Mein, dein, sein, ihr, etc.: German possessive pronouns in

ihr conjugation german sein

ihr conjugation german sein - win

Ihr as 2nd person

I'm working through the book Grammatik Aktiv, Vol 1. In the third chapter, exercise 1, I am to complete the following sentences using the verb sein
Herr Schneider: Guten Tag, wie ____ Ihr Name?
Frau Mistrek: Mein Name ist ___ Mistrek.
Herr Schneider: ___ Sie neu hier?
Frau Mistrek: Nein, ich ___ schon ein Jahr in Hamburg.
Herr Schneider: ___ Sie Studentin?
Frau Mistrek: Nein, ich ___ Schulerin.

I completed the dialogue as follows:
Herr Schneider: Guten Tag, wie seid Ihr Name?
Frau Mistrek: Mein Name ist ist Mistrek.
Herr Schneider: Sind Sie neu hier?
Frau Mistrek: Nein, ich bin schon ein Jahr in Hamburg.
Herr Schneider: Sind Sie Studentin?
Frau Mistrek: Nein, ich bin Schulerin.

And I was twice flabbergasted upon discovering that Ihr was used not as a 2nd-person informal plural but as 2nd-person formal singular, and the verb it takes is not seid which I expected from the 2nd-person informal singular but ist as if it were a 3rd-person singular. According to the book, Guten Tag, wie ist Ihr Name? is correct.
My research has shed no light upon this misterii, as according to this dude over here Ihr can replace Sie but the verb will take the ihr conjugation.
submitted by FavDz to German [link] [comments]

Need some help with homework

I just started learning german so in sorta still new to this. Its just putting the right conjugations into the blanks. haben kommen sein können gehen fahren essen treffen
  1. Wohin _____ihr denn?
  2. Wir _____mit den Rädern zum Imbiß.
  3. Wer_____mit?
  4. Ich _____leider nicht, aber andere kommen mit.
  5. _____du Hunger?
  6. Ja, ich möchte einen Hamburger ______.
  7. Beim Imbiß______wir noch andere Schulfreunde.
  8. Ja, da _____immer viele da.
submitted by KillaCMM to German [link] [comments]

How do I know when to use seid/sind? I find it hard to distinguish when I’m supposed to use one or the other.

submitted by RidgeNJBoy to German [link] [comments]

How to Umgangssprache 201: words and phrases

So, I already did a post about the Umgangssprache but have gotten a lot of private messages with questions. You guy are amazing! So, here are some more phrases and words to use. Umgangssprache is the oral language and uses different words and a reduced grammar compared to the written language "Schriftsprache". As always the disclaimer: Ignore the typos please. And notice that there is not one and only Umgangssprache. Language is dynamic and it varies between regions and persons. But I think most would agree with me that you shouldn’t use these words with your boss – and there are different levels of Umgangssprache!


abhauen: to bunk off, to run away “Hau ab” – Get lost!, “Die Party is wirklich langweilig, lass uns abhauen.” - The party is really boring let’s hit the road.
spinnen: you see the joke “I think I spider” a lot at the internet since the word has two meaning a) to spin b) to be bonkers “You spinnst doch” – You are crazy! (notice the use of doch!) PS: The sentence „Spinnen spinnen“ is a correct one.
chillen: One of many Anglicism. It is conjugate like a normal verb! Ich chille, du chillst, er chillt, wir chillen, ihr chillt, sie chillen But the only meaning is to relax. „Ich habe gestern nichts gemacht außer gechillt.“
Digga/Diggah/Digger: This is part of the so called „Assi“ or “Asi” language. If you want to aime for the rough uneducated gangster vibe. (No offense intended). It means the same as “Dude”, but I would prefer “Alter”.
Alter has many meanings: a) mein Altemeine Alte=my fathemy mother (derogative) b) age c) dude d) expression to show surprise - an old-fashioned phrase is “alter Schwede” – old Swede”
rausgehen: short form of “hinausgehen”, to go out of a building “Gehen wir raus zum Schwimmen?” Not to be confused with ausgehen! to go out to a party/date “Möchtest du mit mir mal ausgehen?” – Would you like to go on a date with me? “Ich gehe Samstags immer aus” – I always go partying on Saturdays
Daheim= synonym to Zuhause but with another connotation. It feels comfy. Notice that some people in Northern Germany do not use it. Use: Ich gehe heim. - Ich gehe nach Hause Ich bin daheim – Ich bin zu Hause. Daheim ist es am schönsten – Zuhause ist es am schönsten.
bescheuert/bekloppt: daft „Bist du komplett bescheuert?“ – Are you totally daft?
genau: a) precise b) exactly c) You are right! You will hear c) all the time. “Genau, das finde ich auch.”
hammer: amazing, super
krass: amazing
abgehen a) to miss someone: Hannah ist gerade im Uraub. Sie geht mir wirklich ab. b) to party very hard: Wenn ich viel Alkohol trinke, dann gehe ich total ab. Die Party geht total ab.
geiern: to look enviously on something like a vulture „Sie hat nie etwas zum Mittagessen dabei. Sie geiert immer mein Essen an.“
angepisst: pissed: „Ständig versetzt sie mich. Das pisst mich wirklich an.“
versetzen: a) recolate b) to not appear at a meeting: “Wir hatten ein Date, aber sie ist nicht gekommen. Sie hat mich versetzt.”
raffen: to get it/to understand something: “Sie versteht es einfach nicht – und sie wird es auch nicht raffen.“
checken: to get it/to undertsand sth.: „Checkst du es jetzt?”-“Ja, ich habe es gecheckt.“
: impolite version of „What”/Was
Krass: incredible, rad
alle: a) Adv. everyone b) Adj. to be out of stock/empty: “Habt ihr noch eine Cola?”-“Cola ist heute alle.”
abhängen: to hang out
abschleppen: a) to tow a car b) to pick someone up (most of the times the word implies sex) “Ich habe gestern einen Typen abgeschleppt.”
der Typ: guy
Tja: ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ literally the answer to everything. It means: you cannot do anything about it even if you want.
nerven: to annoy someone: “Das neue Windowsupdate nervt mich.” “Meine Schwester nevt mich”


