10 Best Islands in Fiji - Which One is Right For You?

what is the best island in fiji to visit

what is the best island in fiji to visit - win

The Endless Serpent

--Azur Main Plaza--
--23:14 PM--
I walk alone down the cobblestone plaza. The rain peppering my head as I just think. Usually, during these nights, I would see some shipgirls hanging out, but High Command has given us a two week vacation time off. Some of the girls took that opportunity to go and take a break, unwind, relax. Some stayed on base, enjoying the peace and quiet. They deserve it after dealing with Bloodfast, Little E, and some Siren threats.
“Maybe I should gone with the Yorktowns, Essexes, Sims, and Vestal to Fiji,” I say aloud as I think about all the places some of them decided to go. Georgia, Seattle, and Minsk booked a tour in Australia. Starter Squad alongside Reno and Cooper went to the States for a convention. The Cleveland and Brooklyn class are going on a road trip across the west coast. The list of different vacations is long, but still, they are enjoying it.
“Sure is a quiet night.” I snicker as I continue my night walk. “But still… What are the Sirens planning? They fished out Kronos, revived Argo, and just gave us an intact Siren Gateway! And now something came out of that damn portal! Just, ahh… things are getting interesting on base.” I let my thoughts run wild. Roon was very apologetic for letting this happen on her watch. I told her to take it easy, we didn’t know this would happen. And somehow bypassing all the security failsafe. Things are getting interesting on base.
I sigh, but something in the corner of my eyes catches my attention. An orange glow from an alley draws me in. I walked down the narrow alley and was greeted by a small bar. It had an orange snake chasing its tail. I have never seen this bar here. The only bars here on base are the Iron Brewery, which is in the Iron Blood Dorm, and the Iron Pub, which is in the plaza.
“Hope this isn’t an Akashi pop up shop.” I sigh as I enter the shop, wanting to get out of the rain.
Inside the furniture was high-class with a mix of futuristic paneling. I could hear soft jazz as I walked down rows of booths. This place could seat about thirty or so people, but I was the only one. The only odd thing was the lighting, it was all UV lighting. The light and neon really pop. Even with glare resistance on my glasses, I was blinded by the vibrant pop of neon. Through the nauseating UV lights and booths, I made it to the bar. I take a seat and stare back at myself from the mirror behind the bar. I do not see any bottles or tap, just the counter, and a side door behind the counter.
“Umm.” I look around. “Hello?” I call out.
“Sorry. I was preparing your drink.” From the side door, walks in a tall lady wearing a pinstripe vest and a dress shirt and pants. Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail. With the UV lighting, I could see the orange highlights in her hair as well as her orange eyes popping out. She had in her hands a wine glass filled with a red liquid with orange slices and mint. “One sangria for our only customer for tonight.” Her voice smooth like marble. She hands me the drink and I notice her hands were clawed with lines of orange pulsating like a heart. I look up and see her pale white face, with long bangs covering her right eye.
“T-thank you.” I give her the side-eye as she nods. I take a sip of my drink. “Not bad.”
She bows. “I am glad it is to your liking, [A/N: Commander Author’s Name].”
I do a double-take. I never told her my name. “How do you know my name?” I fire back. “There are only a handful of people that know that information, and you're not one of them.”
“You are correct in that.” Her calm, calculated, elegant voice echoes across the empty bar as she puts a hand over her heart and bows. “My name is Ouroboros of the Ouroboros-Class Siren, owner of the Endless Serpent.” I look at her as a small Siren dragon rigging biting its tail floats next to her.
“...Why do I not bring a gun when I patrol this base?” I ask myself as Ouroboros cleans a glass cup.
“Because Azur Lane Main Base is well fortified,” she answers my question. “And do not threat, emperor, I mean no harm.”
“Hehe, aren’t you a comedian.” I sip on my drink. Ouroboros watches me drink, adjusting her orange bangs as we stare at each other in silence.
“So,” I break the silence. “Why does a siren have a bar on my base?”
“Observational purposes.” Ouroboros answers.
I raise an eyebrow. “Observational purposes? What do you mean?”
“I am a chronicler, [A/N: Commander Author’s Name].” The siren explains as she holds a worn black leather book in her hands.
“Don’t call me by my name,” I tell her. “Just call me commander.”
“Alright, Emperor.” I look at her again, accepting that title.
“Close enough.” I allow it. “So why do Sirens have a chronicler?”
She crosses her arms, letting the book swing in the air by a chain. “If you would like to know more about me, it is only fair I get to ask a few questions about you. Sound fair, Emperor?” I look at her, trying to understand her motives. My fleet and I have faced many different sirens, from the playfully sadistic Purifier, cold calculated Observer Alpha, the sleepy Compiler, the overly dramatic Omitter, and the smaller cannon fodder grunts that come in mass. Those Sirens, I know like the back of my hand, but now I have to deal with new sirens like Kronos and the shipgirl-turned-siren Argos. Now I have to deal with a bartending siren chronicler. Ouroboros-class Siren? What categories would that fall into?
“Ouroboros-class Sirens are a unique class of sirens, emperor.” Ouroboros cuts my train of thoughts as she motions her hands in the air. Her metal claws seamlessly cut into reality, leaving a small orange tear in space-time. I watch, dumbfounded by it. “We can travel across worlds, emperor. Write the world’s history before we destroy them.” Her voice is serene as she tells me this information. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you or your base. Consider this information is on the house.”
I blink, my head spinning with how open(?) Ouroboros is. I just nod. “Sure, you have a deal. I ask you a question, you can ask me a question.”
She grins. “Perfect.” She brings out her tome and opens it. “What do you want to know?”
“First,” I straighten my posture and look at her. “What do you Siren want with my world?”
“We want to conquer your world to expand our empire.” Ouroboros answers in a heartbeat, with no hesitation. I stumble forward, shock at her bluntness and speed of answering that question. “Surprised by my speed of answering your question?”
I sit back up. “Just how open you are in sharing this information with me. I thought you would be cryptic and give me a riddle of an answer.”
“I may be a Siren, but my allegiance leads elsewhere,” Ouroboros explains, casually flipping through her tome.
“So you are a traitor to your faction?”
She nods. “I prefer double-agent at the moment. I have some contact within your organization that I leak Siren's plans for.” She looks towards me. “My question for you.” I gulp and straighten my posture. “Why are you the Commander of Azur Lane? From what information I can gather, you have no background in naval warfare, no military history, nothing. You have a BS in Computer Science and a minor in mathematics. How could you lead a global naval force and win countless engagements against my kind over the past four years compared to naval officers who fought my kind for their entire career?”
I sigh as I have been asked that question multiple times in the past. I have been open to my fleet about my lack of military experience and about my education path, but no one knew why I was chosen by Iowa to lead Azur Lane. I knew why but never explained it to them. It was a personal thing that I wasn’t comfortable sharing with my fleet. I take a long gulp of my drink.
“Well…” I begin. “To get the full reason why I was chosen to lead Azur Lane, I have to go back before it was a thing.” I clear my throat. “After I graduated from university, I was hired by Newport News Shipyard as a programmer. My job was to help program machines and set up equipment in mass-produce ships, model after the shipgirls’ ships. It was a long tedious process, but I enjoyed it. Gave me some actual job experience. And I was doing my part in the global fight against the Sirens. Then, six months later after I was hired, we were commissioned to construct mass-produce models of the BB-13 USS Virginia. The shipyard was buzzing as we got to work on our state ship and meet the shipgirl representing us. I remember Shipyard Mother Newport ready to host a feast for her returning daughter.
The ship arrives at our dock and we meet her and her crew. Virginia… She was a beauty. Black hair, blue eyes, mature figure. She was a sweetie. Her commander… Well, at the time of meeting him, was a nice person, but that was half the story. He told us to keep our distance from Virginia, saying she is a bit of a shy shipgirl. In addition, he was within arms reach from her when she conversed with us on design details on the mass-produced models.”
“Sounds like a stalker,” Ouroboros comments as she hands me another sangria.
I nod as I take a sip. “He was. And thank you.” I continue my story. “It was about one month into designing these mass-produced ships. I was working late at night, running some programs and cleaning up some bugs in code. After I fixed as much as I could, I decided to call it a day and began to leave. As I was leaving, I heard faint crying nearby. Following the sound, I found Virginia, bruised, bloodied, undressed, and in tears..” I grip my drink hard, my hands shaking as I remember the horrified look on her face when I found her. “The bruises… the blood… her face in tears. I just remember helping her up and taking her home with me. I didn’t ask her what happened to her or who did this. I just remember taking her to my apartment, told her to take a shower, while I prepared dinner. It was a silent dinner and I didn’t press into what happened to her… it was just, I wanted to comfort her. Seeing a shipgirl in tears… it just hurts.”
“After dinner, she opened up to me. Virginia told me what happened to her… and well, it was terrible. Her commander was a cunt fucker of a naval officer. He… the sexual misconduct he did to Virginia was beyond words. The countless beating and forced pleasures she endured… it was painful to know how our naval force treated her and probably many other shipgirls at the time.”
I take a breath as I feel the sweat on the back of my neck. “The talk went to two o’clock in the morning before we retired to bed. I told her to sleep on my bed as I slept on the couch… and as I lay there… I just couldn’t let this continue. I wrote an anonymous email to someone… someone regarded as the faction leader of the Eagle Union.”
“Iowa.” Ouroboros answers. I nod.
“Yes. I sent an email recounting everything Virginia told me that night. She wanted to be a secret, but you cannot hide that abuse. I wanted to help her and this was the best thing to do at the time. I am just a programmer. I can’t fight the US navy! I am not muscular, I am not intimidating, I just know when someone needs help, you help them.” I sigh. “The next three days after that night, I used my vacation hours to help Virginia hide, to help her recover from that night. At the end of the third night, we were greeted by Missouri and Mother Newport. They thanked me for taking care of Virginia and left. I was relieved that I wasn’t blamed for anything and hope something will happen to them. Then, that lawsuit came just days after that.”
“Iowa vs. The US Navy.” The Siren steps in. “The battleship of presidents filing a lawsuit against the US Navy for sexual harassment, neglect, force labor, and many other things. The evidence, witness, and countless stories from the shipgirls, it had sparked a global protest. The many shipgirls across the world protest, telling stories of their own abuse. Shipyard mothers halted production on many mass-produced ships and all shipgirls blocked the shipping lanes and air space. It was a global crisis.”
“It was.” I nod as I down the sangria. “But after four months, they won. Iowa won, but she wasn’t done. She and the other faction leaders, minus the Northern Parliament, went to the United Nation and requested that all shipgirls acted independently from their birth nation. That request shook everyone. Trying to figure out how to provide the faculty for them as well as how they will protect the counties from the Siren if they are independent of them. It was a logistical nightmare.
While that was going on, I got a visit by Virginia and Missouri. They told me that I was personally selected by Iowa for a special job… to become the Commander of the newest united naval force: Azur Lane.”
“Wondering when we get there,” Ouroboros smirks.
I chuckle, grabbing my head as the alcohol is starting to affect me. “It is a tale and I need to fill this story with something. Anyway, why did Iowa choose me? She chose me because I was not part of the military. Even though not all commanders and crews did these terrible things to shipgirls, they did not trust them. Picking someone who had no military background was the best course of action. Virginia vouched for me because of my kindness towards her and Newport vouch for my work ethic. With that, I accepted the request and I was moved to this island to be secretly trained in commanding shipgirls and other administration duty, while the Faction Leaders and UN figure out the Azur Lane Initiative.”
The Siren bartender grins as she writes something in her tome. “To think Observer Alpha, Purifier, and Tester Beta were outplayed by a commander that had three months of training. Truly impressive, emperor.”
I shake my head. “It was rough going at first. To command and lead a fleet of shipgirls from different cultures, walks of life, and that they were once enemies… it was hard. Some disliked me from the start after all the recent news and my lack of military experience has led to disobedience. To them, I was a nobody. I was the only human on that island to command them because the Azur Lane Initiative said so. I never told them my name and some never cared to ask. It was hard to command them, but after a few missions and a run-in with Purifier, they respected my command.” I stretch my arms and roll my neck. “Damn… you got a lot out of me… my turn to question you.”
“I ask away,” Ouroboros says as she turns her back towards me. I could see her orange eye staring back at me from her reflection.
“You are a Siren.” I begin my question. “I have been confronted by five of your kind before. Observer Alpha, Purifier, Tester Beta, Omitter, and Compiler. All of them, minus Compiler, have shown aggression towards this world. You, Ouroboros, on the other hand, are not aggressive. And from what little information you shared with me, you don’t like your kind. Why is that?” I could see her orange eyes sag, the glow softly fading as she looked down at the floor. She looked sad. I try to reach towards her, but her small dragon gets between me and her. Not wanting to get a finger chopped off, I sit back in my seat.
She turns to me and takes a deep breath. “I am an outsider to my kind. I am an older model siren compared to Observer Alpha and Purifier. Before they came into being, I was an advisor to the second Siren Empress. I led many incursions to other worlds, crushed all those who resisted and consumed all their resources. But, after Observer Zero gave the many worlds our wisdom cube technology… that was when things started to fall” Her metal claws clutch into a fist.
“I had a younger sister. She was a dreamer. She loves documenting the many stories of the worlds we conquer. When shipgirls came into being in these worlds, she began to document their stories, their personality, their powers. Having fought and documented shipgirls, she grew sympathetic to their cause. She wanted to end our empire. She freed Observer Zero and tried to fight the empress. Our empress was furious and crushed the coup d'etat. My sister and Observer Zero were destroyed in that conflict. And because of my sister’s betrayal, I was not to be trusted. My relationship with my sister was sympathetic, so when she rebelled, I didn’t get in her way. They removed me from my position, making me an outcast of my kind.” She lets out a sigh. “After that day, I vow to kill my kind.”
