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Every Answer from the Starlink team AMA

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  • Q: Any updates about the space lasers? How much better can the latency be with them? How much better can transcontinental connections be with them? When will real world testing begin?
A: The speed of light is faster in vacuum than in fiber, so the space lasers have exciting potential for low latency links. They will also allow us to serve users where the satellites can't see a terrestrial gateway antenna - for example, over the ocean and in regions badly connected by fiber.
We did have an exciting flight test earlier this year with prototype space lasers on two Starlink satellites that managed to transmit gigabytes of data. But bringing down the cost of the space lasers and producing a lot of them fast is a really hard problem that the team is still working on.
  • Q: Top on my list: Data caps. Yes? No? Hard limit or fuzzy limit?
A: At this time, the Starlink beta service does not have data caps.
  • Follow-up Comment: The vagueness of this answer is worrying. I like how the SpaceX reply bellow has more upvotes than this
A: So we really don't want to implement restrictive data caps like people have encountered with satellite internet in the past. Right now we're still trying to figure a lot of stuff out--we might have to do something in the future to prevent abuse and just ensure that everyone else gets quality service.
  • Q: I live in Canada and the winters can hit -45C, do I need to worry about the dish at those temps?
A: Wow that's cold! While we've performed life-leader testing down to these cold temperatures with no issues the dish is certified to operate from -30C to +40C.
  • Q: Do you know what the target date for a fully open, non invite based, release is?
A: Steadily increasing network access over time to bring in as many people as possible. Notably we're planning to move from a limited beta to a wider beta in late January, should give more users an opportunity to participate.
  • Q: How do you think the speeds we're currently seeing from beta users will hold up once Starlink goes public and a lot more people are subscribed?
A: This is not going to be like your regular satellite internet where it gets way too crowded--as we launch more satellites over time the network will get increasingly great, not increasingly worse.
  • Q: Could you settle the debate over whether the dish has a heater?
A: The Starlink does have self-heating capabilities to deal with a variety of weather conditions. In fact, we'll be deploying a software update in a few weeks to upgrade our snow melting ability with continued improvements planned for the months ahead.
  • Q: How are beta users chosen and what's a good bribe amount?
A: No bribes necessary, our goal is serve everyone eventually. If you really want to help drive that the best thing you can do is send great software engineers over to Starlink to help make it happen.
  • Q: My question is regarding mobile use. I understand that currently the system is designed and optimized for use in a fixed location. However, I live on and work from my 47ft sailboat, currently tied, literally and figuratively, to a dock in South Florida. A mobile system that gives me reliable connectivity will truly set me free to roam the coastal US, Bahamas, and eventually beyond (once the inter-satellite laser link capability is ready). There's a lot of speculation as to whether the current hardware could handle a mobile platform using the phased array antenna and existing mechanical pointing capability, or whether more extensive active stabilization would be required. Anything you can share about this would be most welcome, including, especially, when mobile Starlink might be a reality.
A: Right now, we can only deliver service at the address you sign up with on You might get lucky if you try to use Starlink in nearby locations, but service quality may be worse.
Mobility options - including moving your Starlink to different service addresses (or places that don't even have addresses!) - is coming once we are able to increase our coverage by launching more satellites & rolling out new software.
  • Q: The dish seems to consume a 100w at this point which is pretty great for normal use however on most small to medium sailboats that's a lot of power to be using. Any plans to build out a more efficient system in the future?
A: We have a couple of items in progress to further reduce power consumption. We are working on software and network updates to allow your Starlink to go into a deeper power savings mode to drop power consumption while still remaining connected to the network. Power reductions are a key item we are focusing on for the future.
  • Q: I'm super curious how the Starlink terminal locates the satellites. Presumably it has a built-in catalog of TLE's and/or state vectors or some other description of where the satellites are, which it can download from the Starlink network itself. But how does it make first contact? Does it use the phased array in a particularly low-directivity manner to just shout out "hey, can any satellites hear me? I need to know where you are!"? Does it come with satellite locations preloaded from the factory (seems unlikely, satellite elements go stale).
A: Good question! The Starlink actually has no knowledge of the satellites when it powers on; the constellation is updating all the time so this would be difficult to keep up to date. The Starlink is able to electronically scan the sky in a matter of milliseconds and lock into the satellite overhead, even though its travelling 17,500 mph overhead.
When it detects a satellite the Starlink hones in on its position and makes a request to join the internet. After that the dish is able to download a schedule of which satellites to talk to next and with that it can point right at the satellites when the time comes.
  • Q: Once there are more satellites deployed, how important will it be to have an absolutely obstruction-free view of the sky?
A: You should think about communication between the Starlink dish and the satellite in space as a 'skinny beam' between dishy and the satellite. So, as the satellite passes quickly overhead, if there is a branch or pole between the dish and satellite you'll usually lose connection (not - obstructions generally cause outages and not reduced speeds!).
We're working on some software features that are going to make this much better and, long term, the clearance you'll need is going to shrink as the constellation grows. So this will get much better!
Also, hot short-term tip! The satellites clump up around 53 degrees latitude (north and south). So I would focus on keeping that part of the sky clear as we keep improving this!
  • Q: What part of the project invited the most creativity from the starlink engineers?
A: Creating Starlink has come with tons of exciting challenges, but top few that come to mind:
  1. Selecting full phased arrays for the satellite and dish. It was a major leap of faith to start down this very technically challenging path and hope that we could arrive at an affordable and scalable implementation.
  2. Creating a truly "plug-and-play" experience for customers. We've spent a lot of effort and have gone thru tons and tons of creative ideas on how to make this as simple of an experience as possible - including mounting solutions, automated pointing of the dish, and general unboxing. Any and all ideas welcome!
  3. We've also had to be creative in how we operate what is now the world's largest satellite constellation. We have a very small operations team, so automated orbit guidance and collision avoidance was a must have feature. We tell satellites what their final orbital slot is and they figure out how to get there. For collision avoidance, we upload data on close approaches to relevant satellites multiple times a day, and the satellites then calculate on their own when and how to dodge something, if necessary. (Shout out to the 18th Space Control Squadron for being really awesome partners here!)
We need help solving problems like these everyday on the Starlink program - check out if you'd like to join us!
  • Q: Will starlink be supported in a situation where you can move it to where you need it? If I have a summer cabin that I visit, would it be okay to move it to the other location when we are there?
A: Mobility options - including moving your Starlink to different service addresses (or places that don't even have addresses!) - is coming once we are able to increase our coverage by launching more satellites & rolling out new hardware and software.
  • Q: How are the efforts to bring down Dishy's production costs going? Can you tell us how much it costs to manufacturer?
A: It's going well but this is no doubt one of the hardest challenges we're tackling and there are always ways to improve.
If you want to help design the Starlink production line or product, check out some of our hot jobs below, or email the team directly at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .
Production Design:
Automation & Controls Engineer
Sr. Automation & Controls Engineer
Test Automation Engineer
Manufacturing Development Engineer
Product Design:
Certification / Compliance
Antenna Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
RFIC Engineer
PCB Designer (Redmond) and PCB Designer (Hawthorne)
Starlink Software
Software Test
  • Q: Do you have internal "human friendly" nicknames for the individual satellites? Who gets to name them? :)
A: Not yet. Any suggestions?
  • Q: Is there a bug bounty program? Is one planned? Looking forward to getting my hands on the equipment to start research.
A: Yes this :)
  • Q: What wind speeds is the dish tolerant of? How much shelter from the wind does it need? Is this something that should be taken in before a storm, or could you mount it on the tail of a flatbed trailer flying down the interstate into a collapsing thunderstorm? How does the presence of occasional strong winds, (greater than 30mph/48kph), effect the projected service life of the UFO?
A: We definitely don't recommend that you mount it on your flatbed and fly down the interstate into a storm!
The dish is not designed for tropical storms, tornadoes, etc. For high wind events it’s always the safer option to bring the dish inside if you have any concerns .
  • Q: what’s the most misunderstood part about starlink??
A: That we have it all figured out :) We are super excited about the initial response and future potential of Starlink but we still have a ton to learn. If you know any great people who can help us with that, please have them email their resume to [[email protected].](mailto:[email protected].)
  • Q: IPV4, IPV6 both? Does it matter? I've not seen info about this yet from testers.
A: We're testing out IPv6 now, and will roll it out soon! Once it's ready, you'll get both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.
IPv4 addresses are a limited resource – IPv6 is the future.
  • Q: Do you have a target latency that you would like to hit in the future? What is the timeframe when this goal would be met?
A: We challenge ourselves every day to push Starlink to the fundamental limitations of physics. Current Starlink satellites operate at 550 km, where light travel time is 1.8 milliseconds to Earth. The roundtrip from your house to a gaming server and back is at best 4 times 1.8 milliseconds at these altitudes, or under 8 milliseconds.
There are many obstacles that get in the way of achieving these latencies. For examples,
  1. When satellites are not directly overhead, your data must travel through the air for more time.
  2. Small levels of packet buffering are helpful for a stable service, but hurt latency.
  3. Starlink traffic travels through fiber on the ground. This is an indirect pathway that is 1.5 times slower than photons in vacuum.
We will continually fight to provide the best latency possible, especially to provide a stable and reactive experience for gamers. We need experts who are passionate about pushing the boundary of physics and breaking expectations about what is possible with the internet! Send your resumes to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) :)

Closing Comment:

Thanks for participating in our first Starlink AMA!
The response so far has been amazing! Huge thanks to everyone who's already part of the Beta – we really appreciate your patience and feedback as we test out the system.
Starlink is an extremely flexible system, and will get better over time as we make the software smarter. Latency, bandwidth, and reliability can all be improved significantly – come help us get there faster! Send your resume to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or check out some hot jobs below.
We’re continuously improving all of the parts of the system. We update all of our satellites weekly, and push software updates to the Starlink dishes, WiFi routers, and phone app every couple weeks.
All the feedback so far as been invaluable and is being directly incorporated into engineering decisions across the organization. This has been really inspiring to us all. We're incredibly excited to continue on this journey together as we bring internet to disconnected populations across the world. And, then to Mars!
Production Design:
Automation & Controls Engineer
Sr. Automation & Controls Engineer
Test Automation Engineer
Manufacturing Development Engineer
Product Design:
Certification / Compliance
Antenna Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
RFIC Engineer
PCB Designer (Redmond) and PCB Designer (Hawthorne)
Software Engineer (Starlink)
Senior Software Engineer (Starlink Network)
Software Engineer (Starlink Automation & Infrastructure)
Software Test
Product Security Engineer

Bonus Comments by Elon Musk:

  • Q: Any updates about the space lasers? How much better can the latency be with them? How much better can transcontinental connections be with them? When will real world testing begin?
A: Did you say space lasers?
Closing Comment: If you want to build the Internet the way it should be, join Starlink
submitted by Smoke-away to Starlink [link] [comments]

