Urban Dictionary: vibin

what is the definition of the word vibin

what is the definition of the word vibin - win

Rating supplementals from the schools I applied to

Saw a post rating someone's own applications (u/seethevision127), now I want to rate the actual questions from the schools so I can remember this horrible process before i *compartmentalize* and forget everything. feel free to argue if u want these r just my personal thoughts so i can look back at them when i get accepted or rejected from them
Stanny: Oh stanny. My precious little Yankee boy. 9/10. For whatever reason, I actually had good answers for their prompts and i was vibin with the actual questions. Felt like I could show my real personality, and have fun with things plus extra points for being a bit unique. I liked their question about the roommate, and their questions didn't feel useless. 1 point off for all the 50 word prompts tho.
(if you get the reference in the second sentence for stanford hmu and we'll be friends)
Pomona: mmm 7/10. Optional questions are usually meant to be done but there were some that i actually wasn't sure about. Felt like they were playing mind games with me, and I don't know how asking me about the way I like to eat potatoes gives them insight into who I am (i don't even like potatoes that much). Website was also kinda hard to navigate for the why major question. And they asked about community twice.
Yale: 8/10. -1 for a why question when they're an ivy league school, they know exactly why. Useful questions, not as fun to write as stanny. 200 characters is horrible tho. Next!
Princeton: 6 (maybe lower idk)/10. Didn't really like 50 word limit for some, but then again would be hard to write 50 words for the prompts, so accurate word count i guess. Kinda basic. What brings me joy? An acceptance. The question about a conversation about a difficult topic was definitely hard and it's a new question this year (online some essay people say it was inspired because of BLM). If it was inspired by BLM, I don't really appreciate it coming from a school that doesn't have the best record of treating students of color and I feel like they want to fix their problems by bringing in a bunch of woke students instead of actually dealing with it themselves.
Amherst: 8.5/10. Only two prompts with good word counts! Pretty basic stuff, but i do wish I could show more of my personality through more essays like with Stanny so -1. (pls let me in i love u baby)
submitted by kimrahyunserperior to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

TIFU By Accidentally Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Obligatory, this didn't happen today but a couple days ago.
For context: At the end of August I am moving 4-5 hours away for schooling.
This weekend I went to my boyfriend's house to spend the night, as I usually do. At one point, he decides to listen to music (his Vibin' playlist), so we turn off the lights, open the window and curtains and listen to his music.
I've been thinking a lot about having to leave my hometown for university, and needless to say I'm not too enthusiastic. I've been thinking about having to do a long-distance relationship and for how long we'll have to do it, since my boyfriend is in college for the next couple years.
As we're listening to his vibin' music, I start thinking too much about our future long-distance relationship and how much I'll miss his hugs and kisses. How much I'll miss his voice and face and his dumb jokes. And even spending days like the one we had, which we won't really be able to do if I'm so far away. I definitely don't want to leave him, but I definitely can't stay in my hometown for the rest of my life.
We were in a position so that he couldn't see my face. I think that this is perfect opportunity to get all my cries out without him knowing and later never mentioning it so he doesn't feel bad. So, I start crying and doing my best to cry as quietly as I can, which I think is pretty successful. Unfortunately, being the romantic he is, my boyfriend starts kissing my head and telling me he loves me, which is only making me cry more. After another, "I love you," I can't hold it in anymore, and I flip over onto my stomach and cry into his shirt for a good 5 minutes. I apologize a bit for ruining the vibin' mood through tears and am able to calm myself down eventually. I'm a bit embarrassed and apologize again and just stay quiet. Well, he decides this is the best time to say he loves me, which only makes me start crying again. But, because I'm crying, he starts crying a bit as well, but that doesn't help at all cause when he cries, I cry, so we're just kind of stuck in an endless loop of crying. Thankfully, we break the loop and lay there in silence.
He asks me what's wrong and, being the emotional bitch I am, I start bawling again. Through tears and his already wet shirt, I answer, "I don't want to leave you. I don't want to go to uni and leave you." I knew he might start crying again, but he really started bawling. Like harder than I've ever seen before and I felt really bad. I didn't mean to make him cry so hard and I didn't think he'd feel so bad about me leaving. I apologized, trying my best to comfort him and hug him, but he kinda just pushes me away and moves away from me. This makes me feel even worse because I think that he doesn't want me to comfort him.
He says, "Why?" and I think, 'why what? I can't just not go?' I ask, "What?" because at this point, I'm really confused. We've talked about me leaving before, he knew it was happening. He responds, through his tears, "What did I do?" It takes me a second to realize what he's talking about and I instantly gasp and say, "No! I'm not breaking up with you!"
Turns out, through crying and the shirt, I had mumbled my words and he thought I said, "I'm leaving you. I don't want to be with you." He also explained that saying sorry was only reinforcing the 'breakup' as well, which definitely wasn't my intention. We laughed about it afterward, though and aren't breaking up, thankfully.
TL;DR: I learned how much my boyfriend loves me after he misheard me while I was crying and thought I was breaking up with him.
submitted by Rosedash1 to tifu [link] [comments]

Looking for a single word that is used to describe the Cyberpunk color palette of neons and blues and purples and pinks.

I heard this word a couple months ago used to describe the night time neon Japanese aesthetic, and I forgot it. Can you jog my memory?

EDIT EDIT EDIT - As of Feb 26
Hey all. I can't thank you enough for all of your help in trying to find this elusive word. I have internalized all of your suggestions and honestly cannot say that I have heard the word I am looking for. The upside is, I have found that there are a cornucopia of words whose definition orbits the word I am looking for, and I have been exposed to some interesting new Japanese cities and novel terms.
I want to give special props to the following, as I feel they most closely matched the word I am thinking of:
u/xplatt for Neon-Noir u/Honestly_Just_Vibin for bi-sexual lighting
u/Tain101 for bi-lighting (another form of bisexual lighting)
I also really liked the suggestions that the word itself was possibly derived from Japanese locals like Shibuyu or Harajuku (a district of Shibuyu, Japan).
Not of these terms scratched the itch that is this word for me, but I found bisexual lighting to be a very close representation of the idea, being that I remember it having a lot to do with light itself, and not as much an era or the source of the lighting or anything else.
I will keep watching the thread in hopes to find the word. But no matter what, thanks for all the ideas. My word might not even exist, but it's been interesting seeing all the responses!

submitted by PM-Your-Positivity to whatstheword [link] [comments]

My theory about The Acacia Strain, and why their current album rollout is absolutely genius

This is a fucking doozy, so strap in
For some reason, I haven’t seen much discussion about what The Acacia Strain are planning to do conceptually with the release of their 2 track EP’s lately.
A few weeks ago, (February 28th), they dropped a 2 track EP titled simply “D”.
Now..I don’t even consider myself a huge fan of TAS (a few songs here or there I like), but I was immediately interested in this because for me, it creates a lot of suspense and intrigue. I love when artists take the extra time to put details and concepts into the visuals and cover art, and I feel like it’s something that bands of their sound usually don’t focus a lot on.
Anyways, I saw a few comments around the internet about how they were gonna spell out D-E-A-T-H. That seemed to be the general consensus among fans, but I had a feeling they were gonna pull a fast one and do something different.
Well tonight (March 20th, 3 weeks later) they released a second 2 track EP titled simply “E”.
Of course this just furthered the speculation that they were spelling out DEATH, but I saw some other people guess DEVIL, DEMON, DEAD etc. While those words would make sense for a band like them, I still had a feeling it didn’t really fit with the theme they were going for. Plus “DEAD” wouldn’t make sense as it has two of the same letter.
With this release we also got confirmation that the covers are going to be connected as one picture, meaning whoever buys all the vinyls is gonna have one hell of a room display.
Anyways, my main gripe with those guesses is that none of them seem to make sense with the displayed artwork. It features a beautiful meadow with sunflowers, and Mr. Birdie vibin on a branch. It’s picturesque, like something I’d see on my grandma’s wall.
But what if I told you this is about to get dark. as. fuck?
So I had the idea to look at some of the lyrics from these songs to see if there was any hints as to what they could be spelling out.
Check out this lyric from the song off of “E” titled “Solace and Serenity”:
“Fire fueled with gasoline
Life is beautiful, the world is pristine
We have been bound unseen
The walls of existence remain unclean
No solace, no safety
Remain calm, we lack serenity
No burn, we all slowly decay”
Now just to get even more snobby, here’s the definition of “Decay”
“Decay: The state or process of rotting or decomposition”
So..my going theory at the moment is that they are going to spell out the word DECAY, and that throughout 5 EP’s (10 tracks, which they will release as a full album eventually) the artwork is going to get progressively more decayed
This is obviously going to serve as a pretty amazing depiction of the natural state of decay that the world is constantly in, and could even reference modern day climate change. “As within, so without. As above, so below” as they say. It’s a heavy topic, and even something they’ve touched on thematically, with the title of their last full length album being “Gravebloom”
But what’s really cool is we can already see this decay happening in real time. Look at the artwork for D then look at the artwork for E and tell me E doesn’t look a little...bleaker?
Firstly, Mr. Birdie is gone. :(
Secondly, the rays sunlight are no longer visible, and the sky is noticeably greyer.
Thirdly, the tree in center frame seems to be drooping down a little bit.
And lastly, compare the sunflower on the left side of E to the sunflower on the right side of E. The right sunflower is a little bit muted, with a grey tone to it. Not nearly as vibrant as it’s counterpart.
The last thing I want to point out is how this pretty grand idea functions within the current state of music streaming.
Nowadays, we’re seeing more and more artists release their albums in short bunches of songs, or “mini EP’s”. I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept. The idea behind it is that when the first couple songs are released, the band gets buzz online, and you go check out the music. Then a few weeks later they get buzz again, and you check out the music again, thus reminding you of the previous songs, so hey why not give those another play?
It’s a pretty smart way to earn extra streams, while keeping your fans on the edge of their seat. But what I love about this particular release is that they found a way to conceptualize this style of album rollout, making it more than just a way to play the system.
Over the course of (presumably) 18 weeks, we’ll get to watch this landscape decay and rot to the point of complete and utter devastation, and I think that’s the coolest thing ever.
submitted by acediaesthetic to Metalcore [link] [comments]

So, about that “meticulous planning.” (A breakdown of every MCC game’s practicing tips and strategies, and why preparing doesn’t actually matter as much as you think).