I gulp as I feel her hatred radiate out her. Ouroboros… a siren who wants to end her kind. My head was pounding as I could make a powerful ally, but a very dangerous enemy. I shake the pain and look at her. She composed herself, calming down, and showing very little interest in my headache.
“Your turn to question me,” I tell her.
“Yes,” Ouroboros leans towards me, her metal claws tipping the bar. “What will you do after you defeat the sirens? I notice you oath a few of them. Will you live with some of them? Will you return back to your programmer job in Newport shipyard after experiencing war for four years?”
I looked down at the bar, twiddling my thumbs as I asked myself that question several times. “To be honest, I don’t know. I ask myself a few times. What will I do after this war? I am not in the limelight like Iowa, Nagato, Hood, or Bismarck. The general public doesn’t know who I am. They only know that a human commander is leading Azur Lane here. They know the other human commander co-operating the other bases, but I am a nobody. I am not getting a hero’s welcome. Even if I were to go back to a quiet life… I just can’t leave my fleet behind. They have hope and dreams after this war. I know that some want to get a higher education, some want to open their own business, and some want a quiet life. Whatever they want to pursue, I will support them in it.”
“You sound like a father talking about his family,” She remarks, a grin on her face as she listens.
“It kind of does.” I agree. “I want them to live happily after all this. They have lived through so many wars. They deserve a break.” She nods as I pull my glasses off and rub my eyes. My head bangs as I start to feel sleepy. “This may be my last question, but how the hell do you Sirens keep coming back after we destroy you? My fleet has destroyed countless of your grunts and at least killed Tester Beta about a hundred times. How do you guys keep coming back?”
Ouroboros smiles as she straightens herself. “In our home in the Mirror Sea, we have constructed a chamber that houses all our wisdom cubes. Every time you kill our kind, we respawn back in those chambers. The chambers reconstruct our bodies and place a temporary wisdom cube in them. Then the actual wisdom cube will transfer the soul into the temporary one, giving it life. The copy is an exact copy of the siren, down to their memories.
Sirens like Observer Alpha and Purifier can transfer their soul into another body on death, while Sirens like Explorer, Oceana, and Lurker can control many fakes across a fleet when there is only one wisdom cube in that chamber. If you want to truly destroy them, you need to destroy their wisdom cube at the source.”
I yawn. “Okay.” I stand up, my headache hurting and my body drained. “Thanks for the information and for the talk, Ouroboros… it was nice to talk to someone… good… night…”
Ouroboros watches as the commander lumps onto the floor. She smirks as the drinks she served him contained a strong sleeping medication. She walks over to him and sees him sound asleep.
“Perfect.” She smiles as she lifts him up with ease. She lays him on his back across the bartop. “Now for the items.” Her dragon appears with a briefcase in hand. “Thank you.” She takes the briefcase and sets it on the counter. She opens it, revealing a broken dull green wisdom cube and a worn leather tome. She carefully exacts the cube from the case. The cube faintly glows green with the touch.
“Zenith…” Ouroboros’s voice filled with sorrow as she hovers over the commander’s body. “We will have our vengeance soon. I promise you this.” The green light blinks twice, acknowledging her comment.
As she looks over the cube and body, the door to the bar opens.
Salve Ory! [A/T: Hello]” A boisterous voice enters the bar. The bartender looks to see Argo has returned.
“Welcome back, Argo.” Ouroboros welcomes back the greek shipgirl. “I assume the mission is a success?”
Argo nods. “Yup. I went to that country, Florida, and sent that… large metal fiery ballista into the heavens with that crate you called a ‘Satellite’?”
“Yes. You send the rocket into space with my satellite.” The siren deciphered.
“Yes!” Argo cheers with her fists in the air. “Also I brought someone with me.”
The bartender raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And who would that be?”
“That would be me, Ouroboros.” The calm commanding voice catches her attention at the doorway. Walking into the bar, was Iowa. Her ‘Big Stick’ clicking against the metal floor alongside her boots as the battleship makes her way to the bar. She stands across from her, arms crossed. “And what are you doing with the commander?”
“Iowa.” Ouroboros acknowledges the battleship. “And I am following the plans to finish the war.”
Iowa rubs her temples as she remembers the plans. “Will this not kill the commander?”
“His sacrifice is a necessary course of action in the events to come,” Ouroboros explains.
Iowa uncomfortably trembles at the thought of the future. “Why did I agree to join you?”
“Because that was the price we’d paid for a miracle, Comrade.” Everyone turns to see Soyuz enter the bar. The Northern leader walks over to them and takes a seat at a nearby booth. “I paid the price dearly for Rossiya to be alive today. You paid the price for evidence against your military.”
“And the Yamato-class paid the price for their otherworldly abilities.” Iowa finishes.
“...Yes…” A sleepy voice agrees. The two leaders jump as a blue ethereal butterfly flutters into the bar and rest on the booth table. A flash of blue light blinds the group as to where the butterfly was, a silver-haired fox girl wearing a night sky blue kimono appeared. Several fluffy tails spring behind her, the silver fur soft as silk and light as a cloud.
Argo was amazed at the newest guest as she was almost ethereal with her appearance. “By the gods! Her presence rivals that of gods!”
“Yes.” Ouroboros agrees. “Welcome Shinano.”
“Yes…” Shinano’s voice is light as a feather and melodic. Serene with her movement, hops off the table, hovering mere centimeters off the ground. “...Greeting Iowa-san… Soyuz-san… Ouroboros-san… and Argo-san. Yamatonee-san gives her regards to you all.”
“Shinano.” Iowa walks over to the IJN carrier. “Shouldn’t you be arriving at Azur Main with your escorts in…” she checks her watch. “Five to six hours from now?”
The silver fox nods. “Yes… I am resting on the Battleship Kii at this moment… This is merely a dream projection for me to… communication with you all.”
“Have the patrol paths been changed?” Ouroboros asks.
Shinano nods. “Yes… Suruga and Shimakaze have a patrol path near Azur Main… and HMAS have agreed to help in the path…”
“Perfect.” The Siren nods, taking a breath. She looks over the commander’s unconscious body and then at her little sister’s broken cube. “If there are no objections, I will begin the transfer.”
“Like Rossiya and I.” Soyuz clutches her chest, remembering the pain as her soul helps revive Rossiya from near death.
“And like… Belfast and… Bloodfast.” Iowa grabs her arm in guilt as she remembers helping Ash drug the head maid per Ouroboros’s request.
“And now… a wisdom cube… and a human heart… how will this… play out?” Shinano asks as Ouroboros begins the operations. With her free metal claw, she tears open a rift in space-time above the commander’s chest. She reaches in and pulls out the commander’s beating heart. Like Soyuz years gone by, removing the heart did not kill the commander, but the furrows of pain written across his face showed the discomfort she was causing him. She has to be quick. Her metal dragon opens her book and begins to channel her power. Iowa turned away from the act, while the others watched Ouroboros’s power flow into the commander’s heart and the broken cube. A bright orange light first came from the items, then a bright green light, and finally a luminous gold like a sun, colored the bar. Everyone tried to avert their gaze, but they could not look away. They witnessed something in that bar, something impossible. The lights faded and in Ouroboros's hands, was a beating human heart. The broken cube was gone.
“Where’s the Wisdom cube?” Argo asks the siren as she places the heart back into the commander’s body.
Ouroboros coughs, wiping away some of her blood running from the sides of her mouth. “My sister’s soul is now with this commander.” Iowa has an unsettling chill as the siren carries the body to the door and lays it outside. Before letting him go, she channels her power in her hands and grasps his forehead. Orange and gold light swirls across his skin. After that, she walks back inside, closing the door behind her.
“What did you do?” Iowa tries to keep her stoic look, but she was shaken by what the Siren did.
“I have given the commander a valuable gift,” Ouroboros tells her. “And modified his memories of tonight. He will think our meeting was a drunken dream. I do feel bad for doing that. He seems like a good person.” Iowa and Soyuz both nod. “For now, return to your duties.” She orders the group. “Soyuz, keep an eye out for Omitter. She may talk about her overwhelming power, but that talk is cheap when punished.”
Soyuz nods and stands up. She walks to the exit but stops in front of her Eagle Union counterpart. She places a hand on Iowa’s shoulder. “Take care Iowa. I look forward to your next visit to my home.”
“You as well, Soyuz.” Iowa gives her a smile as the Northern Parliament leader exits the bar.
“Shinano.” Ouroboros address the silver fox. “Watch over the commander and find that ‘frog’ that is on Azur Main.”
“Of course… goodbye… and sweet dreams.” Shinano’s form dissolves into a cloud of butterflies, vanishing back to her slumber.
“Argo.” The Siren addresses the oldest shipgirl. “Go back to the Heiress's fleet and keep me informed about her movements.”
“Of course!” Argo nods and exits the bar, leaving Iowa and Ouroboros with themselves.
“And my orders, Ouroboros?” The Eagle Union battleship asks.
“Your orders,” Ouroboros flips through her book. “To prepare everyone for great battles to come.”
“Urgh.” I groan. I rub my drowsy eyes and see silver fur tails surrounding me. “Huh?” I look around and see I was in the Sakura Empire’s Dorm.
“... Good Morning… Shikkan.” The sweet serene voice catches me off guard as I look up from the tails to see its owner.
“Ummm… Good morning to you too…” I feel the blood rush to my cheeks in embarrassment as the gentle fox ship rubs my head.
“Do not… worry.” The fox girl calmly informs me. “Some… others… enjoy slumbering… with me. They say… I am… comfy.”
“They are not wrong.” I sit myself up and look at the serene silver fox lady. Something about her strikes me familiar, but my head is somewhat pounding… I guess I was drinking last night and went too far? I don’t know and don’t remember. “I don't think we meet yet.”
She brushes her tail and nods. “Yes… we haven’t yet. I am Shinano. Air carrier of the Sakura Empire.” It then hits me!
“Right!” I rub my head. “You are a part of the new transfer from the Sakura Empire that should be arriving today, correct?”
“Yes…” Shinano nods. “We arrived earlier today and were… greeted by the head maid, Belfast… She apologized on your behalf for not… greeting us personally. Then… Kii, Suzutsuki, Kumano, and Pooky found you… slump in an alleyway… fast asleep.” Guess I did drink too much last night… I think?
“Sorry about that.” I apologize to her.
“No worries… Shikkan.” She yawns. “Everyone else is in the… common room… having breakfast.” I stood up and offered a hand for her, but she declined. “Thank you… Shikkan… but for now… I must… rest.” With that, she hugs one of her tails and lays down on the futon, fast asleep. The records did say she was a heavy sleeper, rivaling Laffey. Before I exit, I cover her with a blanket and give her a soft pat on the head. Leaving the room, I follow the smell of food and the sound of girls talking. I walk into the common room to see some of the new arrivals enjoying themselves.
“Good Morning Best Friend!” From the kitchen, Junyou walks over with an apron on and gives me a big hug.
“Good morning Junyou.” I tell her as she releases her grip on me.
“If you were drinking alone last night, you could have called me and gave you some company.” The light carrier playful pouts as I nod.
“Next time, Junyou.”
“Well, sit down and have breakfast with us!” And with that, she sits me down with the group of new transfers. The first to welcome me was a tall brown hair shipgirl wearing a red kimono with bandages wrapped around her ample breasts.
She puts an arm around me and brings me into a playful shoulder lock. “Well, Suruga was right about you! Sure are an interesting shikkan!”
“Thanks…” I take the compliment. “And you are?”
She flashes an aggressive smile, a smile ready for combat. “Battleship Kii, reporting for duty! I heard from my sister that we can fight without holding back anything! My trigger finger’s gotten itchy, so send on a sortie already!”
“Kii… we just got here and he just met us.” I was then pulled out of the grapple by a bovine shipgirl. Her large assist could possibly be a contender with Taihou’s. “My name is Kashino. I am a munition ship of the Sakura Empire. If there’s anything I can help with, please entrust it to me… is that acceptable?”
“Um… yeah.” I nod as I notice a hamster stares at me.
“Pooky! Food ready!” The hamster runs to a small destroyer with some grey and black hair. She sets a bowl of sunflower seeds on the table and the hamster named Pooky starts to eat. She looks up to me with a smile. “I’m Suzutsuki! And this is Pooky! Ready to serve you Shikkan!” She got some energy. It rivals Copper and Reno.
“Nice to meet you all… isn’t there supposed to be seven new transfers?” I ask. “I already met Shinano.”
Kii nods. “Yeah. Chitose and Chiyoda went with Fusou and Yamashiro to the shrines to pray and do some cleaning. And Kumano went to the Iris Store to get some of their sweets. They should be back later today.”
“Okay.” I nod as Junyou walks back carrying breakfast.
“Breakfast is ready!” She exclaims, putting down a traditional sakura breakfast. As we are served, I rub my head as a small lingering pain pulsates in my brain. What was I doing last night? I remember a bar and the lights and colors, but that was a dream, right?
As Junyou serves me I hear something. “My Emperor…” Those words were like a whisper in the wind.
“Huh?” I look around and see that no one is addressing him. Never had that name before.
Junyou cast a concerned glance. “You okay, best friend? Need anything after that night out?”
I rub my forehead. “Maybe something for my headache maybe?”
“Coming right up.”
From her position within the trees, Electrum watches the commander eat with the new arrivals on base, through her high tech enhanced hood hud.
“So,” Electrum pulls out her wrist and a holographic notepad appears before her. “Shinano and her escorts have arrived on base. I heard from Arbiter that the Yamato-class are powerful pieces of scrap. This information will be useful for the invasion fleet.”
“Huff! Huff! Sniff! Sniff!” The stealth destroyer quickly turns herself invisible as Foxhound runs up towards the tree. “Sniff! I swore I smell someone was here! Sniff!”
“Great!” Electrum thought, grimacing at the fact that a destroyer could smell her. Running up to Foxhound was Ark Royal. “Even more great! The Destroyercon has arrived!”
“Huh!?” Ark Royal looks around, visibly furious. “Who said that bloody nickname!?” The siren gulps in shock. She didn’t think she would be heard. The carrier looks directly at where she was hiding. Cold sweat drips down her neck as they stare at each other. Then Ark Royal shakes her head, furrowing her brow. “Must be my imagination.”
“That was fucking too close!!” Electrum internally screams as Ark walks over to Foxhound.
“Foxhound dear, please don’t run off on your own.” Ark scolds the destroyer.
Foxhound whimpers. “Sorry, Ark Royal. I just smelled an unusual scent and wanted to check it out.”
“It’s alright dear.” The carrier places a hand on the destroyer’s head and gently rubs her orange hair. The destroyer lends into it. “Please don’t go running off on your own without telling anyone. Okay?”
“Okay, Ark!” With both Royal Navy shipgirls leaving, Electrum lets out a sigh of relief. Making sure they were out of earshot, she uncloaks herself.
“Goddam that hound.” Electrum curses. “Better be careful or else Arbiter going to send me to Stein and I DON’T want a wire shoved up my ass like Kronos.” She shutters at the thought. “Going dark.” With that, she turns invisible again.
submitted by FXFY18 to AzureLane [link] [comments]