nur so: by the way of conversation, without any intention “Magst du Anna eigentlich?” – Wieso fragst du? „Nur so.“ Do you like Anna btw? – Why are you asking? – No reason.
Mensch: do show that you are exasperated “Mensch Simon! Du bist schon wieder zu spät.!
macht nichts: doesn’t matter, it is okay Simon kommt zu spät zu einer Verabredung und entschuldigt sich. Clara sagt: Macht nichts. Das passt schon.“ passt schon=macht nichts egal=doesn’t matter
Klar= a) clear b) Sure! Of course! „Klar darf man in Deutschland auf der Autobahn 140 fahren.“
den Geist aufgeben: something is getting slowly broken „Der Computer gibt langsam den Geist auf.“
Pi mal Daumen: circa
völlig im Eimer sein: to be absolutely broken/exhausted
Du kannst mich mal (am Arsch lecken): You can lick my ass. „Du kannst mich mal“ is also a friendly banter among friends
Ich habe die Nase voll: to have had enough
Keinen Bock: not in the mood: Ich habe keinen Bock auf (die) Schule.
Ich kann das nicht ab: I do not like it. „Ich kann Sardellen echt nicht ab.“
Was läuft?/Was geht?: what is going on (these days in your life)?
auf dem Schlauch stehen: to not get something obvious Origin: in German we have „der Gedankenfluss“ – flow/river of thoughts. So you are standing on the tube of your thoughts. Synonym: eine lange Leitung haben
Mach doch: Just do it, if you want
Mal schaun/mal sehn: We will see
Schieß los: Go ahead/tell it: „Und wie war das Date gestern? Schieß los! Erzähl es mir!“

Feel free to add other phrases!
submitted by Missa_nna to German [link] [comments]

On Cases, Postpositions and Laziness in Hungarian

There was a recent question by someone German I assume, about the Hungarian version of German combinations of prepositions and cases. In my answer I got carried away a little bit and ended up discussing the reuse of endings for different but similar concepts. So here it is as a post.
In German, certain prepositions go with certain cases. Examples with Hungarian versions:
Accusative = -t für + Accusative = -ért in + Accusative (direction) = -ba/be in + Dative (location) = -ban/ben neben + Accusative (direction) = ... mellé neben + Dative (position) = ... mellett 
As you can see, in Hungarian there are much more cases (endings), but no prepositions. Everything is done with cases or postpositions.
Cases and postpositions work exactly the same, apart from the space between the noun and the postposition. Even applying them to personal pronouns (or rather the other way around) is the same.
für mich, neben mir = értem, mellettem für dich, neben dir = érted, melletted für ihn/sie, neben ihm/ihr = érte, mellette für uns, neben uns = értünk, mellettünk für euch, neben euch = értetek, mellettetek für sie, neben ihr = értük, mellettük 
Which is by the way the same concept as verb conjugation. Hungarian is extremely logical and lazy: the same concept is reused in surprising places. Just compare the conjugation of ért (verstehen) and the causal case -ért applied to personal pronouns:
ich verstehe, für mich = értem (definite) du verstehst, für dich = érted (definite) er verstaht, für ihn = érti, érte (definite) wir verstehen, für uns = értünk (indefinite) ihr versteht, für euch = értetek (indefinite) sie verstehen, für sie = értik, értük (definite) 
The same endings are reused for possession as well:
ich verstehe, mein Land = értem, földem du verstehst, dein Land = érted. földed er verstaht, sein Land = érti, földje wir verstehen, unser Land = értünk, földünk ihr versteht, euer Land = értetek, földetek sie verstehen, ihr Land = értik, földjük 
Hungarian is simple, but it takes a genius to understand the simplicity...
submitted by subogero to hungarian [link] [comments]

