but not much should happens until Mid game.
Vladimir 5 You beat him early, but he scales like crazy. Nothing should happen tho, he will just scale and then one shot you. Try to win early, picking Vlad, means sacrificing pressure for scaling power.
Volibear 3 Keep him at distance, if he ults on your head, you're in trouble.
Warwick 2 Glacial Augment is hilarious. Also Q him to get his MS off him.
Wukong 4 Ult-E-W-Q. This is easier for Jungle, as you have sustained damage, I doubt fighting Wukong as AP Lulu is a good idea, unless you snowball on him. Group up and just deny him.
Xayah 6 Her Ult is disgusting. Another matchup that gets worse, the higher the skill level.
Xerath 9 I rather play Touhou on Lunatic difficulty.
Xin Zhao 8 If he has Phase Rush, you are in for a treat. Avoid fighting him until 2 items.
Yasuo 9 99% of all Yasuo players are bad, but if you play against that 1%... oh boy.
Yone 6 Really overpowered, but he shouldnt kill you and later you just deny him. His early game is weak, bully him.
Yorick 6 He doesnt have much kill pressure, but he can actually bully you, if he consistently lands his E. He also pushes and splitpushes like crazy.
Yuumi 2 Really easy to bully if your ADC plays aggressive with you. If you play good, you mostly outscale too.
Zac 1 Dash Cancels.
Zed ? Undefinable. Zed's potential is INSANE, but you will see it very rarely. Most cases this is like a 3 or 4, but can also be a 10. It is a lot harder on Zed, but just saying. Get Zhonyas.
Ziggs 7 He pushes and pushes and you dodge skillshots and more skillshots, your turrets blow up and then you kinda lose.
Zilean 5 Skill matchup. Teamcomp dependent.
Zoe 9 Miss me with those Disney champs Riot, ffs
Zyra 10 A nightmare.
Alright, thats about it. If you disagree with me, send me your sweetest death threats in PMs. Last time arguing about this was too painful, so I'm not gonna respond this time.
Have a nice day lol, Ima go play a better game now
submitted by Selkedoom to lulumains [link] [comments]

best kassadin counter picks video

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So I just wanted to highlight 4 counters to Kassadin that I pick into him whenever someone else takes him from me. Jayce - Jayce (with Stormraiders) completely destroys Kassadin pre level 6 due to his superior early game damage, furthermore Jayce can just clear waves and easily take Kassadin's turret should he leave lane. Check out Kassadin’s best & worst matchups; Win Rate, GD@15 and more! Early and late game counter picks, power spikes and other Challenger tips. Kassadin Counter in Mid Lane. Kassadin counter guide for Mid Lane. Look at the best Kassadin counters and matchups to win your lane in Patch 10.25. Learn who Kassadin wins or loses lanes against to accelerate your game sense. Top Kassadin counter picks for Season 10 (s10) as picked and built by the best players. Select any build to view more details including spell order, build order, and even the reforged runes used! How to counter Kassadin as Cho'Gath. No tips found. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Show More. Add Another Weak Pick. Kassadin is Strong Against. Fizz. Top. 566. 458. 3 Comments. Tips. How to counter Fizz as Kassadin. No tips found. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Kassadin is usually weakest prior to level six. Try to shut him down in the early game. Kassadin's ultimate can make him difficult to keep track of. Keep vision of him and report him as missing where appropriate. As Kassadin is dependent on AP, building magic resistance may prove effective. Kassadin is Weak Against. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 11.3. The strongest counter would be Malzahar, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 52.63% (Good) and Play Rate of 1.83% (High). Dopa Kassadin Guide. DOPA, also known as Apdo, is probably the best Soloq player to have ever played the game. He got rank #1 several times on both the Korean and the Chinese ranked ladders, he mains mid and has been the only player able to match Faker on mid for a few seasons, you can spot him on the top of the Korean Challenger ladder easily with his very specific champion pool (TF, Orianna Counter picking stats for Kassadin. Find Kassadin counters based on role and lane stats including win %, KDA, first bloods, healing, early lead, comeback ratio, counter kills and more for use during champion select. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. The consensus seems to be a lot of AD bullies to counter Kassadin if the enemy picks it away, but this can hamper your teams damage makeup. What do you think is the best AP champ to take against Kassadin? 24 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by.

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Count Kassadin chroma - Kont Kassadin Renk Paketi - YouTube

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