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Hair and Scalp Ritual

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submitted by FaceBodyDaySpa to u/FaceBodyDaySpa [link] [comments]

Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Will Wahl reflects on being the show's only high schooler

With Survivor filming for seasons 41 and 42 indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EW is reaching back into the reality show’s past. We sent a Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire to a batch of former players to fill out with their thoughts about their time on the show as well as updates on what they’ve been up to since. Each weekday, EW will post the answers from a different player.
High School. A special time in anyone’s life. But Will Wahl had a high school experience truly unlike anyone else in the entire world. Because he did what no one else has ever done, leaving in the middle of his senior year to go play Survivor.
And then after travelling to Fiji, enduring a tropical cyclone, competing against 19 adults, and making it all the way the day 34, Will had to go back to school like nothing had ever happened. “One day I’m starving on an island with cameras shoved in my face, and the next… I’m at senior prom taking pictures and pretending like everything was normal,” says Will. Only, as Will explains, “It wasn’t normal, not at all. I was practically crawling out of my skin for months upon my return. At one point I wanted to defer my college acceptance, grab a plane ticket, and run away. I didn’t know where, but I just had to travel.”
Perhaps it is not surprising that the first high school senior deemed mature enough to handle the Survivor experience has a very even-keeled perspective on his teenage journey into the belly of the reality television beast. In his Quarantine Questionnaire, Will looks back at his time on the island, shares how he feels about being on TV at 18, and reveals what he has been up to since.
CREDIT: MONTY BRINTON/CBS VIA GETTY IMAGES ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, give the update as to what you’ve been up to since appearing on Survivor.
WILL WAHL: Life has flown by since Survivor. Over the past couple of years, I attended and graduated from The Ohio State University (go Bucks!). I lived in Sydney, Australia over one summer and had the chance to travel up and down the Eastern Australian Coast. And before quarantine, I had my dream internship working in state government in Ohio. I even got an Alaskan Klee Kai puppy! But it all comes full circle as I find myself surviving a whole new challenge, my first year of law school at Wake Forest University. And, so far, it has been just as rewarding and memorable as my time on Survivor.
What is your proudest moment ever from playing Survivor?
I have two, the first was making it to the merge. I remember that morning so vividly. The Ikabula tribe was eating our typical rice and coconut breakfast while Bret and Jay were telling jokes to try and lighten the mood after the Tribal Council we survived the night before. And then we spotted it. We saw the boat pulling onto shore and we all knew what that meant. A feeling of relief, satisfaction, and excitement rushed over me as we got onto the boat and sped away to our next destination. As a super fan it was such a unique feeling, something I have never experienced at any other point in my life.
And the second moment was winning the first individual immunity challenge. I’m still not sure if I actually would have been voted out if I lost. I know Adam wanted me out, but I’ve been told by others that I wasn’t their first choice, so who really knows what would have happened. But regardless, that was definitely the first time my name was even brought up as a possibility. Funny enough, I had actually done that challenge (“When it Rains, it Pours”) in my living room and could barely get past 10 minutes, so it’s still a miracle to me that I was able to do that for over an hour and a half.
What is your biggest regret from your Survivor experience?
I played the game in fear. I was afraid of being the first one voted off, I was afraid of not making it to the merge, and I was afraid of missing the Loved Ones visit. Fear prevented me from making bigger moves, looking for idols, and playing more aggressively. I felt like a walking target throughout the entire game, like I was constantly one wrong move away from everyone voting for me.
To be fair, I would have been an easy target. As the eighteen-year-old kid, I stuck out like a sore thumb. However, the way I let fear rule my game is a consistent regret of mine. When you play Survivor, you have to play without fear, without regret. If I ever get the chance to play again, I’d rather play my heart out and get voted out pre-merge than make it to day 34 again playing a game rooted in fear.
What’s something that will blow fans’ minds that happened out there in your season but never made it to TV?
During the Zeke vote out, I air wrote letters to try and trick everyone into thinking I was voting for Hannah. The Tribal booth was in direct eyeshot of where we were sitting so you could see people as they were casting their vote. I wrote down “Z-E-K-E” but then I wrote “A-H” above the ballot. That way anyone who was looking at me would think I was voting out Hannah. And from what Hannah and Adam told me, it worked. He ended up not playing his idol believing that I definitely voted for Hannah.
How do you feel about the edit you got on the show?
Of course, a part of me wishes that I was more present on the show. But the truth is, and this is something that many Survivor players need to understand, that if you get voted out, then it is not your story. The story told is either the winner’s, or someone who makes it deep in the game. And, honestly, Adam and I were not working together much throughout the game. It was Adam’s story and I think Survivor did a fantastic job telling it.
And, in terms of my part in the show, the more time goes on, the more comfortable I am with my edit. I think it shows exactly who I was at that point in my life. I was a kid who wanted nothing more than to be accepted and respected. I was simultaneously very confident and very insecure, and I think that was reflected on the show. I still have not watched every episode of Millennials vs. Gen X, and I’m not sure if I ever will, but what I’ve seen is an accurate representation of Will Wahl as an 18-year-old high school student.
What was it like coming back to regular society after being out there? Was there culture shock or an adjustment coming back?
Oh, let me tell you, it was a trip! One day I’m starving on an island with cameras shoved in my face, and the next… I’m at senior prom taking pictures and pretending like everything was normal. But it wasn’t normal, not at all. I was practically crawling out of my skin for months upon my return. At one point I wanted to defer my college acceptance, grab a plane ticket, and run away. I didn’t know where, but I just had to travel.
The best way I can describe it is that when I first went on Survivor, it felt like a dream. But as the days passed, Survivor became more and more of my reality. So when I finally returned home, that was the dream. My family, my friends, my teachers, none of them felt real to me. I was honestly expecting to wake up in a bamboo shelter to the smell of the ocean and a campfire. It took me several weeks to realize that wasn’t going to happen. And then it probably took me about a year and a half before I was fully myself again.
Was there ever a point either during the game or after you got back where you regretted going on the show?
Absolutely not, it was my dream and I never regretted it during or after. But if there was ever a time I was closest, it would have been on Ikabula. For those that don’t remember, that was the swap tribe during Millennials vs. Gen X where we had to start from scratch. But honestly, rebuilding the shelter was not that difficult. The challenge was the bugs. They were just non-stop. They would buzz in your ears so you couldn't sleep. Our buffs offered no protection. And I was wearing shorts, so there was nothing covering my legs. By the end of the week, I had bug bites up and down my legs. Normally, I was one of the few people that could sleep through the night, and I didn’t complain much about the conditions. But Ikabula was certainly the exception.
Whom do you still talk, text, or email with the most from your season?
I sort of faded away from the Survivor community after my season. A lot of this was for mental health reasons, but now I’m just so busy. Law school has barely given me enough time to remain in contact with my biological family, let alone my Survivor family. The only person I occasionally connect with is Hannah, and we really only speak like once or twice a year to catch up on life. I do love everyone from my season though. They are all amazing people who had a great impact on me. I would not be the same without knowing each one of them.
Do you still watch Survivor, and if so, what’s your favorite season you were not on and why?
So, between seasons 33 to 39, I only watched episodes here and there. I would always start off watching them, but it would just become too real for me after a while. However, season 40 reinvigorated my passion for Survivor. I loved seeing all the winners I grew up watching. And, in that same vein, my favorite season is an old-school season. I know this is not a typical answer, but my favorite is hands down Survivor: Panama. The characters on that season were unlike anything I think the show has ever seen before or will ever see again. That final 7 is, in my opinion, the most interesting final 7 in the history of Survivor. It may not be a strategy heavy season, but it was good television and that’s honestly what makes it for me.
Who’s one player from another Survivor season you wish you could have played with or against and why?
Honestly, there’s a lot! I played with Coby from Palau and Missy from Island of the Idols during a Survivor Zoom Charity event for Sunday and they were both a blast to work with, I think we’d have a lot of fun out there. I would also love to play against Greg Buis from Borneo. I know he’s such a wild card, but the superfan in me just can’t help myself. I feel at the very least we would bond over our coconut phones.
If you could make one change to any aspect of Survivor, what would it be and why?
There should be a single season with no idols, no twist, and no swaps. It would be a back to basics season, but Jeff wouldn’t inform the cast of this. I’ve seen this idea on reddit and I think it would be a great idea for at least one season. It would be fun to watch a cast theorize and stress about the advantages that could be in the game or the impending tribe swap that will never arrive. This could also have an impact on future seasons as the casts wouldn’t know whether they are on a season full of twists or if there are no twists at all. As a player, that would frustrate me to no end, but as a fan, I would love to see it!
Finally, would you play again if asked?
Absolutely! I would have said yes if they asked me 20 minutes after I got voted off the last time. But now I feel that I am in the best physical, mental, and emotional state in my life. If I ever got the opportunity to go back, I know I can pull out the “W” this time.
To keep track of our daily Survivor Quarantine Questionnaires and get all latest updates, check out EW's Survivor hub, and follow Dalton on Twitter.
submitted by HooptyDooDooMeister to SubToTestThings [link] [comments]

Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Davie Rickenbacker on how the show 'changed my way of thinking'

With Survivor filming for seasons 41 and 42 indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EW is reaching back into the reality show's past. We sent a Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire to a batch of former players to fill out with their thoughts about their time on the show as well as updates on what they've been up to since. Each weekday, EW will post the answers from a different player.
Davie Rickenbacker did not win Survivor: David vs. Goliath. But the last-minute addition to the cast who made it all the way to sixth place before being voted out received something even better. No, not the $14,000 for international pop sensation Sia! But that was pretty cool. Davie got something else as a result of his time on the island: a new perspective. The self-described "Blerd" found himself a changed man after his experience, and changed for the better.
"Survivor changed me in ways I can never fully explain," says Davie. "I've become close friends with conservative Christians, feminists, people who I might have never met if I didn't take that leap of faith. I've been exposed to racist fans, I've been exposed to people on the spectrum, and I'm thankful for all of it. It's challenged my ways of thinking, which absolutely make me a better person. I know that I've had an impact on these people as well, and that's what growth and maturity is about for me."
The fan (and Sia) favorite shares some stories from the island — including things we did not see on TV — and more in his Quarantine Questionnaire.
CREDIT: ROBERT VOETS/CBS VIA GETTY IMAGES ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, give the update as to what you've been up to since appearing on Survivor.
DAVIE RICKENBACKER: Most know the story already, but for those that don't, I quit my job at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to go on the show. It took me quite some time, but eventually I was able to begin working for the organization again. I now work in a division that advocates for Native Americans and their public health, I'm currently developing a campaign to persuade communities within the Indian country to further promote mask wearing during the pandemic.
I've also been quite busy with my voice talent career, I've booked quite a few pay-to-play gigs but am far from where I would like to be. The pandemic has been good in allowing me time to fully continue to perfect my craft. Visit www.davierickenbacker.com to learn more…
This year has been an emotional roller coaster for everyone, Black people especially, from surviving in a pandemic and national crisis to the continuous fight for fair treatment in a society that doesn't seem to care for our well-being. I've just been trying to keep a level head, do what I can to support my people, and know that God has a plan for better days.
What is your proudest moment ever from playing Survivor?
My proudest moment isn't the #BrochachoBlindside, winning immunity, or even finding multiple idols. It has to be, without a doubt, catching a freaking octopus on day two. It might not seem like it, but on the island I was extremely introverted. I mean, you heard it yourself this was my first time outside of my career assimilating with people outside of my race. Catching that octopus allowed me to show my worth to the tribe, gave me confidence to build strong relationships, and, most importantly, reassurance that God would be with me every step of this journey.
What is your biggest regret from your Survivor experience?
I honestly regret not being able to get Gabby and Carl on the same page. I'm partly to blame because I didn't share my plans for the idol play with either of them, but changed my mind and told Carl at the very last second before Tribal. I probably should've told Gabby too. That night after Tribal, Carl gloated to everyone about the move, revealing all David men knew except for her. She rightfully felt left out of the loop which created paranoia within the David 5.
What's something that will blow fans' minds that happened out there in your season but never made it to TV?
Alec and I had a big back-and-forth at the idol nullifier Tribal. I don't even remember what it was about now, but I remember Dan chiming in and pissing me off entirely, but keeping my calm because I didn't want to give anything away for our move that night. When I went to the voting booth I let them HAVE it, I even remember saying "F THE POLICE!" I realize now that I was only projecting my frustrations with the way that some cops treat Black men in our country onto him, and that wasn't fair. Dan's a good cop as far as I know, so I'm glad it wasn't aired. But there are bad cops out there and that message is for them. If you rewatch the episode, you can see me mouthing it when they reveal who we all voted for at the episode's end. STOP KILLING US!
How do you feel about the edit you got on the show?
My edit was okay. In the beginning, it annoyed me for several reasons, I felt like they were making me the comic relief of the show at first without airing any of my close relationships or strategizing. But it got better with time — if you don't consider the merge episode, which shocked me completely because we found the steal-a-vote that day. In hindsight, I think they portrayed me pretty well, and even saved me in some regards. I guess you can't really count on the perfect edit unless you will the million dollars. Jeff should start calling that part of the prize.
What was it like coming back to regular society after being out there? Was there culture shock or an adjustment coming back?
Survivor changed me in ways I can never fully explain. I've become close friends with conservative Christians, feminists, people who I might have never met if I didn't take that leap of faith. I've been exposed to racist fans, I've been exposed to people on the spectrum, and I'm thankful for all of it. It's challenged my ways of thinking, which absolutely make me a better person. I know that I've had an impact on these people as well, and that's what growth and maturity is about for me.
Was there ever a point either during the game or after you got back where you regretted going on the show?
Naw, not for me, but I think that has a lot to do with my entire cast. Casting really did a good job finding people who weren't trash human beings just looking for 15 minutes of fame and a shot at a load of money. The people that I played with, at least for me, made my time out there memorable.
Whom do you still talk, text, or email with the most from your season?
Just last week I was in Nick's wedding, Kara, Alec, Carl, Elizabeth, and I had a great time reminiscing on our time on the island. With social media about, it's easy to stay in contact with everyone. The only people I don't keep in contact with are the ones that don't support Black lives mattering.
Do you still watch Survivor, and if so, what's your favorite season you were not on, and why?
Of course I still watch Survivor. My best friend was just on the last season. My favorite is probably Cambodia. It's the one I use to get new viewers to watch, which is weird because they don't already know the characters. It's a favorite because it wasn't filmed in Fiji. I miss when they went to different locations. Not to mention my Obama won.
Who's one player from another Survivor season you wish you could have played with or against, and why?
I would have loved to play with Woo, his energy was always the best. I modeled a lot of my positivity on the island from him. If you can find a way to make Survivor fun for yourself out there, then you won't be as miserable as they make things seem.
If you could make one change to any aspect of Survivor, what would it be, and why?
I would change it so that Survivor is not a microcosm of society. We know now more than ever that this country is not all it was hyped up to be in grade school. There is systemic racism, extreme biases, and loads of inequity in our great societies, so why not change that. Mix it up, give us a season of the same sex, all minorities, people who are chosen by the fans. We've been playing the game for 40 seasons as this "microcosm" based on U.S. statistics, but it seems to me if we have the chance to show people what the world could be, why not explore that?
Finally, would you play again if asked?
If I'm still broke when they ask, sure. No, but seriously, if I play Survivor again, I'd want a completely different experience from it. I hope to have my own family by then so I could experience what it's like for those husbands and wives, mothers and fathers who have had to leave loved ones behind. Maybe that fuels me in a way that couldn't motivate me my first go at it because I was only playing for myself and my dog.
To keep track of our daily Survivor Quarantine Questionnaires and get the latest updates, check out EW's Survivor hub, and follow Dalton on Twitter.
submitted by HooptyDooDooMeister to SubToTestThings [link] [comments]

Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire: Tyler Fredrickson on that time Jeff Probst bowed down to a jury