[Barterverse] Wealth of Planets 8: Bidding War

Zakabara Prime-Second Border
One of the key principles to survival in space as a human military ship was to remain undetected.
Unfortunately for Commandant Laurent, one of the key principles for deterrence is that you have to let the other side know that you're still there. Once in a while. Just to make sure they don't try anything too stupid.
Today, their target of intimidation was a lightly armed Zakabaran destroyer stationed right at the established midpoint line between Prime and Second. The goal is to paint them as a target on radar, get close, say hi to their radio operator to let them know they were still there, and then get back into stealth as fast as possible.
"We're coming up behind him, two hundred klicks," said Martin, her experienced pilot, "should we announce ourselves?"
Laurent took a deep breath, then nodded, "attention, crew: battle stations!"
There were only four other people in her highly automated destroyer, but it was still a good habit to remain disciplined and official in battle.
She felt her ears pop and the unpleasant telltale signs of decompression as they drained the atmosphere out of the crew compartment into compressed reserves.
The ship became much quieter, eclipsed by the sound of her breathing. Then, the acceleration kicked in as the ship fired the main thrusters to make itself a more difficult target in case they were shot at.
"Switching on active radar."
"We've detected a ship on radar!" shouted the nervous pilot of a Zakabaran Prime ship.
"It must be the human invaders! Where are they? Find out where they are!"
He scanned around on the radar screen, but he didn't see any ships, until…
"HOSTILE SHIP TO OUR REAR! Turn and face it!" the commander ordered.
"I have it in our sights, commander!"
"What are you waiting for?! Shoot them!"
"VAMPIRE! VAMPIRE! VAMPIRE!" shouted Martin, "missile launch detected from target ship! One hundred fifty klicks! Thirty-two seconds to intercept! Defending!"
Laurent felt the ship shift vector and her blood chill. She had only faced this situation in simulators and practice before. It's one thing to chase down pirates from out of their range, and something else entirely to have a target that could shoot back. Then, reverting to the calm of her training, she queried, "can we go dark?"
"Negative. We're getting painted by active radar," Martin replied, looking at his instruments, "and we don't have anything to hide behind them. Recommend we launch active kill countermeasures and maneuver between them and Second."
"Do it. Launch all four."
At her command, four small, agile missiles dropped away from the maneuvering ship, raced towards the incoming triangle on the tactical map for a precious ten seconds, and then…
"Splash! The first one got it," Martin breathed a sigh of relief.
Then, after a second, as he put the background radiation of Second behind them, "we've gone dark. I'm detonating the remaining countermeasures to prevent capture. Should we lock them with Fox Threes?"
"No. They were probably just spooked," Laurent replied as she recalled the specifics from her orders, "let's avoid an interstellar war today if we can."
"Hm, those missiles," Martin said after a while, "so they can do that now."
A team of engineers on Zakabara Prime looked intently at the slow motion telescopic silent footage of the human ship firing four missiles, one of which appeared to successfully engage and destroy the outgoing friendly missile.
"Hm, those missiles," the lead engineer said after a while, "so they can do that now."
After the fall of the Berlin Wall in the 1990s, McDonald's opened a franchise at the heart of the West's former foe. They planted the symbol of capitalism about one mile from Red Square in Moscow. Lines stretched around the block for months.
Some highly optimistic political commentators started to believe in a rosy view of the future of human conflict. They proposed a tongue-in-cheek observation they called the McDonald's Theory of Peace: no two countries with McDonald's had nor will they ever fight a war against each other.
The theory explains that McDonald's only enters and succeeds in markets where countries are stable and a large middle class is present. These countries tended not to fight against each other.
Several counterexamples have been given. One prominent one is the rocky relationship between Pakistan and India, both of which had franchises of the fast food chain in their countries during numerous border skirmishes and limited wars.
In any case, at least one thing McDonald's has never been known to do on Earth was to start a conflict.
City of Lights Spaceport, Olgix
The newly constructed concrete and steel building at the outskirts of the spaceport was the first of its kind, a monument to the fusion of human engineering and Olg laborers.
Olgix had been sending its skilled laborers to Earth for a few years now. Some of those worked in construction in humanity's many new projects during the economic boom, and they were trained to work with human materials, logistics, and project management. When some of them returned to their homeworld, the central Olg government lavished them with credits and put them to work on new construction projects that tested their newly acquired skills.
It not only had the basic utilities that the first offworld fast food restaurant on Gakrek did, it even boasted several new features. Central heating and cooling, fireproof insulation, and even several large windows that featured prominently in modern human architecture.
It was a thing of beauty, and for Olgs, a point of pride. It represented the alien ideal that one day, they too might be able to develop their economies to resemble Earth's prosperity.
Not to be outdone, the Gak refugee community nearby contracted a similar construction project. After all, they were the descendants of some of the richest and most skilled craftsbeings that were sent from Gakrek millennia ago. They solicited donations from their homeworld. Gaks, eager to impress the galaxy, sent money and expertise via their new traders.
Their construction site was nearing completion when McDonald's came surveying sites for its first Olgix expansion.
This competition for franchise sites led to some ugly fights and debate in the Olgix political sphere. Ethnic resentments that had been buried by the humans years ago were resurfacing.
Today, it was another Gak protest in front of the Olg spaceport building. It started out peacefully. Then, some Gaks started throwing rotten fruit and tree branches at the government soldiers guarding it. Luckily for everyone involved, they decided to request help instead of taking matters into their own hands.
The humans were called in. The Olgs requested a riot control squad from Constellar. Reese and his team responded.
"This has been declared an illegal gathering," Reese yelled into the bullhorn, "please calmly return to your homes. We do not wish to use force."
The crowd groused and shouted insults, but ultimately, they complied. The humans' weapons and big armored vehicles were scary, sure, but the human faces were what really convinced them to calm down. After all, everyone knew the humans were the good guys, even if they were protecting the Olgs here.
The mob left.
Then, a small band of Gaks returned two nights later, and smashed every window of the new building.
"My human friends, we can't let the sneaky Gaks get away with this!" Reeptar begged. She was the local administrator of the spaceport, which made her the local representative of the Olgix government.
Reese couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. The windows would be costly to replace. And it was so hard to say no to her, when she was giving him the puppy wolf eyes. But he said, "Reeptar, we've been over this. We will do our best to look for the culprits and bring them to justice, but we're not gonna just go and help you get some revenge on innocent random Gaks that probably don't have anything to do with this!"
"How much would it cost to get you to change your mind?" she asked.
Even before the introduction of credits, bribery was a common theme on Olgix. Here Reeptar was hoping that the only reason Reese and his team hadn't gone out to shoot up a Gak school was she hadn't offered them enough credits.
"No, that's not it," Reese put on a kind, patient smile, "think about it, Reeptar. If we go and destroy something of theirs, they'll come back tomorrow and do it right back to you. What if they come back with one of their bombs?"
"They won't!" she declared, "because then we'll just kill more of them."
Reese tried his hardest not to roll his eyes. "That hasn't stopped them in the past, and you know it. It's not worth it to take that risk, is it?"
She whined, and she pleaded. In the end, her irrational love for her precious building trumped her irrational hatred of the Gaks. He managed to extract a promise from her not to do anything stupid.
XBC Studios, Earth
"Welcome to Good Morning Galaxy. We have several good programs for you today, my fellow aliens," Zurim read on the teleprompter, "and our first guest today is one teddy bear from Gakrek. The famous Gubarak, Ambassador for the Gaks at the Galactic Union for four years! Everyone, give a hearty welcome to Gubarak!"
"Thank you for coming on. How are you doing this morning, Ambassador?" Zurim asked.
"Oh, good. So good. I had some sushi right before I came here, and I'm still feeling its buoying effects," he replied earnestly.
The studio audience gave that a little chuckle. Gaks on Earth eating sushi for breakfast was a common meme.
"Sushi for breakfast?" Zurim mocked outrage as he completed the joke, "now I wish I'd gone into government service instead of broadcasting."
Cue some more laughter. The audience knew that Zurim was one of the richest Zeepils in the galaxy. He could get sushi any time.
"Speaking of food, ambassador," Zurim turned serious, "how is the harvest on Gakrek looking this year?"
"Amazing," Gubarak got down to business. This was his bread and butter. "Gakrek's agricultural industry continues to industrialize, and we expect our food production to grow to forty times its size as it had when we first met humanity."
"Wow, really! Forty times?! That's fantastic news, really fantastic."
Gubarak's entire job here was to advertise his planet as an attractive destination for investors, so he got to it. "And our service industry is growing. Our spaceport at Gophor? It recently opened its third business! A noodle shop this time. I highly recommend it if you ever visit!"
"Gophor, eh?" Zurim asked, "is that the one with the first McDonald's-"
"The very one," Gubarak beamed. Time to drop some names. "I visited Ms. Rey Crawley when all these shops opened, and she said she expected dozens of similar restaurants to pop up in Gophor within two years!"
"Wow. Speaking of McDonald's, what do you think about this little expansion they got going on Olgix?"
"Our community on Olgix is filled with skilled and talented workers," Gubarak replied, looking straight into the TV camera, "and we expect that we will have no problems getting McDonald's to pick our location as a first franchise instead of the spaceport, which we all know is in a rather unstable location. Last I heard, a band of criminals stormed their building at night and broke all their windows. If they can't even take care of their own security…"
City of Lights Spaceport, Olgix
"And so you had your soldiers sneak in and destroy their interior scaffolding?!" Reese asked as if he couldn't believe she'd done this. The problem was, he had no problems actually believing it. She was as vindictive as she was deceitful.
In this case though, she didn't even bother lying.
"Yup. It wasn't that hard. There wasn't anyone at the Gak community center because they all went home for the weekend," Reeptar replied gleefully. "My pack just cut them down with a saw they left lying around. Just as a little warning to them."
"Now you're gonna need to beef up security at your own restaurant, and it's a never-ending escalation that'll cost you more money! I thought we went over this!" Reese felt like punting her through the door.
"That was before their ambassador went on Zurim to insult our building," she replied smugly, "and look who has security issues now!"
"Okay, we're going to fix this," Reese calmed down and decided, "you're going to go to the Gaks and apologize. Say you made a mistake. And then pay to fix their scaffolding."
"What? No!" Reeptar was appalled. Why were humans always so annoying? It was just some cheap wooden platform. "That defeats the point of destroying them in the first place."
Sensing no way to reason her out of it, he went for threats. "Reeptar, you're going to do as I say, or I'm going to call Constellar headquarters and recommend that we pull out of here. And then maybe we go over to the Gaks and ask them whether they need some security services."
"You can't do that! We have a contract!" she almost started crying. The idea of her limited number of soldiers facing down the inevitable mob of local Gaks that would come at her if Reese and his men left was honestly frightening to her.
"Our contract specifically states that you have to do as we ask in terms of security concerns. This is one of those. Now, go be a good neighbor and offer to fix what you broke."
Reeptar reluctantly did as Reese asked. She went over, apologized to the manager of the Gak community center, and offered to pay expenses for replacing the scaffolding they destroyed.
It was humiliating, but at least the Gak didn't rub it in. He graciously accepted the offer for a few credits to fix the damage, and promised they would do their best to help find the criminals that destroyed the Olgs' windows. He didn't want war either.
Gakrek's Avengers Underground Meeting
"They paid for the damages," Gripon reported, "and apologized for it. It sounded sincere to me."
They were meeting at an abandoned warehouse right next to the community center and the new construction building that was shaping up nicely.
Grouchik was not convinced. Many in her family back on Gakrek had died during the famine, and she blamed the Olgs. "They shouldn't have done it in the first place. And Reeptar only did it because that human made her do it."
"That's a good thing," Gripon moderated, "it means they can learn. The humans are having a good influence on them."
"Whatever. We're not stopping what we're doing," Grouchik insisted, "they can't be allowed to get the bid for the franchise. We should really be striking at the spaceport authorities to show that their building isn't safe."
"Don't go out and do anything stupid, Grouchik," he cautioned. "Windows are one thing, but we don't want to be responsible for breaking the truce."
Yeah, yeah, she thought, you only care about your precious peace and your silly building.
Grouchik was sane enough to know that very few creatures wanted war, despite the undercurrent of resentment for each other. With that human leader next to the Olg teaching her how to manage the situation, Grouchik would never get the revenge she wanted.
He must go.
City of Lights Spaceport, Olgix
"Wow, this is all very impressive," Isabella complimented. She was telling the truth too. This was the first offworld chain she'd seen using all the modern building techniques that Earth restaurants took for granted.
"Thank you," Reeptar grinned, "our people are very proud of this construction. You'll have no problems finding new customers among them!"
"I'm sure," Isabella said. Then she glanced over at the workers mounting new glass windows onto the frames. "I heard what happened with the Gaks a few weeks ago. My sympathies for your losses. Are there any new developments in the situation?"
"No," Reeptar replied, "the Gaks can't find the criminals that did this." Then she added petulantly, "or maybe they don't want to."
"Well, we'll certainly consider this deal seriously," Isabella said cautiously, "but we'll have to factor in the insurance costs and everything. And we're here to look at alternate sites as well. After all, we want to make sure our first launch here goes smoothly."
City of Lights Gak Community Center, Olgix
"This is fantastic!" Isabella praised.
It was getting hard to tell which site was better. They had similarly modern specifications. The Gak site was cheaper, but the spaceport site would have some more foot traffic from the flights, even if they will get less business from the locals.
"Yes, Gaks worked very hard on this," Gripon replied with a large smile. "This is a way better site to open a restaurant than the ugly spaceport, and we have good security."
"That is one thing we are concerned about," Isabella added, "security. If there's another attack here on Olgix, it could wipe out several months to years of profits on a single day."
"Of course, of course," Gripon assured, "we've come to an agreement with Reeptar and the spaceport authorities. We both only want the best for our people."
Isabella wasn't sure what exactly this meant, so she was still skeptical.
Seeing her expression, Gripon added, "and we're in negotiations with the Olgs so they can visit the community center too. That will surely add to the number of customers you will get every day!"
"Honestly, both lots are equally good. My intuition says whichever we pick is going to be wildly successful," Isabella reported to her manager. "The Olg site could be a slightly more lucrative deal at 140,000 a month. Or we could go for the lower risk 30,000 for the Gak site."
"That is pretty hard to decide," he said, "what about the security situation?"
"It seems… in flux," she replied, "they both assured me that there was nothing untoward happening, and they have a deal. But there's always the risk that the one we don't pick is gonna renege on it and decide to take it out on our store."
"That's not ideal."
"Yeah, but the risk can't be that great, right? The insurance company thinks that the threat of conflict on Olgix is overrated," she frowned, "which is weird of them considering they never give up an opportunity to overcharge us."
Her manager chuckled, "they've been overrating too many threats offworld, and the regulatory agencies are coming down on them hard. They're just using this as an opportunity to lower their apparent margins. We probably shouldn't trust those ratings too much."
"Alright, what do I tell Olgix?" Isabela asked, waiting for a final decision.
"You said it was 140,000 and 30,000, right?" he asked.
"Right, that's what we got them down to," she said, "either of them will still probably be making a chunk of profit off it almost right away."
"We can double down. The prices aren't that much for a first expansion onto a new planet. Can you go ask them whether they'd agree to do both sites and give us a discount?"
"Both sites?" she asked. "Isn't that a bit redundant?"
"From what I can tell, it appears that the Gak site is gonna be majority Gak customers, and the Olg site will be mostly traders and Olgs, so the overlap seems minimal. Besides, not to play politics here, but the security benefit of both sides not shooting at each other's store is gotta be worth something here."
"Sure, I'll ask them. The least they can do is say no."
City of Lights Spaceport, Olgix
Isabella asked them both to meet her at the hangar where she was storing her ship. Technically, this was not neutral territory, being on the spaceport. But these two species were just going to have to learn to ignore those kinds of symbolic concerns if they were going into business.
"What?!" they both exclaimed simultaneously when she made them the offer. She wanted both spaces for 5,000 a month less than they were asking, so she was essentially asking them both to give up some profits so the other could get cut in on the deal.
"Both sites?" Reeptar barked. Her angry wolf-like face looked almost like a husky pup, Isabella thought. "Why are you also putting a franchise on the stupid Gak site?"
"But the whole point of us making a bid was so the Olgs don't get it!" Gripon complained.
Isabella sighed. This was going to be a hard sell. The unfortunate reality was that one of the reasons that both these creatures wanted to be picked over the other was simple ethnic pride. Given that they were almost willing to burn each other down a few weeks ago, it was probably an even bigger sticking point than the discount.
Which is why it was even more important that she got both sites, or she got none. If there was a loser here, there would be no winners. This was some kind of convoluted variation of a prisoner's dilemma, she thought.
Heading off the argument, she said firmly, "we've decided that both of your sites are wonderful. We'd only rent either one if we also got the other."
Reeptar challenged, "if you put a restaurant on both our sites, they would steal customers away from each other."
That's an apt description of the problem, Isabella thought. These aliens were definitely not stupid. Just irrational. "Yes, we've thought of that as well. We think that the cannibalism would be minimal, and there is a big enough market in the City of Lights to support both."
"We are willing to go down to 25,000 under some conditions," Gripon cautioned, "but my people will not like that we're doing it so the Olgs get their restaurant too."
"It's not like we're thrilled that you guys get to leech off our people," Reeptar snapped back at him, "you Gaks already have your own McDonald's restaurants back on your homeworld, and you still want to come here and steal ours!"
"Look, guys!" Isabella stopped them before this devolved into an uglier argument. "You will both make a significant profit off this deal. Your people will get new jobs and new customers. And your economies will both grow tremendously, like other planets and communities have!
"Besides, aren't you both tired of throwing good credits down the drain for a rivalry that we all know leads nowhere good for either of you? Talk amongst yourselves and come back to me when you decide to be adults."
Second & Main Street Intersection, City of Lights
Grouchik laid prone on the second-story balcony as she watched the convoy coming down the street. It was some sales representative from Earth who was visiting the spaceport. She was personally more interested in the man in the lead vehicle, the one who kept ruining all her plans.
She didn't get approval from Gripon for an attack like this. When she told a Zakabaran trader from some faraway planet her problem, the trader had come back a few days later with a few bags of explosives and a remote detonator. The trader even gave her a big discount, which was weirdly generous of him, but she didn't question it.
Grouchik had waited until it was dark to dig a small hole in the street and hide the bags. Given the poor state of the roads, she reasonably assumed that it wouldn't be found.
She fingered the detonator and thought of her dead family as the humans drove right up to where she'd place it.
Death to the Olgs and their collaborators, Grouchik thought.
She triggered the detonator.
Humanity had been fighting industrial-scale warfare for as long as they had industry. The mass production of most of the goods involved in the manufacturing of an improvised explosive device were cheaply available on Earth.
Constellar mercenaries, many of whom had gotten their start with combat roles in the sandbox against experienced practitioners of guerilla warfare, were intimately familiar with these devices.
That's why there was a Duke Counter-IED Electronic Warfare jammer mounted on every single one of their armored cars.
Reese's heart skipped a beat as the module made a loud "bzzzt" sound to indicate that someone had attempted to detonate a device near their vehicle.
"We've got movement, three o'clock, second-floor balcony," the remote gunner called out as he swiveled his turret in that direction.
Another bzzzt. He made a split second decision, and called into the radio, "driver! Get us and the VIP out of here! Echo squad, go check out that building!"
Grouchik was confused when the explosive didn't go off. She pressed the trigger again. Still nothing.
The bird must have sold me a bad device! Too bad. I'll have to go get another one and try for another time, she thought as she got back up into the building.
As she started packing her equipment, she heard boots thundering up the stairs. Grabbing her rifle, she aimed it at the door fearfully.
Something smashed the door open. Grouchik readied herself for a last stand, waiting to light up the collaborators coming through the door any moment now. I'll get at least one or two of them, she thought. Not as good as getting their leader, but she wasn't going to die with regret.
Then her ears experienced the loudest bang she'd ever heard in her life, and the brightness of ten thousand suns exploded into her vision.
Painfully deafened and blinded, Grouchik screamed and covered her eyes, dropping her weapon. She felt herself being tackled into the ground by something heavy and lost consciousness.
Outside Galactic Union Headquarters
"Ambassador Gubarak, can you comment on the three-way deal your people have agreed to with the Olgs in the City of Lights?"
"Did you have a hand in crafting what pundits are now calling Fast Food Diplomacy?"
A crowd of reporters had swarmed him as he left the building, all shoving their microphones and cameras into his face.
"Ahem. I have a statement."
"The fates of the people of Olgix and Gakrek have been tied for as long as our species have seen each other across the stars. Last night's three-way deal with the City of Lights Spaceport and McDonald's is simply a recognition of that reality. Our communities on Olgix are grateful for the opportunity to show the galaxy our growing skills and hospitality. While we believe that of the two franchises, ours will see bigger profits, this deal is in the best interests of both our peoples."
He continued. "Furthermore, Ambassador Luperca and I have agreed to gradually begin the process of opening up Gak communities on Olgix to their people. As long as their intentions are peaceful, we are not opposed on principle to welcome them into our businesses and even our families…"
Galactic Union HQ
"The missile incident from last night must never happen again," Amanda said strictly to the face of the parrot on her screen, "you were lucky that our ships chose not to shoot back."
"We have a right to defend our space! This is in the charter of your Galactic Union!" Popptaw said indignantly. She hadn't ordered the ships to fire, but she was still going to defend their mistake to the death anyway. "The invasion of the Zakabaran system shows the galaxy what hypocrites your people are!"
"It's your Galactic Union too," Amanda replied, then added, "and our ships were invited by the citizens of Second, which is recognized as a separate planet under our charter."
"They're our people, whether they realize it or not," the parrot insisted, "and we have the right to stop your people from flooding our spaceports with your cheap goods. Haven't you hurt our people enough?"
"Isn't it true that Zakabara Prime has increased its production output and total credits volume every year since humanity's entry to the galaxy?" Amanda asked, trying a different line of persuasion.
"Our people are working hard! We've invested heavily into developing our economy so we can compete with everyone else!" Popptaw said, apparently not getting the actual point, "we intend to get our fair share of the pie!"
This was going nowhere, Amanda realized, with a species, or maybe just its headstrong leader, that can't see the interaction between sentient beings as anything more than a fixed sum game designed to extract as many resources out of others as efficiently as possible.
"Popptaw, you are getting your fair share. We've allowed you to close down the spaceports on your planet despite the sensible experts' recommendation not to, but that doesn't mean Second has to. This is your final warning: we will not allow you to subjugate the people of another plane-"
"OUR planets!" Popptaw looked like her eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets, and chirped angrily, "we will decide what to do with our own people! You can't bully us out of our cultural heritage! And other species will not stand for it either, human, you can't fight all of us at once no matter how many credits you have in your account!"
Hanging up, Amanda saw the work of years, the dreams of a united and peaceful galaxy, teetering in the balance because of one lunatic leader's inability to see sense.
She picked up the phone. "Get me Senator Hawthorne again."
List of wars/conflicts that have been fought between states with McDonald's: US-Panama invasion, India-Pakistan border conflicts, NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Israel-Hezbollah War in Lebanon, Russia-Georgia, Russia-Ukraine.
At the time of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraq had a blatant rip off of the fast food chain called MaDonal, which sells hamburgers they call Big Macks. It remains in business today. There is also an authorized McDonald's franchise in the Baghdad Green Zone.
submitted by rook-iv to HFY [link] [comments]

