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[Table] IAmA: I have a PhD in EE and an MBA from Harvard; I study tech hardware companies for a living; ask me anything about any tech hardware company on the planet

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Date: 2012-06-25
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Questions Answers
What does a vagina look like? Actually relative to the course of humanity, no question is more relevant for a man to know definitively.
But knowing what it looks like is less important than knowing how to get there. And if long-term enjoyment is your objective, you also need to figure out how to stay.
Also, what do you think of Dell's announcement that they're going to move away from consumer computers? Every few years, Dell says they want to move away from low-margin consumer PC where they can't make much money.
Isn't HP pretty much in the same boat? Yes, but they're #1 and do a lot of other things.
But what's the long term value in remaining in that market? It seems applications and content are where it's at. A company that can support that growing sector with enterprise hardware and services has an advantage over a company that puts too much into consumer hardware, especially as Apple slowly takes that space away. Wouldn't Dell want to make that move? I think so, but have to do it via M&A since Dell has almost zero R&D in house.
Their enterprise services are basically being eaten away by Oracle and they are widely viewed as less competent than IBM. They are #1 in the printer market but isn't that a shrinking market due to tablets etc? Services - they have some work to do, but the infrastructure is all there. Need to rebuild their bench of talent and wrap up all the bad contracts signed under Hurd. Networking is a decent business and they are maintaining their position there.
Printer is in secular decline, but a very strong cash generation business in the mean time.
Do you have any insight of the workflow how such incompetent pricks end up in the high level management of tech companies? Quite often, the guy in the CEO's chair was (a) extremely lucky at some point in his career, and (b) stuck around long enough to get full credit for it. My opinion of most corporate executives is pretty jaded after having met so many of them. But doing their job is no picnic and the average tech enthusiast I meet understands less than 10% of what the CEO needs to know or do to run the company. There's actually an extreme shortage of qualified people to run big tech businesses.
Realistically, what do you think about the so called "talent shortage"? There is a shortage of talent in markets that are new and growing fast, and an excess supply of talent for industries that are old and not growing.
Do you base your analysis purely on public information? Yes, but the amount of information I can put together on company A working full time and utilizing every available public resource is many times greater than what the average armchair quarterback can do at home working a few hours a week. Investing is an incredibly cumulative job, so the longer you do it the more you can see patterns in the data. I spend a lot of my time doing detailed models for every company I invest in, which I think can be a huge competitive advantage. Not just for knowing how a particular trend will impact the business, but also when something is announced or a company upstream/downstream from them says something, I know what it means and how to react.
What doing your analysis do you have bullshit meter for each company your analyze? Which one is the worst offender? Ha great question. I have had to develop an acute bullshit meter over the years. The worst offender is no longer a publicly traded stock.
Could you be specific as to the markets that are new and growing fast? Smartphones, wifi, solid-state storage, to name a few.
Ok, this is sweet. So it sounds like I'm on a good track; I'm starting research today in fact with one of my prof's, and have an internship quasi-lined up for next summer at Apple. Minor = doesn't matter. If you need some electives, take accounting and corporate finance. Helps when you transition to the business side of things if you can speak the language.
Have you noticed a difference between colleagues/friends of yours that chose to go to grad school vs going into industry? Would a minor in anything in particular be useful in retrospect? Also, best and worst part of getting your EE undergrad? What made you go to grad school for your MBA and not EE/Physics/Comp. Sci? If you are really brave, take OB.
What is "OB"? Organization Behavior.
Aka, how not to look like a complete asshole when you're in a management position.
How long do you think it will be before RIM is bought out or goes bust? What do you think of the rumour that they will be purchased by Facebook? RIM is attractive for its net cash position, IP portfolio, and long tail of BBS subscriber revenue. The hardware/phone side is worth nothing. I am surprised it hasn't been acquired yet.
Facebook, lol.
At what point does Steve Balmer get forced to leave Microsoft? And why has he been able to stay at the head of that company for so long with so few successes? Ballmer should leave today, imo. He is running a terrible farce. Windows8 is awful. And as much as they like to point to the scoreboard (earnings), Microsoft has been awful at seeing and capturing technology changes.
Windows8 is awful. Fair points.
Why do you think he is so awful? I mean not his specific failings, but why he actually has those failings? Monopoly power and ridiculous amounts of money flowing in. Perfect combination to give everyone there (especially at the top) all the evidence they need to confirm they are awesome. Even when they suck.
What did you think of the Skype acquisition? Waste of money.
What are your thoughts on MSFT's new Surface tablet? On your bio, TL;DR sorry. Anyone can make it into a top MBA program. See my other AMA where I answered a lot of questions like this.
Do you think it'll be a platform that will spur more innovation in the future? Tech-wise.