With Survivor filming for seasons 41 and 42 indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EW is reaching back into the reality show’s past. We sent a Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire to a batch of former players to fill out with their thoughts about their time on the show as well as updates on what they’ve been up to since. Each weekday, EW will post the answers from a different player.
When Jeff Probst returned from Nicaragua after filming completed on Survivor: Worlds Apart, he could not stop raving about the cast. He raved to friends. He raved to the press. And, apparently, he even raved to the cast themselves! That’s one of the behind-the-scenes tidbits Tyler Fredrickson shares in his Survivor Quarantine Questionnaire. The seventh-place finisher from season 30 sets the scene and takes us into a Tribal Council where the host showed his appreciation for the players in what he considered one of the best Survivor seasons ever.
While Probst was an unabashed fan, Tyler takes himself to task five years later for not being more of a breakout character, explaining how his past as a professional athlete trained him to be as boring as possible on camera. But there is absolutely nothing boring about Tyler’s Quarantine Questionnaire. Read on to get the update from a card-carrying member of the #Dirty30.
Tyler Fredrickson
CREDIT: MONTY BRINTON/CBS VIA GETTY IMAGES ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, give the update as to what you’ve been up to since appearing on Survivor.
TYLER FREDRICKSON: Man, the more things change, the more they stay the same! On Survivor, I had just finished working at a talent agency and was barely "white collar." Now I'm back in Hollywood, running [actress] Joey King's production company. That said, the last two years have been life-transforming: I went through a divorce, tripped into a campfire and spent two weeks in a burn unit, lost my little brother and grandfather, and became roommates with Max (from my season). If there's one takeaway from playing this show, it's that I found my tribe. The support and encouragement from cast members — both from my season and others — has sustained me through so much heartbreak and transition. I feel I'm finally finding my footing again... and it feels really good.
What is your proudest moment ever from playing Survivor?
Winning individual immunity! For 45 minutes, I had to stand on my tiptoes with a block on my head pressed to a board. At the time, I didn't know any of the players I was playing against (like I do now), so I saw all of them as villains. The competitor in me wanted to beat them at everything, always, and make them drink it in. So having the freedom to sit back while Jeff clasped that necklace was awesome. After he did, I slapped the bill of his hat down in excitement. Didn't make the edit — you don't make Jeff look da fool — but I was elated.
What is your biggest regret from your Survivor experience?
Not making a move earlier. I sat back like a snake in the grass for 32 days, patient, quiet, building an alliance and trust... and then got sniped by my closest ally. Due to circumstances, I don't know if I could have made a monster move before then, but in retrospect, I wish I had. I'm actually really pleased with how I played... even though that means getting voted out in 7th place. I felt I was leading the majority four alliance out of seven, but ultimately, even my alliance saw me as a threat and voted me out.
What’s something that will blow fans’ minds that happened out there in your season but never made it to TV?
Three fun, short stories.
  1. We were one of the first seasons to have multiple, genuine, superfans on the show. We also didn't have a marooning. All the cast came riding in on the backs of three separate utility trucks, separated by "Collar" color.
Now, there was a cameraman in the back shooting close-ups of us White Collars as we jostled throughout this jungle for like three hours before meeting Jeff, but occasionally he would jump out to recharge camera gear or hide as the helicopter swept in to shoot us from overhead.
Once he was gone, Max, Shirin, and I began to tear into the bed of the truck, looking for clues, food, stuffing our bags with what was only to be used as set dressing: ropes, wood, even a secured tarp that the cameraman was sitting on. Obviously, production *confiscated them when we arrived, but we didn't know. We were just playing the game like superfans!
*Max was able to successfully commandeer a short cord of rope, but it was ultimately as useless as white collar people camping.
  1. Soon before our cast broke the auction, Dan Foley received an extra vote advantage tied in a wooden sleeve as reward for a winning rock. Dan and I were close, but I soon found out he was not going to tell me what he'd won. He said the rules stated he couldn't say... sneaky, sneaky. You liar.
Later in the afternoon, he went off to do a confessional and I walked back to camp alone, only to find Sierra Dawn sleeping in the hammock guarding Dan's bag. There were no camera crews around, just a yawning producer. But it had to be done.
I quickly walked up and snatched the bag out from under Sleeping Beauty and took off down the first trail I could find, ripping Dan's bag open as I ran. I took the box out and started tearing open the clue while the now wide-eyed producer slid in behind me, trying to operate a small camera slung around his neck for emergencies, hissing into his radio for a larger crew to come find us. Once I scanned the note, I flung it in the bag and then sprinted back, threw it under Sierra, and walked away cool, calm, and (ahem) collected... right as the three-man crew came huffing around a corner.
I sat down next to the fire, my heart racing. The producer walked over and asked if I could go grab the bag again for the real crew to record. I looked over at Sierra and she was starting to wake up. Not happening. Who knew that waking up from a nap could be such a game-changing moment?
Later, [while] filming a confessional, production yelled at me for not playing the game in front of the cameras, which was true. You'll hear me say, "I raced off!" but the edit shows I casually pick up a bag. They ended up stitching together other scenes and inserts in order to make the moment happen in the actual show (probably isn't the last time either). Next time, I tell myself, do it for the cameras... but sneaky, sneaky was right, I ain't no simp.
2 1/2. Sorry if these are too long. But you're in quarantine, c'mon.
  1. All throughout our season, production was hinting that we were one of their favorite groups of newbies in history... that casting was ecstatic... the stories, players, gameplay were all there and they had a season! We all felt good, not only for ourselves but for the fans. It's one of the things that started to bond us early on as a cast, which still endures today.
So, much to our satisfaction (and surprise) when at final tribal Jeff said if there was one cast in the history of the show he'd like to return and play all over again — brand-new season, brand-new stories — it would be ours. He added that CBS would never go for it. But if he could, we would!
We were stoked (and I like to think Jeff winked directly at me). Then, to thank us, suddenly he just dropped to his knees and gave us all the "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!" wave and bow to the jury and they couldn't believe it. I believed it, though — those dimps were indented toward me the deepest. Then he grabbed the urn with the winning votes and walked off into the jungle... where he probably still is now, for all anyone knows.
How do you feel about the edit you got on the show?
You only get what you give, right? Here's my defense for a quiet, understated edit: As a pro athlete, you are taught to give "confessionals" that are rote, unemotional. You never want to give the enemy "locker room material." And I quickly learned, surrounded by cameras and producers, that everything I put out there could be used against me. So I kept life tight-lipped and uninteresting. Was it good TV? Hell no. Would I change it if I went back out? Hell yes. Did it get me far in the game? You betcha ass it did. Was it a fair edit? I felt I was running the game the last week on the island and had 100% of the jury votes behind me and I don't feel that was shown. Then again, it didn't matter — I didn't win anyway. So, yeah, they got me right.
What was it like coming back to regular society after being out there? Was there culture shock or an adjustment coming back?
The night I got home I fell into my wife's arms at midnight and cried. Hard. And it definitely shocked her. The game is the most demanding thing I've ever done, and that includes the NFL. I still have issues with wasting food and will clean everyone's plate at a restaurant, and am more comfortable than ever with being wet, cold, and dirty. I think it's what led me to work for a homeless shelter for two years immediately after. I knew first-hand what it was like to be disenfranchised and exposed. Care for the poor.
Was there ever a point either during the game or after you got back where you regretted going on the show?
While I was out there, my wife and I had a promise that at every sunset we would say a prayer for each other. She had an alert set on her phone for the Nicaraguan sunset and would know what I was seeing. On day 9, I remember sitting on the beach, watching the sun go down, and with tears in my eyes thinking this whole thing is unmanageable and horrible. The mosquitos had just tag-teamed with the flies and the crabs were coming out. Survivor was anti-Lego Movie — everything was awful. I never thought I would last another three weeks or that it would get easier. It did, somehow. Probably Chris Pratt.
Whom do you still talk, text, or email with the most from your season?
Being housemates, obviously Max and I talk every day about everything — media, news, relationships, work, reality TV, who sucks at social media, all of it. We keep our noses close to the ground and stay up on all the hot goss (our theoretical podcast would be lit). From my season, I talk with Sierra at least once a week — she's my best friend — and still regularly talk with Mike and Dan and Joe. Say what you want about the #Dirty30, but my cast is family. They know me and all my secrets — weaknesses and strengths.
Do you still watch Survivor and, if so, what’s your favorite season you were not on and why?
Wednesday nights are sacred and all facets of Survivor are still incredibly important. I've traveled to Fiji not once but twice and have visited all the islands where the show is played (including the sand spit!). I've seen the "Day X" machete carvings in the trees from previous seasons and have learned from the locals what can or can't be eaten. I have spearfished off all the Survivor island coasts, stayed overnight in the rain, and cooked the fish we caught over fire. Does it seem a bit excessive and strange? Trust me, at the time it was purposeful. And it was the closest thing to playing the game I'll probably ever get again. If I were a producer and watched my season, I wouldn't ask me back. But if I were a producer who knew me now and who knew what I know, I'd book me the first Fiji flight out post-Covid.
Who’s one player from another Survivor season you wish you could have played with or against and why?
I have relationships from almost every season of the show that stretch far beyond the game — and I share that only because the show and its casts have been so impactful to me. Like I said, I found my tribe of adventure seekers, riskers, thrillers, competitors, and they have been my wonderful community. It's strange that a reality TV show would give someone such a group of supportive people, but seeing as it has, I decided to just make lemonade.
If you could make one change to any aspect of Survivor, what would it be and why?
New locations, less advantages, yadda yadda. As a producer, I totally get why Jeff, Matt, et al., do what they do where they do it. I still love the show, even when they get it wrong. Honestly, I only want to see the best players play. I don't care if you look good in a swimsuit. Too many people beat out thousands and then get far in this game having no idea what they are doing. Sign me up for Survivor: Smart vs. Social vs. Sneaky every. single. time. Get rid of the Goats. Clap emoji.
Finally, would you play again if asked?
It doesn't matter. What matters is to vote on November 3. That's what matters.
To keep track of our daily Survivor Quarantine Questionnaires and get the latest updates, check out EW's Survivor hub, and follow Dalton on Twitter.
submitted by HooptyDooDooMeister to SubToTestThings [link] [comments]

The Sirens won. The war for freedom begins (chapter 18)

Isaac returned to his quarters after he parted ways with the girls. He closed the door and made sure it was shut tight.
"I really should address this... I am the commander after all." Isaac spoke to the empty room.
He undressed down to his shorts and climbed into bed. His stomach full from dinner.
"We leave tomorrow. Fiji is our next stop if needed. After that... we're gonna be clawing our way all the way to Davao." Isaac said to himself.
× September 5th, 1945. We stumbled upon a wrecked smuggling vessel. After a quick investigation, we seized weapons, ammunition, and blueprints. The captian was not happy. I tried negotiating but he wasn't being amicable. He then threatened my fleet. My girls. And I responded the only way one could. I met Eli. We learned of the identities of our immediate enemies. Now we leave for Fiji. May god continue to watch over us. × Isaac wrote before shutting off the lights and heading to bed.
The next morning came. Isaac was up early due to the sound of his door creaking open and shut to the motion if the waves.
"What the hell? I know damn well that I shut the door." Isaac thought to himself as he pushed himself to stand. He quickly got dressed and went up the the bridge. Eagle was waiting with a cup of tea for him.
"Good morning, commander. Did you sleep well?" Eagle asked.
"I did. You wouldnt happen to know why my door was open this morning, would you?" Isaac asked.
"That was my bad. I knocked for a few minutes to see if you were awake to issue our departure orders. When you didnt respond, I opened the door to check and see if you were okay. I thought i had relatched the door but i must have turned the handle a bit too soon." Eagle explained.
"I see. Well it was the sound of the door creaking that awoke me. Have we embarked then?" Isaac asked.
"Yes. I assumed command to issue the orders then told the girls to stand by for your orders when you finally woke up." Eagle said.
"Ah. Well then, thank you. I appreciate your concern." Isaac said as he picked up the reciever.
"Fleet check, call out." Isaac spoke.
"Hai!" Akashi called.
"Here, Kommandant." Nimi called.
"Morning, Isaac." A sleepy Eldridge called.
"Commander." Rodney called.
"Alright. Set our heading 30 degrees left of north. We're headed to Fiji." Isaac said as the fleet adjusted course.
Back at Azur Lane, Omaha and I-13 were patrolling the waters surrounding the island.
"Oh my god. This is so boring! Why did Commander have to leave me behind?" Omaha asked, clearly still upset days later.
"Because. He understands that you have a decent array of weapons, and trusts that you can defeat any aggressors." I-13 responded as she rose to the surface.
"I get that, but still. From what he told us, the drone ships don't come out this way." Omaha complained.
"Hey! I'd rather be out there too, sinking drone ships and helping liberate the Philippines. A lot of my friends went down in the Philippines and areas surrounding so I'd love to be there, paying homage. Don't you dare complain about port duty." I-13 huffed angrily.
"Alright. Alright. No need to burst a ballast tank. Besides, I think today just got a bit more interesting." Omaha said as she went to man her radar station.
"Why's that? Sonar isnt picking up anything, and my radar isnt the best." I-13 spoke.
"We have a solo blip. Looks like it's floating and moving solely with the waves. Maybe it lost power?" Omaha asked.
"Let's go investigate." I-13 said as her hanger tube opened and she launched a catapault fighter.
"Give your plane a chance to scout it out first." Omaha spoke as she confirmed launch on her radar.
"I'm going to try and hail them once you get visual." Omaha said, earning a nod from I-13.
"Aircraft confirms a cargo vessel. They're armed... and aircraft lost." I-13 pouted.
"Unidentified Cargo Vessel. This is Omaha, acting under orders from Commander Isaac Garner. Silence your guns and prepare to be intercepted. Any further hostile actions will be met with dire consequences." Omaha barked into the radio.
A language that Omaha couldnt understand came through the radio.
"Huh? I cannot understand you. Can you repeat?" Omaha asked.
Omaha couldnt make out much but the words surrender and help rang clear.
"I-13. We're engaging in a resuce operation. I'm going to approach, stay hidden in case they make a move. If they try to attack, sink them." Omaha said as she took the helm of her ship.
"Understood." I-13 said as she sunk beneath the waves and followed Omaha from a distance.
As Omaha approached, she could see the cargo vessel had risen a white flag, but had caught a glimpse of a red white and blue striped flag.
"The french flag? Iris or Vichya?" Omaha wondered.
Omaha spoted several men waving from the main deck. She stepped out from the bridge and stood with her rigging equipped.
"Is there anyone who can speak english?" Omaha yelled as she pulled the Omaha next to the cargo ship.
The men looked at each other and pointed to a scrappy boy who was cleaning the deck.
"Let me speak to him." Omaha said as the men pushed the boy forward.
"Hello." Omaha said.
"H-hello." The boy spoke with a heavy french accent.
"Good. You can speak english. Now, bring me whoever is in command. You'll translate." Omaha spoke.
"Oh... Okay." The boy said as he ran for the bridge of the cargo ship. Several minutes passed before a burly man in a trenchcoat and captians hat came out with the boy.
The boy translated as the captain talked.
"Who are you and where did you come from?" The captain asked.
"I am Omaha. Union Light Cruiser. I come from the Azur Lane facility." Omaha replied.
"You're Azur Lane? Where is your commander?" The captain asked.
"He is currently on a mission to free the Philippines." Omaha replied, keeping details quiet.
"Oh no..." The captain lamented.
"What? Tell me what you know!" Omaha yelled.
"Super strong woman with white hair and yellow eyes. She sank all of our manned escort ships. We only just escaped by feigning that we were incapacitated." The captain said.
"Sirens... the commander is too far away for me to catch up in time. Wait a minute. You feigned incapacitation to escape?" Omaha asked.
"Yes. She told us that since we threw down our arms, she would spare us since the sea would swallow us anyway. She said we werent worth the energy to kill if we didnt fight back." The captain said.
"I see. That may be important. Anyway, please continue." Omaha said.
"All that said, we ran out of fuel a week ago. We only happened to drift here by chance. We had recieved a map from one of the naval command offices. They told us to try and get to these coordinates by any means. They said to give these to the commander of Azur Lane. I believe you can be an acceptable replacement." The captain said as he handed Omaha 2 boxes. One was heavier than the other.
"One is from our port in Italy, where we left from. We traveled through the Suez and the red sea to get out to the Indian Ocean. The other came from a port we visited for fuel in Australia. Our path here from Australia was easy, so I'm assuming your commander is clearing the seas as he goes." The captain spoke as Omaha opened the two boxes.
"Wisdom cubes?" Omaha asked.
"Yes. We were told that after we left the red sea, we had to reach the Azur Lane Facility. Our naval command has gifted the two cubes from the one box. We stopped at a remote port in Australia after our run in with the siren... one of the ABDA sailors gave us the other box with an Iris flag draped over it. One of ours as well." The captain spoke sadly.
"I see. I am sorry for your misfortune. Well, anyway, I'm taking you in. You need shelter and we need extra hands to maintain the island. So we will keep you there until the commander returns. In return, We will refuel your vessel and provide protection for you and your crew." Omaha spoke.
"I hope we can get along. We can understand you, but you need Franz here to understand us." The capatin replied.
"Well, as soon as we can get these two ships revived, it will be a lot easier." Omaha said.
"Aye." The captain said as the I-13 rose from the depths next to the Omaha.
"Submarine?!" The captain exclaimed.
"Calm yourself. She's just a bit upset you shot down her aircraft. She wont hurt you." Omaha said.
"Omaha, we should be returning to base. Long range sonar is picking up three blips passing on a patrol route." I-13 said.
"Understood. Let's get back to base." Omaha spoke as she helped the men attach a towing line.
Omaha towed the ship quickly back to the island and pulled them into port.
Omaha jumped from her ship and allowed I-13 to help tie their ship to the docks. Omaha headed for the lab with cubes in hand. She placed one box on the computer and placed the two cubes on the pad while keeping the last one in the box.
"Four hours, huh? Must be a battleship then. If Rodney was any example." Omaha said as she pushed the start button.
submitted by TitanSlayrOG to AzureLane [link] [comments]