Applying to a senior manufacturing engineer position - Please critique my resume

I'm trying to tailor my resume for a specific job opening.
Job Description:
Senior Manufacturing Engineer for a Medical Device Company
The Manufacturing Engineer is a key Operations representative within the Surgical Innovations team. As the Manufacturing Engineer, you will be required to drive projects including the purchase and installation of new equipment, implementing new tooling at suppliers, transferring products, and providing day to day support for production. You will be required to coordinate cross functional meetings, drive action items, create budgets, track capital spending, provide timelines, create validation plans, write reports, and submit Engineering Change request in Agile.
Day in the Life
Must Haves
Nice to Haves
submitted by 8_keight_8 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

Confused; Need help to select universities

Hey, everyone! So I've decided to pursue a master's degree in HCI and created a list of colleges I'm going to apply for based on various sources. But I have a feeling that I'm missing out on many good universities because of a lack of information or conflicting opinions I've seen in various sources.
The following are the universities I've outlined so far:

College name Years GRE Description
Georgia Institute of Technology 2 No MS-HCI
University of Washington 2 No M.S in human-centered design and engineering (HCDE)
University of Washington 2 No M.S. in Technology Innovation
University of California, Berkley 1.5 No M.Des
Indiana University, Bloomington 2 Yes M.S. in Human-computer interaction
Purdue university 2 Yes MS in computer graphics technology
University of Maryland 2 Yes MS in Human-computer interaction
Please suggest some more universities that I can apply for :)
Here's some background for your reference: I majored in ME (Integrated B.Tech & M.Tech specialized in advanced manufacturing) though I was mostly interested in Industrial Design all along my college days. I did a couple of personal projects related to it, which led to winning some design competitions conducted by Autodesk. I also did a graphic design intern followed by an Industrial Design intern in my final college days. The following is my current portfolio, but I'm also working on a website to present all these :)
In my final college days, I did some courses related to neural networks and finished my graduation with the final project in convolutional neural networks and reinforcement learning. Currently, I'm working as a process automation engineer in an MNC and the job involves creating algorithms and logics for the IT team to code it.
I was hoping to leverage my interdisciplinary background to get into HCI: I'm experienced in design related, technical, and CS related fields. GRE:328 (but mostly irrelevant as most of the universities seemed to have waived the requirement). TOEFL: 109
As I'm definitely new to HCI, I'm only looking for masters that last for 2 years and not 1. I want to have enough time to learn stuff and build a decent portfolio :)
Thanks so much for reading this far!
Edit: Table
submitted by tejabalu15 to hci [link] [comments]

Career outlook advice needed. Switch to a large defense contractor or stay with manufacturing?