MCC 8 shows there's quite a bit more to the assumption that MCC is just becoming more competitive/practice oriented.
So, practicing. What about it?
Well, going through the practice streams (and admittedly, I haven't watched much of them, only some of Captainsparklez', and had to rely on titles and word of mouth for some other teams), there seems to be 4 main ways people practice.
  1. Play on the MCC parkour server.
  2. Play on the MCC Dodgebolt server.
  3. Speedrun Minecraft.
  4. Practice PVP.
That's... that's about it. I've only ever seen practice for MCC in these four ways (though again, I admittedly don't follow too many of the members, so there might have been more I've missed. But I check both the subreddit and discord often, and haven't seen any other method mentioned). Not to mention PVP practice is only something I've heard Technoblade doing, and general PVP practice as a team seems surprisingly limited. When you think about it, the options are kind of limited. And the competitors know this too.
Quig asking for ways to practice: https://twitter.com/realQuig/status/1289333349119438851
HBomb doing the same thing: https://www.reddit.com/MinecraftChampionship/comments/i811hu/what_is_the_best_practice/
Now, that's not to say those are the only valid ways to practice for MCC, but they seem to be the only ways people are doing in any significant amount right now to the best of my knowledge. Why is this important, you might ask? Doesn't Parkour, PVP, and general speedruns seem like a good combo for covering all the minigames?
Well, sort of, but not quite. Let's break down the list.
  1. Parkour Warrior: Now, seems pretty straightforward in terms of practice, at first. Log in the practice server, try to get better times. However, we can expect Noxcrew to change the course every game from now on. There are the obvious complete section rehauls, and I expect they'll try to find more and more creative twists to parkour that conventional maps don't have. Ladder neos is something I've never seen before and was certainly not expecting, and I watched a lot of Preston's parkour map playthroughs when I was younger, not to mention all of Techno's Minecraft Monday streams. Moreover, a ton of practice commiting the parkour map to muscle memory might actually damage a performance overall, since as we also saw, in addition to the new sections Nowcrew also subtly changed a few blocks on the preexisting parts, barely noticeable - unless you've spent hours practicing a slightly different version on the practice server, your hands already having committed the jumps and turns to muscle memory. Then, I imagine, it becomes very noticable. In this case, since the players don't know what the exact map is going to be like anymore, getting marginally better times in the practice server won't really amount to much either. So practicing on the server isn't as good a way to prepare for Parkour Warrior as people might think, though it’ll certainly still help quite a bit. MCC 8 showed this - despite many players having finished the course in far less than 10 minutes on the practice server, Dream was the only one who finished in the real thing - because he had the most overall parkour experience/skill compared to anyone else, not because he practiced more. And as a reminder, he barely practiced parkour for MCC at all this time.In terms of strategy, there is very little besides giving less experienced teammates pointers. It’s parkour. And I don’t think speedrunning will help that much either, since it doesn’t place players in these highly specific situations. Neos and fence-hopping, for example, are not things speedrunners do that much of, and especially since Nowcrew makes a point of making every more unique challenges, practicing on a general parkour server in addition to the official practice one seems like the best bet for this. So, practice will make a big difference, but it’s not a guarantee someone will complete the course, or even get close.
  2. Ace Race: This is a parkour-orientedish game, but not as much as one might expect. The speedboosters and jump pads are not exactly parts of your standard parkour map, and there's a fair amount of fiddling with the trident and elytra too. Overall, it's more a test of how well you can streamline your movements through the course to get the best possible time while avoiding obstacles and taking advantage of the environment - weirdly similar to games like Mario Kart, now that I think about it. You can hit other players and everything. There's very little in terms of super-specific jumps/movements, and it's not a "hit it or miss it" thing like with movements in standard parkour. Not much in terms of direct practice options, actually, and not a strategy oriented game aside from maybe finding and utilizing small short-cuts.
  3. Hole in the Wall: I mean... what can I say here? It's about reaction times, and how well you can spam the space button to lag yourself through those 1x2 holes that are above floor level. Props to Noxcrew for an original concept and what certainly looks like a really fun game, but in terms of practicing it the options are kind of non-existent. I vaguely recall a game of similar name on Hypixel where you have to fill in the holes in the wall as it comes towards you, which looks about as stressful too, but I don't think that'll help much. Again, you can't really practice this. They patched out the neo strat after Techno found it, and beside what’s mentioned above, aka positioning yourself to lag through the most difficult holes, there’s not much in terms of strategy here. Try not to get view-blocked by your teammate, maybe. It’s a game about how precisely you can move, but I do feel like in there’s a bit of luck in the trickier jumps, as well as just which direction the wall comes from and if you’re in a prime location to see and react to it. Pete and Quig dominate this, of course, but we’re never quite sure who else out of around 15ish players will make it to top 5, which shows there’s more luck to this than people realize.
  4. Rocket Spleef: Similar situation to Hole in a Wall. Very little practice options. You can practice elytra courses and it might help a bit, especially if you’re not used to 1.9+ mechanics, but normal elytra courses don't have players constantly blowing up you and the floor beneath you. There's two main parts to rocket spleef - the elytra, and the rocket shovel. The elytra is just something a player has to get used to playing with, which is why Philza is so good at it - his survial hardcore world playthroughs mean a lot of elytra usage. The rocket is trickier - I can't quite think of any other Minecraft minigame with a similar mechanic, besides that practice game the early MCCs seemed to have, the sort of "king of the hill" style pre-game entertainment area. So once again, it's not something you can practice thoroughly. Learning to rocket-jump is something players sort of have to learn on the fly (heh). Bit of a shame there aren't more minigames utilizing something like a fire-charge launch system as one of its main mechanics, in my opinion. There more in the strategy department - you have the Wilbur glitch strat, Bouncy Pete strat, don’t look at me I’m just vibin’ strat, and kill as many women (or persons of other gender) as possible strat, and most players will probably use a combination of these as the game progresses. It’s been a very individually oriented game, actually. The goal is just to survive, and actually, I wouldn’t be surprised to find players realizing more exploits in this game. It’s one of the few I see as still potentially having hidden powerful strategies Noxcrew haven’t realized and patched out yet. So far in this game, we have a lot of “generally a good idea”s but not a lot of “easy top 5”s. There’s nothing you can really plan for beforehand in this game.
  5. TGTTOSAWAF: In MCC4, the first time this was played, I heard it described as "it's just Bedwars." Now, quite obviously, it's not "just Bedwars," but there's more to be said about the comparison than one might think. It's Bedwars, without the bed, weapons, and armor, where the objective is to be the player with the best grip on their movements, and thus the best chance at getting to "the other side." Now, Bedwars, I'd argue, is a minigame that's all about movement - the biggest killer is the void, not swords, and the players most often fall into the void either because they misjudged a jump, or someone knocked them off. Just like in TGTTOSAWAF. The objective is different - kill the bed, kill the fan - but it's rather superficial, at least for the purposes of this comparison. Ignoring protection blocks, breaking the bed is about as easy as whacking the fan - it's only slightly longer. The real challenge is getting to the destination, with many other players knocking you away, and placing blocks that could either help or hinder you. Why did I go on a long tangent about the similarities between Bedwars and TGTTOSAWAF? Well, Technoblade's performance in it in MCC4 and all the subsequent placements, especially in the maps that involve just wool-placing, sprinting, and jumping, It's undeniable the years he spent playing Skywars and Bedwars was what led to it. Similarly, Pete, Tommy, Dream, and most of the other highest-scoring players have all spent a significant amount of their Youtube channel's careers doing videos about speedy movement. What I'm saying is that skills like knowing where to jump to optimize movement and decrease risk of player sabotage is a very learned and intuitive skill that can't easily be built up over the course of a few weeks. That's not to say you can't get close, but it's kind of hard to compete with the experience of a 1818 Bedwars win streak, or thousands of speedrun attempts. And the amount of time you would have to dedicate to it just isn't that worth it to some people, though at least, the more you practice the more likely you are to get a better score against those that didn't. On the topic of this - playing games like Bedwars and doing speedrun attempts is a great way to practice TGTTOSAWAF. In fact, despite all my points before, I'd actually argue it's one of the games people are sleeping on in terms of practice and improvement potential. The bits of boat racing or trident racing is a bit more finicky, but also still very practicable just by building your own courses. It doesn't require a ton of coding experience like some of the other games to recreate similar areas. While it may be hard to compete against the best of the best, with a good amount of practice a lot of the other "mediocre-topish" players can probably get pretty close and secure a top 5 or 10 placement, especially with a bit of luck on the small amount of RNG elements like the piston doors. Not much in terms of pre-planning strategy. Oh, and learn speed-bridging.
  6. Battle Box: The game most dependent on team coordination and strategy, despite what Noxcrew might want to say about Build Mart. Depending on what team you're going up again, and how good your team is, the best strategy ranges from "charge the middle with wool and shears and hope for the best'' to "send one or two to hold down middle, everyone else go kill the other team off first to secure the most points." There is no one strategy fits all here, and the teams have to adapt to every other team by taking in both sides' weaknesses and strengths, while keeping in mind the other team is probably doing the same. It seems adaptive at first, but I feel like it's a matter of time before Techno or Dream take their teams and plan out the strategies they'll use against every other team beforehand, probably going through VODS to study all the maps and potential weapons, and making their team practice the heck out of all the scenarios. Plus, having good team synergy and PVP skills are VERY important to Battle Box,and both of these can be increased greatly by lots and lots of practice. And you can practice this one effectively - even if the maps aren't exact replicas, there are plenty of PVP practice servers, and splash potions and crossbows, plus team PVP isn't something exclusive to Battle Box. Overall, I'd say Battle Box is the game in which the amount of practicing and strategizing has the most correlation to the actual scores, and the one worth practicing the most (especially as PVP and team synergy are very important factors to doing well in the overall). Of course, previous experience in other areas will give an advantage \cough* Bedwars *cough**, but team coordination and strategy can not be understated in this game.
  7. Big Sales at Build Mart - It's... about team coordination, yes, but the "everyone pick a build and focus on it" strategy seems pretty prevalent, and while changing it from 4 builds to 3 helped, it only seemed to place one player in the "get blocks" role. Communication to see who's closest to a resource will certainly help, but I haven't seen it be as deciding a factor as it initially seems to be. Up until MCC7, screenshotting and just trying to get the resources as fast as possible still seems to be the best way to go about it, until, of course, Techno and Dream subverted the entire system through sheer dedication. Separately. At the same MCC. I highly doubt it's going to happen again - the organizers really don't want the game to be dominated by tryhards tryharding. They'll change the builds every game - not all of them, but enough that the Techno/Dream strategy isn't worth it anymore. Unless it is, just picking out the most commonly used blocks and studying recurring builds, and I wouldn't be surprised if Techno or Dream did some tests to find out. They're the only two I can see being crazy enough to do that. Speed-building... can you practice it? Sure, but I doubt the effects will carry over much to Build Mart, since the builds will be different. Studying all the past builds will certainly help, since I imagine at least some will get recycled each time. Maybe more ice boat practice. Other than that, I don't know. There's no RNG in Build Mart, but also not really that much in the way of interesting strategy or fast-pace reaction testing, hence why both streamers and audiences find it so boring. I highly doubt something like Techno and Dream’s obsessiveness leading to something game-breaking strategy will happen again. Worth preparing for some, but preparing for it is more like studying for a test, memorizing and recording information, and 90% of it won’t even be useful.
  8. Survival Games: Here is where RNG starts playing a significant factor. "WHY DO THEY ALWAYS HAVE FLAMEBOWS???" -Technoblade, The Curse of the Anime Protagonist. Yeah, if you don't get a few good early chests and another team does, and the two teams meet, it's not going to be pretty or fair. Honestly, Survival Games is just Minecraft Hunger Games with 3 teammates and a shiny new texture pack. Playing Hunger Games is certainly good practice for this, and team coordination can make or break a bad set of loot, but no matter how good you are RNG can still screw you up real bad, especially if targeting is involved. Practice PVP and team synergy, but that’s just a good idea in general and more relavent to other games. Don’t die to the border. What else can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Skyblockle: Survival Games, but the void gives everyone 10x more anxiety. At least, that's what it seems like at first, but upon further inspection Skyblockle is fundementally difference from survival Games in a lot of ways. First of all, you can break and place blocks. That part is so important, as MCC 8 gave us a really nice showcase of the best strategies, though not as much as Survival Games. The deciding factor seems to be food here - it's even rarer than in Survival Games, and given the amount of times I've watched Techno nearly die in Survival Games because he had nothing to eat, it’s really quite something. The goal is basically to get to middle as fast as possible and just stay there until the border does its thing, preferably in a place others can't get to easily. As the "dig beneath'' strategy has been utilized many times now and is easy to counter, I imagine the "get a bunch of blocks and play tower defense in the sky" strategy will become more prevalent. There's definitely room for more strategy in Skyblockle, but I just can't imagine many other options. Everyone starts off with roughly the same amount of stuff, and getting to the outer chests is still a matter of mostly skill and speed. The problem is that we've seen the games often end with a few sides unwilling to risk confronting each other and just all getting more survival points by dying to the border. Practice PVP and team co-op, I guess. While Skyblockle seems complicated, that's about it for practice, as far as I can tell. Do that, make it to the final few, hole up somewhere nice and cozy and easily defendable, and die to the border to get those final few sweet, sweet survival points. This does mean a team that can kill everyone else before that happens has the advantage, but realistically that's a lot easier said than done. The "tower in the sky" strat, as we've seen, is pretty easily defendable. Bridging over, or up, leave you very, very vulnerable to attacks, and since loot is pretty evenly distributed, with the team getting to the middle and thus executing the tower strat probably getting all the middle loot chests (this time Cyan didn't seem to have this going for them, but again, they seemed to fare just fine and I think that was probably just bad luck with the amount of loot they have. Plus, a quick stop at a passing island on their way would have helped greatly). A game that doesn't really have much to it in terms of practice or strategy, when you break it down, though who knows. Maybe Techno or Dream,or another dark horse player will cook up another strat to prove me wrong. Certainly possible, in this game. Edit: Apparently they’re rehauling Skyblockle next game? Like, Foot Race to Ace levels of rehaul, so not completely different, but recognizably. Well, this is the change some of us have been hoping for… definitely excited to see what new kind of strategies can be made in the rehauled version.
  10. Sands of Time: Another game where RNG can play a factor, as we’ve seen, though not as much as in Survival Games. While parkour is certainly a big factor, it's not the parkour of Parkour Warrior, with very focused, specific jumps around specific objects. This is more general parkour - be able to get from block to block easily, and maybe do good with a bit of ladder parkour, and you're pretty much set. No need to worry about ladder neos or trapdoor jumps...yet, anyway. PVE is another major factor, and while certainly studying up on mobs like vexes might help, it doesn't really pay to do much more than read through the wiki page and maybe a bit of practice (Techno and Dream both seem really hung up on vexes, and certainly they're a pain to players unused to them). Strategy is more complex, but the teams pretty much have it down to "don't die, collect sand you see and put it in when you're passing middle, get as many coins, escape at the end." It's very high risk, high reward. Some have someone who focuses on sand, staying near middle, keeping track to time. I haven't seen much strategy beyond that, and certainly not much practice. Sands of Time is in a similar boat to Rocket Spleef or Hole in the Wall - you can't really practice the real thing. Plus, the dungeons are even procedurally generated, albeit with some certainties. Speedruns certainly help, with PVE experience and environment traversing, but that seems about it. I do feel like there's a lot more potential for new strategies here, though, waiting to be unlocked. Just don't know...what, so for now, Sands of Time is another one of those "you can practice and plan for it a bit but not really all that much" game.
  11. Bingo But Fast: Oh boy, where do I begin. There's more RNG than you think - all the mining stuff is basically that. How fast you get the iron or gold or redstone or diamonds you need is very luck oriented, and where you spawn above ground too. Is there sugarcane or cows or sheep or the flowers you need nearby? Are you just close enough that your team can be the first ones to get them? The items don't seem to vary much, actually, so I can totally see another "Techno or Dream try to optimize everything." But there's two things working against optimization strategies, even if the items are the same (of which I doubt), or similar (I’m too tired to check, okay?). First, the RNG, of course. Second is all the other teams scoring and subsequently locking out items, forcing priority onto different things. Team coordination does matter, as effectively splitting up tasks and keeping track of who has what is very important, but then again, most games rely on that to some degree. Bingo isn't special. Can you practice mining faster? Not really. Crafting faster? Ish, but not enough to make much of a difference. The biggest practice for Bingo specifically is just memorizing what goes into crafting what, and even then, there's nothing stopping them from just looking it up on the wiki. There's a reason people find it so boring.
  12. Dodgebolt: I mean... play on the practice server. That's about it. The game practice makes the biggest difference in, and the one you can re-create the experience the best. Feed the arrows to your best shooter, target the players that are the best on the other team, practice strafing and aiming. Have a good grip on shooting priority (aka who should shoot if the best player is down?) It’s a very adaptive game.
So, this has been my (admittedly rather hasty) breakdown of every game in MCC. What are my inferences from this?
Well, MCC may be getting more competitive, and practicing/strategizing may be playing a bigger and bigger role, but not as much as people say it does, especially as the games go on and Noxcrew patches all the practice-oriented/”ruins the point” strategies out, as we’ve seen with Build Mart and Bingo. A lot of the games just flat out require experience and good reaction times, things that need to be built up over a long period, thus why players like Pete, Techno, Quig, and Dream are as good as they are, even from the beginning. And it's hard to replicate a lot of them to be practiced effectively outside the event, for various reasons. In fact, Noxcrew knows this, and specifically designs the games to be this way, to be in a place where even if you do as much research and preparing as possible, especially on the strategy and using exploits side, it’s still nowhere near a guaranteed victory. This is what Techno would call "unfairly nerfing me." It's Noxcrew tying to keep the tournament less about who does the most homework/preparation and more about the actual games themselves. Here’s Smajor pretty much summing it up - https://www.reddit.com/MinecraftChampionship/comments/hwrdjp/smajors_opinions_on_practicing_replicas_of_mcc/
Take for instance, how this matters. The Pink Parrots in MCC 8 - I'd like to point out how pretty much everyone thought the Pink Parrots, especially Dream and Techno, were either practicing/strategizing fervently and just hiding it (with Mchill's tweets being a decoy), or actually just not practicing at all or very little.
If they were practicing, people theorized, then they could easily take the win, as practice, strategizing, and routinely talking to build up team synergy would solve the two biggest problems the Pink Parrots had going against them: lack of clear leadership/synergy, and other stacked teams. Dream and Techno's combined brainpower, people reasoned, meant if they prepared they could easily come up with new, never-seen-before strategies like what happened with Build Mart in MCC7, and organize who could be leader at what times. (Obviously, as we've seen, lots of us owe MichaelMchill and especially Burren an apology for sleeping on them, though a fair number of predictions here did correctly realize Mchill and Burren were not the heavy nerfs some people assumed they were).
Meanwhile, if they really weren't practicing, as MichaelMchill's tweets implied, then they would probably get crushed by teams like Cyan or Aqua, who were very clearly aiming for the win with a ton of practice. A lot of predictions I saw placed them at 2, due to how good a lot of the other teams were.
How did this play out? Well, 2 predictions were proven true by MCC8.
  1. The Pink Parrots would win.
  2. The Pink Parrots had only done a minimal amount of practice for the tournament beforehand.
Obviously, these two facts contradict what the vast majority of people had predicted would happen, in accordance to how much the team practiced. Dream and Techno both only did a bit of parkour, and Burren and Mchill both did minimal amounts of practice too, but still didn't drag the team down by all that much (and I use the term "drag down" simply due to how relatively better Dream and Techno are).
This is in sharp contrast to how both Dream and Techno's teams practiced a ton last tournament, but neither came first (though admittedly, it was because Techno's team choked in Dodgebolt. I think if Philza and Wilbur had listened to Techno, and fed the arrows to Philza and took their time, they would have won).
I think the question isn’t really “why didn’t they practice?”, but instead, “what practice should they do?” And looking back, despite the lack of practice this time, Techno and Dream were in even higher positions than they were last time. Their prior years of experience is what ultimately carried them, not pre-tournament practice. Same with Pete, Quig, Sparklez, and the other top tier-players - they didn’t get good because they practiced MCC-specific stuff a ton. They were simply already good to begin with, and the practice they did, while it certainly helps, is certainly not the main contribution to their skills in the games.
The situation with strategies is similar - it’s not “why didn’t Dream or Techno come up with some insane new plan,” but instead “what insane new plans are left to discover?” At some point you have to accept there aren’t any left as Noxcrew keeps patching them, and I think we’re reaching that point. There’s only a few games like Battle Box and maybe the new Skyblockle, already more strategy oriented games to begin with, that I can see as having potential to bring new ground-breaking strategy into.
Pink Parrots didn't practice or prepare, while their closest competitors did. Pink Parrots got 1st. The situation was the opposite last time. All in all, dramatic irony at its finest, but it shows that the preparation aspect of MCC, while big, isn’t becoming as big an aspect as people think it is, and Noxrew is certainly interested in keeping it so.
But what do you think? If you’ve read this far and disagree with anything, I’m always open to feedback and constructive criticism. It’s very possible some assumptions I’ve made are wrong, after all.
*One last note: while teams that have a shot at winning may practice, by the 6th or so game it becomes rather clear who might be in top 2 and who definitely won't be. Those teams will then probably scale back their tryhardness and focus more on the fun aspects instead, thus decreasing the... "competitiveness," you could say. Or, rather, it puts all the tension in 3-4 teams, leaving everyone else to just chillax and enjoy the show. Not that important, but just an observation.
submitted by Needleflight to MinecraftChampionship [link] [comments]