Hair and Scalp Ritual

Hair and Scalp Ritual

Do you ever feel like your hair, head and scalp just need a little love, but you just don’t have the time to spends hours at the hairdresser?
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You suffer from tension headaches or find the weight of your hair being tied up can feel a bit much sometimes and your head and scalp need some relief?
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Our 30 minute hot coconut oil hair & scalp treatment is one of a kind. It’s a perfect quick little pick me up if you need some time out for some self care, but it’s also great for anyone who suffers from a dry & itchy scalp, or someone who loves having soft, shiny hair.
So what is our Hot coconut oil treatment and what’s involved?
Firstly we will revitalize your scalp and hair with an ancient hair care secret from the pristine isles of Fiji. For an extra treat for your tresses, we indulge you in a warm oil scalp treatment before cleansing.
We then indulgently massage the exotic oil into your scalp and hair and leave it as long as possible for maximum results.
We complete this ritual with Pure Fiji’s shampoo and conditioner. Coconut based cleansers will gently, but thoroughly remove all impurities and refresh your hair. Hair is then deeply conditioned and balance restored with a synergistic blend of soy proteins and exotic drift nut oils.
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So next time you’re looking for a little pick me up, give us a call and treat yourself to one of these little luxuries.
submitted by FaceBodyDaySpa to u/FaceBodyDaySpa [link] [comments]

[S] King's Survivor: Game Changers

After 23 seasons, a change of plans, and a bit of delay, King's Survivor is back with one of the greatest casts put together in King's Survivor history. Today, 20 game changing contestants will battle it out for one million dollars. Nine of these players have won before, one of them has won twice and currently has never been voted out, despite playing four times. Will a previous winner become a two time winner, or will a new winner place first? We will find out soon enough.
Link to Season
Episode 1: The 20 contestants are shipped into Fiji, where they discover their tribes. The red Mana tribe has Adrian, Aya, CJ, Danielle, Dionte, Himari, Olivia, Sync, Xangetti, and Yolanda. The blue Nuku tribe consists of Harley, Inez, Jerry, Nicole, Pratyush, Deef, Rachel, Sofia, Vic, and Zeystev. Their first task is to get as much stuff as they could off the boat they arrived to their beaches. Mana wins the reward, and Pratyush finds the Legacy Advantage, which makes a return for this season. At Mana, Sync, realizing that the newer players are a bigger threat than the old schoolers, tries to turn the newer players, who have majority, against each other. Knowing that Adrian and CJ were very close from their time in Kaoh Rong, he talks to Adrian and tells him that it's in his best interest to vote off CJ, since they're gonna be targeted if they stick together. This works, and Adrian tells Sync that he's been planning to beat CJ so he could be seen as a great player as well. This causes Sync to keep his eye on Adrian, for now. Xangetti and Danielle both pitch in to build the shelter more than anyone else, causing them to be respected around camp. At Nuku, Harley and Sofia bond, and so do Jerry and Vic. The four of them decide to form an alliance, and they pull in Inez, Nicole, and Pratyush. This left Zeystev, Deef, and Rachel on the outs in their tribe. Luckily for those three, the Nuku tribe wins immunity. After CJ starts to talk about wanting Sync out to Adrian, Aya, Olivia, and Xangetti, Adrian snitches on his old ally to Sync, and Sync and Adrian convince the rest of the tribe that CJ needs to be the first to go. CJ has no idea what's coming and he becomes the first person voted off in a 6-4 vote.
Episode 2: Adrian pretends to be shocked after CJ's blindside, and it causes other people to start to label him as fake. It also causes his alliance with Dionte to fall apart. Dionte then goes to Sync, and tries to get him to stop quarreling with Xangetti and help him potentially vote off Adrian. In other Mana tribe news, Aya and Olivia start to bond. At Nuku, Jerry decides he doesn't want a repeat of All Stars, so he forms bonds with Vic and Zeystev, two people who he considered unproblematic. Once again, the Mana tribe loses immunity, and by this point most of the tribe has turned against Adrian, the only person not willing to vote off Adrian was Xangetti, but he is swayed after Sync tries to get him to look past their rivalry and work together, at least temporarily. At tribal council, Adrian tries to turn the tribe against Aya, since no one knows how she played. This fails, and Adrian becomes the second person voted out in a unanimous 8-1 vote. He is not phased by his vote out, and he wishes his tribe good luck.
Episode 3: The host announces that they will be swapping from 2 tribes, to 3 tribes of 6. The new Mana tribe consists of Danielle, Harley, Nicole, Olivia, Sofia, and Zeystev. The new Nuku tribe has Aya, Inez, Jerry, Pratyush, Sync, and Yolanda. Dionte, Himari, Deef, Rachel, Vic, and Xangetti make up the brand new Tavua tribe. Zeystev finds the Mana idol, and also forms an alliance with Danielle, putting him in a great position within the tribe. Danielle also bonds with Nicole, giving them half the tribe on their side. This alliance is short lived, as Nicole is found strategizing with fellow winners Harley and Sofia against Danielle, causing Zeystev and Danielle to no longer trust her. At Nuku, Pratyush and Sync bond, and they decide to work together, given the fact they're both OGs. Sync also makes peace with Jerry over what happened in All Stars, and the three of them form a final three deal. When Aya starts to call out Inez for how she played in the previous season, Jerry and Pratyush begin to want to target Aya. At Tavua, Dionte and Deef get into a fight over the shelter, and it causes them to form a mutual dislike for each other. Himari and Xangetti becomes very close, and Himari also bonds with Rachel. Tavua and Nuku win the immunity challenge, and Jerry and Sync talk about voting out Aya. Sync was very closely aligned with Yolanda, and they both join Jerry, Pratyush, and Inez's side to vote out Aya. At the last second, Aya changes her vote to Sync just to piss him off, since she knew she was going. Aya is voted out 5-1.
Episode 4: Yolanda looks for and finds the Nuku idol just to help her get to the end, and she tells only Sync. When Jerry finds out about it, he then targets her. At Mana, Danielle impresses her tribe, and people start to see just how close Nicole and Sofia are. No one wants a repeat of Heroes Vs Villains, so they begin to target who they think is the better player of the two, which is Nicole in their eyes. At Tavua, Dionte and Rachel start to bond, and Dionte and Xangetti have a small disagreement, but they start to see each other as shifty. Vic and Xangetti bond, and the whole tribe forms an alliance, and they leave Dionte out of it. At the reward challenge, both the Nuku and Mana tribes win the reward, and the Mana tribe gets extremely cocky because of it. This causes the Tavua tribe to have a grudge against the Manas, and they believe Nicole is the epicenter of the cockiness. At the immunity challenge, it is revealed that two tribes will be going to tribal council, and they will vote as one tribe. Nuku is able to pull out the win, sending Mana and Tavua to the largest premerge tribal council in King's Survivor history. The Tavua alliance lets Dionte think he's in control, and he believes that Nicole should go. the alliance, initially intending on Dionte to go, realize they can't vote out a strong member like him until the merge, so they decide that taking out someone strong on the other side would be better. They all vote for Nicole and hope that the other tribe would be disorganized. Luckily for them, Zeystev, Danielle, and Olivia were all set on voting out Nicole, and Harley, Nicole, and Sofia were voting for Danielle. In a vote of 9-3, Nicole becomes the fourth person voted out.
Episode 5: Sync figures out that Jerry is against him, and that the original Nukus have majority on his tribe. Knowing that Inez and Jerry were a strong duo, he goes to Pratyush, saying that they'll cut him near the end since they're so close. Pratyush isn't sure whether he should flip or not, and decides to think about it more. Jerry and Sync bond significantly, making Sync feel bad about blindsiding a friend. He decides that Inez needs to go if they lose over Jerry. At Tavua, Dionte calls out Himari for seemingly no reason at all. Vic and Xangetti's alliance strengthens significantly as well. Rachel, being close to Dionte, leaves her alliance, and joins him. This causes Deef to dictate that Rachel should be the next to go. People in the tribe start to grow weary of Deef's bossiness, and they start plotting his vote off. Over at Mana, Olivia and Zeystev bond a lot, and Danielle and Harley form an alliance because they're both from Worlds Apart. Tavua loses the reward again, but they win the immunity challenge alongside Mana, sending Nuku back to tribal council. Pratyush becomes the swing vote as both Inez and Jerry and Sync and Yolanda are gunning for each other. In the end, he sides with Sync, finding him more trustworthy than Jerry. Inez becomes the fifth person voted out in a 3-2 vote. Jerry ends up feeling like an idiot for trusting Sync again.
Episode 6: Jerry intends to question Sync about what happened at the last tribal council, but he doesn't get a chance to, because the tribes are brought in again for another swap. They do away with Tavua and switch back to two tribes. Dionte doesn't draw a buff and is exiled, where he meets Evan from Cagayan and Heroes Vs Villains, the latter he won. He offers Dionte a choice between an extra vote, a fake idol kit, and a challenge advantage. Dionte chooses the challenge advantage. Meanwhile, the new tribes are selected. The new Mana tribe consists of Harley, Pratyush, Deef, Sync, Sofia, Vic, and Yolanda, while the new Nuku tribe has Danielle, Himari, Jerry, Olivia, Rachel, Zeystev, and Xangetti. Not much happens on Nuku, but on Mana, Deef talks to Sync and apologizes to him about voting him out in Heroes Vs Villains, as it was strictly a game decision, not a personal one. They are able to forge some trust in each other, and the two of them plus Yolanda and Pratyush start to control Mana. Harley, Sofia, and Vic form an alliance to survive. They are able to sway Pratyush to join their side, and they're gonna need it, since the Mana tribe loses immunity. They decide to vote for Deef, since he's made it to the end four times, and he has acted very abrasive during this season. Yolanda, Deef, and Sync vote for Harley, knowing he invented the split vote in his first season. Unfortunately, it is not enough, and after 172 straight days of playing King's Survivor without being voted out, Deef is voted out 4-3, and he leaves blindsided.
Episode 7: Dionte joins the Mana tribe to see Sync berating Pratyush for having an addiction to flipping, saying that it's gonna best him eventually. Dionte also somehow got the idol, maybe he found it on Exile, but who knows. Pratyush forms a final three with Vic and Yolanda. At Nuku, Jerry forms an alliance with Rachel. Danielle impresses her tribe as well. Nuku wins the reward, but loses the immunity. When they get back to camp, Xangetti figures out that Danielle and Zeystev are plotting against him, so he talks to the rest of his tribe, and convinces them to split the votes between Zeystev and Danielle. Himari and Olivia vote Danielle with Xangetti, while Jerry and Rachel vote Zeystev. Zeystev catches on to what Xangetti is doing, and he panics and talks to him to convince him to vote someone else off. This does not work. Zeystev plays his idol for Danielle, and the vote ties between himself and Xangetti 2-2. It is revealed that they will be going straight to a rock draw, and Olivia draws the white rock, much to Xangetti's dismay.
Episode 8: The merge is announced, and the remaining contestants join the Maku Maku tribe. The remaining contestants are Danielle, Dionte, Harley, Himari, Jerry, Pratyush, Rachel, Sync, Sofia, Vic, Zeystev, Xan, and Yolanda. Soon after they merge, Danielle leaves her alliance with Zeystev, causing Zeystev to form another alliance with Jerry, Sync, and his old rival Sofia. While this is going on, Pratyush begins desperately searching for an idol, and soon people are pretty eager to vote him out come next tribal council. Zeystev ends up winning the first post merge immunity challenge, and he starts leading the charge to vote out Pratyush. Sync, not wanting Pratyush to go, rounds up Himari, Yolanda, and Xan, and they all decide that since Zeystev is immune, Dionte leaving would be the next best thing. They try and tell Pratyush and Vic, but they're too fixated on voting out Harley to really care. Xan talks to Dionte before tribal and tells them that he's working both sides, and that the side he's voting with is voting for Rachel, but is hoping that Dionte has an idol to save her. This ploy works, and at tribal council, Dionte plays his idol for Rachel, negating not a single vote. Xan is amused, and even more so when Yolanda plays her idol for Pratyush, negating seven votes and sending Dionte to the jury in a 4-2-0 vote.
Episode 9: Xan tries to flip some of the majority onto their side, and he tries talking to Danielle, but when that fails, he decides to flip himself to the majority. Knowing that Danielle is refusing to flip, Himari, Sync, and Yolanda decide to target her instead of Zeystev, while Zeystev and Sofia target Pratyush again, with the intent of removing him from the jury if this season was like Kaoh Rong, where you had to remove a juror. A group of Danielle, Harley, Pratyush, Vic, Zeystev, and Yolanda win the reward, making the reward itself probably quite awkward. After the reward challenge, Rachel is able to find the merge tribe idol. Himari wins the immunity challenge, and the plan remains unchanged to vote out Pratyush. Pratyush and Vic finally catch on to what Zeystev is doing, and they both vote for him. In a 7-3-2 vote, Pratyush once again becomes the second member of the jury, finishing in 12th overall this season. Pratyush gives his legacy to Yolanda.
Episode 10: Sync has talks with Rachel and Vic, and is able to pull in Rachel to vote out Danielle, while Vic wants revenge against Zeystev for voting out Pratyush, who she was very close to. Sync turns Sofia and Zeystev against Danielle by planting seeds in their heads that she was betraying them. Vic and Yolanda start to plot against Zeystev together, even though he was currently on their side. Danielle, Harley, and Xan were planning on voting off Himari due to her status as a previous winner. Xan breaks his ties with Himari as a sign of not associating himself with her anymore. At the reward, Sync sits out, and the group of Harley, Himari, Sofia, Vic, and Zeystev are victorious. Himari, Sofia, and Zeystev confirm the plan to each other, and they return in a better spot than before. At the immunity challenge, Jerry wins his sixth all-time immunity challenge, proving that he's not like Colby in HvV (the real season, not King's Survivor). At tribal council, Danielle gets the boot in a 6-3-2 vote, becoming the third juror.
Episode 11: The final ten compete in another reward challenge, which the group of Harley, Himari, Jerry, Sofia, and Xan win. Harley starts to gloat over winning three rewards in a row, causing many to dislike him. Jerry and Zeystev start to bond significantly, and later on Zeystev made the observation that Vic is gunning for him hard. Vic, Xan, and Yolanda were all planning on voting for him, so he decided to cut off the head of the snake and go for Vic. Knowing that Xan is also after him, he talks to Sync, Himari, and Jerry and asks them to vote for Xan, stating that he's a snake. Yolanda wins the immunity challenge, and the majority seven's plan is put in motion to split the votes between Xan and Vic. When they get to tribal council, Vic becomes the fourth juror in a 4-3-3 vote, and the split vote plan is a success.
Episode 12: >! Now down to nine players left, the remaining players get a visit from their loved ones, Harley wins for the fourth time in a row, and Jerry, Xan, Sync, and Yolanda join him. This causes the other four contestants to feel jealousy, and for them to target Sync and Zeystev. Rachel breaks her old school alliance with Jerry, and Jerry's only ally now was Sync. He tries to win the next immunity challenge, but loses to his ally Sync. Sync does not gloat, even though he survived his last placement of 9th, and instead works on the shelter a bit more with Zeystev, earning the respect of his tribemates. The seven originally planning on voting off Jerry becomes six when Zeystev refuses to vote him off, due to them being close, and instead he votes for Yolanda. Jerry and Sync vote for Xan, and in a 6-2-1 vote, Jerry becomes the fifth jury member. !<
Episode 13: Sync, distrusting his own alliance of Sofia and Zeystev, breaks off from the two and becomes an independent entity, but strangely enough, he bonds with Zeystev. Zeystev plots with the unlikeliest of allies to vote out Sync: Xan. Xan and Zeystev start to try to turn the whole tribe against Sync, but it fails. Harley learns of Zeystev's plan, and he goes to Sync and the other members of the tribe and lets them know what is going on. Harley goes on to win immunity, scaring anyone who doesn't want to work with him into working with him. At tribal council, Zeystev becomes the sixth member of the jury in a 6-2 vote. Back at camp, Sync makes it very clear to Xan that he's next in the pecking order, and it causes Rachel to flip from her side to Xan's, promising him that she'll play her idol for him. Himari bonds with both Sync and Yolanda, and a final three deal of Harley, Rachel, and Xan forms. Harley gets the idea to head two alliances going after each other, and let an idol be played against his larger alliance. Harley goes on to win a second immunity challenge, and he votes with his core five, and tells Rachel to play her idol on Xan. Rachel complies, and at tribal council Rachel and Xan idol out Yolanda with two votes, making her the seventh juror. She gives the legacy to Sync
Finale: The six remaining are Harley, Himari, Rachel, Sync, Sofia, and Xan. Himari wins the immunity and reward challenge, and chooses to bring along her closest allies Sync and Sofia. When they get back, the three of them get Rachel with them to form a final four and they intend on cutting her at the last second, but Rachel relays the info back to Harley and Xan, who decide it's now or never to take out Sync. The four split the vote thanks to Rachel's input and two of them vote for Harley, two vote for Xan. At tribal council, Sync plays the legacy, and since the rule is that there's an automatic rock draw for ties in this season, Harley and Xan become safe, and Rachel and Sofia have to compete in a fire making challenge, and Rachel ends up winning, sending Sofia to the jury. Himari also wins the second immunity challenge of the finale. Xan finds the idol on day 37, setting the record for latest idol find (I think). Rachel and Sync form a temporary alliance, and Himari feels jealous, and talks to Xan and Harley and decides to vote with them for the time being. The three of them try to pull in Rachel, but she's dead set on voting for Harley, seeing him as too big of a threat to take to the end. Xan decides to play his idol to be better safe then sorry, and he negates Sync's vote, and Sync becomes the ninth juror for the second time in a 3-1-0 vote. Himari, knowing that Harley, Rachel, and Xan are a tight three, does her best to win the immunity challenge, and almost takes it, but is barely edged out by Rachel. She tries to form an alliance with Harley to cause a tie between her and Xan, but it fails, and Himari is voted out just shy of day 39 in a unanimous vote. The final three is Harley, Rachel, and Xan. Xan is called a double crosser by pretty much everyone on the jury, and is compared to Bao Ngo from Cook Islands by Himari. Harley is praised for his control over the game from final eight onwards, having voted correctly every time except at the final six, and for being a respectable player. Rachel, despite not playing the strongest game ever, is praised for her social and strategic game, and the jury remarks that she improved on her first two games significantly. At the reunion, a 4-4-2 tie happens between Rachel and Harley, forcing Xan to be the deciding vote. Ultimately, because he was indebted to Rachel for saving him at the final seven, he chooses to give her the win. Rachel becomes the second two time winner, and is basically a lock for Winners at War at this point, if I ever get that far. Shawn "The Syncopation" Voldoski wins the fan favorite award for his hyperactive gameplay that got him near the end.
The Winner: Rachel Jensen, u/Twig7665
Fan Favorite: Shawn "The Syncopation" Voldoski, u/swoldow
I've already began work on the next season, Heroes Vs Healers Vs Hustlers by releasing the sign ups yesterday, so hopefully it wouldn't take as long as this season or the previous one to release.
submitted by KingTyson27 to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