Hello! Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday if there is such a thing. I’ll try to keep this short.
Quick Background:
I graduated from “nothing special” university with a BSME. I’ve been working as a Manufacturing Engineer with my current employer for a little over 2 years. This is my first job after graduation. I enjoy high risk/high reward situations like working long hours to complete an order. For this reason, I believe my goals lie in plant management. I have no family to discuss this with so that’s why I’m here.
Manufacturing Engineer (current employer):
Defense Position:
Recently, I was offered a position with a large defense contractor – although entry level from what I can tell. This company is well-known and I’ve been told it would greatly bolster my resume. The work doesn’t sound similar: I’ll be troubleshooting code and integrating various systems but the description is vague. Pay is the same so it’s a pay cut compared to if I applied to another manufacturing plant.
What do you think would be my best move?
Option 1: Stick with current employer. Keep up good reputation and look for openings at other plants.
Option 2: Switch to the defense industry to try something new, possibly gain better experience and growth.
Option 3: Look for an advanced manufacturing position with another company.
All advice and opinions are welcome and appreciated! Thank you.
submitted by birdOFquestion to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

Former process engineer looking to change career in Germany

TLDR: Currently jack of some trades for digitalization in a manufacturing company. Should I 1) stay at current job, 2) look for analyst role or 3) build skills + look for software engineer role. (See below for detailed options)
I will state my background and current situation, then list things I like about my current job and things which make me doubt my current job. I then list options I currently think I could choose between regarding my career. Can you give your thoughts about what I think my options are and what is smart/not smart to do now?
To answer a comment I would post under my thread: Yes, I know that being happy and fulfilled with your job is an exception and a privilege. But I still can try to get there, right?
I am 28 years old and living in Germany. I have a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and started as a process engineer 3.5 years ago at a big company I am still working for. After my first year as a process engineer, I started studying data science as an extra-occupational master studies program. This will result in another M.Sc. in one year from now. I started this master studies because I was attracted by the whole data science hype and because I searched for a way out of the process engineer career. This helped me to get a new job with the same company, same location, but now as a digitalization engineer. My current job's description is very vague, but it is really a mix of project management (not pure software projects but rather automation projects in manufacturing), Excel VBA automation, data analysis and reporting and anything else that coworkers think of is somehow related to the big word "digitalization".
Things I enjoy at my current job:
The job conditions are fine. I get paid 65 kEUyear + bonuses (approx 3k/year), I don't have to work overtime, I can work from home if my current assignments allow it and my coworkers are mostly ok. I was told that I'll get a salary increase once I finish the data science studies. I believe this to be true since I was not lied to by human resources or management in the past 3.5 years when it came to salary expectations. I started with 53kEUyear at this company.
I have a manager which allows for enough time for me to learn new things if I can create value from it. I tought myself Power BI and DAX (it's not much, but I enjoy building data models and building reports), I was allowed to write very small modifications into the PLC programms of some production machines, I tought myself VBA-programming for MS Excel automation stuff.
The overall workplace is fine. Local management is okay, corporate management is ok.
What makes me doubt my current career path:
My manager has no technical background and no knowledge about how to do anything I am supposed to do. It is not her duty to know this stuff, I just wanted to state that I cannot learn from her when it comes to technical things.
The current work environment is overall not suitable to grow my technical skills. Everything I learned for my current job is self-taught, coworkers never saw Power BI before and although my Excel VBA skills are not very sophisticated, it seems to me that there are not many people who would be able/willing to write those little office automations. That's not to complain but to illustrate that there is nobody I can talk to about these things and who could show me what I could do better. And as soon as I have to implement something more sophisticated, it happens in SQL/SAP databases I'm not allowed to touch so I have to write tickets for the global IT department.
I have no vision of what my job will look like or where I can aim my career development in my current job. I want to learn/apply more technical stuff (for example improving reporting on SQL database level or build (web) applications which are used in the company). But currently I have to work on anything laying at my desk, from "Summarize these new tech developments in our company into a Powerpoint" to "Can you automate this? I don't want to copy-paste this every day" to "Get an external machine programmer to improve this. Define the objective and control the work at the end.". Or writing down business cases and then just escalating to management in order to get the support from global IT. It feels like becoming a jack of some trades, but mastering any of them is not my task.
This is my job for a little bit more than a year now. I feel that my current career is going nowhere since I am doing a little bit of this and that, but not specializing in something.
However, I really don't want to work as a pure machine learning engineedata scientist, although my current master studies would suggest this. Based on what I read on reddit and what I see our company's data science team is doing, I think I just don't want to spend too much time tweaking models / changing parameters / gathering more data without knowing if my actions lead to a predefined result. This is why I like the data transforming / reporting / analysis stuff, since I can lay out the things I want to do and then go from there as opposed to not knowing whether the model I built and trained will work or if I have to gather more training data or tweak the model or simply stop working on a particular problem.
I am currently not sure on how to proceed. At the end, I want to do more coding than I am currently doing. That can be data-related or application-building-related or both.
From my point of view, I see the following options:
a. Just stay with the company and see where my current job is getting me. I ensure having nice job conditions but I don't necessarily learn technical stuff. I will keep doing a little reporting, little project management and just coordinating processes, passing information up/down.
b. Start applying for analyst jobs outside the company. I think my resume makes me employable for analyst-related jobs due to my current data science masters program and things I do at my current job. I would have to start a new career path and accept a much lower salary at the beginning. I would learn new tools or improve on technical skills I already have, which I really would enjoy.
c. Stay with the company, but apply to data-related jobs after finishing data science master studies. This is like option 1, but maybe I could then get an above-junior-level job with my then-new degree as a first step. I would benefit from extended nice job conditions at my current company but maybe lose time I could spend on getting work experience in the new career path.
d. Stay with the company, finish data science studies. Teach myself fullstack development and apply for developer roles, maybe already incorporating something web application related into my Master Thesis project to start a portfolio. I would benefit from the extended nice job conditions at current company. I would start a career that I did not touch yet but that looks so fulfilling. I love building small things in VBA or Python which are used by coworkers. So I genuinely enjoy building things which are used by others and which improve/enable/simplify their work. Also, learning fullstack until I can get an entry job will take me maybe another additional year or more. So maybe it is better to first get an analyst role, try to touch on software engineering at a potentially new company and go from there towards full-time software engineering.
Additional things to mention: I do not want to relocate, since I value friends and family in proximity over my career. Applying for analyst/developer roles at current company most probably means relocating to another part of the country. But I did not verify this with human resources, since I am afraid of communicating that I want to change my job again. I feel like software engineering is a field which will give me more flexibility and make myself more employable in the long run compared to what I am doing at my current job.
So, what are your thoughts on what I think my options are? Where am I making mistakes in evaluating my options? What's a stupid thing to do now? What's a smart thing to do now? I'm just looking to get other people's view on this.
submitted by Davoc8 to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

Confused; Need help to select universities (HCI Masters)

Hey, everyone! So I've decided to pursue a master's degree in HCI and created a list of colleges I'm going to apply for based on various sources. But I have a feeling that I'm missing out on many good universities because of a lack of information or conflicting opinions I've seen in various sources.
The following are the universities I've outlined so far:
College name Years GRE Description
Georgia Institute of Technology 2 No MS-HCI
University of Washington 2 No M.S in human-centered design and engineering (HCDE)
University of Washington 2 No M.S. in Technology Innovation
University of California, Berkley 1.5 No M.Des
Indiana University, Bloomington 2 Yes M.S. in Human-computer interaction
Purdue university 2 Yes MS in computer graphics technology
University of Maryland 2 Yes MS in Human-computer interaction
Please suggest some more universities that I can apply for :)
Here's some background for your reference: I majored in ME (Integrated B.Tech & M.Tech specialized in advanced manufacturing) though I was mostly interested in Industrial Design all along my college days. I did a couple of personal projects related to it, which led to winning some design competitions conducted by Autodesk. I also did a graphic design intern followed by an Industrial Design intern in my final college days. The following is my current portfolio, but I'm also working on a website to present all these :)
In my final college days, I did some courses related to neural networks and finished my graduation with the final project in convolutional neural networks and reinforcement learning. Currently, I'm working as a process automation engineer in an MNC and the job involves creating algorithms and logics for the IT team to code it.
I was hoping to leverage my interdisciplinary background to get into HCI: I'm experienced in design related, technical, and CS related fields. GRE:328 (but mostly irrelevant as most of the universities seemed to have waived the requirement). TOEFL: 109
As I'm definitely new to HCI, I'm only looking for masters that last for 2 years and not 1. I want to have enough time to learn stuff and build a decent portfolio :)
Thanks so much for reading this far!
submitted by tejabalu15 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]


Key Qualifications
Collaborate with robotics and automation specialists, mechanical and quality engineers to apply machine learning to industrial problems and situations. Seek opportunities in the production and development processes to utilize deep learning, algorithms and other ML tools for improvements...
Read more / Apply here:
submitted by aijobs-com to jobbit [link] [comments]