German help please

I know I am asking for a lot but please if anyone can help it would be appreciated.
1.)Indicate the grammatical case of the italicized word in the following sentence: "Ich will alles schon gut machen," sagte Rotkaeppchen zur Mutter und gab ihr die HAND-italics darauf. A.)Nominative B.)Accusative C.)Dative D.)Genitive
2.)Determine the relationship of the following words: einem, einer A.)They both indicate Accusative case. B.)They both indicate Dative case. C.)They both indicate Nominative case. D.)They have no relationship.
3.)Determine the relationship of the following pronouns: dir, du, dich, euch, ihr, Sie A.)They are all in Accusative case. B.)They are all in Dative case. C.)They all mean "you." D.)They all mean "the."
5.)Indicate the grammatical case of the italicized word in the following sentence: Die Frau kauft in dem SUPERMARKTitalics. A.)Nominative B.)Accusative C.)Dative D.)Genitive
6.)Choose the sentence which does not reflect German word order: A.)I know that the manager me fired has. B.)The manager has me fired. C.)I know that the manager has fired me. D.)That the manager me fired has, know I.
7.)Fill in the blank with the correct adjective ending.
Sie mag die rot__ Tasche. A.)no ending B.)e C.)en D.)es
8.)Which form of the verb "lachen" is used to command just one friend? A.)lachen B.)lachst C.)lach D.)lacht
9.)A regular verb past participle is usually formed by adding _____ to the front of the verb stem. A.)-be B.)-te C.)-ge D.)-an
10.)Put the following sentence into the simple past tense. "Er hat sich schnell umgezogen." A.)Er zog sich schnell um. B.)Er umziehen sich schnell. C.)Er ziehen sich schnell um. D.)Er zog sich schnell an.
11.)Which cannot be grammatically correct? A.)eine elegante Tasche B.)ein elegant Tasche C.)die elegante Tasche D.)elegante Tasche
12.)Choose the correct conjugation. ___ (to be) ihr zu Hause? A.)Sind B.)Bin C.)Seid D.)Ist
13.)Die Tante ist die Schwester _________ Vaters. A.)die B.)der C.)des D.)dem
14.)Choose the correct form of "haben" or "sein." Wir _____ das Geld von ihr genommen. A.)haben B.)sind C.)hatten D.)sein
15.)Choose the sentence which does not reflect German word order: A.)Can you the piano play? B.)You can the piano play. C.)Can you play the piano? D.)I know that you the piano play can.
16.)Choose the correct reflexive pronoun. "Setz ____ hin!" A.)mich B.)uns C.)dich D.)sich
17.)Which is not grammatically correct? A.)Wenn der Gewinn hoch ist, lacht der Manager. B.)Wenn der Gewinn hoch ist, dann lacht der Manager. C.)Der Manager lacht, wenn der Gewinn hoch ist. D.)Wenn der Gewinn ist hoch, der Manager lacht.
18.)The indirect object in a sentence is in the _____________case. A.)Accusative B.)Dative C.)Nominative D.)Subjunctive
19.)Choose the sentence which does reflect German word order: A.)The manager works diligently. B.)Works diligently the manager. C.)Diligently the manger works. D.)The manager diligently works.
20.)Choose the correct past participle. Er hat ganz gut _____ (to play). A.)spielen B.)gespielt C.)spielte D.)geparkt
21.)Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation. Er _____ (to read) gern die Zeitung. A.)lese B.)liest C.)lest D.)lesen
22.)Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom _______. A.)Vogel B.)Kaff C.)Jubeljahre D.)Stamm
23.)Which is a cognate? A.)überall B.)Bruder C.)Uhr D.)Stuhl
24.)Determine if the following sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT. "Wenn wir einander respektieren würden, hätten wir keinen Rassismus mehr." A.)Correct B.)Incorrect
25.)Which verb is not a modal verb? A.)können B.)werden D.)sollen C.)wollen
25.)Mit _______ sprichst du? - Mit meiner Freundin. A.)wer B.)wessen C.)wem D.)wie
26.)Which form of the verb "trinken" is used in a command in a formal setting? A.)trinken B.)trinkst C.)trink D.)trinkt
27.)Christian, __________ bitte unser Liebeslied! A.)singen B.)singst C.)sing D.)singt
28.)Which word deals with questions? A.)imperative B.)interrogative C.)dative D.)preposition
29.)Which Genitive form is not correct? A.)die Zeit des Jahres B.)das Jahr die Monate C.)der Tag des Sommers D.)die Namen der Monate
30.)Which preposition does not govern the Genitive case? A.)durch B.)wegen C.)trotz D.)waehrend
31.)Which cannot indicate Genitive case? A.)der Frau B.)des Mannes C.)des Kindes D.)die Kinder
32.)Choose which word means the same as the following: würde . . . sein A.)sähe B.)seine C.)wäre D.)sänge
33.)Choose which word means the same as the following: käme A.)würde . . .bekommen B.)kam C.)wollten. . .kommen D.)würde . . .kommen
34.)Which form is not Subjunctive? A.)äße B.)ginge C.)hätte D.)singe
35.)What indicates only Subjunctive in modal verbs? A.)"te" on the end B.)"en" on the end C.)"e" on the end D.)umlaut
36.)Which form is Subjunctive? A.)könnte B.)kann C.)konnte D.)können
submitted by CharzArtz to German [link] [comments]