Do you think APPL has now reached the level where MSFT is at in terms of growth and being cash rich? Surface: hate it. But the non-Apple PC community will invest billions developing and marketing Win8 tablets so expect to see a lot more like this and potentially someone will make a winning device. Needs to be cheaper. Hate that WindwsRT comes with office by default. That adds $25-40 to the bill of materials. Makes it impossible to compete w/ ipad on the basis of price.
Do you believe the tech industry has reached the peak of a bubble with the whole FB valuation fiasco and most of the IPOs current prices below offering? Apple: still a lot of growth potential as they continue to enter new geographic markets. But agree, not a lot of innovation on the near-term horizon.
What range do you think FB should've been priced at? The FB IPO was an embarassment, one of the worst processes I've seen, and I have invested in or evaluated hundreds of IPOs. Good companies are reluctant to IPO now due to the FB hangover.
What are your thoughts on the all startups in Sillcon Valley that are spurring up? I have no opinion honestly about what people do with companies they start. If cashing out is what you want, then do it. If staying at a company forever because you're passionate, do that. But ffs, don't stay as CEO of a startup if you are holding the company back from reaching the next level. It's not about you anymore once you hire employees.
How long till they come back down and will they? Now, back in oversupply. I expect prices to move down to normalized levels very quickly.
Why aren't we seeing more dual mode e-ink / LCD displays? 1) too expensive to combine.
2) you can't do e-ink with a touch panel - it response to small voltages and the capacitive touch panel messes up the view.
What are the main barriers to US based electronics manufacturing? A few things make it hard to manufacture electronics in the US 3) Taxes are 30% here vs 0 to 15% in favorable countries. IMO the tax rate on manufacturing in the USA should be 0% since we're currently getting 30% of nothing anyway.
Thoughts on Amazon's hardware business? Amazon doesn't have a hardware business for long if all it does is sell crap at a cheap price to hopefully lock you into Prime. If they can make a decent tablet, then it makes a lot of sense to sell that at $0 profit in order to drive more of the core retail business. I'm skeptical because Amazon lacks the R&D capability to move at the industry pace with compelling products. Better to stick with what they're good at.
What's the future for Microsoft's mobile efforts? Same opinion for the elusive Facebook phone.
Do you think they can break through the iOS/Android duopoly? I don't believe MSFT will succeed in mobile. But they will waste a lot of money trying.
What country is best poised to take over America as the leading tech innovator? America seems to be falling behind in education and IMHO it's a matter of time till it falls behind. Any private dot coms that you think are poised to do big things? I don't think America will lose its spot as the leading tech innovator. Our system of free enterprise and high rewards for the biggest risk takers is unlike any other country on earth. Everyone thinks it's China, but I disagree. Too little respect for IP protection, and frankly too much corruption in the relationship between state and private enterprise. I don't think it's Japan or Europe or any other mature market. I do agree America is falling behind where it should be in terms of education, but innovation is more about how the system encourages people to take risk by offering a huge potential reward to winners and respecting the rule of law especially around protecting IP.
How do you see the cable business in the future? Both the big networks (Comcast, etc..) and the hardware suppliers like Motorola, Cisco and Broadcom? IPTV and over the top TV/video will slowly eat away at cable subscriptions, but that doesn't mean the cable co's are dead. Just means they will likely need to change their business model to cafeteria style as opposed to shoving over 9000 channels at you for one high monthly price.
Hi - I'm a supply chain analyst/PM who works for Research in Motion in Ontario, Canada. You are undoubtedly aware of the company's current situation. Assuming you can move around, press on Apple or Samsung. If you're feeling a bit braver, Intel and Microsoft are desperate for talent.
What other companies do you think a would be a good move, career-wise, should the worst come to pass, that could make the most of my six years of experience in this industry? My view stay clear of LG, HTC or Nok.
What? What' s wrong with LG and HTC? Both in market share death spiral... will begin losing money and never recover. Not enough smartphone units to offset the increasingly high fixed costs of doing business as a global smartphone vendor. That's my opinion.
Do you follow the deemphasis of .NET and managed code by Microsoft? They are all in on C++, or native code as they call it, for the windows 8 tablets and phones. Anders Hejlsberg is probably the greatest language designer of all time and has done amazing work on C# and .NET. Yet in this latest version of Windows with WinRT as the foundation does not advance .NET at all. Who is in charge at Microsoft? Sorry, I'm the wrong guy for code base questions.
MSFT had to make some changes with Win8 to make sure all Windows appstore apps will run from a single binary on ARM or x86, but that may or may not be relevant to your .net question.
On who is in charge at Microsoft, answer is a few delusional rich guys whose heads are the size of Mars up their Jupiter size asses.
Why is Bill Gates standing on the sidelines while Microsoft imploads? He would love to have Apple quantities of money if just to bankroll his plans to save the world. He and Steve Ballmer don't see it happening that way. They see (a) record earnings, (b) believe Win8 is a panacea for the Microsoft brand moving into phones/tablets while holding lock on PCs, (c) think they are innovative and awesome.