Need thoughts on what I see as options to move from engineer to dev or analyst

I posted this thread also on cscareerquestionsEU.
TLDR: Currently jack of some trades for digitalization in a manufacturing company. Should I 1) stay at current job, 2) look for analyst role or 3) build skills + look for software engineer role. (See below for detailed options)
I will state my background and current situation, then list things I like about my current job and things which make me doubt my current job. I then list options I currently think I could choose between regarding my career. Can you give your thoughts about what I think my options are and what is smart/not smart to do now?
To answer a comment I would post under my thread: Yes, I know that being happy and fulfilled with your job is an exception and a privilege. But I still can try to get there, right?
I am 28 years old and living in Germany. I have a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and started as a process engineer 3.5 years ago at a big company I am still working for. After my first year as a process engineer, I started studying data science as an extra-occupational master studies program. This will result in another M.Sc. in one year from now. I started this master studies because I was attracted by the whole data science hype and because I searched for a way out of the process engineer career. This helped me to get a new job with the same company, same location, but now as a digitalization engineer. My current job's description is very vague, but it is really a mix of project management (not pure software projects but rather automation projects in manufacturing), Excel VBA automation, data analysis and reporting and anything else that coworkers think of is somehow related to the big word "digitalization".
Things I enjoy at my current job:
The job conditions are fine. I get paid 65 kEUyear + bonuses (approx 3k/year), I don't have to work overtime, I can work from home if my current assignments allow it and my coworkers are mostly ok. I was told that I'll get a salary increase once I finish the data science studies. I believe this to be true since I was not lied to by human resources or management in the past 3.5 years when it came to salary expectations. I started with 53kEUyear at this company.
I have a manager which allows for enough time for me to learn new things if I can create value from it. I tought myself Power BI and DAX (it's not much, but I enjoy building data models and building reports), I was allowed to write very small modifications into the PLC programms of some production machines, I tought myself VBA-programming for MS Excel automation stuff.
The overall workplace is fine. Local management is okay, corporate management is ok.
What makes me doubt my current career path:
My manager has no technical background and no knowledge about how to do anything I am supposed to do. It is not her duty to know this stuff, I just wanted to state that I cannot learn from her when it comes to technical things.
The current work environment is overall not suitable to grow my technical skills. Everything I learned for my current job is self-taught, coworkers never saw Power BI before and although my Excel VBA skills are not very sophisticated, it seems to me that there are not many people who would be able/willing to write those little office automations. That's not to complain but to illustrate that there is nobody I can talk to about these things and who could show me what I could do better. And as soon as I have to implement something more sophisticated, it happens in SQL/SAP databases I'm not allowed to touch so I have to write tickets for the global IT department.
I have no vision of what my job will look like or where I can aim my career development in my current job. I want to learn/apply more technical stuff (for example improving reporting on SQL database level or build (web) applications which are used in the company). But currently I have to work on anything laying at my desk, from "Summarize these new tech developments in our company into a Powerpoint" to "Can you automate this? I don't want to copy-paste this every day" to "Get an external machine programmer to improve this. Define the objective and control the work at the end.". Or writing down business cases and then just escalating to management in order to get the support from global IT. It feels like becoming a jack of some trades, but mastering any of them is not my task.
This is my job for a little bit more than a year now. I feel that my current career is going nowhere since I am doing a little bit of this and that, but not specializing in something.
However, I really don't want to work as a pure machine learning engineedata scientist, although my current master studies would suggest this. Based on what I read on reddit and what I see our company's data science team is doing, I think I just don't want to spend too much time tweaking models / changing parameters / gathering more data without knowing if my actions lead to a predefined result. This is why I like the data transforming / reporting / analysis stuff, since I can lay out the things I want to do and then go from there as opposed to not knowing whether the model I built and trained will work or if I have to gather more training data or tweak the model or simply stop working on a particular problem.
I am currently not sure on how to proceed. At the end, I want to do more coding than I am currently doing. That can be data-related or application-building-related or both.
From my point of view, I see the following options:
a. Just stay with the company and see where my current job is getting me. I ensure having nice job conditions but I don't necessarily learn technical stuff. I will keep doing a little reporting, little project management and just coordinating processes, passing information up/down.
b. Start applying for analyst jobs outside the company. I think my resume makes me employable for analyst-related jobs due to my current data science masters program and things I do at my current job. I would have to start a new career path and accept a much lower salary at the beginning. I would learn new tools or improve on technical skills I already have, which I really would enjoy.
c. Stay with the company, but apply to data-related jobs after finishing data science master studies. This is like option 1, but maybe I could then get an above-junior-level job with my then-new degree as a first step. I would benefit from extended nice job conditions at my current company but maybe lose time I could spend on getting work experience in the new career path.
d. Stay with the company, finish data science studies. Teach myself fullstack development and apply for developer roles, maybe already incorporating something web application related into my Master Thesis project to start a portfolio. I would benefit from the extended nice job conditions at current company. I would start a career that I did not touch yet but that looks so fulfilling. I love building small things in VBA or Python which are used by coworkers. So I genuinely enjoy building things which are used by others and which improve/enable/simplify their work. Also, learning fullstack until I can get an entry job will take me maybe another additional year or more. So maybe it is better to first get an analyst role, try to touch on software engineering at a potentially new company and go from there towards full-time software engineering.
Additional things to mention: I do not want to relocate, since I value friends and family in proximity over my career. Applying for analyst/developer roles at current company most probably means relocating to another part of the country. But I did not verify this with human resources, since I am afraid of communicating that I want to change my job again. I feel like software engineering is a field which will give me more flexibility and make myself more employable in the long run compared to what I am doing at my current job.
So, what are your thoughts on what I think my options are? Where am I making mistakes in evaluating my options? What's a stupid thing to do now? What's a smart thing to do now? I'm just looking to get other people's view on this.
submitted by Davoc8 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

[Econ] The Manufacturing Dream

While market-based economic systems are undoubtedly the most efficient at allocating limited quantities of resources, they are not the most efficient at long-term strategic planning. On paper, likely Chinese-made paper, utilizing third world labour allowed companies to cut costs and provide cheaper products to the American consumer, allowing for lower costs of living and higher rates of innovation. In reality, our strategic malaise revolves around our dependence on our largest rival, and while steps have been made to rectify this they are too little too late. Concentrated efforts must be made to ensure that domestic manufacturing returns to the United States, allowing for job growth and the achievement of important strategic objectives.
A hallmark of President Rubio's second term will be the Made in America Act of 2029, a comprehensive set of reforms intended to boost manufacturing in the United States, through the use of large-scale automation, coupled with a concentrated effort to revive post-industrial communities through the direction of new investments and federal retraining schemes. While a long-term endeavour, we hope to see many companies choosing to harness the technological and societal advantages of producing within America, instead of supporting hostile regimes.
To Replace Man With Machine
While it pains many to say this, industrial jobs are not coming back to the United States. Short of barring foreign industrial products from entering the United States, a policy considered loony even within the new jingoistic Republican party. The price of labour in the United States is simply too high to allow competitive manufacturing, and pursuing a policy which attempts to drag down wages will be both political and economic suicide.
There however is a solution to this, and that is a replacement of labour with Capital. The a-word, long a phobia of anyone holding a political position above that of major, needs not to be feared, for it must be embraced. With our increasingly ageing population, there is little risk of a large issue with job availability, with the workforce shrinking, not growing. America is a world leader in autonomous operation technology, primarily based on our extensive military investment into the field, technology which will now be used to ensure that American manufacturing rises like the phoenix it truly is. Through the usage of numerous incentives, a Federal Bounty program and direct state investment, Made in America will be a niche tag no longer, it shall be the standard.
The Made In America Act of 2029's hallmark will be the establishment of the National Center for the Advancement of American Manufacturing (henceforth referred to as the NCAAM). Similar to other institutions which focus on startup development, the NCAAM will focus on ensuring the growth of new firms in the manufacturing sector, while cooperating with major US investment banks to ensure the sustainability of their investment and aid banks in finding new high-growth investment opportunities. We hope that NCAAM grants will not only bring direct financial benefits by acting as a signal for hedge funds and private investors to match Federal contributions and help grow the company.

Technology Description Enactment
Industrial Algorithms and A.I. The algorithm and data are two things that promise to truly revolutionize manufacturing. Data is the fuel for an algorithm's engine and allows an algorithm to decide how resources should be allocated and how future production can be expanded. We shall strive towards the development of ever-present industrial algorithms, which will be able to make recommendations regarding future industrial expansion and ways to optimize short-term production by searching and scanning data inputted by sensors. Ideally, such algorithms would also be able to run factories without any human intervention for extended periods of time, only being set production quotas and general guidelines. US tech giants already possess large scale expertise in developing algorithms which collect large quantities of data and make analytical decisions based on them. A federal bounty of 12 Bn USD will be placed, split between the companies which develop the most effective algorithms as judged by their adoption by American Manufacturing Firms, along with a 4Bn USD Federal Grant program for startups in the sector.
Industrial Interconnectivity A key point of Industry 4.0 is the fact that a factory is no longer merely a place where people do their jobs and machines are located, a factory is now akin to one giant machine or organism. Through the further development of extremely high-speed and precise connectivity, along with the further development of programming languages and general data transmission, we shall strive towards making factories united in their purpose by ensuring that sensors and central control hubs can communicate seamlessly. Current trends do not indicate that severe broadband limitations will occur, as multi-gigabit ethernet should be a more than capable vessel for the transmission of vital information. Nonetheless, the NCAAM will closely monitor current and predict future trends to ensure that bottlenecks do not occur.
Data Collection For Industry 4.0 to function, large-scale data revolving around optimal manufacturing conditions, the identification of bottlenecks and identifying areas with the highest level of possible marginal output. Every part of every assembly line must be lined with sensors perpetually collecting data regarding the quality of the product and the amount of time and resources spend producing it. Data collected will then be used to find faults in the manufacturing process, suggesting improvements and working to ensure existing machines are working at peak capacity. Sensors will measure virtually everything that can be measured, from temperature and humidity to air movement and vibrations, to find the optimal conditions for production. The perfection of industrial sensors will be a priority, in addition to optimizing them towards working in tandem with the algorithms that we're developing. The NCAAM will ensure that start-ups and existing companies in this field (e.g. Rockwell Automation), are well supported via the creation of a 3 Bn USD grant program, in addition to an 8 Bn USD Federal bounty program for the development of specific sensors for specific functions
Autonomous Transport Links While the insides of a factory are a priority, a long-term goal will be the complete elimination of labour within supply chains. For now, integration shall stop at Factory algorithms predicting future supply needs and notifying suppliers, with the option of buying options to ensure prices remain predictable long-term. However, as we perfect our technology, we shall increasingly strive to replace the driver with nothing and have our supply lanes travel completely independently. This will be done by increasing efforts to develop truly autonomous vehicles and expanding the busiest interstates and most vital transport routes with additional lanes made specifically for such usage. The US is also a leader in autonomous transportation technology, with most software giants and automakers having some sort of autonomous driving technology. The NCAAM will be given access to select amounts of classified American military technology, which will be given to leaders in automated driving technology. If leaks occur, they will be met with heavy fines. Furthermore, 3 Bn in grants will be put in place, along with 4 Bn USD worth of Federal Bounties.
Data Security A vital drawback to increased digitalization is the increased security risk that comes with it. Physical threats are easily fought against through physical means, it's much easier to train and pay for a policeman than it is to build a proper defence against malware. This is the leading reason we need to realize that attempting to protect our data systems using human-made security protocols is simply impossible. The online hacker militia does not have the same level of funding as state agents nor does it have the same level of expertise in the field, yet it is almost always orders of magnitude more nimble. This agility makes fighting against every single threat in existence a job akin to that of King Sisyphus; new threats appear constantly and every threat has the ability to completely annihilate a factory. To combat such an issue, we must become more agile than the human mind, through the pursuit and construction of a self-evolving piece of anti-virus software, codenamed Vigilance, shall initially be fed with large amounts of data regarding computer malware, and will then be tasked with constructing new ways of defending itself from them. It shall have absolute limiters coded inside it, to ensure that it doesn't evolve out of control. Yet again, American companies are market leaders in anti-virus software, with many already developing adaptive anti-virus technologies. As before, 3 Bn USD will be allocated towards grants and start-up programs, with a further 4 Bn USD in bounties incentivizing the creation of such a program.
While this is a vital step in the long-term, to ensure that American re-industrialization evolves as a true possibility, it's also vital we ensure American companies bend to Federal will, and move their supply chains into the United States. As such, the NCAAM will establish the Manufacturing Bracket System, analyzing and potentially penalizing companies which refuse to shift production to the US or select nations listed below. Furthermore, in a form of public shaming, the NCAAM will publish the NCAAM Annual Manufacturing Index, detailing which companies have supported anti-democratic regimes by refusing to move their supply chains.