My theory about The Acacia Strain, and why their current album rollout is absolutely genius

This is a fucking doozy, so strap in
For some reason, I haven’t seen much discussion about what The Acacia Strain are planning to do conceptually with the release of their 2 track EP’s lately.
A few weeks ago, (February 28th), they dropped a 2 track EP titled simply “D”.
Now..I don’t even consider myself a huge fan of TAS (a few songs here or there I like), but I was immediately interested in this because for me, it creates a lot of suspense and intrigue. I love when artists take the extra time to put details and concepts into the visuals and cover art, and I feel like it’s something that bands of their sound usually don’t focus a lot on.
Anyways, I saw a few comments around the internet about how they were gonna spell out D-E-A-T-H. That seemed to be the general consensus among fans, but I had a feeling they were gonna pull a fast one and do something different.
Well tonight (March 20th, 3 weeks later) they released a second 2 track EP titled simply “E”.
Of course this just furthered the speculation that they were spelling out DEATH, but I saw some other people guess DEVIL, DEMON, DEAD etc. While those words would make sense for a band like them, I still had a feeling it didn’t really fit with the theme they were going for. Plus “DEAD” wouldn’t make sense as it has two of the same letter.
With this release we also got confirmation that the covers are going to be connected as one picture, meaning whoever buys all the vinyls is gonna have one hell of a room display.
Anyways, my main gripe with those guesses is that none of them seem to make sense with the displayed artwork. It features a beautiful meadow with sunflowers, and Mr. Birdie vibin on a branch. It’s picturesque, like something I’d see on my grandma’s wall.
But what if I told you this is about to get dark. as. fuck?
So I had the idea to look at some of the lyrics from these songs to see if there was any hints as to what they could be spelling out.
Check out this lyric from the song off of “E” titled “Solace and Serenity”:
“Fire fueled with gasoline
Life is beautiful, the world is pristine
We have been bound unseen
The walls of existence remain unclean
No solace, no safety
Remain calm, we lack serenity
No burn, we all slowly decay”
Now just to get even more snobby, here’s the definition of “Decay”
“Decay: The state or process of rotting or decomposition”
So..my going theory at the moment is that they are going to spell out the word DECAY, and that throughout 5 EP’s (10 tracks, which they will release as a full album eventually) the artwork is going to get progressively more decayed
This is obviously going to serve as a pretty amazing depiction of the natural state of decay that the world is constantly in, and could even reference modern day climate change. “As within, so without. As above, so below” as they say. It’s a heavy topic, and even something they’ve touched on thematically, with the title of their last full length album being “Gravebloom”
But what’s really cool is we can already see this decay happening in real time. Look at the artwork for D then look at the artwork for E and tell me E doesn’t look a little...bleaker?
Firstly, Mr. Birdie is gone. :(
Secondly, the rays of sunlight are no longer visible, and the sky is noticeably greyer.
Thirdly, the tree in center frame seems to be drooping down a little bit.
And lastly, compare the sunflower on the left side of E to the sunflower on the right side of E. The right sunflower is a little bit muted, with a grey tone to it. Not nearly as vibrant as it’s counterpart.
The last thing I want to point out is how this pretty grand idea functions within the current state of music streaming.
Nowadays, we’re seeing more and more artists release their albums in short bunches of songs, or “mini EP’s”. I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept. The idea behind it is that when the first couple songs are released, the band gets buzz online, and you go check out the music. Then a few weeks later they get buzz again, and you check out the music again, thus reminding you of the previous songs, so hey why not give those another play?
It’s a pretty smart way to earn extra streams, while keeping your fans on the edge of their seat. But what I love about this particular release is that they found a way to conceptualize this style of album rollout, making it more than just a way to play the system.
Over the course of (presumably) 18 weeks, we’ll get to watch this landscape decay and rot to the point of complete and utter devastation, and I think that’s the coolest thing ever.
submitted by acediaesthetic to Deathcore [link] [comments]

[Serious] "Yo he just be vibin tho" memes are now banned, and a more broad talk on "hood talk" in general. (don't worry, hood talk is not banned)

TLDR: "Yo he just be vibin tho" or "he lookin kinda chill tho" memes are now banned.

As Rule one currently, and has always stated, memes that rely solely on a certain way of speaking (including "hood talk") will be removed as uncreative.

Also check out the OKbr Twitter :) @okbrtweets

okay, now onto the real post. I don't think it's going to be a long one, but there has been a lot of discussion between the mods on how this issue should be dealt with.
Okbuddyretard has always had a strong focus on certain ways of speaking. The sub was virtually founded on people acting/ speaking like children.
There has always been a lot of discussion between mods, as well as users in the discord or on /okmetaretard about feeling burnt out on this kind of humor; how we deal with it has always been a controversial topic.
As the rules currently are, rule one includes a section stating the following:
Do not rely on certain ways of speaking to be funny, for example, "hood talk," or lots of misspellings. These can make a funny joke funnier but they can also kill it.
We collectively believe it'd be wrong to outright ban a certain way of speaking, as the ban would be too broad and stifle creativity. Hood talk used to create a juxtaposition can, and often is very funny, and has been a cental focus of some of the best memes on this sub. On the other hand, simply taking a picture of a cat stuck in a box and writing "Yoooo he just be vibin tho" isn't funny, it isn't creative, and was pretty much a dead, cookie cutter meme from the first time someone copied it.
While, in principal, the current rule makes sense, it is pretty hard to moderate, and will always come down to an individual mod's opinion. This is why you may see posts that violate this rule on the front page suddenly disappear as one mod may have let them through, but another mod didn't.
Rule one has always been ambiguous. It's impossible to describe creativity, as that'd be contrary to the very definition of the word. It only gets harder to maintain as the sub grows.
We'll be interested to hear what you think below.
To see a full list of banned memes, Click HERE
For a full list of the rules of this sub, Click HERE
To seriously discuss this post and tell the mods how much of a bunch of boomers they all are, Click HERE
submitted by Lemonade1947 to okbuddyretard [link] [comments]

Coastguard #7 - Paralysis

DCNext Proudly Presents…!