The more of your comments I read, the more I wish all business analysis reporting was done in your tone/plain english. It would make it so much more refreshing to read on a daily basis! That's because you don't have to be professional or PC on reddit :)
Why can't anyone do a better job at search than Google? The quality of the search results from google have not improved for the last 10 years. Yet no one else seems to have developed anything better. There are some potentially better solutions, but proven only on a small scale. Google may improve their search using some of them.
Only a few companies on earth have built out the data center capacity to index the web in near real-time, algorithmically search all the data, and give you an answer right away. The tech infrastructure alone is a barrier to anyone who thinks they have a better search.
Also, google has improved its results over time by doing stuff in the background to reduce gaming of their algorithm.
Lenovo? Good company with high market share in the only regions of the world where PCs are still growing.
I worry about competition from Samsung (they are pushing hard on PCs now) and general slowing in China.
Any specific Samsung products you think will pose a threat to Lenovo's market share? Mainly in notebooks, but Samsung is starting to push very hard both on high-end laptops (ultrabooks), and will see more of this next year around Windows8 with hybrid tablet/clamshell devices and low-end ultrathin laptops that should see prices as low as $350 imo.
Samsung is #2 in Brazil (3rd biggest PC market in the world now) and Lenovo is #1. If the battleground for growth is emerging BRIC markets then Samsung and Lenovo are potentially the prize fighters. I'd probably bet on Samsung either (a) winning or (b) losing but not until making life difficult for Lenovo for 2-3 years.
Wow I need you as a tutor! I have many many questions. You don't have to answer them all. Thanks! Can you elaborate more on Samsung vs other companies in different countries on the case of laptops? What about cellphones? What do you see as Nokia's future? Is there any chance that Samsung/LG will go bad? What path should Japan take to take on the global world of cellphones? Will iPhones stay in Hong Kong/Singapore? (iPhone got a pretty big share) Will German tech industries go bad with the EU going bad? What do you see on EU's future? If you are familiar with Hynix, how would they perform compared to others? Which companies are worth a look from the BRICS? G20? If you are familiar with North Korea's software development, what would you say about their development of Red Star OS? Which companies are relatively easier to get hired into for their size? What do you think about Korea and Japan's technological integration into social services; which companies should reap the greatest benefits after FTA's? What is the future of American car companies? German? French? On what you mentioned, how will Samsung perform against Lenovo in Brazil in the territory of laptops? With SSD's on the rise, which companies have positive outlook in that area? Do you see a future in Google's self-driving cars? How soon/late or why not? If you are familiar with Rasberry Pi, which companies should/would take the benefits from it if there are any benefits? With the ever evolving FTA's around the world, which steel company do you think will reign supreme? Does Chile have any potential in the tech industry in the global market? What do you think about Sony with their playing level? Do you think they are going to go the right/wrong path? Community social sites, like reddit, is coming on the rise and making million/billionaires by the month. Should I start one too (of course I have some innovative idea) or am I too late? Should I sell my ideas? Korea has started schools with "smart classrooms"--not sure if you are familiar with that. Do you think tech companies will jump into that boat around the world? Will this be the next level of competition? Nigeria and South Africa are growing, but they have really high crime rates and that's what's discouraging my interests there. Do you think it's worth investing into tech industries in those countries? You're asking a lot of good questions. I am signing off for the night but will just say that in business (and life) you will go a lot further by figuring out which questions to ask than by correctly answering the wrong questions.
Opinions on Xerox? importance of their ridiculous amounts of patents and high spending on r&d? Biggest waste of potential in tech history.
Thoughts on corsair pending IPO. what metric do you think is best to trade on? do they have any simliar competitors that are public? also, on ARM. what do you think of their high PE? is it justified and do you think it should be higher like it was last year? who is gonna win in the mobile space ARM or INTEL??? Generally speaking, I don't often buy memory stocks. Too much cyclical and commodity dynamics.
ARM is one of the best positioned companies in the tech space and that's why it trades for such a high P/E. I wouldn't make an investment bet based on ARM failing to succeed. The stock itself is another issue and for that I'm gonna avoid giving advice one way or another.
Mobile space will be dominated by ARM, plain and simple. Intel might get some wins but I do not expect to see Intel ever get above 10% share in mobile comms.
Since nobody else has seemed to ask it, and since it's one of my favorite companies, got anything on ASUS? Sorry if I'm late to the party... I think Asus is challenged over the long run even though they have a nice notebook business today. Their Ultrabook is good too. I worry mostly that their scale and cost structure are not good enough to sustain profitability as the PC industry consolidates around much bigger companies (HP, Lenovo, eventually Samsung).
Wow, thanks for actually getting back to me. I also noticed that nobody asked about Corsair. Got anything there? High performance memory. Days are numbered is my opinion. No such thing as sustainable business making a differentiated product in a commodity business.