% of Manufacturing Done in Preferred Regions Potential Penalties/Benefits
0-10% (---) Currently none, aside from being featured in the NCAAM Annual Manufacturing Index as one of the worst offenders. Continued failure to comply will lead to a bar from US government contracts, in addition to increased scrutiny from American regulators, be it environmental, anti-trust, or anything in between.
10-30% (--) Currently none, aside from being featured in the NCAAM Annual Manufacturing Index as one of the less-patriotic corporations. Continued failure will lead to fewer or no Government contracts, along with increased regulatory scrutiny.
30-50% (-) Currently none, aside from being featured in the NCAAM Annual Manufacturing Index. While 30-50% is an improvement, companies in this tier may still find themselves at a disadvantage when competing for government contracts and federal funding.
50-70% (+) Companies will be encouraged to show their fulfilment of manufacturing objectives via the display of the NCAAM logo, akin to the NRA program instituted by FDR. Federal contracts and grants will be likelier to go to these companies.
70-100% (+) Companies will be applauded, and wholeheartedly encouraged to display a gold NCAAM logo, and will often find their name being used as an example of the ideal patriotic company. These companies will be preferred in Federal Contracts.
Nation Qualification
Tier Explanation Examples Effects
0 Temporary Domestic Producers are nations which will, for all intents and purposes, be treated as domestic manufacturers. This status will be abolished within 3 years, allowing companies to use them as a stopgap measure yet ensuring they do not become too comfortable. The East African Federation, India Counted as preferred, equal to US production
1 Preferred Overseas Producers are nations that, due to their close relations with the United States, be considered a prime location for continued foreign manufacturing if foreign manufacturing must continue. NATO allies, Major Non-NATO allies, Taiwan. Counted as preferred, multiplied by K = 0.7, where K is the weighting factor.
2 Acceptable Overseas Producers are nations that, while not being close friends of the United States, have relatively good relations with the US, and are also an option for overseas manufacturing Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Counted as preferred, multiplied by K = 0.4, where K is the weighting factor.
3 Neutral Overseas Producers are nations that the US is ambivalent towards Botswana, Cambodia Counted as Oversees, multiplied by K = 1, where K is the weighting factor.
4 Undesirable Overseas Producers are nations that pose a threat to the security of the United States of America and must be avoided with the widest of berths. Choosing to produce here will be penalized severely. The People's Republic of China, Iran Counted as Oversees, multiplied by K = 2, where K is the weighting factor.
Production chains will be split up into two sections, preferred and overseas, with the formula being Total Weighted Preferred Production + Total Weighted Overseas Productions = Total Weighted Production. If a company produces 10,000 USD worth of products overseas, 10,000 USD worth of products in the US, and 10,000 USD worth of products in a Tier 1 nation, the calculation shall be 10,000 + 10,000 + 0.7*10,000 = 26,000, with the percentage of products built oversees being (10,000 / 26,000 (38%))
To Help Man Survive the Machine
While such a program will pass congress, due to both its tripartisan support and the Republican majority, we must ensure that the American worker is not forgotten. The NCAAM will also work with the Employment and Training Administration, a subsection of the Department of Labor, to ensure that any man or woman impacted by job losses is able to easily access retraining schemes, or enter early Federally-subsidized retirement. Workers will be retrained in jobs close to their original profession, with many being trained as electricians or plumbers. These are highly paid jobs that are in increasingly high demand, as Urban areas experience renewal and the US population continues to grow. Furthermore, they are in quite low supply, due to many people choosing to go to university instead. Through the allocation of 5 Bn USD from the Labor Department's budget, we will ensure that no one who loses their job will face major issues because of it.
Note: Textile production is exempt from this, as are goods of which the production of on US soil has the potential to have direct negative effects on the health of the US population
submitted by Gulags_Never_Existed to Geosim [link] [comments]


In the Diagnostics and Genomics Group (DGG), our Manufacturing Engineering team partners very closely with other functions in the Order Fulfillment and Supply Chain (OFS) to support the manufacture of highly regulated medical devices which are critical for physicians to help select therapies for their patients...
Read more / Apply here:
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PSA: Still not automating? Still at risk.

Yesterday I was happily plunking along on a project when a bunch of people DM'd me about this post that blew up on sysadmin:
It's hard to approach this post with the typical tongue-in-cheek format as I usually do because I see some very genuine concerns and frustrations on what the job market looks like today for a traditional "sysadmin", and the increasing difficulty of meeting these demands and expectations.
First; If you are not automating your job in 2019, you are at-risk. Staying competitive in this market is only going to get harder moving forward.
I called this out in my December PSAs and many sysadmins who are resistant to change who claimed "oh, it's always been like this," or "this is unrealistic, this can't affect ME! I'm in a unique situation where mom and pop can't afford or make sense of any automation efforts!" are now complaining about job description scope creep and technology advancement that is slowly but surely making their unchanged skill sets obsolete.
Let's start with the big picture. All jobs across America are already facing a quickly approaching reality of being automated by a machine, robot, or software solution.
Sysadmins are at the absolute forefront of this wave given we work with information technology and directly impact the development and delivery of these technologies-- whether your market niche is shipping, manufacturing, consumer product development, administrative logistics, or data service such as weathegeo/financial/etc, it doesn't matter who or what you do as a sysadmin. You are affected by this!
A quick history lesson; About 12-14 years ago, the bay area and silicon valley exploded with multiple technologies and services that truly transformed the landscape of web application development and infrastructure configuration management. Ruby, Rails (Ruby on Rails), Puppet, Microsoft's WSUS, Git, Reddit, Youtube, Pandora, Google Analytics, and uTorrent all came out within the same time frame. (2005 was an insanely productive year). Lots of stuff going on here, so buckle in. Ruby on Rails blew up and took the world by storm, shaking up traditional php webdevs and increasing demand for skillset in metro areas tenfold. Remember the magazine articles that heralded rails devs as the big fat cash cow moneymakers back then? Sound familiar? (hint: DevOps Engineers on LinkedIn) - Why was it so damn popular? -
To quote goodaudience:
The Rails framework assist programmers to build websites and apps by abstracting and simplifying most of the repetitive tasks.
The key here is abstracting and simplifying. We'll get back to this later on, as it's a recurring theme throughout our history.
Around the same time, some major platforms were making a name for themselves: - Youtube - revolutionized learning accessibility - Pandora - helped define the pay-for-service paradigm (before netflix took this crown) and also enforced the mindset of developing web applications instead of native desktop apps - Reddit - meta information gathering - Google Analytics - demand, traffic, brand exposure - uTorrent - one of the first big p2p vehicles to evolve past limewire and napster, which helped define the need for content delivery networks such as Akamai, which solves the problem of near-locale content distribution and high bandwidth resource availability
To solve modern problems back in 2005, Google was developing Borg, an orchestration engine to help scale their infrastructure to handle the rapid growth and demand for information and services, and in doing so developed a methodology for handling service development and lifecycle: today, we call this DevOps. 12 years ago, it had no official name and was simply what Google did internally to manage the vast scale of infrastructure they needed. Today (2019) they are practicing what the industry refers to as Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) which is a matured and focused perspective of DevOps practices that covers end to end accountability of services and software... from birth to death. These methodologies were created in order to solve problems and manage infrastructure without having to throw bodies at it. To quote The Google Site Reliability Engineering Handbook:
By design, it is crucial that SRE teams are focused on engineering. Without constant engineering, operations load increases and teams will need more people just to keep pace with the workload. Eventually, a traditional ops-focused group scales linearly with service size: if the products supported by the service succeed, the operational load will grow with traffic. That means hiring more people to do the same tasks over and over again.
To avoid this fate, the team tasked with managing a service needs to code or it will drown. Therefore, Google places a 50% cap on the aggregate "ops" work for all SREs—tickets, on-call, manual tasks, etc. This cap ensures that the SRE team has enough time in their schedule to make the service stable and operable.
After some time, Google needed to rewrite Borg and started writing Omega, which did not quite pan out as planned and gave us what we call Kubernetes today. This can all be read in the book Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems
At the same exact time in 2005, Puppet) had latched onto the surge of Ruby skillset emergence and produced the first serious enterprise-ready configuration management platform (apart from CFEngine) that allowed people to define and abstract their infrastructure into config management code with their Ruby-based DSL. It's declarative-- big enterprises (not many at the time) began exploring this tech and started automating configs and deployment of resources on virtual infrastructure in order to keep themselves from linearly scaling their workforce to tackle big infra, which is what Google set out to achieve on their own with Borg, Omega, and eventually Kubernetes in our modern age.

What does this mean for us sysadmins?

DevOps, infrastructure as code, and SRE practices are trickling through the groundwater and reaching the mom and pop shops, the small orgs, startups, and independent firms. These practices were experimented and defined over a decade ago, and the reason why you're seeing so much of it explode is that everyone else is just now starting to catch up.
BEFORE YOU RUN DOWN TO THE COMMENT SECTION to scream at me and bitch and moan about how this still doesn't affect you, and how DevOps is such horse shit, let me clarify some things.

The man, the myth, the legend: the DevOps Engineer.

DevOps is not a job title. It's not a job. It's an organizational culture-mindset and methodology. The reason why you are seeing "DevOps Engineer" pop up all over the place is that companies are hiring people to implement tooling and preach the practices needed to instill the conceptual workings of working in a DevOps manner. This is mainly targeting engineering silos, communication deficiencies, and poor accountability. The goal is to get you and everyone to stop putting their hands directly on machines and virtual infrastructure and learn to declare the infrastructure as code so you can execute the intent and abstract the manual labor away into repeatable and reusable components. Remember when Ruby on Rails blew up because it gave devs a new way of abstracting shit? Guess what, it's never been more accessible than now for infrastructure engineers A.K.A. sysadmins. The goal is for everyone to practice DevOps, and to work in this paradigm instead of doing everything manually in silos.

Agile and Scrum is warm and fuzzy BS

Agile and Scrum are buzzword practices much like DevOps that are used to get people to talk to their customers, and stay on time with delivering promised features. Half the people out there don’t practice it correctly, because they don’t understand the big picture of what it’s for. This is not a goldmine, this is common sense. These practices aren't some magical ritual. Agile is the opposite of waterfall(aka waterfail) delivery models: don't just assume you know what your internal and external customers want. Don't just give them 100% of a pile of crap and be done with it. Deliver 10%, talk to them about it, give them another 10%, talk to them about it, until you have a polished and well-used solution, and hopefully a long-term service. Think about when Netflix first came out, and all the incremental changes they delivered since their inception. Are you collecting feedback from your users as well as they are? Are you limiting scope creep and delivering on those high-value objectives and features? This is what Scrum/Agile and Kanban try to impart. Don't fall into the trap of becoming a cargo cult.

Automation is here to stay, but you might not be.

Tooling aside (I am not going to get into all the tools that are associated and often mistaken for “DevOps”), each and every one of you needs to be actively learning new things and figuring out how to incorporate automation into your current practices.
There are a few additional myths I want to debunk:

The falsehood of firefighting and “too busy to learn/change”

We call this the equilibrium. In IT, you are doing one of two things: falling behind work, or getting ahead of work. This should strike true with anyone-- that there is always a list of things to do, and it never goes away completely. You are never fully “on top” of your workload. Everyone is constantly pushed to get more things done with less resources than what is thought to be required. If you are getting ahead of work, that means you have reduced the complexity of your tasking and figured out how to automate or accomplish more with less toil. This is what we refer to when we say “abstract”. If you can’t possibly build the tower of Alexandria with a hammer and chisel, learn how to use a backhoe and crane instead.
At what point while the boat is sinking with hundreds of holes do we decide to stop shoveling buckets full of water and begin to patch the holes? What is the root of your toil, the main timesink? How can we eliminate this timesink and bottleneck?
Instead of manually building your boxes, from undocumented, human-touched inconsistent work, you need to put down your proverbial hammer and chisel and learn to use the backhoe and crane. This is what we use modern “DevOps” tooling and methodologies for.

I’ll automate myself out of a job.

Stop it! Stop thinking like this. It’s shortsighted. The demand for engineers is constantly growing. This goes back to the equilibrium: if you aren’t getting ahead of work, how could you possibly automate yourself out of a job? Automation simply enables you to accomplish more, and if you are a good engineer who teaches others how to work more efficiently, you will become invaluable and indispensable to your company. Want to stop working on shitty service calls and helpdesk tickets about the same crap over and over? Abstract, reduce complexity, automate, and enable yourself and others to work on harder problems instead of doing the same shit over and over. You already identified that your workload isn’t getting lighter. So get ahead of it. There is always a person who needs to maintain the automation and robots. Be that person.