Issue #7: Paralysis

Written by Fortanono
Edited by AdamantAce, dwright5252, deadislandman1
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NOTE: Reading Freedom Fighters #2 before this issue is highly recommended!
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Commander Steel removed his mask.
“Holy shit,” Ray said. “With all the shit I put you through, everything I said… I’m so sorry for all of it.”
“It’s okay,” Commander Steel said. Underneath the mask was a smiling face, an old black man with greying-silver hair, much older than any of the team had expected. “Ray, this has been the hardest secret I’ve ever had to keep, and let me just say how proud I am of you, with everything you’ve become.”
“Um,” Anissa began. “Mind sharing with the rest of the class? Who is he?”
“My name is Marc Silvera,” Commander Steel said. “I was an old friend of Ray’s father and was a member of his military unit, the Freedom Fighters. Those of us who were still there after Langford sacrificed himself promised to help Ray’s mother look after him. One of those people was Hank Heywood, the original Commander Steel.”
Ray struggled for words; he had a million questions, but eventually settled on one. “So, why are you… doing this?
“Well,” Marc smiled, “It’s my way of giving back to the world that’s protected me over the years. I suppose that it was purely random that I was able to become a hero the way I did; it was a path born of tragedy as well. On the battlefield, I was exposed to a bioweapon that rendered me limp. But Heywood and a friend worked to build a suit that would let me live a normal life and regain motion, but it also made me stronger. Eventually I decided to use the gifts it afforded me to help people, like I did in the army. I should have told you who I was earlier, but the technology used was classified by the U.S. government. If I told the wrong person, Hank and the others could be put in danger. Either way, you’ve proven yourselves to be allies that I would trust with my life.”
Ray ran up to Marc and gave him a hug, his golden costume against the cold metal of Marc’s suit. “I’ve missed you, Uncle Marc.”
Curtis, sitting in the spinning chair of Room 103, cleared his throat. “So, taking on Parallax in their territory isn’t something that we can do without some sort of plan. This is their turf; we need to work together for us to stand a chance. I’ll be working on my own plans, but you’re the guys in the field. Any of you who wants to take the initiative to come up with a plan to take them on, consult me and we can discuss things further. When Josiah, Helga and I feel comfortable with sending the team down there, we will. Got it?”
“Okay,” Courtney smiled.
“For sure,” Anissa laughed.
“Let’s do this,” Cisco said, clenching his fist. “I’m about ready to see my brother behind bars again. He’s caused far too many problems for us.”
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Sir. Sir, are you okay?”
Alec woke up from whatever deep slumber had consumed him, the smell of the burning rubber from the pod he was in still lingering in his head. He wasn’t in Helga’s secret lab anymore; this was definitely New Coast, if the site of all the kitschy tourist shops was anything to go by. He was lying down in front of “The Watering Hole,” a Western-themed bar that had a beaver as its mascot. Over him was a family, clearly a very rich one if their clothes and car were of any indication. A mother, father, and two very young kids. The father was the one standing over him, his hair containing far too much gel for its own good; he grabbed Alec and shook him from his semi-trance.
A pain shot up from the right of Alec’s chest. Alec groaned as the man he presumed was a millionaire helped him up onto his feet.
“Sir. Do I need to get you to a hospital? What happened?”
Phosphorus...” Alec muttered to himself. “Phosphorus compound… carrots, not sticks. I--I’m sorry, I can’t tell you. Do not tell anyone about this. Please.
“Sir,” the man said. “There’s something wrong with your chest. We need to get you to see a professional. Please remain calm.”
Alec looked down at his chest and gasped. Where his searing pain was strongest, he saw a spot of his skin glowing a fluorescent orange. Underneath, he could see the slightest outline of his ribcage. Looking at it, the spot on his skin seemed to pulsate, which made it hurt more.
“Phosphorus compound… primers… stimulate the metagene. Incredibly, excruciatingly painful. Incredibly, excruciatingly painful!”
Alec screamed at the top of his lungs as he grabbed onto the businessman. He could only watch as he burned up from the inside out, feel his body wither under Alec’s power. The man’s skin crackled first; as it started to go, Alec could see a brilliant flame ignite inside his chest. His internal organs burned next, and Alec began to smell the most awful thing he had smelt in his life as the flesh began to decay. The man’s suit got caught in the flame, too, shriveling up and becoming ash. Eventually, his skeleton melted up, and there was no trace of the man left.
How did he do this? How could he do this?
Alec caught his breath. He realized that the pain was gone. He didn’t even comprehend what he had done to the man.
The children had run away. Alec thought he had heard their screams, but had been so overcome with the moment that he couldn’t really tell. The man’s wife stood, petrified, clutching her way-too-expensive purse. Her face was contorted into a scream, but the noise usually associated with one didn’t come out. Her eyes were wide open; she looked to Alec almost like a wax figuring.
Alec ran up to her and grabbed her too. He couldn’t tell, but he thought he felt the orange spot on his skin inch ever so slightly to the left.
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“Hey,” Anissa said. “I brought some Chinese food for us. Made sure to get orange chicken, just how you like it.”
“Hey, Toni,” Lorraine said, lacking her usual enthusiasm. Her apartment was huge; it was the type of space that reminded one of a proper house rather than an apartment. That was the price, Anissa supposed, of living in New Coast; nearly all dwellings were like this. Lorraine sat on the couch, watching old Gray Ghost episodes.
“Nice taste in TV,” Anissa laughed. She sat down next to Lorraine, who was wearing a blue Metropolis University sweatshirt.
Lorraine nodded, reaching for her remote and pausing the show. “Being in Blue Devil’s city made me realize I never actually watched it. It’s actually a really good show.”
“Don’t watch Season 6 though. Not even Dan likes it--or at least, that’s what I’ve read online somewhere.”
“Listen, Toni,” Lorraine said. “I have to talk to you about something. I’d love to just chow down on this food with you, but I’d bash myself if I didn’t bring it up. I know why you haven’t talked about this, I totally get your reasoning behind it, but honesty is super important in a relationship for me so we have to talk about it.” She pauses and chuckles to herself. “I know, I sound so crazy talking about this, but I know who you really are.”
“I’m so sorry,” Anissa said. She began to sob, breaking down in front of her. “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t want to put you in any danger. I hope that you can forgive me.”
“Of course,” Lorraine smiled. “I can’t complain; after all, not many people can say they’re dating the President’s daughter. I mean, what exactly is Jennifer doing these days? Is she seeing anyone?”
Anissa sighed, composing herself. “You got me,” she said. “How’d you figure it out?”
“Oh, come on. Your photo’s plastered over every tabloid. It’s a running joke on Capitol Hill that Anissa Pierce packed her bags and went out West, but I didn’t expect it to actually happen. When Tex Thompson showed up here, that’s when it all clicked. I didn’t actually believe it until I saw you without your glasses. It’s amazing how well that trick works. I won’t be fooled next time.”
Shit, Anissa thought. I’m gonna need a bigger mask. And then she chastised herself for having that thought, knowing that she needed to tell Lorraine about her other identity, knowing that Lorraine could take it. But she couldn’t tell her now. She couldn’t break away from this moment.
Anissa smiled and took off her glasses. “You know,” she said, “I’m so glad I can finally tell you. Feels so good to get that off my chest.”
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“Good morning,” said Curtis as he stretched out his arms. “You were up early.”
Ray lounged in Curtis’ rolling chair in Room 103, looking through a stack of notes he had written. Curtis had heard him getting up at around 3 in the morning--he had taken the super-loud elevator from High Command--but he had no idea where Ray had actually been. He scribbled in his notes with his right hand, his left hand providing light so he could properly read what he was writing.
“You know,” Curtis laughed, “There’s a proper lightswitch right next to the doorway. Probably easier to use.”
“Yeah, that probably would have been easier. Just natural instinct, I suppose.” Ray stood up from Curtis’ chair, carrying the stack of notes with him. “So, I’ve been doing a lot of work on the plan to take on Parallax. Check this out.” He flipped through his notes, showing Curtis a map of Coast City circa 2016. The gas station was circled in black marker, with lines representing each team member: himself in yellow, Dan in blue, Courtney in green, Marc in red, Cisco in orange and Anissa in purple.
“Wow, you’ve been doing the work,” Curtis chuckled.
“I know, right?” Ray said, beaming. “I’ve just been looking through some files Helga had about everyone’s powers, and I’ve been looking at how we can work together, not separately. For example, I’m the only one that can fly, but we’ve got three bruisers. Anissa, Courtney and Marc have comparable super-strength, but Courtney also has some energy capabilities. Cisco’s more of a long-range blaster, but his seismic powers can also be used in larger areas around him. Dan’s a bit trickier in terms of his powerset; it seems designed to herd enemies to certain places, which can be used really well in this--”
“Woah,” Curtis said. “Slow down. I’ll look over these notes once I’ve had my coffee.”
“Of course,” Ray laughed. “I’ll let you wake up. I just figured, you said anyone could take initiative, I figured I’d be the one to rise up to the task.”
Curtis took the notes from Ray’s hands. “I never imagined it’d be you, honestly. No offense, but you’ve never seemed like the type to lead like this.”
Ray nodded. “None taken. I’ve been looking over how I’ve acted recently, and I just feel like I suck. Learning about who Marc really was, I just feel like I’ve been a huge jerk. I’m fixing that now, I promise. This is the first step.”
“I’ve never felt that way,” Curtis said. “You’ve always been an important part of the team. But I’m really glad for you stepping up in this capacity. It really helps.”
“Thanks,” Ray said. “I gotta go. Catch up on some sleep.”
The sun began to rise over New Coast, the morning’s fresh light dawning over the two of them as Ray left. Curtis sat down and began looking through Ray’s plans. As he flipped through the pages, he realized something: the team could probably take on Parallax that very day.
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“Nice van,” Courtney laughed. “We going on a road trip?”
Curtis nodded. “Well, the original Coast City isn’t that far away, but it’s still about an hour with minimal traffic. Figured we’d use my old van; Michael and I used to drive for hours in this thing. At least, until he invented a way faster car that ran on water. He was always making things better, always forgot the sentimental value of certain things. Never mattered to him.”
“Ouch,” Courtney said. The rest of Coastguard piled into the hotel garage, all in their civilian clothes--except for Dan, for whom there was little to no point. Marc was unmasked; he wore an excessively large black suit that hid his armor. “By the way, can I choose the music? I never got to do that on road trips with my mother. We would always listen to her stuff.”
“No way,” Curtis said. “I’ve got over 800 songs on this one playlist I made. It has something for everybody, I promise.”
“So,” Ray cut in, “You’re the tech guy, running all of our advanced systems, and you just dump every single song you have into one playlist? I’m sure there’s a better solution.”
“Sometimes the simplest way is the best. Trust me.”
“Hope I’m not late,” Helga said, coming in through the door of the garage with a bowl of Vibin’ Fruit Punch ice cream from a nearby kiosk. “I just had to grab a snack for the road. It’s a bit acidic; I wouldn’t mind sticking to the other five for the time being.”
The crew piled into Curtis’ van, Curtis and Helga sitting up front while the others scrambled to find any decent amount of space in the back. They drove for what felt like ages; traffic was slowed to a crawl as they got onto the freeway, but they made it to the grounds of the original Coast City just barely fifteen minutes past the projected arrival time. They pulled over at a nearby rest stop so that the heroes could change into their costumes before the big fight. Courtney walked out of the bathroom, once again in her original red-and-green costume, made of cloth rather than metal.
Anissa stood next to the vending machines, eating a cinnamon bun she had gotten from one of them. “Hey,” she said. “We’re still waiting on Ray and Cisco, but I’m sure they’ll be ready at any time. The others are already in the car. Liking the old threads.”
“Yeah,” Courtney smiled. “Safety first, y’know? I can’t be going out in the middle of everything in Helga’s suit of armor, or I’ll be dragged around like I was last time.”
“The colors are so different; it’s always weird to see you like that. No offense, but you kinda look like one of Santa’s elves.”
Courtney chuckled. “Hey, I’ll have you know that in Opal City, we wear these colors as a badge of pride. Starman and his successors have protected this city with their lives over the years, and one day, I might even wear these same colors again full-time.”
“Do you miss it?” Anissa asked. “Opal City, I mean. Pretty far from home right now, huh?”
“I guess I do,” Courtney said. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while, actually. This year was by far the best year of my life, fighting crime and everything, but it was meant to be something else. It was meant to just be a lazy year where I worked at the mint and learned skills I needed before going off to college. And then Starman saves me, and I get all these powers, and Opal University just doesn’t feel as important anymore. Y’know?”
“Big choices coming up, I see. You want my advice?”
Courtney smiled and nodded.
“You should leave. I know, I know, it sounds like blasphemy. But you’re young, and you need to learn who you are. Besides, last I heard, you’ll have a little company fighting crime in Opal. Superheroes running pizza restaurants, and I thought I had seen everything.”
Courtney didn’t say anything in response; she just stood there. It felt bittersweet; another chapter closing. But she knew Anissa was right.
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The van pulled up next to the Coast City Memorial Garden, right at the entrance to the city from the highway. The garden was surrounded on all sides with black stone panels, names etched in gold of all the victims of the attack. On the back of one of the panels, crude blue graffiti depicted the name “Bruce Wayne,” the one victim of the attack who was revealed only later to have been there.
“Wait,” said Cisco. “I’d like to make a stop here, before we do anything else.”
Without saying a word, Curtis nodded and pulled the van into the garden’s parking lot. Cisco walked out and browsed the names of everyone he had lost that day. His eyes traced the list alphabetically, from “Quirin” to “Rabenstein” to “Rahaim.” Eventually, he found his own name, and his brother’s directly below it.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Dante?” Cisco muttered to himself. “Feels like too long. Well, things are about to change, and you’re gonna get what you deserve.”
Cisco turned away from the board briefly, and a woman walked up to him. “Excuse me? Sir?”
“What is it?”
The woman smiled, looking at him. “My sister--she died in this attack, it was the worst day of my life--but she once told me about you. You’re Vibe, right? You saved her life once. Thank you.”
Cisco nodded, tears welling up in his eyes as he shook her hand. “Of course. It’s what I do.” He paused. “You know, we all lost people that day. I wish I could say it gets better, but it doesn’t. It just gets different. But over the years, you think about the pain less often, and to some people, that can be considered getting better. I wish you the best with what you’re going through.”
He walked back to the van, a wistful smile on his face. “I’m ready. Let’s take down these fuckers.”
Curtis cleared his throat. “Okay, Ray’s briefed you all on your positions, right? If things go wrong, you improvise, but until then, we work as a team and we follow the plan.”
“Of course,” Dan said.
“Copy that,” Courtney said. “Let’s get these guys.”
“Helga and I will be coordinating things from the van if we need to,” Curtis said. “Let’s get going.”
The team walked out, preparing for battle. As Marc got out of the van, Helga stopped him. “Wait,” she said. “You’re gonna need these.” Helga pulled out a set of two devices that looked like guns of some sort.
“These are the energy cannons we’ve been working on for a while. They’ll let you attack from a distance if you need to.”
“Thanks,” Marc said. He held out his wrists as Helga fastened them onto his suit, bonding onto it with some sort of nanotechnology. “It’ll be a real help.”
“Alright, Coastguard, time to show them what we’re made of,” Ray said. And then he flew off into the horizon.
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“Attention,” Ray shouted as he got to the ruins of the gas station that Parallax was operating under. “Everyone in this facility is under arrest for participating in a terrorist scheme. You will be dealt with accordingly.”
As expected, several members of Parallax ran out of the facility, wielding guns and wearing Green Lantern masks. Ray flew off before they could attack him. Through a portal, the Blue Devil teleported Courtney, Anissa and Marc into the field before himself going through. The three other heroes stood an equal number of feet apart, several yards from the gas station. Dan began portaling them into three equal lines in front of the heroes, each one taking their weapons and fighting them until they could be restrained. Ray watched the battlefield from above, blasting any members of Parallax who escaped or seemed to present a threat to the current order.
The terrorists began to pile up, each one of them handcuffed in a series of non-metal cuffs Helga had designed for the occasion. The initial wave died down as the members realized that it wouldn’t benefit them to walk out right then. The remaining members fortified themselves for attack in the gas station itself. Now began the second phase of the plan.
Courtney and Marc ran forward to the doors of the gas station, while Anissa remained behind them as a second line of defense. They punched and blasted through the last remaining members of Parallax, with Dan then sending them to Anissa to handcuff. As the entire facility cleared itself out, Dan portaled Courtney and Marc back to the van and portaled himself to where Anissa stood. Finally, a third blue portal appeared, with Cisco coming out into the open and walking into the gas station.
“Holy shit,” Cisco said. “This place looks just like it did before. Except, you know, ruined. Perks of being on the edge of town, I guess?” He walked deeper into the structure, into the basement that Dr. Polaris had created. The tubes where he and Dante were submerged in the strange energies that gave them his powers were still there, although clearly non-functional.
“Dante? You’ll save yourself a lot of pain if you just come out now.” No response. Oh well; Cisco just had to do this the hard way. He let out a large amount of seismic energy around him, levelling what was left of the gas station’s structure, making sure to destroy any of the debris that was about to land on him. As the gas station fell, Cisco thought, so did the last ties he had to his brother. Dante was lost, and Cisco wasn’t going to find him. He had to find himself.
“I really wish you hadn’t done that.” Dante’s voice. No voice modulator. Polaris floated down to Cisco’s level, not wearing any faceplate to hide his identity. There was no point. “That was some nice real estate here. Not much of it left.”
All around the brothers, metal debris began floating around them, orbiting Dante as he got ready for an attack. “You know, Cisco,” he said, “You’ve always been the weak one. No killing, no standing up to the corporate shitsacks that were going to turn your home into happy-fun world right where we stand. I’m even questioning if you need to live without that spine.”
“Fuck off, Dante,” Cisco said, readying another attack. He blasted Dante squarely in the chest, knocking off pieces of his armor which began to orbit him all the same. Another blast as more armor came off. Ray provided supporting fire from the sky, which knocked off more pieces. Eventually, Dante was floating in the middle of his own debris, wearing a sweat-stained grey T-shirt and khaki shorts. He looked just like Cisco had known him, not a day older than when they were put away for their crimes. He hadn’t changed, either, Cisco thought.
Cisco began exerting as much force as he could, shaking the ground, knocking all of Dante’s metal shards down. The larger pieces of debris from the gas station began to tumble. Dan portaled Helga in as Dante fell; she hooked a pair of dampener cuffs over Dante’s wrists. Cisco exerted what felt like the last of his energy as he fell over backwards.
≈≈≈≈≈ 🔱 ≈≈≈≈≈
The falling debris of the gas station...
A thousand fires raging, burning brighter than ever before...
The sheet metal floor of a moving truck...
Burn victims, piled up in a scorched field...
“Well, look who’s finally awake.”
It was Helga Jace’s voice. Cisco looked around; he was in some sort of laboratory. It wasn’t Helga’s usual setup at the hotel; he didn’t recognize it at all. He was chained to a hospital bed, Helga staring at him intently.
“Where the fuck am I?” He struggled against the chains, to no avail. He tried to blast her, but in place of his usual powers, his hand lit aflame. “What have you done to me?”
“Trust me, I want to be here as little as you do,” Helga said. “Simply put, I was contacted by a man named Samuel, who had tapes of me harassing the workers on the set of my show. Not my best moment, but it happened, and in order for him not to ruin my career with them, I have to deliver him the most powerful metahuman I knew. Unfortunately, your brother’s wanted by one Amanda Waller of Belle Reve, and I can’t argue with her, so I had to kidnap you instead.”
“So what, you’re gonna save your own image because you’re an asshole? Is this what that is?”
Helga laughed. “Image is more important than you think, Cisco. Trust me, though, when I say it’s still been a fun project to work on. You and your brother have amazing powers, and you guys don’t even know it! Based on various external stimuli, I’ve been able to change your powerset like Dante changed his. Showing you pictures of fires gave you pyrokinesis, which replaced your original powerset. But that’s only the beginning.”
Helga smiled a knowing smile. “My hypothesis, Cisco, is that you can control any form of energy, but most notably, you can control the vibrational energies of the universe itself."
submitted by Fortanono to DCNext [link] [comments]