What do you do now? I work for a global hedge fund, focused exclusively on tech hardware stocks.
Why the PhD in EE? A few reasons for the PhD but basically because I could... I was working full time in R&D engineering, got a bunch of my stuff patented and published, so I approached some professors I knew and they said it would make a great PhD.
How is the compensation (if possible more specific than "good"), what about bonuses? What are your colleagues like? How is the climate and work environment betteworse/different where you are now compared to engineering? It varies a lot from fund to fund, both comp and people.
Some are full of assholes and don't pay well (common)
Some have amazing people and pay very well (rare)
And combinations in between.
If I had to guess, entry level hedge fund analysts probably make $250k/year in salary + bonus. If you do well and have a share in the carried interest, it can easily be $1M or more. If you do poorly, you make $250k for a year or two and then have to find a new job.
Did you continue to work in industry while completing your PhD? On a side note, MechEng forever! Yup I worked full time through my whole PhD, including classwork. It was a bitch.
How many patents have you authored? 4 granted.
Why does the hedge fund focus on hardware tech only? Like what purpose does that serve/what do they gain, rather than just looking for good investments in general? Well, not all funds are the same.
Some funds employ generalists who look at everything, everywhere.
Some look at specific geographies.
Some look at specific sectors... mine happens to be tech hardware.
Still others look to invest in anything as long as it fits a certain theme, such as trading two sides of patent litigation outcomes or arbitraging the risk spread on M&A (basically when you buy stock in a company that is being acquired for $XX because it feels like a high probability event and you can earn, say, 6% in 3 months for holding the shares.
I am an EE an was offered a job in Schrader, which I refused for another job a bit closer to home. I was recently told that in the UK and possibly many more countries that a law is passing that states all cars have to have a tire pressure monitor fitted (which I believe Schrader dominates the market). Did I shit out by passing for a job with a company that (from the sounds of it) is going to hit the big time? And if this is true is it worth investing in Schrader? There are a lot of regulations like this for autos, especially in EU zone and USA, geared around meeting CAFE targets for fuel efficiency. I haven't looked into tire pressure monitors but it sounds legit.
Do you think we'll see the next-generation of gaming consoles from Sony and Microsoft next year? Seems to me like they'd both want to put it off for a long as possible, given that they make the most money on software. Yes, both have console upgrades planned in time for 2013 holiday sales
Can you recommend any publications/blogs you read regularly that get into some of the nuts and bolts of industry analysis? I'm really tired of reading the same bullshit pundits that love/hate Apple/Google/Samsung/Microsoft. Honestly, I don't read any of it. This is my full time job, I do all my own research, talk with everyone and formulate my own opinions.
What I read on blogs, press, and even a lot of the research brokerages is a mixture of garbage, shit, and recycled rumors.
Can you roughly outline your research sources? Is it a lot of reading press releases and earnings reports? That, plus I travel a lot and meet companies all throughout the tech space including supply chain down to retail.
Investing is a lot like the scientific method. Formulate a hypothesis, test it, narrow it down, test some more. It is a never ending process because companies change, technology changes, people running the companies change.
Do you have a blog of your own I can follow? No.
Smart-Grid: What is the best company in the electrical smart metering and communication industry? Nothing comes to mind except the wifi vendors. All the other businesses I've looked at serving this space (itron, some niche memory plays, etc) are uncompelling.
Thanks for the AMA. Can you elaborate on why you think Windows 8 sucks? Do you think Windows 8/Windows Phone 8 will have a slow market adaptation? And if so why? Also, what are your thoughts about the new Surface tablet, and how will this effect MS OEM partners? Well, I think the metro interface is not user friendly and a lame attempt to imitate iOS.
I also think it's going to be confusing to consumers that some Win8 devices will support your old applications and others won't. Who is going to explain that to your mom when she buys a notebook but can't install her 10-year old printer driver?
Surface to me is MSFT's way of saying their OEM partners are taking too long and something needs to be out now to challenge ipad. It's pissed off a lot of OEMs already.
What about Microsoft and the upcoming Windows 8. Will they be able to gain new market share in tablets and smartphones? Win8 sucks.
Phones aren't selling and the ones they do sell are currently being so heavily subsidized it makes my eyes bleed.
A lot of OEMs will make the tablets and you'll see a lot of push. Ultimately will be more expensive than ipad and that probably won't work.
After reading most of your answers so far, it sounds like you have a pretty negative view on most hardware manufacturers. Is there any particular hardware company that you do have faith in, or feel is doing the right thing to survive? Ha, you got me. I think hardware is in secular decline. Cloud will only make that worse for all the HW companies selling into enterprise.
Which pony is best? Ask me a name and I'll give my thots. Really trying not to give specific stock advice here.