[S] Capy's Survivor: Micronesia- Fans vs Favorites (S16)

Hello! Welcome or welcome back to Capy's Survivor! For this special season we are headed to Micronesia! We are once again playing the game of outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting your fellow castaways, whether that be by flirtatious behavior, backstabbing your opponents, or making plenty of allies. This is Capy's Survivor: Micronesia- Fans vs Favorites!
Airai Tribe (Fans Tribe):
Malakal Tribe (Favorites):

The Season: Capy's Survivor: Micronesia- Fans vs Favorites
Episode 1: The boat lands on the beach. What is in it? 10 castaways, excited, but confused. They are all superfans of the show and are very excited to finally be cast. But as superfans, they know that only 1 tribe on the beach is strange. These castaways are the Airai tribe, consisting of Alex, Brad, Camille, Ezzie, Justice Woman, Himari, Logan, Matt, Yu, and Zhi. The host welcomes the to Survivor: Micronesia. He then asks them if they are wondering why there are only 10 of them? They all say yes, and he tells them that, sadly, there aren’t only 10 people playing this season, and that he thinks actions speak louder than words. He then says come on out and walks out Marquesas superstar, the inventor of the tribe flip at the Final 6, Adelyn White. They are all shocked and confused, thinking this might be another coach-like season, like Guatemala. Then walks out 2-time castaway, the challenge beast himself Benjamin “Ben” Castello. Then strategic mastermind from Palau, only outdone by two blindside queens, Crystal “Cris” Brook. Next is the person who set the precedents for social players, and older players alike, Herbie Rivera of Borneo. Then, a gem out of the chaos that was Cook Islands, one half of the most famous rivalry in Capy’s Survivor, Kelsey Harris. Then, shortly after her, walks out the other half, Layla Worthington. Then walks out the inventor, and only successful user, of the 3-2-1 vote, from Fiji, Luy Nowk. Then walks out a castaway from the most recent season, China, a challenge beast who uses his witty charm to get ahead, Mark ‘Kruserman’ Kruserman. Then walks out one-half of the blindside queens of both Palau and Guatemala, also known as the eternal runner-up, Sabrina Boyd. Then walks out the original villain himself, and another 2-time castaway, also a world-renowned superstar in the music industry, Shawn ‘The Syncopation’ Voldoski.
The host tells the competitors, that no, the former castaways aren’t just here to visit, they are here to play. Against them. He also remembers that he “forgot” to mention the subtitle of this season. Fans vs Favorites. He then tells them that they are going to start off as two separate tribes. The orange Airai tribe for the fans. Purple Malakal for the favorites. He then tells them they can head back to their respective camps to strategize before their first immunity challenge. But before they can head back, he needs to tell them, at each camp, there is an idol, and the first person who obtains said idol from each tribe will be immune at the first tribal council they attend. Kruserman and Matt are the two who claim the idols. Quickly, all being superfans, people start forming alliances, as they know that is what gets you ahead in this game. Himari especially knows this and forms a majority alliance with the strongest looking people. Which are Brad, Camille, Logan, and Zhi. Ezzie knows about this alliance and tries to form one with everyone else. But only Justice Woman and Matt want to commit this early-on. Yu and Alex are both approached, but both refuse.
At the Malakal camp, Herbie, knowing he is going to be bad at challenges, also wants to form an alliance. As he has watched every season, he knows who to form an alliance with. He approaches Luy, Sabrina, and Kelsey and they all agree to an alliance. Kruserman also approaches Layla, Adelyn, Ben, and Sync, they all also agree to form an alliance. Both Herbie and Kruserman approach Cris, but she refuses, as that was her downfall in Palau, was trusting people too much. The Malakal tribe wins first immunity, sending the fans to the first tribal council of the season. They also win flint.
The Sync, thinking that he made a mistake joining an alliance this early, isolates himself from the rest of the tribe, also not wanting blood on his hands this early-on, and he knows that in recent seasons, swing votes make it farther than alliances, as they are usually needed, and not the target. At the Airai tribe, Brad and Justice Woman have a fight, because Justice Woman approached Himari about the alliance, and she lied and told her that Brad created it, and now they are having a fight about why Brad didn’t think she was strong enough for his alliance. He denies he made it, but Justice Woman doesn’t believe him. Justice Woman then rallies with her alliance to get Brad out. Himari thinks it will be smart to vote out Yu, as he is a well-rounded threat. Her alliance all agrees, not wanting to rebel this early. Justice Woman and Ezzie hear about this, and use that as an argument in attempts to gain Yu and Alex’s votes. Yu agrees as he doesn’t want to go home. But Alex thinks it will be a good idea to vote Yu out, so he has complete control over the tribe has the sole swing vote. Matt gives the host his idol, as he is forced to use it. At tribal council, by a vote of 6-4, Yu, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 2: The Malakal tribe once again wins the immunity challenge, and the host announces a twist this season. He announces Exile Island is making a return, but they are doing it a bit differently this season. The winners of the first challenge of each episode will send one member of the opposing tribe to Exile, as always, but they will also send one of their own members to Exile, in order to have some distraction and competition for finding the idol. The Malakal tribe sends Brad from the other tribe, and Sync from their tribe, thinking that he will be able to distract Brad the most. They will be back before tribal council. Neither of them is able to find the idol. At the Airai tribe, Matt and Ezzie have a fight, but the cameras didn’t catch what it was about. Justice Woman still rallies with her alliance to get Brad out, as he is causing trouble around camp, and drama with her. Alex agrees to this vote, as he knows the majority alliance probably won’t approach him. Justice Woman and Matt go to the opposing alliance, but they want to keep the numbers on the tribe, and decide to vote out Justice Woman as an all-around threat, socially, physically, and somewhat strategically. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 5-4, Justice Woman, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 3: The Airai tribe wins their first challenge, winning themselves flint and 20 pounds of beans. They send Layla and Matt to Exile. Layla attempts to use seduction to her advantage against Matt on Exile, but it doesn’t work, and neither of them is able to find the idol. The Airai tribe wins their first immunity challenge, sending Malakal to their first tribal council. They also win chairs, pillows, a blanket, a tarp, and a rope. At the Airai camp, Camille’s behavior is not being appreciated around camp, as she doesn’t do anything to help out, while everyone else is slaving over the fire and getting water from the well. At the Malakal camp, Kruserman’s alliance is slowly falling apart, as most of them don’t get along very well. They decide to vote for Herbie, as he is holding them back in challenges, and is a major social threat, which can be very dangerous is they are kept too long. The Sync and Cris are approached by them with this offer, and they say they will think about it. Herbie’s alliance, or the “Mafia” as they have been dubbed, plan on voting out Ben, as he is a physical threat. They tell Cris and Sync that they are voting out Adelyn, as she is a strategic threat. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-4-2, there is a tie, and there must be a revote. After thinking about it, Cris and Sync decide not to side with the alliance that lied to them. At tribal council, by a revote of 5-3, Herbie, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 4: The Airai tribe wins their second reward challenge, winning themselves three hens and a rooster, along with chicken feed. They send Sabrina and Zhi to Exile. Neither Sabrina nor Zhi could find the idol. Airai wins their second immunity challenge in a row. At the Airai camp, Zhi is doing everything in her power to become more liked around camp, because she feels like getting sent to Exile was a threat. At the Malakal tribe, the alliance of Adelyn, Ben, Kruseman, and Layla dissolves. Sync approaches Cris with an idea. He knows that Adelyn is an extremely big social and strategic threat, which is a dangerous combination, and he wants her out. He plans on doing this by exploiting the newly dissolved alliance, which contained Adelyn. He approaches Kruseman, Layla, and Ben, and they all agree to vote out Adelyn. The Mafia approaches Adelyn, Sync, and Cris, thinking that Adelyn’s elimination was the other alliances idea, and tries to persuade them to vote out Ben, as he is a physical threat. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 5-4, Adelyn, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 5: The host sends a treemail telling the tribes to come to the challenge area. He then announces a tribe swap, and he tells them that they will be drawing rocks for captains of a schoolyard pick. Sync and Alex draw the captain rocks. Sync gets Airai, while Alex gets Malakal. Sync chooses Brad, Cris, Ezzie, Layla, Logan, Kruseman, and Sabrina. While Alex chooses Ben, Camilla, Himari, Kelsey, Luy, Matt, and Zhi.
At the Airai tribe, Brad and Logan hope to keep their alliance intact. Brad, Ezzie, and Logan form an alliance, as they are the fans of the tribe. While Cris, Kruserman, Layla, Sabrina, and Sync form an alliance as they are the favorites on the tribe. At the Malakal camp, Camille, Zhi, and Himari decide to keep their alliance. So do Kelsey and Luy, hoping that the Mafia all makes it to the merge. Alex, Camille, Himari, Matt, and Zhi form an alliance as the fans of the tribe. While Kelsey, Luy, and Ben form an alliance as the favorites of the tribe. Back at the Airai camp, because the favorites have the numbers on this tribe and not the other, they are considering throwing the immunity challenges so the favorites still have the numbers going into the merge.
The Airai tribe wins reward, winning themselves steak, sausages, vegetables, spices, and wine. The Airai tribe decides to abandon their plan of throwing, and wins the immunity challenge, sending the Malakal tribe to their first post-swap tribal council. At the Malakal camp, Kelsey decides she needs to start forming relationships with the fans to save her ass. She start flirting with Matt, which forms a bond with him, potentially saving her from the vote. She also convinces him that Alex is the biggest threat in the tribe, as he is a good strategic player. He manages to convince his alliance with Camille, Matt, and Himari to vote out Alex, but they only agree because they know they will still have the numbers, and they know Alex is a threat. They go to Alex and say that Camille is a big threat, socially and physically and she needs to be out of here. They also say that the favorites agree and that they will still have the numbers. But he decides to try to convince them to vote for Ben, as he is a physical threat, they pretend to agree. Ben still is voting for Camille, the favorites plan to make it seem like there is a betrayal. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 6-1-1, Alex, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 6: The Airai tribe once again wins the reward challenge, winning themselves once again steak, sausages, vegetables, condiments, and wine. They decide to send Matt and Cris to Exile. On Exile, Cris manages to distract Matt enough by flirting with him, and she finds the idol. The Malakal tribe wins the immunity challenge, sending Airai to tribal council. The Demons (as they named themselves, without Kruserman’s consent) decide that Ezzie is their biggest threat, as she can use her looks and social skills to win the guys over. They go to Brad and Logan, and tell them if they want to be safe, to vote with them. Not wanting to go against the majority, they decide to do just that. They stop Ezzie, and tell her they already convinced a few of them to vote for their intended target, Sabrina. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Cris uses her idol on Sabrina, so that somebody can find it closer to the merge. At tribal council, by a vote of 7-1, Ezzie, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 7: The Malakal tribe wins the reward challenge. They send Sabrina and Luy to Exile, as that gives the favorites a guarantee to find the idol if they do. Neither of them can find the idol. But Luy does convince Sabrina to let her tribe throw the immunity challenge to his, so that the favorites can still remain with the numbers. Kruseman is rubbing the tribe, especially his alliance the wrong way, as he is acting all “nice” and stuff, which the other favorites aren’t used to (I need some humor in here). Ben, Luy, and Kelsey have some major fights, which ultimately break them up. At the Airai camp, Sabrina convinces Logan and Brad that some of the Devils are voting out Kruseman, for his actions around camp, which they agree with. In reality, living up to their name, they are blindsiding Logan. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-3, Logan, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 8: The Malakal tribe wins the reward challenge, winning themselves a trip to an island spa, with some food included. They send Brad and Zhi to Exile. Neither of them can find the idol. The Malakal tribe wins the immunity challenge, sending Airai to their third tribal council in a row (yes, they are throwing the challenges). Brad decides that in his last few moments, he would cause some chaos. He burns the clothes of some of the favorites. Sabrina decides that she will vote with him, just because of this action. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-2, Brad, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 9: The Malakal tribe wins the reward challenge, winning themselves a trip to another island. Where there are a dessert and coffee feast waiting for them. They send Sync and Zhi to Exile. Neither of them are able to find the idol. The Airai tribe wins the immunity challenge, winning their first one since episode 5. The fans decide that Ben is their biggest threat going into the merge, as he is a physical threat. Kelsey and Luy catch wind of this, but as they know they will have the number going into the merge, and that Ben is not allied with them, they decide to vote for Zhi. The fans tell Ben that Luy is the target. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-2-1, Ben, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 10: Before the immunity challenge begins, the host announces that the tribes will send a player each to Exile in search of the idol and that they will return for the tribal council, but with safety. They send Cris and Himari. The Airai tribe wins immunity, sending the Malakal tribe to their second immunity in a row. Meaning that Himari will be immune from tribal council. At the Airai camp, Cris and Kruseman have a major fight, mostly because of their villainous actions, and not consenting him before doing anything as an alliance, even when naming it. Kesley approaches the fans at the Malakal camp and tells them that Luy should go, as he is more of a physical threat, and he is a strategic threat, which was proven by his inventions of the 3-2-1. They agree, and Kelsey told him that she managed to convince Matt and Camille to vote for Zhi. She doesn’t care if Luy goes home, as the favorites while having the number nonetheless, and he truly is an all-around threat. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-2, Luy, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 11: The host sends treemail to the tribes, telling them to come to the challenge area. Once they get there, he asks them to guess what the twist is. They all guess the merge. He then tells them that they are correct, and congratulates Camille, Cris, Himari, Kelsey, Layla, Kruseman, Matt, and Zhi for making it to the merge. He also congratulates The Sync and Sabrina for making it to their third merge.
Camille, Himari, and Zhi form their all-girls alliance and their final three pact. Kelsey and Sabrina form a duo, stating that they will use their looks to make it to the end, they call themselves ‘The Blindside Queens’, which is the third version of this alliance, all of which contain Sabrina. Camille, Himari, Matt, and Zhi also form the fans voting alliance. The Devils keep their alliance, also adding Kelsey to their ranks. Kelsey also forms an alliance with the fans, just in case she needs votes for a blindside.
Himari wins the first immunity challenge. The Devils decide that they are going to be voting out Zhi, as this might distract Himari long enough to slip through the cracks and vote her out. But Kelsey, Sabrina, and Layla want Camille gone, as she is the biggest threat to their gameplay, which is flirting with people. But the other don’t agree with this. They approach the fans, and they all agree. The Devils know about this, and approach Camille and she agrees to vote with them. They also approach Himari, as they know she will do anything to get ahead. They offer her safety if she votes with them for Zhi. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 5-5, there is a tie. After Camille and Zhi state their case, there is another vote. At tribal council, by a revote of 4-4, there is another tie. The host calls Cris, Himari, Kelsey, Layla, Kruseman, Matt, Sabrina, and Sync to the podium. At tribal council, by the draw of the purple rock, Kelsey, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 12: Kruseman is not chosen for the reward challenge, effectively sending him to Exile. Layla, Sabrina, Camille, and Zhi win reward, winning themselves a flight to a village on Yap for a feast and a traditional dance performance. Kruseman finds the idol on Exile. Layla wins the immunity challenge. As she is the outlier, because she left all of the alliances, the Devils are scared that Cris might reveal all the information to the fans and want her out. Himari and Matt catch wind of this, and they decide to vote for Cris. Both alliances approach each other, and they agree that Cris is their biggest threat. Cris is told by both alliances that Zhi is the target. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 8-1, Cris, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 13: The Capy’s Survivor auction occurs, and Sabrina buys her way to Exile. As there is no idol hidden, she does not find it. The Sync wins the immunity challenge. The Devils decide that Zhi is the biggest threat. The Sync and Sabrina approach the fan’s alliance, and they tell them that they are voting for Layla. They replay this info to the others, and they go back and offer safety to Matt if he flips at the revote. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. As nobody knows Kruseman has the idol, he decides not to use it, as it might save him later. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-4, there is a tie. Both Zhi and Layla state their cases. At tribal council, by a revote of 3-3, there is once again a tie. The host comments that there is way too many rocks draws on this damn show and calls Camille, Himari, Kruseman, Matt, Sync, and Zhi up to the podium. At tribal council, by the draw of the purple rock, Himari, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 14: Sabrina wins the reward challenge, winning herself a trip to Jellyfish Lake with a loved one. She is told she can bring two people along with her. She brings Camille and Matt, in an attempt to gain their trust. She sends Kruseman to Exile. As there is no idol hidden, he does not find it. Matt wins the immunity challenge. The Devils decide to make a final 4 deal, and that no matter what, they will win the immunities and boot the fans. They don’t even approach the fans, even though the fans approach Sabrina in an attempt to gain her vote against Layla. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-3, Camille, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 15: Sabrina wins the reward, and decides to share it with Layla. She sends Sync to Exile. As there is no idol hidden, he does not find it. The Sync wins immunity. Layla and Matt have a huge fight about her targeting him, even though they made a deal. Due to this, and him potentially winning the final five immunity, they decide to vote for him. Matt and Zhi approach Kruseman and Sabrina, and try to convince them to vote for Layla, as she is a social and strategic threat, but they say they all are, so it doesn’t matter. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-2, Matt, the tribe has spoken.
Episode 16: Kruseman wins the reward challenge, winning himself a helicopter trip over Rock Islands and an overnight stay at a resort. He brings Layla, as she is his closest friend in the game. They send Sync to Exile. As there is no idol hidden, he does not find it, not that he even bothered to look. Kruseman also wins the immunity challenge. Layla, as always, is rubbing the tribe the wrong way. Zhi tries to use this against her so that her allies vote for her, but alas it is no use. The tribe arrives at tribal council, the host asks if anybody has an idol and would like to use it, now would be the time to do so. Nobody stands up. At tribal council, by a vote of 4-1, Zhi, the tribe has spoken.
Finale: The Devils made it! They celebrate and say it is everybody for themselves from this point forward. Sabrina manages to win the immunity challenge, and her, Sync, and Kruseman all collectively decide to vote out Layla, as she has been targeted the whole game. Layla, sadly, even though they are very close friends, think that none of them stand a chance against Kruseman in front of a jury. She tries to convince Sync and Sabrina. At tribal council, by a vote of 3-1, Layla, the tribe has spoken.
In a shocking twist, at the end of their torch road, they discover treemail. It says that instead of a final three this season, there will be a final two, and that final immunity is right now. Kruseman manages to win final immunity. He knows he has a good chance of winning against both Sync and Sabrina and decides to take the person he is more closely aligned with. At tribal council, by a vote of 1-0, Sabrina, the tribe has spoken.
The Reunion: Both Sync and Kruseman state their cases. At final tribal council, by a jury vote of 7-1, congratulation Shawn “The Syncopation” Voldoski, you are the winner of Capy’s Survivor: Micronesia- Fans vs Favorites!
Possible Returnees: All of the favorites, obviously. Honestly, none of the fans, maybe Zhi and Himari?
My Thoughts:>! I thought this was a brilliant season! The Devils (especially the final version of Sabrina, Sync, Layla, and Kruseman) dominated! From throwing the challenges to whittle down the fans to outsmarting them in the merge, it was amazing threw-and-threw. The pre-merge, and post-merge game were amazing in their own ways. The pre-merge game was amazing because of the strong alliances and their efforts (ex. The Mafia, The Devils). The post-merge was amazing for the individual gameplay each person showcased, as well as some of the alliance gameplay, which wasn't strong post-merge until the final seven or eight. Possibly the best season to date.!<
Leave your favorite castaways, possible returnees, and opinions about the season down below in the comments!
submitted by CapybaraWookiee to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