Trip Report on 2.55 grams

Ok so here is my first ever trip report (sorry it's going to be long), let me just preface this with my history so far in the shroom world. I've tried shrooms 3 times now, slowly increasing my dose each time from: 1.5, to 2.1, to 2.55. And I have to say, each time was more and more mind shattering than the last. And this was all over the course of 3 weeks (I just tried them every Saturday). Originally after my second trip I was going to write a trip report, but that 2.55 blew it's way to the forefront. So let's start from the beginning, shall we? (Ps: before any of this I had no experience with psychedelics, just weed).
So the first time I took them (1.5g) I ate with peanut butter, but I was not a fan of eating them ol naturalll so I ended making capsules the next two time, which personally for me, made it SO much nicer and easier to go down. I fasted for about 14 hours not counting a McDonald's hash brown I ate to hold me over in the morning, and took 5 capsules at around 2:40 pm equaling the 2.55g. I spent the day with my best friend and bf.
After taking them we hung out at me and my bf's place for about 20-30 min waiting for it to kick in before leaving the house to go get ice cream. I felt the come up like a wave over my entire body and was like, "alright, it's time to go lol" So we head outside to my friends car as I tried to act as normal as possible passed my grandparents whom we are currently living with. I can function normally still at this point but when I went to get in the car it felt as though it jolted away from me, but it's still all good. Just kind of giggly now.
We head to the ice ream shop, luckily drive through only right now because of covid, so no human interaction will be necessary for me. As my friend is ordering I'm looking out the car window at a tree near by, and I can see every little line in the bark, jumping out at me and some more colors are starting to appear. Small details are becoming very visible.
I'm surprisingly not hungry anymore so end up not actually getting any ice cream at all but just sharing a little bit with my bf. We pull around front and park so we can sit outside at one of their picnic tables. That's when I start to notice the visual trails/after images. Something I didn't experience before, so I was a bit surprised by that. I would move my hand around and just see the trail of motion like still frames in time. I've seen this when depicted in movies and cartoons, but when it's happening irl it was blowing my mind.
Unfortunately this icecream shop is at a busy intersection, so there were a lot of cars around, and I REALLY started to hate it. I've learned from both this trip and my previous one that I don't like being around man made structures and vehicles, but would rather be in nature (which is weird because I'm honestly not really an outdoorsy kind of person normally). So we end up leaving and head to my friends house since we both had to pee.
When we got closer to her house, that's when it started to get crazy. Normally her road does not have that many cars on it, but someone was having a party so it was PACKED, and when we pulled in those cars just felt like they jumped at me and I was like, "WHOA. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE." But they went back to normal size and we pulled into her driveway. At the end of of her driveway are some trees and bush's/her fence, to left is her garage/house, and to the right is her neighbors backyard. I'm sitting in the passenger seat and my friend gets out followed by my bf, but I don't move. My friends bf is in the garage, and I can hear her talking to him, but this is the part that really had me rollin. Instead of hearing words, all I heard was, "BLAH BLAH blah, blah BLAH blah." Like literally the word "BLAH" and I have never had auditory hallucinations before so I was like, "W.T.F." I yelled for my bf to come over and help me out, because I was starting to lose it lol. The neighbors backyard was looking like a wholenother world.
He comes over and eventually I make my way to the garage, I tell her I need to sit down like RIGHT NOW, so she sets up some lawn chairs for us. That's when it gets crazy. Her garage is moving all over the place, their faces have shapes and colors in them, stuff is melting and warping like a lava lamp. But it's not just the visuals, I start to lose touch with reality and the idea of doing ANYTHING is mind warping. I start to forget who I am and who these people are, even in the car I was thinking "what race am I?" as if I didn't infidelity with anything in particular. My friend, who has never tried psychedelics, has NO idea what is going on, but she tries being supportive. My bf has tried shrooms, but his experiences have always been different than mine (and not during the day, he has only taking them at dusk/night).
I've read a lot of experiences on reddit, and I start thinking, is this what ego death is? Is that what's happening right now?
I keep telling them, "Man, I'VE GOT A LOTTTT GOIN ON RIGHT NOW. YOU GUYS ARE NOT SEEIN WHAT IM SEEING." I'm not lying when I said I was LOSING my marbles. I had to keep repeating to myself who I was, my name, my age, where I worked, who was around me. I'm sure I looked like a crazy person in their eyes but the world around me was just not making sense. I kept thinking how normal life is annoying and in the way, and I was going to have to go back to it after this. I started remembering things from my past, and just speaking my thoughts out loud. After describing myself I went on to remember how my mom died, luckily I didn't break down when I said that, but stated it more like a fact. (Which I'm sure made my friends all very uncomfortable lol). And I seriously thought I was going to pee my pants (remember earlier, the whole point of coming to her house was because we both had to pee) but the idea of peeing was too much for me let's just say that.
One highlight I would say was at one point I looked over at my bf and his eye started to melt down his cheek and started to form another eye. I was like, "Whaaaaaaaa". Then I looked at my friend and everything around us looked like we were in some kind of weird cartoon. Eventually I was like, "OK. I'm gonna do it, I'm going to go pee." Which I said probably a good five times before actually getting up. My friend told my bf to go with me to help but I was like, "naw I'm good" even though I definitely was not lol.
Once in the house her kitchen starts to look like a sketchy painting or colored pencil drawing. I see one of her cats and it looks like it had two heads for a moment, and the stripes on it are moving like crazy. I make my way to the bathroom, avoid looking in the mirror because I hated myself in the mirror the last two times, sit down, and realize I don't think I can get this pee to come out, even though I've felt the urge to pee for what has felt like hours. So I just sit on the toilet, looking at the floor and the wall. Eventually I realize I've been in there for quite some time, and I knew someone was probably going to come check on me so I sat there anticipation. Eventually I got up and decide to look at myself in the mirror, and my pupils were straight up purple, but it wasn't awful like it was previously, I actually kind of liked it this time.
My bf does eventually come check on me and I unlock the door to let him in, I still haven't peed and he lets one of the cats in with him. I tell him to leave so I can focus on getting this goddamn pee out of me so he does and I FINALLY pee. The cat is just vibin and looking like an oil painting.
I finally get up and out of the bathroom and decide I just want to chill inside on the couch and play some mario party or something, so on the come down that's what we are doing. The world is still wavy and moving around, but mentally I start to stabilize and come back to reality.
So that was my experience, absolutely crazy. A lot of other stuff happened and I was talking a LOT, but I don't want to bore you guys with a novel so I'm going to end it here lol. However next time I for sure don't want to be in a garage lol. I would love to be in a field or someone surrounded by nature, and maybe wearing a goddamn diaper because I literally thought I was going to pee my pants if I stood up, which sucks because we were planning on going to the park but I was too afraid of peeing myself. (Which I'm sure was all mental but I had know way of knowing for sure...).
And to all you people taking 4+ grams. HOW?
If you got this far, thanks for reading and happy shrooming. I'm taking a break for a bit now lol.
TLDR: Saw my boyfriends eye melt and form a third eye, almost forgot who I was, sometimes the world looked like a cartoon, and thought I was going to pee my pants lol.
submitted by Souring_Stars to shrooms [link] [comments]

Had my First bad trip but it was an eye opening experience.

So as we all know, lsd gives you very strange thoughts and makes you very susceptible to the ideas that seem crazy when you’re sober. A common thought that I’m sure we’ve all gotten is that everything is connected, and we even understand how everything is connected when we’re in that state of mind, but it’s very hard to explain when sober. Well, I decided that I was going to take 400ug of lsd for the first time, and prior to this I’ve only had a few trips with 200ugs and those were already very intense for me, so this was a pretty big jump. I remember feeling a lil bit of anxiety in my gut, kind of like I feel when I drink a bunch of coffee and just want to move around but can’t cause I’m sitting in a desk or something. After the weird anxiety I started feeling a body high of sorts kind of like a warm vibration molding around me, and I was hearing ringing that was getting higher. I’ve never done dmt but I was thinking I was about to break through on acid or something lol. This was only like 20-30 minutes after swallowing it so about 50 minutes after I put the substance in my mouth. The visuals started kicking in very intense right off the bat. Walls were melting, molding, and stretching, tracers were following everything, colors got much brighter, and I was already seeing light kaleidoscope patterns start to form over my field of view. This was only like an hour after putting the 4 tabs on my tongue so I could tell I was in for a ride. Anyway everything was fine and actually amazing until I started peaking, the peak was more intense than I would’ve imagined and I felt things I never have before. It’s also important to note I was at a friends place who was taking shrooms for the first time. So after enjoying our time just vibin and listening to music I started to smell shit, like someone farted or shit themselves, seriously I was smelling it. And I remember thinking “I better not have just shit myself, that would be such an “I was on acid thing to do” lmao” so I felt my ass to make sure. I was wearing sweat pants with thick pockets so when I felt my ass cheek I grabbed a clump of an empty pocket and thought it was shit and I started freaking out. Everything I touched felt very malleable, squishy, and warm so of course my pocket felt like shit. My friend assured me I didn’t shit myself and he even patted me down and told me it was my pockets but I was on acid so I rlly didn’t give a fuck. This was funny at first but then we started to forget what stuff was, neither one of us could put on headphones, or plug anything in, we couldn’t even have a conversation without forgetting the words. I would forget things I was doing and wouldn’t be able to stay on track because of the intense visuals and weird head space. I remember looking at my friend and telling him that the universe/higher beings were fucking with us and trying to tell us we don’t know anything compared to them and that they can change our reality anytime they wanted to and he was like “damn you’re right, I feel hella dumb now” so I probably shouldn’t have said that cause as soon as we put negativity out there, it came right back. After that i started feeling my entire body with my hand, I was just grabbing random body parts to see what they felt like and it felt like I was turning into shit and I remember just getting the feeling that the universe was telling me I was a piece of shit. It felt like my entire body was a warm, itchy, gross piece of shit and by gross I mean I felt kind of hung over in a way. I couldn’t get comfortable no matter what and after this I just started to feel bad vibes. As soon as I felt that hung over feeling, I could feel my intestines and insides start to move and stuff and I was very uncomfortable. I was like “damn I’m about to die. I’m dying.” I know that I took real lsd and that it’s never killed anyone before, but it’s very hard to explain that to yourself when the universe is making you it’s bitch. This body feeling didn’t go away and it started turning my visuals darker, depressing, and lazy instead of my usual beautiful, happy, and energetic geometry. Back to what I said earlier about how everything is connected well this implies to literally everything. The Sounds around me, my visuals, emotions, and body feelings were all pretty much indistinguishable from eachother and all I knew was energy. It was all made of energy that was made of vibrations and the energy was bad, it was very negative and full of hate. The thing about acid is that it can make you feel the most love you’ve ever felt, but for every positive there’s a negative just as equal and I was feeling the most hate I ever have felt in my life. So much hate that it hurt physically which is why I thought I was going to die. Another crazy thing about lsd is that it warps time. Time felt infinite. Or it felt non existent. I guess when you think about it it would be hard to tell the difference, but I was just getting stuck in negative loops of time that felt forever. When I didn’t understand the concept of time anymore I realized I must be in hell. And I was gonna be there for eternity. It all made sense how eternity doesn’t mean forever as much as it means there’s not an end. I know forever means there’s no end, but what I’m trying to say is that time never begun, ended, or really existed. It’s just there in the moment. And I will forever be in this moment. Time is just a word we gave a meaning to, to explain something that doesn’t exist. If you didn’t understand what I’m trying to say then I apologize for my bad explanation lol but it’s very hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. Anyway, Somehow I still had grasp of reality and I knew it was a bad trip. I knew it was all just lsd effecting my brain and that all I had to do was surrender to it for a beautiful experience, but I couldn’t let go of my body for some reason. I barely knew how to use my phone but I somehow managed to get the psyched substance video on where Adam tries to talk you into surrendering to the substance and letting go of your ego. He tells you that you’ll be just fine and this will all be over, it’s just a substance effecting your brain. I believe the video is called “watch this if you’re having a bad trip” or “watch this if you’re experiencing ego death”. The video calmed me down some, but I didn’t get rid of the majority of the negative energy until my peak was about over. I don’t know how long the peak lasted but I took it at like 11 at night and probably didn’t feel like my trip was positive again until like 5 or 6 in the morning. I was coming down all the way until like 5 pm the next day, so my entire trip lasted a while. There were probably hundreds and yes I do mean hundreds of things that happened that night that I didn’t even mention but those were the big details that really put things into perspective in terms of what a bad trip is like for me. I barely talked about my friend who was there the entire time and he was a big part of that trip. I felt like I was ruining the night for him and that made me feel very shitty, I also kept asking if he was having a good time and he said he was having an amazing time but I didn’t believe him because of the experience I was having I guess. To wrap up what I got from the experience, is that I do have a better understanding of my spirituality now. I’ve never really been Very religious or anything but I’ve always believed there’s something more than this physical realm and that we must go somewhere when we die. What this experience gave me was what that something was. We’re made of energy, everything has energy. I believe that what I experienced was where our souls/energy goes when our physical vessels (bodies) die. I think without a consciousness, we just exist and are all connected in a field of nothing but energy. That energy can be good or bad depending on the frequency of your vibrations. If you lived a good life and treated people well then i think you’ll be in that beautiful place full of love but if you live your life negatively then you’ll be in a hateful place of low frequency. I guess that’s my interpretation of heaven and hell, and I believe “god” is the force that keeps it all together and connected. Sorry for keeping this so long but I definitely could’ve made it longer, so if you have any questions please ask, I hope you all have an amazing day and beautiful trips!
submitted by -Love-Sex-Dreams- to LSD [link] [comments]