This doesn’t apply to me/We’re doing fine/I don’t have funding to do any of this

Majority of the tools and education needed to do all of this is free, open source, or openly available on the internet in the form of website tutorials and videos.
A lot of time, your business will treat IT as a cost center. That’s fine. The difference between a technician and engineer is that a technician will wait to be told what to do, and an engineer identifies a problem and builds a solution. Figure out what your IT division is suffering from the most and brainstorm how you can tackle that problem with automation and standardization. Stop being satisfied with being second rate. Have pride in your work and always challenge the status quo. Again, the tools are free, the knowledge is free, you just need to put down the hammer and get your ass in the crane.
Your company may have been trying to grow for a long time, and perhaps a blocker for you is not enough personnel. Try to solve your issues from a non-linear standpoint. Throwing more bodies at a problem won’t solve the root issue. Be an engineer, not a technician.
Pic related:
A lot of people have asked where to start. I have thought about my entry into automation/DevOps and what would have helped me out the most:
A whole other discussion is what tools to learn, what to build, how to build it. Lots of seasoned orgs leverage atlassian products (bamboo, bitbucket, confluence, jira (jira is a popular one). There are currently three large "DevOps as a Service" platforms(don't ever coin this term, for the love of god, please). GitLab CE/EE, Microsoft's Azure DevOps, and Amazon's Code* PaaS (CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, etc.).
Why GitLab? It's free. Like, really free. Install it in EE mode without a license and it runs in CE mode, and you get almost all the features you'd need to build out a full infra automation backbone for any enterprise. It's also becoming a defacto standard in all net-new enterprise deployments I've personally seen and consulted on. Learn it, love it.
With GitLab, you're going to have a gateway drug into what most people fuck up with DevOps: Continuous Integration. Tired of spinning up a VM, running some code, then doing a snapshot rollback? Cool. Have a gitlab runner in your stack do it for you on each push, and tell you if something failed automatically. You don't need to install Jenkins and run into server sprawl. Gitlab can do it all for you.
Having an SCM platform in your network and learning to live out of it is one of the biggest hurdles I see. Do that early, and you'll make your life easy.
Learn a config management tool. Someone commented down below that "Scripting is fine, at some point microsoft is going to write the scripts for you" guess what? That's what a config management tool is. It's a collection of already tested and modular scripts that you simply pass variables into (called modules). For linux, learn python. Windows? Powershell. These are the languages these modules are written in. Welcome to idempotent infra as code 101. When we say "declarative", we mean you really only need to write down what you want, and have someone's script go make that happen for you. Powershell DSC was MSFT's attempt at this but unless you want to deal with dependency management hell, i'd recommend a better tool like the above. I didn't mention Puppet because it's simply old, the infra is annoying to manage, the Ruby DSL is dated in comparison to newer tools that have learned from it. Thank you Puppet for paving the way, but there's better stuff out there. Chef is also getting long in the tooth, but hey, it's still good. YMMV, don't let my recommendations stop you from exploring. They all have their merits.
Do something simple, and achievable. Think patching. Write a super simple playbook that makes your boxes seek out patches, or get a windows toast notification sent to someone's desktop.
version control all the things.
From here, you can start to brainstorm what you want to do with SCM and a config tool. Start looking into a package repository, since big binaries like program installers, tarballs, etc don't belong in source control. Put it in Artifactory or Nexus. Go from there.
P.S. If you're looking at Ansible, and you work on windows, go to your windows features and enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Then after that's enabled and rebooted, go to the microsoft app store and install Ubuntu 16 or 18, and follow the ansible install guides from there. Microsoft is investing in WSL, soon to release WSL2 (with a native linux kernel) because of the growing need for tools like these, and the ability to rapidly to develop on docker, or even docker-in-docker in some cases. Have fun!
submitted by therealskoopy to sysadmin [link] [comments]

[Hiring] DevOps Engineer - SunPower · Austin, TX

Do you want to change the world? We do, too.
The energy market is roughly $4 trillion globally, and solar penetration is less than 1%. But just one hour of sunlight, if harnessed, could power the entire world for a year. We have the opportunity to completely change the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed on a global scale, and we’re looking for talented, committed people to help us drive our growth and achieve our goals.
SunPower is a global solar energy solutions company with a rich heritage of pioneering the best energy technologies in the world. Our solutions are unrivaled in terms of long-term reliability, efficiency and guaranteed performance, and our company is unmatched in terms of global reach and scale. Through design, manufacturing, installation and ongoing maintenance and monitoring, SunPower provides its proprietary, world-record efficient solar technology to residential, commercial and utility customers worldwide.
SunPower is changing the way our world is powered every day with a brilliant, passionate and driven team of more than 7,000 in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. In an industry that is reshaping the world’s energy future, there’s no better place to be than SunPower.
We believe that our employees create our brand – with each project, each communication, each task completed and each interaction. Experience is critical to SunPower in regards to not only our customers but also our employees and dealer partners. As such, we strive to hire candidates that are service focused. The experience we would expect the ideal person to deliver is:
DESCRIPTION: The Digital team is seeking an experienced DevOps Engineer who will be responsible for end-to-end optimization of the develop-test-deploy cycle for several cloud-based custom-built platforms.
This role wears many hats and the right candidate will be able to move fluidly between a variety of tasks including building and managing our CICD automation, managing release activities from end to end, developing test and control plans, managing to outcome and efficiency targets.
The selected candidate will be a DevOps engineer effort for several SunPower platforms within a talented team comprised of other DevOps engineers who are passionate about development efficiency, environment uptime, tool/automation reliability, and the overall performance of our applications and infrastructure. This team supports development operations for our large and growing portfolio of platforms. The candidate will own architecture design, infrastructure capacity optimization, application performance optimization, environment monitoring, and automated deployment of code for custom platforms. This is a critical role that requires a high degree of technical mastery to ensure the quality of our customer experience. This role requires collaboration with multiple internal development teams, external vendoservice providers, and IT/Digital leadership.
The Digital team is developing industry-leading solutions for partners and customers, alike. This is a highly technical, hands-on role which requires the candidate to be a great team member as well as an individual contributor. This team is committed to delivering processes and tools that provide the highest systems uptime and operations transparency.
The selected candidate will report to the Senior Manager, DevOps, who reports to the Senior Director of Digital Operations.
Learn more about this role and apply here
submitted by derApfel44 to devopsjobs [link] [comments]

[Hiring] DevOps Engineer - SunPower · Austin, TX

Do you want to change the world? We do, too.
The energy market is roughly $4 trillion globally, and solar penetration is less than 1%. But just one hour of sunlight, if harnessed, could power the entire world for a year. We have the opportunity to completely change the way energy is produced, distributed and consumed on a global scale, and we’re looking for talented, committed people to help us drive our growth and achieve our goals.
SunPower is a global solar energy solutions company with a rich heritage of pioneering the best energy technologies in the world. Our solutions are unrivaled in terms of long-term reliability, efficiency and guaranteed performance, and our company is unmatched in terms of global reach and scale. Through design, manufacturing, installation and ongoing maintenance and monitoring, SunPower provides its proprietary, world-record efficient solar technology to residential, commercial and utility customers worldwide.
SunPower is changing the way our world is powered every day with a brilliant, passionate and driven team of more than 7,000 in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. In an industry that is reshaping the world’s energy future, there’s no better place to be than SunPower.
We believe that our employees create our brand – with each project, each communication, each task completed and each interaction. Experience is critical to SunPower in regards to not only our customers but also our employees and dealer partners. As such, we strive to hire candidates that are service focused. The experience we would expect the ideal person to deliver is:
DESCRIPTION: The Digital team is seeking an experienced DevOps Engineer who will be responsible for end-to-end optimization of the develop-test-deploy cycle for several cloud-based custom-built platforms.
This role wears many hats and the right candidate will be able to move fluidly between a variety of tasks including building and managing our CICD automation, managing release activities from end to end, developing test and control plans, managing to outcome and efficiency targets.
The selected candidate will be a DevOps engineer effort for several SunPower platforms within a talented team comprised of other DevOps engineers who are passionate about development efficiency, environment uptime, tool/automation reliability, and the overall performance of our applications and infrastructure. This team supports development operations for our large and growing portfolio of platforms. The candidate will own architecture design, infrastructure capacity optimization, application performance optimization, environment monitoring, and automated deployment of code for custom platforms. This is a critical role that requires a high degree of technical mastery to ensure the quality of our customer experience. This role requires collaboration with multiple internal development teams, external vendoservice providers, and IT/Digital leadership.
The Digital team is developing industry-leading solutions for partners and customers, alike. This is a highly technical, hands-on role which requires the candidate to be a great team member as well as an individual contributor. This team is committed to delivering processes and tools that provide the highest systems uptime and operations transparency.
The selected candidate will report to the Senior Manager, DevOps, who reports to the Senior Director of Digital Operations.
Learn more about this role and apply here
submitted by derApfel44 to austinjobs [link] [comments]

CRISPR Detects SARS-CoV-2, Treats Muscular Dystrophy in Mice & Patent Battle Heats Up

The weekly roundup of all things genetic engineering and synthetic biology. This week is the CRISPR Issue!

🧬Featured Research

CRISPR-Based Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Under One Hour (Open Access)

A group of scientists, led by the Zhang, Gootenberg and Abudayyeh labs at MIT and Harvard, have reported a rapid method to detect SARS-CoV-2 using their Cas12-based SHERLOCK system. The test returns results in less than an hour and has a sensitivity similar to reverse-transcription–quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-qPCR) assays, the predominant method currently used to diagnose patients with COVID-19. The correspondence was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

CRISPR Treats a Form of Molecular Dystrophy in Mice

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is an inherited form of muscular dystrophy, characterized by muscle wasting, weakness, clouding of the eyes, and an abnormal heartbeat. The disease is caused by “CTG microsatellite repeat expansions” in a specific gene, called DMPK (myotonic dystrophy protein kinase). Using a mouse model for DM1, a new study in Nature Biomedical Engineering injected viruses packaged with an RNA-targeting version of Cas9 to “shut down” the defective repeats, effectively reversing the symptoms of DM1 in these animals. Read the UCSD press release.

Transplanted Stem Cells Produce the Perfect Sperm (Open Access)

Farmers have been refining their breeding programs for generations, searching for the “optimal” pig, goat, or cow. To that end, artificial insemination seems to be the perfect solution: collect sperm from males with preferred traits, and introduce that sperm into the females. A new study in PNAS has shown that stem cells, transplanted into mice, pigs, goats, and cattle, can produce sperm from a genetically-preferred donor. In other words, sterile males can now produce sperm with DNA from “super sires”. For deeper coverage on this study, read the article in The Scientist.

Software Helps Design Encrypted DNA

When researchers exchange DNA—or an organism escapes from its flask—how can we figure out where the DNA came from? DNA is cheap to manufacture, so there is a pressing need to develop encryption systems for genetic materials that can link a sequence to its creator, without being counterfeited. A new study, published in ACS Synthetic Biology, reports software that can create encrypted digital signatures to incorporate into a DNA plasmid. Those “signed” plasmids “can then be ordered from a DNA synthesis company or assembled from individual DNA fragments.”

A Genetic Circuit Reduces Burden in Mammalian Cells (Open Access)

Cells have limited resources. At any given moment, thousands of processes—from DNA replication to protein production and cellular movement—are competing for those resources. When synthetic biologists engineer a cell, typically by adding DNA, those resources dwindle even more. A new study in Nature Communications partly addresses this issue in mammalian cells, demonstrating that a genetic circuit, called an “incoherent feedforward loop”, or iFFL, can be used to mitigate burden and “rescue the expression level of genes of interest despite changes in available cellular resources due to the loading effects of transgene constructs”. Read the “behind-the-paper” article by Mustafa Khammash.