living in the past: lp newsletter june 2000

For people who like their travel news down loaded, not loaded down. Brought
to you by Lonely Planet (http://www.lonelyplanet.com)
Upgrade Your Iran Guidebook - News From LP Authors on the Road
Soapbox - What's Shaking the Thorn Tree, LP's travellers' bulletin board?
The Scoop - World News For the Itchy of Foot
Compass - Cuba Guides to Win
Decadent Dunnies - The Winning Toilet Humourists
In the Spotlight - Ecotourism in Costa Rica: Size Matters
Link - Bahrain, Kuwait & Qatar Guides to Win
Homepage - What's Happening on the LP Web Site?
Press The Flesh - Chat Online to LP Author Nancy Frey
Paul Greenwood, the co-author of LP's guide to Iran and its online Upgrade,
says scoring a visa to Iran remains a matter of luck - or 'inshallah'. If
you get your foot in the door, however, you'll find Iran remarkably cheap
and safe to travel around and the people incredibly hospitable.
* Visas & Documents: The good news is that visas are increasingly easy to
extend inside Iran, but the bad news is that visas to enter Iran are still
a hassle to get in the first place. The current advice is to apply in your
home country several months in advance; try again about two months later if
your first application is refused; or obtain an (extendable) transit visa
in a neighbouring country (Pakistan, Turkey or India). There has been no
letup in the letters from travellers with tales of woe, difficulty and
capriciousness when applying for visas. However, there are individual
stories of charm, ease and straightforward dealings between some travellers
and some Iranian consular staff. Annoyingly, it appears to be a matter of
luck - or inshallah.
US citizens can receive visas from the Iranian Interests Section in the
Pakistan embassy in Washington if they can prove they have prebooked
flights to/from Iran and accommodation in Iran, and have a 'good' reason to
travel there (or pretend that they do), eg an interest in Islamic
architecture, visiting family etc.
* Visa Extensions: Travellers (and the author) report successful visa
extensions in Tabriz (as much as 30 days is possible); Esfahan (only 10
days, but in 24 hours or less); Shiraz (seven to 10 days regularly given,
but 15 or more days if you ask nicely); Kerman; and Mashhad (30 days is
possible within 24 hours). Tehran is now far better, and extensions within
24 hours are currently possible.
* Money: There are now four exchange rates. The official rate of US$1 =
3000 rials, stubbornly set by the Central Bank, is meaningless; make sure
that banks don't use this rate when you change travellers cheques (if you
can) or get a cash advance with a credit card, or when you buy anything
with a credit card.
Secondly, banks that have foreign exchange facilities offer about US$1 =
5700 rials. Thirdly, the 'street rate' at the safe, legal money exchange
offices is about US$1 = 8000-8500 rials, and that is still the best way to
change money. Finally, the dodgy black market traders offer about US$1 =
8500+ rials, but the extra is not worth the risk. (The exchange rates
offered by money exchange offices, and particularly the black market
traders, will vary according to the current economic, political and social
situation in Iran.)
Many mid-range hotels will change money at about US$1 = 8000 rials. Budget
hotels are often not interested, or trustworthy; top end hotels usually
offer the bank rate of about US$1 = 5700 rials.
Travellers have had trouble converting rials into US dollars when leaving
the country, even with a bank receipt. Try at the airport, or better, don't
change too much just before leaving Iran.
* Costs: Entry fees to all government-run museums and galleries have now
been set at between 15,000 and 20,000 rials. The cost of transport, hotels
and food has increased by about 40% over prices quoted in the guidebook.
However, you get many more rials for your US dollar now, so Iran is even
cheaper than it was.
The minimum you'll need to pay for budget hotels, Iranian food and
overland, public transport is about US$10 per person per day. Unless you
thrive on discomfort, however, allow about US$30 per person per day. Add to
this the cost of internal flights (which are still ridiculously cheap),
long-distance chartered taxis and souvenirs.
* Post & Communications: Iran is very slowly getting on the Net. Several
Internet centres have opened in Tehran, and one has started up in Yazd. In
Esfahan and Shiraz, rug sellers in the bazaars have set up internet
stations. A little delta (triangle) sign indicates that computers are
* Dangers & Annoyances: Despite the US and UK bombing of Iraq (and a stray
missile or two did land on Khorramshahr inside Iran), some huffing and
puffing between Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the murder of some
liberal writers, Iran remains one of the safest countries in the region.
There were several kidnappings of foreign tourists in south-east Iran in
1999, thought to be linked to the drugs trade, but their releases were
successfully negotiated.
US citizens remain unwelcome by the government (but not by the Iranian
populace in general). A bus carrying US businessmen was attacked in
mid-1998 by some radicals, although nobody was harmed. Despite this, US
visitors who can get a visa should have few problems if they keep a low
* Air: Iran Air has commenced weekly flights to Copenhagen. Pariz Air has
commenced flights between Bandar-e Abbas and Ras al-Khaimah in the UAE,
currently on Sunday and Wednesday. Departure tax is about US$40.
* Land: Pakistan: There is now only one train per week between Zahedan and
Quetta. It leaves Zahedan at 8.30 am on Monday. The ticket office in
Zahedan is open from 7 am to 2 pm daily except Friday.
One traveller reported an unpleasant surprise when entering overland into
Iran. They were charged an extra US$174 in 'fuel tax', apparently to
compensate Iran for allowing foreigners travelling on transit visas to buy
petrol at such cheap prices, in an attempt, effectively, to charge the
equivalent of the higher petrol prices in neighbouring countries. This
doesn't apply to visitors with tourist visas.
The government was forced to slash petrol subsidies in late 1998, so the
price of petrol nearly doubled. This naturally resulted in a similar
percentage increase in taxi and bus fares and may affect prices for other
forms of transport. However, by western standards the price of all local
transport remains incredibly cheap.
Read the rest of Paul's handiwork online:
or choose another Upgrade, from Japan to Jordan:
Upgrades provide a snapshot of the most important changes that have
occurred since the book was published. They only outline changes that
affect the usefulness of the book. They are written by Lonely Planet
authors and include unconfirmed news from travellers on the road.
We produce Upgrades to more than 50 best sellers and guides to countries or
regions that change rapidly. Our authors write the first Upgrade around
six months after the book is published and subsequent Upgrades every six
months after that. When the fully updated new edition of the book is
published the Upgrades cycle starts again.
Upgrades are supplements to our books designed to make each book even more
useful throughout its life. They're no substitute for our books, which are
thoroughly updated by LP authors for every edition.
Votes are being cast on the Thorn Tree this month for the most awful
embassy and visa chase of all time. Kazaks worldwide seem to be winning:
News For the Itchy of Foot
Severe flooding hit Central Thailand over the weekend 3-4 June, blocking
roads and leaving villages underwater. The Chanthaburi river overflowed
into farmland after heavy rains. Villages, orchards and fish farms in
Chanthaburi and Trat were inundated, and roads linking several villages
were blocked by tree trunks or branches. Many were covered by a metre of
water. Flooding reached the Khao Saming and Bo Rai districts of Trat, and
some parts of the Bo Rai district were inundated. In many of the flood
stricken districts water levels are not expected to drop in the near
future, and relief packages are being issued to remote villages.
Authorities have ordered full scale relief operations to be prepared as
concern grows over rising water levels. Travellers should be prepared for
transport disruptions in these areas, remain flexible in their plans and
consult local sources to keep up to date with developments.
Indonesian police have expressed concern over the number of counterfeit
notes in circulation in Jakarta and on the island of Bali following the
arrest of 15 people this week for distributing funny money. An estimated
6.5 billion Rp of counterfeit money has been discovered in the past three
months, most of it in the form of 50,000 Rp notes. The government has
contemplated withdrawing the note (which bears the visage of disgraced
ex-President Soeharto) and re-issuing it with a new design. Meanwhile,
Indonesia's central bank has announced that there are flaws in some genuine
100,000 Rp notes, which smudge when rubbed intensely. Travellers in
possession of ink-smeared 100,000 Rp notes can exchange them at local
Abu Dhabi's first female-only shopping mall has proven to be a mild
success. As most shopping malls in the UAE are popular meeting places for
men to smoke and drink coffee in air-conditioned comfort, many women avoid
them. But not the She Zone, where more than 300 women visit each weekday
and about 1100 women visit on the weekends. In the She Zone women are not
required to wear the abaya - a long overcoat - or a veil while they are
shopping and all staff (including security guards) are female.
Scoop up news from the rest of the planet:
How's Your Sense of Direction?
The Indians called the island Siguanea but when Christopher Columbus
arrived he renamed it El Evangelista. From the 16th to the 18th century it
was a hideout for pirates such as Francis Drake, John Hawkins, Thomas
Baskerville and Henry Morgan. They called it Parrot Island and their
activities inspired Robert Louis Stevenson to write 'Treasure Island'.
Since then the island has changed names a few more times and been home to
political prisoners and students from all over the world. These days its
big attractions are the unspoiled natural environment and the unhurried way
of life. Scuba divers are drawn to the entire region.
Name the island and the country to which it belongs and we'll put you in
the draw for one of 20 copies of 'Cuba' by David Stanley. Remember to
provide your name and postal address with your entry. We always pick
winners at random to give readers in all time zones an even chance. Email
us at: comet u/lonelyplanet.com.au.
Last month we described Skuon in Cambodia. The follow people picked up the
prizes: Alvin Lim, Ben Schonthal, Cheyne Keith, Eric Beadle, Graham Cullen,
Jaakko Kurki, Jane Hirons, Javier Segurotti, Kirsten Sander, Lim Lay Hoon,
Lubos Bartyzal, Martin Roberts, Michiel Jansen, Mikael Blixt, Natalie
Mei-Lynn Soh, Prentiss Riddle, Rich Garella, Tim Taylor, Zdena Plecita, Zoe
Well, we did ask. Remind us never to use the words 'describe' and 'toilet'
in the same sentence ever again. One little request for stories of bizarre,
luxurious or otherwise memorable WCs in restaurants around the globe and we
opened the floodgates to more tales of filth and frivolity than you could
poke a funny smelling stick at.
The following 20 people picked up a prize for their efforts - both literary
and lavatorial: Ariana Cynowicz, Benjamin Scheiner, Chris Azure, Claire
Mitchell, Craig Zimmerman, Dorian Moro, Egan Cheung, Gavin Mooney, Jim
Calderwood, Jodie Holckner, Kassandra Humphreys, Kim Binstead, Liz
O'Donnell, Molly de Aguiar, Paul Roach, Poppy Collyer, Richard Carr,
Stephane Coillet-Matillon, Vanessa Dwyer and Xavier Finlayson.
Ben did it down a 15 metre mine shaft in Coober Pedy in outback Australia.
Molly opened the pod bay doors onto a 2001 experience in Paris. Liz got all
Phillipe Starck on us in New York. Poppy followed the instructions and
ended up learning more than she needed to know about the diet of French
lorry drivers. Chris and Richard? We couldn't in good conscience keep their
extracts to ourselves:
From Chris Azure of Hong Kong:
'The most memorable and bizarre restaurant toilet I've ever seen is without
a doubt the toilet of Seiryuumon, a Chinese theme restaurant in Shinjuku,
The restaurant itself is a very memorable one, but the toilet is really the
strangest part. As soon as you enter, you notice that coming out of one of
the walls is a huge, grotesque figure resembling some kind of eight armed