Top Posts and Comments of the Day

Top of the Day for 07/07/2020

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Most Upvoted Posts of the Day

First Place
Placebo in a nutshell
posted by PowerfulOperation8 on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 143,180 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 15:30:26 UTC
Second Place
Mulan is the best Disney princess, change my mind.
posted by EquivalentInflation on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 117,943 Upvotes ● Posted: 05/07/2020 at 23:23:07 UTC
Third Place
Richest country
posted by My_Memes_Will_Cure_U on /awfuleverything
Click here to view the post. ● 111,978 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 05:12:51 UTC
Fourth Place
Street Performer sending waves down
posted by Thund3rbolt on /nextfuckinglevel
Click here to view the post. ● 110,531 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 01:18:45 UTC
Fifth Place
Haven’t owned a printer since 2007
posted by JayZGatsby on /WhitePeopleTwitter
Click here to view the post. ● 101,907 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 00:44:16 UTC

Most Downvoted Posts of the Day

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Most Upvoted Comments of the Day

IMPORTANT NOTE: This section may be not be accurate as it is under development. Currently this only gets the most upvoted top-level comments from the most upvoted posts today.
First Place
We have printers. There’s just no ink because it costs more than wine.
posted by totesbasic on /WhitePeopleTwitter
Click here to view the post. ● 8,551 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 00:52:50 UTC
Second Place
Remember reading about this. The guy was earning 35K which meant that it was too high to receive medical assistance but not enough to find a private insurance policy and that the price increase of insulin over the last 14 years was in the region just short of 600%. ` Even named the medical companies involved in doing it.`
posted by jameslawrence1 on /awfuleverything
Click here to view the post. ● 6,320 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 06:29:35 UTC
Third Place
this could be an infinite loop
posted by remuonparas on /nextfuckinglevel
Click here to view the post. ● 6,201 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 01:35:54 UTC
Fourth Place
I'm thinking Elsa's eternal snow must have killed at least two people
posted by Muser_name on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 5,707 Upvotes ● Posted: 05/07/2020 at 23:40:57 UTC
Fifth Place
Mmm, sugar pill make body go vroooooom ` Edit: Now my phone go burrrrrr and it make brain release dopamine. It's my placebo for people actually liking me`
posted by Nitsuj504 on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 4,561 Upvotes ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 15:56:15 UTC

Most Downvoted Comments of the Day

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Most Gilded Posts of the Day

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First Place
Ah shit, here we go again
posted by Alphamaxnova1 on /formuladank
Click here to view the post. ● 28,748 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 11:38:29 UTC
Second Place
Two weeks ago I posted a video of myself with a walking frame that got a lot of attention,Here’s an update of myself taking unassisted steps for the first time. (OC)
posted by unlikely--hero on /nextfuckinglevel
Click here to view the post. ● 27,723 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 20:39:17 UTC
Third Place
My PewDiePie-Shin Chan crossover for the intro, hope you like it!
posted by matesama on /PewdiepieSubmissions
Click here to view the post. ● 41,218 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 13:31:34 UTC
Fourth Place
posted by ManDe1orean on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 35 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 22:47:37 UTC
Fifth Place
Naoto's Vibin Adventure - Crazy Noisy Vibin Town
posted by succ_ma_d on /PERSoNA
Click here to view the post. ● 2,201 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 16:04:48 UTC

Most Gilded Comments of the Day

IMPORTANT NOTE: This section may be not be accurate as it is under development.
First Place
Go to YouTube and search this up, all the whites that say absolutely nothing when blacks get hanged and kkk march everywhere putting guns in people faces now all the sudden they're quite vocal about us having militants. the comments are funny asl. `\"They shouldn't be allowed to do that!!!\" ` quiet about racism against blacks jus tryna breath. But now very awake and talking. Let's see if some laws get made `Edit: to the white people trying to reply to me I don't wanna read it guys , I don't. alot of you sit quiet when blacks get murdered. Y'all think it's funny, when the confedi tards run around waving that terrorism flag. ` `That shit not funny to us. now I'm getting messages about peace. Bruh we been peaceful, we shown this country sooo much love. don't talk to blacks arming themselves about peace. Do your part to end racism. ` Next time you see some racist going off about \" nigger this, nigger that \" y'all need to get they ass. justice for breonna, police reform. And get yall ugly step child Klu Klux tf up out here `Double edit : yo racists be slick, mfs pulled up to my profile to have a pen battle. look guys the difference in black people is we openly shame the bad actors in our communities , all of you see that and laugh along with us. you can't pretend like racism is dead when we got a whole new generation on tik tok making hate videos and getting ready for another 20 years of bullshit. So do like we do and shame the bad actors in your circle. ` If you feel like you're being personally attacked you might be racist, sorry to point that out. n we love you guys, we've shown tons of love to whites for years. Black women marry racists all the time, and niggas rap about their love for white girls to the point where it's annoying , Y'all can return the favor . ` Triple Edit... Got Dayum: OK so among the racists in my DMs are some really dope white guys and girls. I jus wanna reiterate, we love you guys. That's where the definition of \"blacks can't be racist\" comes from because we may sound like we're ill will but it jus comes from the frustration of seeing and dealing with that shit. But I can assure you most blacks love whites we have no problems with you guys , as shown in our music. You jus have this really nasty zit on your face we want you to pop , that would be the racists and confedi extremists . we're all down for white love, we jus finally need everyone to be down for black love. and thanks for the support n the DM ❤️ . Don't stop with me tho show everyone love.`
posted by PotentialSoTrill on /BlackPeopleTwitter
Click here to view the post. ● 2,977 Upvotes ● 3 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 1 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 05/07/2020 at 16:58:22 UTC
Second Place
Can white people please stop with this “Kanye is going to split the black vote” bullshit. None of us want Kanye to run, a handful of asshats who worship him will write in him as a joke but you can bet those would be the same asshats that most likely wrote in Harambe or some other dumb shit. Black people most of all know what’s at stake for us and you’d be a fucking fool to believe we’d throw our full support behind a man that proudly proclaimed “slavery was a choice”. If Trump ends up winning again it won’t be because of Kanye taking away votes from Biden. Its honestly incredibly offensive that white liberal voters truly think that black people will see a black entertainer and immediately throw our support behind him. ` Edit: Just so people are clear, this could be some kind of scheme Kanye and Trump cooked up but, Kanye has been claiming he’ll run for president in 2020 since 2015. Proof.`
posted by Nogoodusernamesleft- on /politics
Click here to view the post. ● 1 Upvotes ● 2 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 0 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 20:57:20 UTC
Third Place
Kanye West is and always has been an enormous piece of shit.
posted by joseph_jojo_shabadoo on /politics
Click here to view the post. ● 1 Upvotes ● 2 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 0 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 20:59:00 UTC
Fourth Place
*That was the longest, strangest dream I’ve ever had,* Terry thought as he woke up. The sun coming through the window stung his eyes more than normal. He tried to shield his eyes, but quickly realized he was tied to the bed… and this wasn’t his bedroom. *What the fuck,* he thought, *I’ve been kidnapped!* `Terry opened his mouth to scream. Maybe someone would hear him. He could see out the window. He assumed he could be heard outside. Terry screamed for help, only the words didn’t work. “Hwaaaaaaa!”` He tried again. Relax. Breath. “Aaaahhhhh!” Terry couldn’t yell. He tried talking to himself. Maybe being quieter would help. “Hwaa tahhh fuhh.” `*Fuck… what is going on?* He tried thrashing wildly, but it only succeeded in digging the restraints into his… greenish flesh? He could feel panic welling up inside him. *Help!* He screamed, or thought. He couldn’t tell. He couldn’t think straight. He sighed and stared at the ceiling blankly.` A faint clicking sound came from the base of the restraints holding his arms. They rewarded his moment of calmness with slack. Enough slack that he could sit up properly. He looked out the window, trying to get his bearings. Maybe figure out where he was. He could tell his room was on a second or third floor. He had a decent view of the city around him and the busy streets below him. His jaw immediately fell. Unfortunately, due to the state of his body, it nearly fell *off*. `Zombies! Hordes of them aimlessly wandering the streets outside. He watched as zombie after zombie shuffled past his building. No cars, bikes, or normal transportation. Only zombies, and a lot of them.` A large, chain link fence, a moat, and other security measures protected the building from the world outside. “Fuuuhhh,” he moaned. *Am I?* He looked his own body up and down. It definitely wasn’t Halloween, but he sure as Hell looked ready to go trick or treating. “Shhhhhiiii,” he smiled weakly. He almost got that one out. `The door bust open. Terry jerked his head up. A young man, early thirties Zombie-Terry guessed, with close cropped hair, glasses, brown eyes opened wide, and a long, white lab coat rushed in.` “Hello,” He said in a professional, and nice, tone. `“Hyuiii.” Zombie-Terry weakly replied. He put in his best smile and waved. He may be dead.. Undead.. Alive? He wasn’t sure, but that didn’t mean he had lost his manners.` “Well, at least the cure… works…” he said. “My name is Mark.” `“Uuhh, haaii Maahhhrrrkkk.” Zombie-Terry said slowly. He smiled proudly. *Take that, zombie body.* Zombie-Terry fist pumped to celebrate his win.` “Hi, uhhh.” `“Tteewwy… Terry.” He did as happy a dance as he could, being tied to bed and in a deadish body.` “Hello Terry.” Mark smiled. “Do you know what’s going on?” `“I…” he labored. Zombie-Terry knew the answer. His memory came back to him. His dream had been real. He remembered being bitten, turning into a zombie, eating someone, and being caught. “I… zzoommppy.” He frowned. “Eath ah mmahn.”` “Yes, you are a zombie. I’m terribly sorry, old chap. Do you, do you remember anything?” `Zombie-Terry slowly nodded. Mark noticed the sadness in his eyes. “Mmemmbr ahll.”` “Interesting. Are you… hungry?” `Taken aback by the question, and unsure about the feelings within his body that he was newly aware of, Zombie-Terry shrugged. “No peeoplless.”` “Yes, no people. It wouldn’t be a cure if all we did was make you aware you were eating other people.” `“Shhit cuure.” Zombie-Terry slowly fought to pronounce the words as best he could. He smiled.` “Yes, yes, definitely a shit cure.” Mark laughed. `Zombie-Terry tried to laugh. They laughed together. It felt good.` “I know you just woke up, but would you mind trying some food? Normal food.” `Zombie-Terry nodded. It was easier. “Izzza?”` “Pizza?” `He nodded his head yes hard enough that he bounced up and down on the bed.` “Fuck it. Normally we would start with a raw piece of meat.” Zombie-Terry grimaced. “But, what the hell. You’ve been a zombie for over a year, are our first successful cure patient, and seem like a nice bloke. Pizza preference?” `Zombie-Terry’s face almost split into two with a contagious smile. He lifted his hands and gave Mark two thumbs up. “No ollivvess.”` Mark smiled back. “You’re getting good at this. No olives. Done.” He turned to walk out the door. “I’ll be back.” He said as he pulled the door closed. `“Byee.” Zombie-Terry happily yelled.` \*\*\*\*\*\* `Zombie-Terry liked his new job. He happily hummed to himself as he walked down the hallway, waving to scientists as he passed. Some days, they filled him with delicious food, testing out what his body can handle. He could eat it all. Except asparagus, he hated that in his first life too. Some days he got to gear up and go outside. Zombie Stompin’ he liked to call it.` There wasn’t enough of the cure to help everyone. He figured most people wouldn’t want to be cured anyway. So many zombies had broken or torn apart bodies. So many had done things they weren't aware of, but would be impossible to live with. He helped end their nightmare. `\*\*\*\*\*\*` Zombie Terry looked at the crushed zombie head under his boot. Another too gone to save. He sighed, wishing he could save them all. *Oh well,* he thought. He *was* saving them, just in a different way. ` Terry looked around, took a deep breath in, lowered his sunglasses over his eyes, and smiled. Tonight, after getting home from Zombie Stompin’, he gets to try cake.`
posted by minibearattack on /WritingPrompts
Click here to view the post. ● 470 Upvotes ● 2 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 0 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 15:28:05 UTC
Fifth Place
Did you just award him 5 times? You made his day lol.
posted by 9yroldupvotegiver on /memes
Click here to view the post. ● 6 Upvotes ● 2 reward(s). ● 1 silver reward(s), 1 gold reward(s) and 0 platinum reward(s) ● Posted: 06/07/2020 at 22:49:30 UTC
submitted by TopOfTheBot to TopOfThe [link] [comments]

Been having very intense trips lately.

Hi, everyone. New here. Here it goes. I’ve been taking mushrooms for about 6-7 years. I started with 2.5g and now I usually heroic dose at 5-5.5g. I hadn’t tripped in a while and took 5g about 6 months ago. It was VERY intense. I had this overwhelming feeling of ecstasy. This song(vibin out) has all but made love to me; and then i peaked, HARD. Ego death occurred and I was not in this realm any longer. The best way I can describe the sensation is that there was this heavy feeling of a presence around me in whatever world I was in. I was “seeing” the darkest, deepest blacks with pearlescent whites with splashes of vividly separated,ROYGBIV, rainbow patterns scattered through of what I guess would be the “body” of this thing, I suppose.It was planetary in size with ever swirling “tentacles” that would blend back into themselves or “itself” like water but seemed solid at the same time. Sometimes it would have an incredibly metallic piping like the cleanest chrome imaginable. Other times the piping or outlines would look bright yellow or gold but as they got closer to “me” I could see they were made up of tiny spheres of solid colors. “It” could even move those and they would tumble on themselves like grains of sand but then they’d solidify and straighten out back to chrome(kind of like the T-1000). There where images of Orcas that were designed with the deep blacks,pearlescent whites and chrome piping. I began to leak back into consciousness as this deity ascended and took the shape of this enormous cosmic jellyfish(for lack of a better word) with tendrils that stretched for miles and were like lace made of ice. I felt so sad watching it leave but I could feel it feel the same way toward me. The entire time, I was filled with this maternal feeling. Psychedelics have a way of making you feel things that you shouldn’t know or remember, but I swear it was the same feeling as being held tight to my mother as a small child. It was definitely a feminine presence. I opened my eyes like coming to a complete halt on a ride or something and felt like I had achieved orgasm but with no physical signs of it(I hope that isn’t tmi). This passed Friday, I took 3 grams. Guess who visited me. It’s like I could feel her coming. Like it was a planned meeting or something. Not that I was wondering IF she was going to come back. More like she was “calling to me”. Sure enough, in the rise of the song The Seed by Aurora she slithered into my realm. Our realm. My eyes were forced closed and I was with her again. Any time my mind tried to rationalize something or try to make mental notes of what I saw, “she” would give me flashes of an alternate version of her which was more serpentine. Scales would cover my vision that were striped in those blacks and heavenly pearl plates. I would surrender and she would go back to the way I knew her. She showed me a place that I can only describe as having Psychedelic Babylonian architecture. Huge pearl stairways lead up to pyramid-like structures. Those Mesopotamian type buildings, hanging gardens, that kind of thing. I recall the sky, I guess. It was more like the background of a painting. Baby pink along the horizon fading inward to white. With the structures having the same blacks, pearls,chromes,golds and rainbow. I was instantly dropped back into my body. I know this doesn’t sound like most mushroom experiences. I don’t fully understand why 2 grams less would shoot me off that way. Even with the last 5g dose. I have been taking no less than 5g the passed 4 or 5 trips before that. I keep seeing that imagery in my mind. I need to know if anyone else has ever had experiences like this. I have been chasing lucid dreams for years and only started to take psychedelics to try to “break through”. I feel like I’ve bursted the membrane and now my self can expand further. That or I’ve gone completely insane. I wish so hard that I could paint what I see. Does anyone else have anything similar to what I’ve been experiencing?
submitted by ImBanzerMan to Psychonaut [link] [comments]

Had my First bad trip but it was an eye opening experience. I’m very sorry for the length of the post, but if you want to have a full detailed description then it’s worth the read. Enjoy!