🧫 Rapid-Fire Highlights

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University Teaching Positions Available

📷International Teacher Recruitment
We Are Looking for
Academic Teachers and English Language Teachers
Detroit Green Technology Institute (DGTI) of Hubei University of Technology (HBUT) is a transnational education Institute, which was approved by the Ministry of Education of China in March, 2019. DGTI is located in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province and a large metropolitan in central-south China. It is administered cooperatively by HBUT in China and University of Detroit Mercy in USA. DGTI is on HBUT campus.
DGTI offers four bachelor degree programs: Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Software Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. The goal of the institute is to train students to be talents with global vision, international competitiveness, cross-cultural competence, innovation and entrepreneurship. Upon graduation, graduates will receive: 1) a Bachelor of Science degree and a graduation certificate from HBUT, 2) a Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Detroit Mercy.
As a Sino-U.S. partnership, DGTI thoroughly integrates the advanced educational concepts and the excellent educational resources of the Sino-U.S. sides, implements the international school-operating system, recruits first-class faculty worldwide, and explores different ways of training innovative and interdisciplinary personnel.
Now, we are looking for academic teachers and English language teachers from the world.
1. Job Description
(1) Academic Teacher
Primary duties involve teaching courses related to the following 4 programs:
1) Mechanical Design&Manufacturing and Automation (Mechanical
2) Electrical Engineering and Automation (Electrical Engineering)
3) Software Engineering (Computer Science)
4) Environmental Engineering
(2) English Language Teacher
Primary duties involve teaching English as a second language. Classes are often focused on either oral (e.g., speaking & listening) or writing (e.g., Business Writing) skills, but we also offer culture-based classes, English Salons, and other special classes with an English focus.
2. Minimum Qualifications and Requirements
(1) Academic Teacher
1) PHD degree OR excellent candidates with a Master’s degree related our 4 programs.
2) Teaching experience.
Ø Candidates with teaching experience are preferred (with reference letters)
3) Language ability
Ø Excellent English
Ø Native English speakers are preferred
(2) English Teacher
1) Bachelor’s degree
2) Teaching experience
Ø Some form of TEFL\TESL certification, OR
Ø At least two years of teaching experience (with reference letters), OR
Ø Hold a degree in Education
3) Language ability
Ø Native English speaker
3. Basic Benefits Package
Ø (Academic Teacher) From 15,000 RMB for up to 20 class hours (45 minutes each) per week.
(English Teacher) From 10,000 RMB/month with a degree bonus (for a Master, an additional 1,000RMB, for a PHD an additional 2,000RMB)for up to 20 class hours (45 minutes each) per week.
Ø On a full year contract (1 semester probation period), work for 9 months, and get paid for 9 months.
Ø Paid public holidays (including the Mid-Autumn Festival, China’s National Day, and the May Day holiday) when applicable.
Ø Reimbursement for international airfare to a maximum value of 12,000 RMB per year.
Ø A temporary work visa in China.
Ø Health insurance.
Ø Help on arrival: free airport pickup, student interpreter.
Ø A rent-free air-conditioned fully-furnished studio apartment for singles; 2-bedroom apartment for couples. Western bathroom. Cooking and eating utensils supplied. Refrigerator, gas stove, microwave, washing machine and Internet access included. Gas and water free.
Ø Reasonable electricity use is covered.
Ø Free Chinese lessons.
4. Application Documents
ALL of the following documents should be included.
Ø CV/Resume together with a recent photo
Ø A copy of your degree with authentication attached
Ø A copy of your TEFL/TESL certificate (if applicable)
Ø A photocopy of the photo page of your valid passport
Ø Written proof of relevant work history
5. Contact Information
Please send your application documents to:
Yuting Ma, Coordinator, International Programs
Address: Detroit Green Technology Institute, Hubei University of
Technology, No.28, Nanli Road, Hongshan District,
Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China. 430068
Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Tel:+86-27-59750609
You can get more details from DGTI website and HBUT website
6. Notes
Ø China now requires all degrees to be AUTHENTICATED (legalized). Please visit the website of your local Chinese Consulate for further details.
Ø Relevant work history: If your experience requirement is met by your work history, documentary proof (e.g.official reference letters) must be provided.
Welcome to Detroit Green Technology Institute!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
submitted by pdx_beyond to ChinaJobs [link] [comments]

$60K/month with an app that collects in-person payments through Stripe

Hey - Pat from here with another interview.
Today's interview is with Ryan Scherf of Payment for Stripe, a brand that makes card payments using stripe
Some stats:

Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

I’m Ryan Scherf, the founder of (@payment), an app built on top of the Stripe payment gateway for creating card-present charges. Payment is available on iOS and Android, and allows customers who have created online stores to easily collect payments in person, in the same account, with no barriers or card readers required.
The app launched in January 2015, and since has grown to process over $70M in volume annually. The app collects a 1% service fee on every single charge.

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

I went to school for Computer Science and was gated into being a developer. I mostly hated everything about development environments at the time (Java was the most popular at the time), and thus transitioned into a career of design. After working at several healthcare startups (these are abundant in Minneapolis, due to Unitedhealth Group being headquartered in the area), I quickly realized that working for people wasn’t a long term career path that I was willing to commit to.
In 2013, I was approached by someone I had worked with previously on an invoicing app, and he had an idea for building an analytics app on top of a company in its infancy: Stripe. This was pre-huge valuations and funding rounds.
At the time, I knew nothing about Stripe, nor payment gateways. I had 4 & 2-year-old boys and had just built a new house in the suburbs.
Our first app, Paid, launched in late 2013 and was the only analytics app for Stripe revenue. I won’t get into too many specifics about what happened afterward, but I did an interview with Mixergy in 2015 and explained the process.
We were seeing significant traction, but we were unable to come up with a great way to monetize. As a designer and iOS dev combination, our one requirement for building apps is that we didn’t want to manage a backend server. Especially one calculating resource-intensive analytics data.
Therefore, we decided to launch Payment; an app for collecting card-present payments. This was a gaping hole in the Stripe offering and didn’t require much validation because it was so obvious that it was missing. Stripe offered the ability to create direct charges via their API, however, they did not have an app. And due to the simplicity of their API, this feature would have been incredibly easy to include in their Dashboard app, yet they deliberately chose to leave it out.

Take us through the process of designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.

Having worked with my partner on several projects and companies in the past, our working relationship was very natural. I focused on product design, and he focused on development.
The first version of Payment was designed, built and tested over a span of 2 months. Development began in November 2014 and launched in January 2015.
The only thing we needed the MVP to do was to allow for someone to create a charge which enabled us to collect a fee. This simple functionality wasn’t possible via an app (built on Stripe) at this time. No card readers, nothing fancy. Just processing a manual input credit card number, similar to what you’d do in an eCommerce experience.

Describe the process of launching the business.

We didn’t have any special tactics or tricks we used to launch. There wasn’t any hype, and nobody saw us coming. We chose the “build it and they will come” route because the hole was so immense, and the project was so small. We only focused on iOS to begin as the search results when searching for “Stripe” in the App Store had nothing to do with finance. We figured it would be relatively easy to own that keyword, and we did.
From our previous app (Paid), we did have a user list of several thousand account emails that might be interested in charging via an app, so we sent campaigns to them.
In our first 15 days after launch, we made $184 from fees. I can remember how incredibly exciting this was, and how all of a sudden this app idea felt validated. Our previous app (Paid) relied on IAP’s. This app was different. All we needed to do was get more people using.
Because we bootstrapped everything and worked in our spare time, we had no costs, only time. We both had families, stable finances and an interest in working for ourselves. We let the app sit while we worked on some features, but essentially, it was all organic growth for 2015. We ended up making $38,000 that year, split 50/50.

Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

I’ve found that the best way to keep customers is by building what they want. That sounds cliche, but I’ve been super diligent in figuring out exactly what to build. I don’t keep a product roadmap, nor do I have an aspirational product I want to get to. My customers are people that run real businesses. And they run many types of businesses: from private jets to selling surfboards to donation collection at a church. There is no one size fits all for the product. The only exception to that is they want to be able to accept credit cards, in a variety of ways, very quickly. By focusing on just that user experience, we’ve been able to keep the app small and nimble, and dead simple to get started.
You may be wondering how this is possible? Well, I do all of the customer support. I don’t have a support team, nor do I have automation for answering the requests. I’ve added a few pieces to the app for the very common questions (like Where is my money?!), but other than that, I personally respond to every single support request. This allows me to keep my pulse on what’s working and what isn’t, and get ahead of the features that are being requested often.
In terms of growth, we’ve mostly focused on app stores (Apple and Google Play) to distribute and optimize the app. We’re in the process of launching an initiative to start funneling leads from the web as well but haven’t traditionally focused here.
We position the app strongly as a preferred, verified Stripe Partner. In fact, our partnership with the Stripe team is deep enough that their account managers and support teams will refer their users to our apps to collect payments. Since we were first to the market, we mostly saw the competitors copy our descriptions verbatim. The most important term we can rank for at the moment is “stripe”, so we try to pack that term as much as possible (even though some competitors did it more).
Since our app relies so heavily on Stripe accounts, we essentially buy paid ads for the keyword “stripe” on all of the relevant stores. Interestingly, we also rank #1 organically for the keyword “payment”, which is ahead of some really popular services like Venmo, Google Pay, PayPal, Zelle, etc. Although this gives us some downloads, most abandon as they have no idea what a Stripe account is or why they would need it.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

In 2018, my partner and I parted ways as he was looking to focus on other things, and I was looking to go all-in on Payment. The app has been profitable since day 1, so there has never really been cash flow problems. At the time of writing this, the app is processing $6M per month in volume, which equates to $60,000 per month in revenue. Roughly 80% of that is profit after advertising, hosting, card reader inventory and other miscellaneous expenses. Charges are made all over the world.
I’m still the only true employee, though I have several contractors that assist in various capacities, to the tune of about 1 day per week. I still do the design, most of the smaller development, marketing, and business development.
I’ve set a goal to be processing $10M/month in Stripe volume by Spring, which is a pretty big stretch goal. There’s product-market fit, a great organic and retention strategy, so focusing on growth seemed like the proper next step. Roughly speaking, the CMGR equates to 25% YoY growth.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

One of my biggest regrets is not focusing on my business earlier. We were making money, and I always treated it as just a hobby business. My partner also did the same. Had we taken 6 months and just focused on building it out, we could have drastically accelerated the path to where we are now. In addition, I would have parted ways with my unengaged partner sooner. It wasn’t his fault, we just wanted different things out of the business. When we finally realized it, it was too late.
In addition, I’m not so naive that I don’t realize that there was a serious amount of luck involved with our success. As mentioned previously, Stripe was in its infancy, and we latched on and rode the wave for 5+ years.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

The tools I check every day ironically have nothing to do with how much money I’m making. They’re all development and customer-focused:

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

I’ve never been a huge fan of the “this is how I did it” books. I don’t think that formula is repeatable for most situations. For instance, the just build it and ship it mentality is something you won’t find in any book -- as it doesn’t discuss testing, finding product-market fit, etc.
I do however believe in the lean startup, and taking that even further, bootstrapping. People like Ruben Gamez and Rob Walling have been friends of mine for years, and they’ve launched several successful bootstrapped startups. Rob’s podcast Startups for the rest of us is especially great.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

I think the best thing anyone can do is to learn how to build it themselves. With the abundance of frameworks, it’s easier than ever to get something scrappy up and running. Don’t wait until you save up $10k to hire an engineer. It will never be enough money if you can’t do some things on your own.
In addition, there isn’t any perfect timing. You don’t need to wait to quit your job, as something else will naturally come up. Jumping in and shipping something is the only way to get yourself motivated to free yourself from the constraints of working for people.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

I’m in the process of looking for someone to assist with growth. I’ve realized over the last few years that I can’t do everything, even though I want to, so I’ve been trying to identify my weak spots and find consultants for that.
This person would handle iOS and Android store campaigns, SEO, Adwords and any other ways they think they could grow the user base while targeting Stripe users.

Where can we go to learn more?

Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.
For more interviews, check out starter_story - I post new stories there daily.
Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
submitted by youngrichntasteless to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

manufacturing automation engineer job description video

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This manufacturing engineer sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements. Manufacturing Engineer Job Responsibilities: Automation Engineer Requirements and Qualifications. Master’s degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, or a relevant technical field. Experience with the design and implementation of automated systems, especially as related to manufacturing. Strong ability with software testing and validation. An Automation Engineer sets up the automation of a manufacturing process. These processes govern the production and delivery of products. The aim is to streamline the manufacturing process and make it as efficient as possible while still maintaining product quality and adhering to internal protocols and external regulations. Duties of an Automation Engineer. Automation Engineers devise, build up, mount and keep an eye on instrumentation and control systems that sense, quantify and run functioning processes. Their work differs from supervising extensive system projects to contributing know-how on particular portions. A: With this Automation Engineer job description sample, you can get a good idea of what employers are looking for when hiring for this position. Remember though, every employer is different and each will have unique qualifications when they hire for their Automation Engineer position. Summary We are seeking a qualified, motivated individual to join our company as an Automation Engineer. People searching for Automation Engineer: Job Description & Career Requirements found the following information relevant and useful. As a Manufacturing Engineer Trainee you will provide technical assistance and evaluation of the manufacturing line. Assist with plant safety programs. 10 days ago Job Description. The Operations team We are looking for a highly motivated Manufacturing Engineer to provide manufacturing support and work on processing equipment (Automations and Molding) Author and maintain detailed molding or automation manufacturing cell design documents, A plant automation engineer's job description includes many important responsibilities, but ultimately, they are in charge of overseeing the manufacturing process in a manufacturing plant. They are...

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