Chinese god. Two of these arms are holding a big, red-lipped smiling mouth,
which, it soon dawns on you, is the urinal.
As you go up to the urinal and begin to do your stuff, some truly bizarre
music (with German lyrics, I believe) starts up, and in time to this, the
god starts to swing the urinal from side to side. The god's head revolves
to reveal an identical head wearing makeup and making a suggestive kissing
expression at you.
As if all this isn't enough, you notice a flashing light and you look up to
discover that one of the arms holds a camera (with 'gay photo' written on
the front) that points down and flashes away at you.
I'm not sure what's more amusing: the experience itself, or the embarrassed
expressions of others emerging from the toilet after knowing what was in
there. I just hope I don't see myself some day on some Japanese hidden
camera show.'
From Richard Carr of the UK:
'We spent an unhealthy morning in a deserted branch of Nando's (somewhere
between Port Elizabeth and East London, along South Africa's southern
coast) nursing a hangover, trying not to gag at the smell of cooked meat
and taking advantage of the 'bottomless coffee' offer.
Although the whole experience retains a dreamlike quality, I am almost
positive that the deep and capacious urinals were stacked full to bursting
with ice cubes. However many times I returned it looked as though the
urinals had only just before been filled to the brim - you honestly could
not have got one more cube in! This lavish effect was entirely out of
keeping with the ambience of what was barely more than a fast food outlet.
Perhaps the dial on the ice machine had broken off whilst turned to
'maximum output'.
There is something disturbingly satisfying about creating your own ice
sculpture using nothing more than the power of hot urine and a slightly out
of kilter imagination. The deep yellows straining through the reflections
of white and black tiling was deeply fascinating. The acoustics of the
gents, exacerbated by my hangover, amplified the sounds of cracking ice so
it was as though I was peeing beneath a moving glacier.
I have since taken up ice sculpture on a semi-professional basis, albeit
using the more usual tools of the trade: a chisel, a small hammer, a
sculpture's knife and a tub of luke warm water.'
Rob Rachowiecki, co-author of LP's new edition of 'Costa Rica', says size
definitely matters when it comes to ecotourism development.
Costa Rica has so much to offer the wildlife enthusiast that it's small
wonder that ecotourism is growing in the country. Over 70% of foreign
travellers visit one or more nature destinations; half of these visitors
come specifically to see Costa Rica's wildlife.
During the past few years, the natural wonders of Costa Rica have been
discovered. From the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, the annual number of
visitors doubled, and now over 700,000 foreign tourists visit every year.
The tourism industry recently surpassed bananas and coffee as the nation's
biggest industry (though 1998 figures placed it second, behind electronics,
another newcomer). Prices for the traveller have risen substantially.
The financial bonanza generated by the tourist boom means that new
operations are starting up all the time - many are good, some are not. The
big word in Costa Rica is 'ecotourism' - everyone wants to jump on the
green bandwagon. There are 'ecological' car rental agencies and
'ecological' menus in restaurants! Taking advantage of Costa Rica's 'green'
image, some developers are promoting mass tourism and are building large
hotels with accompanying environmental problems. Apart from the immediate
impacts, such as cutting down vegetation, diverting or damming rivers and
driving away wildlife, there are huge secondary impacts like erosion, lack
of adequate waste treatment facilities for a huge hotel in an area away
from sewerage lines, and the building of socially, environmentally and
economically inadequate 'shanty towns' to house the maids, waiters, cooks,
cleaners, and many other employees needed. I recommend staying in smaller
hotels that have a positive attitude about the environment rather than
large, mass-tourism destinations.
At first, the growth in tourism took the nation by surprise - there was no
overall development plan, and the growth was poorly controlled. Some people
wanted to cash in on the short term, with little thought for the future.
Many developers are foreigners - they say that they are giving the local
people jobs, but locals don't want to spend their lives being waiters and
maids while watching the big money go out of the country.
Traditionally, tourism in Costa Rica has been on a small and intimate
scale. About 90% of the country's hotels are small (fewer than 50 rooms),
and the friendly local people have worked closely with tourists, to the
benefit of both. This intimacy and friendliness was a hallmark of a visit
to Costa Rica, but this is changing.
The developers of a recent project to build a 402-room hotel (the first of
a chain) on a remote Pacific beach were sued for causing environmental
damage and treating employees unfairly. Although the government agreed that
laws were broken, the Spanish-owned hotel opened in 1992 and sparked off a
spirited controversy within Costa Rica.
The big question is whether future tourism developments should continue to
focus on the traditional small-hotel, ecotourism approach, or turn to mass
tourism, with planeloads of visitors accommodated in 'mega-resorts' like
the ones in Cancun, Mexico. From the top levels of government down, the
debate has been fierce. Local and international tour operators and travel
agents, journalists, developers, airline operators, hotel owners, writers,
environmentalists and politicians have all been vocal in their support of
either ecotourism or mass tourism. Many believe that the country is too
small to handle both forms of tourism properly.
What do al-shaqhah, al-kerdiyah and al-khabash have in common? We've got 20
copies of LP's new guide to Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar up for grabs if you
can guess the answer we're looking for.
Email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and don't forget to include your name
and postal address. And if you don't score a prize, that doesn't mean you
were wrong or that we're dirty stinkin' cheats; we pick winners at random
to give readers in all time zones a fighting chance.
Last time we asked you what links a cave near Cape Mulinu'u on Samoa's
Falealupo Peninsula with Tupai Atoll, Tahiti, Black Rock (Tuoro) on
Rarotonga in the Cook Islands, Cape Reinga, New Zealand, and Nakaa's Beach
on Makin Island in Kiribati. The following people gave us the answer we
were looking for - all these places figure in local legends as gateways to
the underworld or the world of spirits: Adam Sebire, Andrea Rampone, Bert
Ungerer, Bjoern Thorsbakken, Claire Takacs, David Maude, DG Wood, Herbert
Bleyer, John Beston, Keith Bauerle, Mike Rubinstein, Paola Bava, Pete
Wenger, Phil Rich, Philipp Schott, Rosanne Tackaberry, Shelley Scott, Tara
Tuatai, Tom Toberty and Ulrich Kappler.
The following folks picked up a six-pack of Condensed Guides for
identifying Sennelier at 3 Quai Voltaire, 7e as the boutique art supplies
store we described in the last issue. Christy Buchanan, Claire Gould, Dan
Pleskach, Darren Hunter, Debby Heymans, Elizabeth Smithwick, Fiona Wilson,
Renate Mehr and Rob Schaab.
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Lonely Planet's eKno lets you phone home, email friends and fax the boss to
tell her you're quitting for Quito. http://www.ekno.lonelyplanet.com
And look at the batch of books we just took out of the oven! New titles
include: 'Bahrain, Kuwait & Qatar', 'Corfu and the Ionian Islands',
'Crete', 'Cuba', 'Cypress' (we love the letter C), Dubai, 'Florence', 'Oman
& the United Arab Emirates', 'South-West France', 'The Loire' and 'Venice',
as well as 'Diving & Snorkeling in Trinidad & Tobago', 'Diving & Snorkeling
in Chuuk Lagoon, Pohnpei & Kosrae', 'Read This First: Central & South
America', 'World Food Ireland' and 'World Food Turkey'. New editions
include: 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin', 'Chile & Easter Island', 'Costa Rica',
'East Africa', 'Fiji' and 'Tahiti & French Polynesia', as well as 'Diving &
Snorkeling in Monterey Peninsula & Northern California' the Vietnamese
For a full list of LP titles and a sneek peek at what's coming soon:
27 June, 3:00pm EST: Chat Online with 'Walking In Spain' Author Nancy Frey
Ask Nancy about the ins and outs (and ups and downs) of experiencing Europe
on foot: http://www.pathfinder.com/travel/TL/ or http://chat.yahoo.com/
Or snoop through the rest of LP's appointment diary for the next couple of
months: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/pro-events/
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submitted by old_richman to ThornTree [link] [comments]

what is the best island in fiji to visit video

Where to go in Fiji : Top 7 places in the Fiji Islands ... Best Island to visit in Fiji  CAPTAIN'S VLOG (Part 3) TOP TEN TOURIST PLACES TO VISIT IN FIJI - YouTube How to Travel in Fiji  The Perfect Tropical Getaway - YouTube Fiji Islands Travel — Top Attractions And Places To Visit ... TOP 10 Places to visit in Fiji Island - YouTube FIJI ISLANDS: BEST PLACES TO VISIT - YouTube

Best Region in Fiji for Vibe & Culture: Vanua Leva Island Firmly on the itinerary for some is a ‘village tour’, perhaps trying some kava (a strong alcoholic drink), and spear-throwing. This is all contrived, of course, and not always authentic, so try to visit – or better still, stay in – a real village. Best Fiji Island to visit for Couples. Fiji Islands are the perfect tourist destination for couples to visit. Couples get to experience new levels of romance and relaxation. There are different Islands in Fiji to choose from. Each Island has different resorts and activities that couples can indulge themselves in. Taveuni is an exotic island, home to two national parks. For flora lovers, Taveuni is one of the best islands in Fiji, as it is the only place in the archipelago where you can find Tagimoucia, the national flower of Fiji. Climb Tomanivi, the highest mountain in Fiji, for spectacular views of the island's traditional villages, sandy beaches and mangrove forests below. Alternately, you can soak up the sun on the idyllic Coral Coast or learn more about the local culture, visiting the museums, temples and historical sites of Nadi and Suva. They are scattered among the various islands and island groups shown below. Of note, most of the stunning photos that you have seen of Fiji consist of lovely island vistas, stunning sunsets, sandy beaches, and crystal lagoons. Most likely, these pictures were from the outer islands, rather than the main island or the very popular, Denarau Island. Rightly known as the "Garden Isle," Taveuni is the lushest, tropical-flower-laden, waterfall heavy and hiking friendly island in Fiji. Most of the forests are protected and there are peaks to ascend and coastlines to wander. A short hop from the tourist hubs of Nadi and Denarau Island, the magnificent Mamanuca Islands are among the most popular places to visit in Fiji, and for good reason. These 20 splotches of sublime white sand and striking blue water boast some of Fiji's best weather, with plenty of sunshine and less rain than other island groups.

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Where to go in Fiji : Top 7 places in the Fiji Islands ...

Dreaming about going to the Fiji but want to know the best places to stay? With over 300 islands we can help you find where to go in Fiji. - TOP 7 PLACES IN ... Best Island to visit in Fiji ... about the history and culture of Fiji while exploring this tiny island fringed with white sand among the Mamanuca islands (some of the best Islands to visit ... TOP 10 Places to visit in Fiji Island. Watch this video and share it with your friend if you like this video please Subscribe My Channel For more video. Not sure where to go in Fiji? Mamanuca Islands, a chain of exotic islands only a short boat trip from Viti Levu (Nadi) is what I visited and fell in love rig... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... On our final episode here in Fiji we think we have figured out a little guide on how to travel all the beautiful tropical islands of Fiji.Where we stayed: Qa... Top ten tourist spots in Fiji

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