ihr conjugation german sein video

The Verb Sein (To Be) In German  German In 60 Seconds ... SEIN Verb Song (To Be) - German Conjugation Song - Das ... LESSON 16: Learn the German POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Mein ... Carlos J. Noguera Ramirez - YouTube The German Prepositions ZU and IN: What is the ... - YouTube Swiss German verb conjugation Sein Conjugation Song ♫ German Conjugation ♫ Das Lied der ... Sing mit mir - Kinderlieder - YouTube

Though “sein” (“to be”) is one of the most basic German verbs, it is definitely not the easiest verb to master—which is in no small part due to its irregular conjugation. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to conjugate and use “sein” like a native German speaker. Conjugation of the verb sein. In this exercise, you will practice conjugating the verb "sein" (to be). This is one of the most common German verbs, and because it is an irregular verb, it is often incorrectly conjugated, which is why it is crucial to practice conjugating it correctly. Mein, dein, sein, ihr, etc.: German possessive pronouns in the nominative case Posted by Sandra Rösner on Dec 6, 2012 in Grammar, Language The ability to change perspectives when we talk with one another is one of the most awesome characteristics of humans. Conjugate the German verb sein: future, participle, present. See German conjugation models. Translate sein in context, with examples of use and definition. In German, sein is important not just for its meaning, but it is also used as an auxiliary verb for other tenses. As if to elevate its importance, it is one of the most irregular verbs you will Sein - Verb conjugation in German. Learn how to conjugate sein in various tenses. Present: ich bin, du bist, er ist Even if you never wanted to quote Hamlet's famous soliloquy in German ("Sein oder nicht sein"), the verb sein is one of the first verbs you should learn and one of the most useful. Think of how often you use the phrase "I am" in English, and you'll get the idea.

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The Verb Sein (To Be) In German German In 60 Seconds ...

GERMAN LESSON 19: EASY Conjugation of ... Learn the German POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: Mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser etc - Duration: 10 minutes. Learn German with Anja. 538,732 views; 3 years ago; 2:08 ... if a verb is regular, you take the word stem/the root (e.g. "mach-" from "machä") to conjugate it, you add the following: ich -(ä) du -sch er/sie/es -t mir/ihr/sie -ät Personal pronouns: ich ... Herzlich Willkommen auf unserem YouTube-Kanal "Sing Kinderlieder"! Hier findet Ihr klassische Kinderlieder, Weihnachtslieder und Schlaflieder - neu interpretiert und liebevoll animiert. Wir ... If you like the video and you would like to see more? Then please visit my channel and choose the production list "germ... GERMAN - Learn the Conjugation of the Verb Sein (to be) with a song in German. Lerne die Konjugation von Sein mit einem Lied. L... 8.02x - Lect 16 - Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday's Law, Lenz Law, SUPER DEMO - Duration: 51:24. Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. Recommended for you Get your free German Training (with real-life dialogues!) and learn about my 3Plus1 German Academy here: 👉 👈FOLGE MIR: - FA... In this short German lesson, our German language expert runs through the conjugation of the verb "sein" (or "to be" in English) along with a few practical ap... Get your free German Training (with real-life dialogues!) and learn about my 3Plus1 German Academy here: 👉 👈FOLGE MIR: - FA... bin / I amdu bist / you areer, sie, es ist / he, she, it iswir sind / we areihr seid / you aresie sind / they areSie sind / you are

ihr conjugation german sein

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