With the introduction of Apple's "Retina Display" in the new MacBook Pros, it seems inevitable that they eventually feature it in all or most of their products. My question is, why aren't other phone/computer makers attempting to mimic the Retina Display level qualities in their products? It is easier for Apple to justify the more expensive screen since they play exclusively in high-end PCs. For a guy like HP selling $500 laptop vs Apple's Macbook Pro in the $1200-2000 range, it makes a big difference in profitability.
But yes, everyone is attempting to copy Apple, and most are not doing it successfully.
When do you think HTML5 will be the standard platform for mobile gaming? Or something like it, browser based, yes. But distribution is still the bigger problem. If you can avoid paying Apple a 30% distribution tax, that's great, but saving 30% of nothing is still nothing.
Do you have any opinions or general insights on VMware vs Citrix vs gasp Microsoft in the world of Virtualization? Virtualization still only at 5% penetration last I checked. Plenty of room for the pie to grow and that's good for all these guys. My understanding is VMW has the advantage. MSFT does ok in the channel with low end product.
Personally I hate citrix on ipad.
But i'm a hardware guy and for hardware virtualization is good for now (driving a server upgrade cycle) but long term will lead to longer hardware upgrade cycles which is bad.
Also, when are these graphics cards with 1000+ cores going to "revolutionize" computing? All I've seen so far is highly advanced science simulations, almost nothing for an end user. NVDA is kicking AMD's ass in discrete graphics. And Rory @ AMD doesn't seem to mind focusing away from discrete cards - his attention is focused on what a few OEM customers want. I don't see that changing any time soon. GPU computing is slowly changing things for high-performance computing. Look at the makeup of the top 10 super computers - roughly half GPUs now. For every day computing, most software can't take advantage of all those cores.
NVDA is kicking AMD's ass in discrete graphics. Nvidia owns 65% of discretes and 70-75% of the high end.
Is intel a threat to either of them? Last i checked they had a massive share of the gpu industry Intel's share in GPU is entirely from integrated and chipsets, but 0% share in discrete graphics.
But I do think Intel is a threat to both since over time I think we'll see all graphics except for gaming cards move to integrated on-die with the CPU. That's about 75% of the discrete GPU unit volume that will move away from NVDA over time. AMD is somewhat shielded because they also have integrated GPU and CPU on-die now, and are driving that to become the standard.
How is Kepler killing it? GPU Boost is an unpredictable gimmick that no two GTX680/670's are consistant (and review sites no doubt get cherry-picked high boosters), and gets beaten in compute by a Radeon 7870, in addition to the yield issues? Market data is market data. Keppler is killing it.
How many hours per week do you currently work? PhD took about 4 years.
how long did your PhD take? Work-wise, this job never sleeps. Half of my investments are in Asia, so if I wake up to pee at night, I'm working for 20 minutes then too.
What is your view on the opensource hardware movements popping up everywhere? Will it make a big impact? Something to watch, but I think more valuable for technologies that are highly customized and/or low unit volume.
What do you think of the motion detection technology of Kinect? Does Apple have motion detection planed for its devices? Gesture detection seems like it could be very useful to a user. Eventually, yes.
So, how are Salesforce doing? Still killing it as far as I know.
Marc Benioff is one hell of an arrogant asshole though. But so was Steve Jobs.
What is the future of making CPUs faster? Adding multiple cores will only give a certain amount of speed increase, even with software optimized for multicore processing. The CPU clock frequency of new processors seems to have peaked at around the ~3ghz mark. Is using optical buses a possible solution? Optical serial busses, eventually but it is expensive.
I think near-term it will be less about faster CPU cores and more about consolidating system functions on-die to make the overall experience better. At least that is what I see Intel trying to do.
Also stacked die and silicon interposers will make things smaller, faster, more battery efficient.
What do you see happening with google in regards to the moto mobility purchase? Iphone killer? I think they sell the hardware business. They only wanted the IP and it's not good to compete with your customers.
How were you legally able to use your patents and publications from your R&D gig for your PhD thesis without violating a NDA? All the R&D was published anyway, and patented, so it was public domain. And the company gave permission for me to do it. They even paid my tuition for 2 years.
How did you get into Harvard? Did they do an interview? Did you go to a public or to a private school? What do you think has a higher value, passion or natural skill? Thanks for the Ama. Maybe check my other AMA first.
Last updated: 2012-06-29 20:22 UTC
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[Table] IAmA: Mark Cuban, this is my AMA

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Date: 2012-12-24
Link to submission (Has self-text)
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Questions Answers
1) When you buy something on Amazon or something, do you ever look at the prices? Or do you just buy whatever looks good and have it ship overnight? I always look at the prices. And I belong to Prime to get better rates.
2) Let's say that you're looking for a new mp3 player and earbuds and can't decide which to buy, do you just buy whatever one you think is best? Or do you just go "fuck this, I'm a billionaire, and I'll just buy everything & throw away the rest" I buy the one i like. I dont throw shit away like that.