 So as all of us who have done acid know, lsd gives you very strange thoughts and makes you very susceptible to the ideas that seem crazy when you’re sober. A common thought that I’m sure we’ve all gotten is that everything is connected, and we even understand how everything is connected when we’re in that state of mind, but it’s very hard to explain when sober. Well, I decided that I was going to take 400ug of lsd for the first time, and prior to this I’ve only had a few trips with 200ugs and those were already very intense for me, so this was a pretty big jump. I remember feeling a lil bit of anxiety in my gut, kind of like I feel when I drink a bunch of coffee and just want to move around but can’t cause I’m sitting in a desk or something. After the weird anxiety I started feeling a body high of sorts kind of like a warm vibration molding around me, and I was hearing ringing that was getting higher. I’ve never done dmt but from what I’ve heard this is a similar beginning to a trip and I was seriously thinking I was about to break through on acid or something lol. This was only like 20-30 minutes after swallowing it so about 50 minutes after I put the substance in my mouth. The visuals started kicking in very intense right off the bat. Walls were melting, molding, and stretching, tracers were following everything, colors got much brighter, and I was already seeing light kaleidoscope patterns start to form over my field of view. This was only like an hour after putting the 4 tabs on my tongue so I could tell I was in for a ride. Anyway everything was fine and actually amazing until I started peaking, the peak was more intense than I would’ve imagined and I felt things I never have before. It’s also important to note I was at a friends place who was taking shrooms for the first time. So after enjoying our time just vibin and listening to music I started to smell shit, like someone farted or shit themselves, seriously I was smelling it. And I remember thinking “I better not have just shit myself, that would be such an “I was on acid thing to do”” so I felt my ass to make sure. I was wearing sweat pants with thick pockets so when I felt my ass cheek I grabbed a clump of an empty pocket and thought it was shit and I started freaking out. Everything I touched felt very malleable, squishy, and warm so of course my pocket felt like shit. My friend assured me I didn’t shit myself and he even patted me down and told me it was my pockets but I was on acid so I rlly didn’t give a fuck. This was funny at first but then we started to forget what stuff was, neither one of us could put on headphones, or plug anything in, we couldn’t even have a conversation without forgetting the words. I would forget things I was doing and wouldn’t be able to stay on track because of the intense visuals and weird head space. I remember looking at my friend and telling him that the universe/higher beings were fucking with us and trying to tell us we don’t know anything compared to them and that they can change our reality anytime they wanted to and he was like “damn you’re right, I feel hella dumb now” so I probably shouldn’t have said that cause as soon as we put negativity out there, it came right back. After that i started feeling my entire body with my hand, I was just grabbing random body parts to see what they felt like and it felt like I was turning into shit and I remember just getting the feeling that the universe was telling me I was a piece of shit. It felt like my entire body was a warm, itchy, gross piece of shit and by gross I mean I felt kind of hung over in a way. I couldn’t get comfortable no matter what and after this I just started to feel bad vibes. As soon as I felt that hung over feeling, I could feel my intestines and insides start to move and stuff and I was very uncomfortable. I was like “damn I’m about to die. I’m dying.” I know that I took real lsd and that it’s never killed anyone before, but it’s very hard to explain that to yourself when the universe is making you it’s bitch. This body feeling didn’t go away and it started turning my visuals darker, depressing, and lazy instead of my usual beautiful, happy, and energetic geometry. Back to what I said earlier about how everything is connected, well this implies to literally everything. The Sounds around me, my visuals, emotions, and body feelings were all pretty much indistinguishable from eachother and all I knew was energy. It was all made of energy that was made of vibrations and the energy was bad, it was very negative and full of hate. The thing about acid is that it can make you feel the most love you’ve ever felt, but for every positive there’s a negative just as equal and I was feeling the most hate I ever have felt in my life. So much hate that it hurt physically which is why I thought I was going to die. Another crazy thing about lsd is that it warps time. Time felt infinite. Or it felt non existent. I guess when you think about it it would be hard to tell the difference, but I was just getting stuck in constant loops of time that felt forever. When I didn’t understand the concept of time anymore I realized I must be in hell. And I was gonna be there for eternity. It all made sense how eternity doesn’t mean forever as much as it means there’s not an end. I know forever means there’s no end, but what I’m trying to say is that time never begun, ended, or really existed. It’s just there in the moment. And I will forever be in this moment. Time is just a word we gave a meaning to, to explain something that doesn’t exist. If you didn’t understand what I’m trying to say then I apologize for my bad explanation lol but it’s very hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. Anyway, Somehow I still had grasp of reality and I knew it was a bad trip. I knew it was all just lsd effecting my brain and that all I had to do was surrender to it for a beautiful experience, but I couldn’t let go of my body for some reason. I barely knew how to use my phone but I somehow managed to get the psyched substance video on where Adam tries to talk you into surrendering to the substance and letting go of your ego. He tells you that you’ll be just fine and this will all be over, it’s just a substance effecting your brain. I believe the video is called “watch this if you’re having a bad trip” or “watch this if you’re experiencing ego death”. The video calmed me down some, but I didn’t get rid of the majority of the negative energy until my peak was about over. I don’t know how long the peak lasted but I took it at like 11 at night and probably didn’t feel like my trip was positive again until like 5 or 6 in the morning. I was coming down all the way until like 5 pm the next day, so my entire trip lasted a while. There were probably hundreds and yes I do mean hundreds of things that happened that night that I didn’t even mention but those were the big details that really put things into perspective in terms of what a bad trip is like for me. I barely talked about my friend who was there the entire time and he was a big part of that trip. I felt like I was ruining the night for him and that made me feel very shitty, I also kept asking if he was having a good time and he said he was having an amazing time but I didn’t believe him because of the experience I was having I guess. To wrap up what I got from the experience, is that I do have a better understanding of my spirituality now. I’ve never really been Very religious or anything but I’ve always believed there’s something more than this physical realm and that we must go somewhere when we die. What this experience gave me was what that something was. We’re made of energy, everything has energy. I believe that what I experienced was where our souls/energy goes when our physical vessels (bodies) die. I think without a consciousness, we just exist and are all connected in a field of nothing but energy. That energy can be good or bad depending on the frequency of your vibrations. If you lived a good life and treated people well then i think you’ll be in that beautiful place full of love but if you live your life negatively then you’ll be in a hateful place of low frequency. I guess that’s my interpretation of heaven and hell, and I believe “god” is the force that keeps it all together and connected. Sorry for keeping this so long but I definitely could’ve made it longer, so if you have any questions please ask, I hope you all have an amazing day and beautiful trips! 
submitted by -Love-Sex-Dreams- to tripreports [link] [comments]

intp or istp?

i'm fairly new to cognitive functions and stuff and have only really looked into these two types to help determine my own type, but they're very similar and i seem to be split about 50/50 with my sensing vs intuition. i don't feel like i match up with either type exactly as far as stereotypes go, which is obvious and to be expected, but it's kind of thrown me off? i jumped around from type to type while trying to figure out what i am, from intp to intj to istp and back to intp, and i've come to the conclusion that i'm one of these two.
both types have the same dominant and inferior functions, but with the auxiliary/tertiary being opposites, it's a bit hard for me to tell which i am, and it doesn't help that i don't have a very complete understanding of each cognitive function.
i've taken time to watch lots of videos and read lots of articles or things like quora answers about it and what the main differences are, but i still seem stuck in the middle... and when looking for specific questions to find which type fits me better, i seem to agree with both sides just kind of depending on the situation. for example:
- i enjoy thinking about philosophical/theoretical stuff, but eventually i get to the point where i remember that there is no real answer, i end up being satisfied after just pondering and move on rather quickly
- i have a hard time really understanding where people are coming from when they make decisions based on feelings, but obviously that's true for both types
- if i'm typing something out like this, i'm usually very good with getting my thoughts across in a clear way, but if i'm answering some question/in some discussion irl and speaking (rather than writing), then my thoughts are really hard to express. i will always have a complete understanding of what i’m trying to say, but fail to word it or make it manageable for explaining before i speak, so my words come out cluttered and hard to follow. it’s not that i don’t have a complete thought, i just have filtered it yet i guess.
- as for with both types, there's a stereotype about not being able to follow rules... with istps, from what i understand, it's in "spite" or you break rules just because you despise the restrictions. with intps it seems its just uncomfortable to be confined in any way, and not really out of spite. the thing is, i don't have a problem following most rules unless i actually want to do something that's outside of them. i understand and respect that rules are in place to create order and i don't have problems following them, but if i don't think they ignoring the rules will cause any harm or chaos, that's when i feel comfortable disregarding them.
- i tend to be frank/direct, but i'll definitely reword my thoughts to spare others. i know this is a typical feeler-thing, but i don't make any decisions by feeling, i'm just aware and careful of others. i know how to reword things to better suit the audience rather than just being insensitive, though i guess if i wan't always rewording then it would sound naturally insensitive.
- i'm not completely unaware of the feeling of others (like i already said lol). i can usually understand/fathom what others are feeling or what my actions might make them feel, it's just i don't know how to react and not seem closed off or aloof.
i'm sure there's more lol but i can't think of anything...
also. i don't know how much this may help to determine my type, but my love language is acts of service, and enneagram 8, i believe (i've taken the test twice and most recently gotten type 8). and whenever i took an mbti test most recently i got istp.
edit: i had also posted this on another community and with the answers i got from both posts, i’ve settled on intp. i took like three cognitive functions tests and got intp for all of them, and i’ve started looking more in depth via youtube or tumblr or reddit or whatever else i can find stuff on. thanks for your help :)
submitted by cac0713 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

I just had to write a 3,000 word draft on why my so-called ‘mother’ should prioritise purchasing a monitor and headphones rather than getting the pole that the curtains normally hang from fixed. I’m simply infuriated.

Fine, okay, maybe this is a new low, guys. Maybe it is. All the same, and be that as it may, I stand by every goddamn word of it.
Context-> Well, good gentlefolk, it all began in a town far, far away- unless you live in a crummy little town called Mullingar in Ireland- cause that’s where it all began, good gentlefolk. In the main hospital there, a wee thing called SkaiDestripes was born, emerging from a womb so crusty it resembled ancient tombs, what am I saying??? Anyways, yes, eh, I think I went too far back..
FLASH FORWARD, and several years later I’m just vibin’ -and I wanna do something with my time. So I get the bright idea to start a YouTube channel again, yaaaay! What do I need to do that? Well, something that I’m passionate about to play and edit. Okay, well The Last Of Us 2 is coming out, and I’m fucking ecstatic to start playing it, so I go and preorder that. Then I’ve got to record it and so I get a recording device. And, well, shit. Remember that time I destroyed the motherboard on my computer by spilling Coke all over the keyboard? Yeah, and remember how that now needs to be connected to a monitor to function? And that I only have one monitor... and so it turns out, I need another one. Was already sorta thinking of getting one- what’s the hassle?
Well, to my surprise there wasn’t any! Yeah, go order it online, grand, hippity hoppity your well earned money is now my property. Hooorah! ;D!!!!!! I find a cheaper version of said monitor and use the money saved to buy headphones themed around the new game! Holy hell, can life even get any better than this, I don’t care this is everything I could ever ask for!!
Anyways, and then, and quite suddenly indeed, tragedy strikes. I had new curtains laying around and we went to put them up, and, like a curtain pole falling from the sky, the curtain pole fell to the floor. Who would have known what trouble this would stir. FOR YOU SEE, sorry that got a bit dramatic.. For you see, O’ kind gentlefolk, when the time fast approached the release of such an anticipated weekend, a particular mother -who may or may not be soon be emancipated from the last of their children to consider them a human- decided to say ‘yippeeeeee kiddie, we finna fix dis curtain and what not.’ And I’m like, ah grand. Go for it, go on! I dare ‘ya! Doooooo it! ;D!!!!
But then she says it might need to happen before she can get the other things... and then she says it will happen before the other things. Now I’ll have to wait until when the game releases to order. Big deal, right? I know, I’m glad you understand. The rage inside me cannot be quelled my brethren. So, being the genuine madlad that I’ve always been, I take a shite. And then! Then, I go and write over 3,000 words about why this is just not a gamermove on her part. Hope that clarifies things up for y’all.
I have to ask, though, what do you all think? I wanna hear your opinions and thoughts on this, do you think we should or should ask all the mothers of reddit to tell me what an amazing offspring I am, and how jealous they are that they were not the undeserving-entity that conceived and produced my godlike existence. So, my good gentlefolk, I ask what now? Should I write more than 3,000 words? Should I definitely write more than 3,000 words? Will I definitely write more than 3,000 words? When will I defiantly write them words???
~Leave your comments in this subreddit, bros, ...cause where else would you leave them?? lmao
submitted by ScratchneckMiniskirt to offmychest [link] [comments]