What? You mean you don't use T-Mobile 4G? Color me shocked!!! I actually do on my samsung. I love the tmobile wifi calling option. I love the open Android and Samsung platforms. I use a replacement keyboard sw which increases my typing speed (i still miss the speed typing on my sidekick).
I love myIPad and my macbook air is amazing when it doesnt crash, so i like apple products, but i think as far as phones, both Samsung 3 w android and the windows phone kick the Iphone's ass. Its not even close.
Why are you doing an AMA on Christmas Eve? Because I can.
How's your relationship with Skip Bayless? Who ?
On Shark Tank, how many of the deals get modified or cancelled after the cameras stop rolling? Also, have you ever decided to make a deal with someone after the cameras stop? We get the chance to do due diligence after the show. As a result you uncover things that were not brought up in the show , so its not unusual for a deal to fall through in the DD phase. I have had things like people who never paid their taxes, people who lied on the show, people who didnt think that if they spent money on their personal credit cards it should be considered an expense., you name it.
There is so much pressure on the entrepeneur during the show that sometimes they say what they think we want to hear rather than the truth. The DD helps us seperate the two
How many of the deals have you had to break off in the DD phase? Probably about 25pct of them have something wrong.
I hate to be so straight forward, but what does a billionaire buy his kids for Christmas? The same junk that everyone else buys.
Have you ever "made it rain"? No. thats dumb shit that people with real money dont do .
What is something everyone should know before starting a small business? Its not about the idea, its about how prepared you are. Everyone has ideas, most dont do the work required to get the job done. The 2nd thing you need to know is that sales are the most important aspect of a small business. No sales, no company.
Hey, Mr. Cuban. Why do basketball players only get recognition after they’ve been a part of a championship team? For instance, Dirk has been an amazing player for 10 years now, but only got the respect he truly deserved from fans after having a championship caliber supporting cast (Including coaches) around him. If it’s a team game, why do players only get appreciated after they accomplish something that’s mostly out of their control (Since, most of the time, they don’t decide who they get to play with)? Thats the stupid , macho element of all professional sports. Its a lot easier to just pin a lable on someone than to actually do the work to determine the impact of a player. ITs the same reason everyone over values scoring in the NBA. Scoring is usually the easiest part of the game.
What are your thoughts on the Spurs benching controversy? As an owner and businessman, do you see yourself agreeing with the commissioner? I agreed with the commish on it. TV is our lifeblood as a league. You cant screw with the money maker.
Your organization dealt with a player suffering from bipolar disorder (Delonte West). In light of DeMarcus Cousins' suspension and the Royce White situation, what are some of the challenges of managing players with behavioral or mental health conditions? We as a team/league have to be proactive. The Mavs have a full time psychologist that travels with the team and sits behind the bench. Doesnt matter what your skill and physical gifts are if you cant get your head right. We think its the next big dimensional change in sports. Working with the mental aspect of life and the game with our players
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen someone do whilst trying to pitch their product on Shark Tank? I'm talking either on or off air, preferably the latter. The ion watch deal was pretty much it. You cant come on expecting to scam us. We will nail you.
Do you have any interest in eSports? Starcraft 2, league of legends, Dota, counter strike. The industry could use someone like you. Ive looked at MLG and talked to folks in the business. Its interesting. But i havent had the time to take a deep dive look at it yet
How do you like being on the "shark tank"? Is it very scripted or do you guys speak freely? Shark tank is not scripted at all. When the entrepreneur walks into the shark tank the ONLY thing we know is their first name. NOTHING else.
The only "Scripted" part of the show is this...
The producers tell us before every show ---
If an entrepreneur looks like they are going to cry, shut up and let them. They love tears. Thats the only scripting
So the most recent season of Shark Tank has a lot of T-Mobile product placement. Is it really as cheesy to do as it is to watch on tv? It is beyond cheesey. none of the sharks like it. but we learned from it and it will be different in the future
You're in a position to see and guide the future of the internet. what are some things you'd like to see happen and what are some bad things you don't want to happen? Thats a great question.
I want to see an open API for broadband where we can create apps that leverage 100MBS throughput rather than just putting all apps out in a contentious environment.
That said, i dont want google, apple, etc being able to pay for preferential performance. But i do want high end apps, like medical apps to know they can get bandwidth .
Its going to be very interesting to see what apps can pop up on Google Fiber in KC.
What are some must read books you would recommend to any inspiring entrepreneur? (Besides yours, which was a great read!) Every entrepreneur should read How to Win at the Sport of Business Link to
Is the link. Other books really depend on what you are interested in. I like to read biographies of successful people . Ted Turner's bio was always big for me because he worked hard and played hard.