So I did LSD for the first time

Last night I did LSD for the first time. Prior to this, I have had experience with a few substances but nothing truly psychedelic. I wrote this trip report live...
(Note: I have cut some more 'personal' parts out)
14th February 2020. Time taken: 18:40
t+00:12 - I've held the tab under my tongue for about 12 minutes now. I've just eaten, however I tried not to have a huge amount of food. I'm about to start preparing for the trip, but I'm slightly nervous. I'm very excited to experience this but I feel like I've done it at an awkward time - a 12 hour trip starting at 7pm is not a good idea. I'm going to try and ignore any concerns I have though and try to enjoy the journey.
Based on the research I've done, this dosage (200ug) is the best dosage risk vs reward wise. It should hopefully be intense but enjoyable. The tab has no taste to it, which is good, however I did get slight metallic/bitter hints at one point, although for the most part I can taste nothing. I can only hope that this is pure LSD.
t+00:24 - It's definitely too soon to say for sure, but I can already feel mild effects taking place. As in, elevated mood and things appear to be slightly brighter, somewhat similar to an MDMA comeup. However this could be placebo. I'm so fucking excited right now.
t+00:40 - I feel unbearably warm right now. I had the sudden urge just to lay down and close my eyes. I dont know why. I still feel in control and I haven't noticed anything major yet. I think it's coming though.
t+00:55 - It's been just under an hour now, about 5 minutes ago I started to experience some immense chills, particularly in my arms and neck. My spatial awareness also seems to have started to fade. The boundaries between reality and whatever the fuck is happening in my head are starting to melt into one another.
I've been feeling random bursts of energies. Llike occasionally, excitement, sometimes tiredness. Just random urges to move or to stretch. It's weird but pleasant.
t+1:05 - I'm sitting down on my bedroom floor listening to music. I'm still getting really intense burst of energies and feelings. I'm starting to feel a tingly sensation throughout my entire body, particularly in my arms, face and legs. Maybe I'm having a heart attack idk. I think I've done a lot to break from my usual habits in order to trip, which I think will help this be a more substantial experience as I've segregated it from my normality.
t+1:11 - I've started to experience slight closed eye visuals. Major chills. Very relaxed.
t+1:20 - feels much more intense now. Lots and lots of closed eye visuals. Just everything is so fucking bright and white. Music is good. This is definitely just the come up so imma start tripping hard soon lmao
My eyes are very itchy and I feel somewhat separated from myself.
t+1:46 - music is very emotionally intense. I can feel it. It is beautiful. Absolutely fucking amazing. Same Drugs- Chance the rapper , best song. Fr. It feels similar to MD currently but with a more visually intense heavy aspect to it that I'm going to struggle to explain
I just spent like 2 minutes blinking as hard and as fast as I can and it looked fucking incredible.
Everything is made of rubber and is vibrating and shit and its weird...like my actual room is fucking vibrating.
t+2:10 - I haven't had many visuals but like my eyes are feeling not right and music is very nice and my legs are breathing. Everything is vibrating and a mf dog teddy thing just winked at me and its fucking scaring me. Everything is bendy as fuck lmao
t+2:20 - I love this so much. Everything is so friendly and nice. I'm just fucking laughing at nothing and I know I'm doing it but I really don't care it's fun. This is so nice. I love LSD. I love it so fucking much.
t+3:32 - This is one of the greatest experiences of my life. For the past hour or so I've just been vibing. Straight vibing. Its fully psychedelic right now. Everything leaves traces when it moves, there an colourful orbs floating and inflating on my wall. I can see like a shadowy balloon just floating up my wall. Music is beautiful. When I type the words are highlighting green and my keyboard is rainbowy. I kinda wanna play CS rn. I started at my light for like 10 minutes and it looked so incredible. It was just a perfect drawing. It looked so sharp and interesting. I'm now starting to realise what psychedelics are. I understand. I get it. It's amazing. I love it. I love LSD. It's so fucking amazing.
t+4:10 - I cant believe it's been an hour already. this is beyond description with words. I cant explain how I feel or what I can see. The confinement of reality has collapsed and I have no fucking clue where I am. I like it though. I just tried playing a game of csgo (wingman) and it was the most fucking intense thing I've done in my life. I got shot at and literally threw my headphones on the floor and almost had a fucking heart attack. I actually did quite well though. I hit a few nice shots and I want to make like a video of what you see vs what I could see (with loads of like lsd visuals on it and shit). Games look weird when you're tripping. And fuck, yeah, right, so when I first went into the game, I was holding down my A key and I just wasnt moving. In game, I was, but in my head I was stood still. I couldn't see myself moving left. It was so weird. All in game movements felt like they had a delay on them from when I thought about doing them. And towards the end of the game I started overheating and got really bad cramps in my legs and stomach. Maybe the LSD just wants me to move about a bit. So maybe I will. I am currently having a shit :)
t+4:20 - I never realised how much fun LSD would be. I always somewhat overlooked it. It is the MOST FUN I've had on any substance. MDMA is inherently a very fun drug, that's what it does. The primary effect is to make the user happy and energetic. LSD...is different. There is so much awe and wonder. Pure beauty in everything. Everything is inspiring, which is undoubtedly why a lot of people have used LSD to inspire them artistically, musically or even scientifically. I can understand the profound mental effects it may have on one, and the sheer power of such substances. I don't know whether to be excited at the prospect of more intense trips, or in fear.
I can't think of a way to truly articulate it as I wish, but LSD has shown me to a great extent that reality is a manifestation of the human state. Light, for example, is only converted into an image on a subjective level. Each brain can process the same input of stimuli - in this scenario, light - and produce a vastly different output. If another person were to be in this room with me, I can guarantee that their brain could not replicate the imagery I am currently witnessing, yet we would be receiving the exact same stimuli. Colour blindness and other issues that have led to one being visually "impaired" in some way or another are exact proof of this. The concept of a visual reality is not true. One cannot see what is real. It has to be proven to exist beyond a visual state, e.g mathematically. I dont really know what point I'm trying to prove here. I just got a bit carried away writing, maybe I'll understand when I'm sober and publish a book or something.
t+4:30 - Ngl I wish I could draw. If I was good at art I would love this even more. I could truly encapsulate the fuckery that I am witnessing, but I'll have to stick to words :(
It looks fucking sick
t+4:43 - nah fr tho sober me who's reading this rn, you need to write a book or some shit. Itd be fun. Just do it. Dont be a pussy.
Update on me though, I'm fucking vibing. Were like half way there. It's been good. Very good. Very nice. I'm starting to feel a bit...ill. As in, nauseous, cramped etc. Not terribly and it fades in and out. I'm just going to watch some youtube and contemplate the meaning of everything
t+5:50 - This has been a great experience but it's starting to dawn on me that time has gone by so fast. 6 hours (almost) have gone by instantly. It makes me realise that when I'm reading this, I'm going to be craving the experience I have as I'm writing it, as I am currently wishing I could re-experience what I did previously. My trip is still in full effect, however I feel more accustomed to it and I need to find something interesting to do. I cannot emphasise enough how profound and incredible of an experience this has been so far. I just know that this feeling that I have, in this moment, will never be replicated. I will never experience the initial beauty of LSD for the first time ever again. I'd like to use the substance a lot in the future, however I cannot abuse it. It's such a powerful tool, I need to regulate how often I use it - I'd love to try higher doses in the future and see how that plays out. I also would love to do LSD with another person. I think it'd be a great experience, aslong as both people are comfortable with one another in conversation and silence. I've spent a lot of time simply zoned out and thinking, so I dont think I'd be too sociable, but itd be worth a try.
I tried playing chess earlier - I was actually doing alright but I got a bit too overwhelmed and made some calculation errors, but it was fun. I reckon if I can utilise LSD in order to focus, I could probably be very productive.
I must note, it is very challenging to eat. I read previously that LSD takes away your appetite, but I can really feel it now. I'm hungry but I cant eat. My body just doesn't like it.
t+6:08 - I'm still vibing. I love it. I'm actually quite excited (and nervous) to re-experience soberness after this. I want to know what I can take away from this experience. What have I learned? It's been an interesting time. Still got lots to go aswell. I think writing all this down was definitely a very good idea and I'm glad I did it. I'll definitely enjoy reading this back, and hopefully if someone else sees it they will too. Just ignore all the depressing shit
t+6:11 - I FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHY IT'S CALLED A "TRIP". It's like a mental journey. Maybe. Idk.
t+6:18 - If being on LSD is like being in a dream. Imagine what it's like to dream on LSD.
I just had a really...nice...experience. I turned all the lights off, sat on the floor, closed my eyes and listened to some relaxing music. It was a strange experience that I cant really explain. As I opened my eyes, I noticed the green lights being projected onto my wall from my keyboard, however initially they didn't appear as green lights - I could see only shadows crawling around the light and not the light itself. I cant explain it aswell as I'd like to, but something "clicked" mentally, and they were no longer "crawling shadows" they were dancing patches of light, waving and slowly melting on my wall.
If there's 1 thing I can say about LSD...it's emotionally intense. I assume it's just due to a lack of psychedelic experience, but I feel like this has been a wonderful entry into this new world of possibilities.
t+6:26 - You have to appreciate the smaller things in life. That's what I've learned today. I'm sat in bed, at 1am, tripping balls on LSD and getting pleasure from the random rectangles and flashy lights in my carpet. From one angle, it seems sad. However, optimistically speaking, I'm realising that if I can be entertained by carpet, then how could I ever be sad? You just have to enjoy what you have and do the best with it.
t+6:29 - Almost forgot to write this down, but Doritos & LSD are not a good combination. #NeverAgain
t+6:37 - I always admired the concept of psychedelics; I could never have understood the insight they could provide.
I'm trying my best to stretch this experience for everything it possible can be, but I definitely intend on venturing further into the strange but special world of psychedelics in the future.
t+6:41 - why does everything I write come across as being a prick lmao I read back some of this and I just come off as an know-it-all dickhead. UwU :((
t+8:10 - I have no fucking clue what's happened in between the last thing I wrote and now. I've just been vibin. I've been phasing in and out of different heights of a trip. At some points I've felt more sober, and others extremely balls deep into this fuckfest of a substance. Right now, I'm still tripping balls. I managed to re-manifest some of the visuals I was getting earlier and I've been having some very intense closed eye visuals. Lots of square-based patterns, flowers, high energy colours etc. From now until I pass out or whatever, I'm going to try and avoid thinking about the trip and just try to experience it first hand whilst I can. I'll try and update this fairly often, but I'm just going to continue...vibing.
t+9:05 - The effects are still in place after 9 hours. This is wild. I'm just trying to enjoy the visuals with some music in the background. My body temperature has been massively fluctuating throughout the entire experience which I hardly mentioned, but now it's quite intense. I've had some nausea, and I feel boiling hot internally, but absolutely fucking freezing on the outside. It's a strange feeling...
t+10:07 - it's been 10 hours since I started. The effects are still there, far past the peak and into the comedown for sure. I've just faded in and out of consciousness repeatedly which was weird. The visual effects are still prominent. I think it's time to end it there though. Or to try atleast. I'm going to put my headphones in and try to sleep. Let's see if I survive.
t+10:15 - I'd like to write a summary type thing now, but I'm in a fairly confused state and dont feel mentally fortuitous enough to do so. I think I might do when I wake up. I'll see.
t+10:22 - I'm seeing horrible visuals everytime I close my eyes. Dead spirits, spiders...strange gooey blob motherfuckers with red eyes. I dont think sleeping is going to be an easy process.
t+20:07 - Sleeping wasn't actually too bad. I've re-read what I wrote, and I don't really know what to think of it. Clearly at the time I found it to be a very powerful experience. I'm sort of struggling to exactly remember everything, it seems as if I'm trying to recall a dream. One thing I can say for certain though, starting a 12 hour trip at 7pm was a bad idea. I'm fucking drained. I do feel extremely relaxed, but I'm not 100% sure. I think for the most part it was a really great experience, I can remember having some really dark and quite intensely scary moments though, but I found it fairly easy to steer the direction of the trip and to make it more positive again.

10 / 10 would do again.

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what is the definition of the word vibin video

Just Vibin' is a slang term meaning to be relaxing and at peace with one's surroundings. Amidst the rise of the Vibe Check meme, "Just Vibin'" became associated with shitpost memes in which people commented on absurd situations by claiming the subjects were "just vibin'." Origin Vibin is the act of not stressing at all just embracing the relaxation of the air and chill surroundings. This word is usually used by stoner teens who doing nothing but sit awkwardly while looking into the sky. A: Vibin' means chilling/relaxing, enjoying time, or overall just having/receiving good vibes (feelings) from your surroundings. It could also be used to express liking of something/someone like "I'm vibin' that girl over there" or "I'm really vibin' this music" vibin' that girl over there" or "I'm really vibin' this music" Vibin pronunciation - How to properly say Vibin. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. The Meaning of VIBIN – VIBIN means “Hanging, chilling“. It is an internet acronym. What does VIBIN mean? VIBIN is an abbreviation that stands for “Hanging, chilling”. Check the content shared below on this page to find out VIBIN definition and all the information related to acronym VIBIN in FAQ format. What does VIBIN mean? VIBIN is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word which means ... Vibishunknown. With a zigzaggy or smooth feel to the word, giving it a vibe. The word gummy is vibish! Get a Vibish mug for your bunkmate Bob. Define vibing. vibing synonyms, vibing pronunciation, vibing translation, English dictionary definition of vibing. n. Slang A distinctive emotional quality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced by someone: a nostalgic vibe to the decor; a stranger who gave off bad... Vibin - definition. Feeling kool or relax, or too feel something deep. I'm really vibin right now to this music. 247 41. Vibin - slang. Vibin is the act of not stressing at all just embracing the relaxation of the air and chill surroundings. This word is usually used by stoner teens who doing nothing but sit awkwardly while looking into the sky. Some dude: Hey Josh, how come you didn’t come ... A: Vibin' means chilling/relaxing, enjoying time, or overall just having/receiving good vibes (feelings) from your surroundings. It could also be used to express liking of something/someone like "I'm vibin ' that girl over there" or "I'm really vibin ' this music". "Vibing" is the verb form of the word vibe, which is not yet defined in English dictionaries, however it is in common use. To say that two people are vibing, is to say that they enjoy each other's company and converse easily. It is a process of verbal and physical communication, which normally function simultaneously.

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