I also love Ayn Rand books , purely for motivation. I dont get into the whole ethos and political aspects of her writing
I'm going to the Mavs/Hornets game on January 5th for my 18th birthday. I usually make signs for the games (this one for an OKC game and this one for a Jazz game, both last season), but not I'm sure what to put on the one for the Hornets game. Any suggestions (idea: maybe give me a quote on here I can quote on the sign)? If you had to take a bullet for Dirk, would you? Are you aware of all the gifs made of you? May I call you Cubes? You can call me cubes as long as you arent asking me for money ! yes im aware of the gifs. Usually when im pissed about something. Which makes it funny, even to me.
Thoughts on the NHL lockout? The nhl has to use this lockout to fix its problems. You cant have every team south of the Mason Dixon line going broke every year
If you could change one thing about the NBA, what would it be? Also, thank you for voting against the Sonic's move to OKC. The officiating. Ive spent 13 years trying to make it better and I havent really accomplished anything.
In regards to the officiating, which rules need to be watched (corrected) the most? I think we have to re evaluate the mechanics of officiating . We miss far too many 3 secs and travelling calls. I think we need to devise a way where officials can help each other more. Right now its very limited when and how officials can help change a call
What was your reaction to Lebron leaving the cavs in 2010? I was surprised
How many of your investments on Shark Tank actually make a profit? Ive only lost money on 1, toygaroo.
What advice would you give to an undecided college student finished with general studies and eager to get a degree? Pick a school that you can afford to go to. Dont take on debt. Debt is the anchor you dont want when you graduate. It will force you do to things that may not be in your best long term interests.
There seems to be this stigma in the NBA, that no one really wants to play for the Toronto Raptors especially superstars. I myself have lived there in the past and its a wonderful city and i can't see why anyone wouldn't want to live there. Canada is a great place to live but it seems to really scare players away, it could be the high taxes or the cold weather, but other teams have that too. Why do you think Toronto is avoided by major NBA stars? I dont get that either. I think TO is an amazing city.
Just to suss that out a bit -- how has stepping away from marketing on FB helped AXS? Curious, if you don't mind going into a bit more detail. It made us take a hard look at the other options and really get involved with them as a hedge. I believe the aggregate value of the other options will offer more opportunity for brands than FB alone.
Thanks for doing this! What do you think gives the Mavs an advantage in a stacked Western Conference this year, whether it be how the coaching staff game plans or certain personnel advantages? Do you think there will be any difficulty in having Dirk and Mayo on the floor at the same time in a sort of Stoudemire/Melo situation? What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur? I think dirk will help OJ's game a bunch. Up till now teams have really overloaded their Ds to stop OJ. With Dirk back it should open things up for OJ and the rest of our offense.
If we can stop turning the ball over we will ok. If not, not. The turnovers are driving me crazier than this damn kidney stone surgery Ive had to deal with. I think the turnovers are more painful.
On Jimmy Kimmel, you mentioned you clicked the receipt button once at an ATM to check your checking account balance and it being some insane number (around $300K if I remember correctly). Have you checked recently to see what it was? Yes and its more insane. I keep a lot of cash available for investments.
MOst people throw their money at investments trying to beat inflation or the market. I wait until somebody does something stupid and try to pounce. that is where the best deals are made
Hey Mark, how close did you come to buying the Cubs? Not close at all. When I couldnt get the owner of the Cubs to sit in a room with me that pretty much told me it wasnt going to happen. I never made a final formal bid
Do you think the increased number of technical fouls called is necessary, or are the refs being a little too sensitive? I think a tech is more a reflection on the officiating than it is on the player with the exception being the guys who just love to yell. ie, the old school Rasheed Wallace.
There are so many fewer techs in college and the coaches in particular there get a lot more beligerant than what you see in the NBA
Mark, what got you motivated to owning and running an NBA franchise? Is it worth the stress and toil at the end of the day? It is a lot of stress but its really a unique challenge and opportunity. There are only 30 of these jobs . When we lose its still painful. It will be 13years next week and losses hurt just about as bad today as they did day one.
Mybig challenge is to make sure that stress and my competitive nature doesnt spill over to my family.
What are you most proud of? My family. in particular my kids.
Im excited about the Mavs and what we are doing at AXS TV and really what we are doing at all my businesses.
What has been your favorite product pitched on the show even if you didn't invest? What is Kevin O'Leary AKA Mr. Wonderful like off camera? And Kev O is just your every day money grubbing, financial engineer . Unless he is drinking. then he is a blast :_ jk
What was Mark Cuban like growing up? No different than anyone else. Loved sports. Went to public school.
Mark, I think an MBA is an absolute waste of money.
Also...any tips on breaking into pro sports ops? I dont give any advantage to someone in hiring because they have an mba
Do you ever feel your wealth is a product of being in the right place at the right time (in relation to the internet bubble of the late 90's)? Do you think you'd be able to find similar success if you were graduating college today? Ive made a lot of money from a lot of different companies i have started, but there is no question i made the most money because i knew what i was doing on the net when the internet bubble hit.
Timing didnt make me rich, i was there already. But it put a B next to my name
Thoughts on Deron Williams? None
Dirk Nowiztki? Im just glad he is back !
Has you're wealth affected you're relationships with family/friends? Do you have those awkward cousins you've never heard of asking you for cash? When i first made money, yes. I had one guy ask me for 275k like it was no big deal. My real friends never ask, but because they are real friends and i know their situation, i offer when need be.
What impact ESPNs/other media outlets style of coverage (the headline and narrative being far more important than the truth of the story) has had on rosters, coaches, players, and the NBA in general? The fact that they are headline driven rather than substance driven impacts our marketing more than anything else. I dont care what someone at ESPN says, but our fans do. At least that subset of fans that are hard core Mavs fans do. So we have to be aware of what they are saying and be readyto respond to questions from those fans.
Also, I'm a native Dallasite and really appreciate you, and what you've done for the city and the Mavs. I also really appreciate you making the St. Patricks day parade happen. As a citizen of lower Greenville, you made my spring. It doesnt work in business and it is what is really hurting this company.
What was your favourite part of being involved in Entourage? Acting. It uses a part of my brain that is very different from business. Which makes it a huge challenge.
That is why you see me doing commercials, acting , film, its a unique challenge for me, which i love.
Hey Cubes, I will be graduating from college with degree in marketing in May. Do you have any advice for someone who would like to work in professional sports? Dont. get a real job
What's the most expensive gift you purchased for anyone this xmas? Under 200 dollars
What kind of music do you like? Dubstep, hip hop. old school funk.
Have you noticed a slowing down of series A funding in the tech startup world and if so, what are your thoughts? There is a HUGE bubble in the Valley for tech startups. The valuations have gotten out of hand. When valuations go up beyond the reality point, the funding goes down.
Its almost become like the movie business was 10 years ago. THere was so much dumb money coming in and so few actually making money that the suckers finally wised up.
Do you remember a place called Motley's in Bloomington? :)
What is the NBA and its ownership doing to improve the quality of the product for the fans at home and in the stands? I know the Mavs spend a fortune on in game entertainment. we want to make sure that its an outing that you remember for a long time. We work hard at it. I know many other teams follow our lead and copy us. So i think its improving around the league.
Can you please get Lori Greiner into a Dallas Mavericks Cheerleader outfit?? Thanks Mark. I will ask her :)
A couple of questions: - With regard to due diligence, how much of that do you simply pay someone to do? Accounting, legal, etc. There's a line over which I don't feel comfortable / competent to cross, but the work isn't getting done. (I'll save questions regarding business partners for when I'm less stressed by it.) - Regarding funding, I've been told (by VC-funded tech folks) to "move out to the bay area. Your idea will get funded in a second." I'm struggling to find funding in my local (and small) pond, but can't move a family on speculation. Are there any good ways to attract investors to you without being a serial networker or landing in the shark tank? - Thanks! You cant ever do enough due diligence. Everything you dont know is risk you have to deal with after the fact.
I think moving to the bay area is nonsense. You can catch a plane. If its a good biz, it will find funding. that said, you should do everything you can not to take anyone;s money.
Funding is not a positive, it makes you an indentured servant to someone like me :)
Is Kris Jenner really very stage mom-y? And was that meeting awkward like the show made it seem? Just saying that I really like how down to earth you seem at all times. And you're the best part of that Shark Tank show ;) I dont know her at all, and yes it was very awkward. I havent seen the show but it sounds like it was just as awkard on tv.
Did the Iwanttodrawacatforyou partnership work out? Absolutely. he has paid me back my initial investment already !
Iwant to draw a cat for you, cat for you !
Google it 1
My biggest fear isn't the professional challenge, it's the mental toll the stress might take. How do you prepare for it? I've seen some entrepreneurs with some bad ideas, but everyone has had to believe in themselves to succeed. How do you know when to push and when do pivot? You dont. if you are always stressed out now, it will be worse by the results you are getting.
The current digital economy seems like money is only made selling up. Many don't turn profits until sold (Instagram, maker, nerdist, iOS apps...) Is building an audience really more valuable than sales? No. never.
You came in to my work and tipped 100 on a 50 dollar tab. You made the waitresses night. You sir, are a gentleman. I worked as a bartender and waiter. I always try to tip well
You own Magnolia pictures. Magnolia pictures owns the movie V/H/S. I'm a director on the movie. So this is how we meet. Reddit. Nice to meet you. Great movie !
Everyone should check out Link to and in particular V/H/S
Complete the sentence. David Stern is ___. A great tailor :)
It's hilarious that he seems to go for the most downvoted first. :D. Im just going through them all
Last updated: 2012-12-29 04:41 UTC
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